Is this game becoming too difficult and frustrating (and not fun anymore) for the average summoner?



  • Frivolousz21Frivolousz21 Member Posts: 438 ★★★

    I'm by no means an end game player, but I finished all those missions for maybe 90 units? Those were spent on energy containers, because I was impatient mind you.

    Most people tend to get extremely defensive, when it comes to this, but this sounds like a skill issue, moreso than like a difficulty issue.

    How much do you think have your skills improved over the course of the last few months? There will always be new game mechanics or new variations and combinations of existing ones to pose new and unknown challenges. Being able to anticipate is key here.

    To be honest, I absolutely disagree with the idea that the game became more difficult.

    Will you post a screen shot of your top champs
    I'm simply asking so I can see the difference in skill.

    So I can compare it to myself and how hard I can push to get better.

  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Nas101 said:

    Nas101 said:

    Lormif said:

    Nas101 said:

    I'm by no means an end game player, but I finished all those missions for maybe 90 units? Those were spent on energy containers, because I was impatient mind you.

    Most people tend to get extremely defensive, when it comes to this, but this sounds like a skill issue, moreso than like a difficulty issue.

    How much do you think have your skills improved over the course of the last few months? There will always be new game mechanics or new variations and combinations of existing ones to pose new and unknown challenges. Being able to anticipate is key here.

    To be honest, I absolutely disagree with the idea that the game became more difficult.

    Because you have the skills needed to beat him. But most of the players don't. That is what I'm trying to say. They are making it so difficult that only expert players (skill wise not rating wise) can complete them.
    1) I am not an expert player, a good player, but an not an expert player, my intercepts are only about 70% of the time.

    2) you are saying they are making it so only expert players can beat epic difficulty without units and somehow that is a bad thing? You are pointing our your own problems, you are expecting to be able to do the hardest content easily, as in no units, while only being an average player.
    1) ofcourse it's my own problem. I get frustrated by these annoying poor game designs
    2) ofcourse it's a bad thing. cash grab fiesta is definitely a bad thing
    The fact it's hard for you does not make it poor design
    something not fun and is frustrating = definitely poor game design
    It is very fun for me! So does that mean that it doesn't matter how I or many of the other advanced players feel about it, because you arent capable of beating it so our perception of it doesnt matter? That's why there are usually 4 or 5 variations of difficulty, so that the entire community can enjoy the content. If you are not capable of completing the epic content, it means you are not at the skill level required for epic content. There are 3 other difficulties. Surely you can complete 2 if not 3 of them. Basically you are saying that my level of content, which is sometimes too easy, is **** because of your skill level. What if I said it was too easy and they needed to make it harder or it is poor game design? I bet youd disagree and think I was stupid for saying so. If you are incapable of beating it, then it obviously isn't for you and you should not attempt it until you get better at the game. Are players like me supposed to not have anything close to a challange? You must really hate variant difficulty on Back Issues.
  • edited March 2019
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  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,937 ★★★★
    One thing to keep in mind is that kabam is trying to make everyone happy. They can't make it too hard or they might lose newbies or less skilled players. They can't make it too easy cause they lose skilled players from boredom. They need to walk a fine line, which I feel they r doing a decent job at. There r some room for improvements though. Like the Variant quest, there's only a hard and easy quest but no middle ground. Other things I recommend include a monthly arena where we pay gold to fight the bosses of each quest with same buffs / debuffs and same level of difficulty, we choose whether to practice on easy all the way up to uncollected.
  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    This game was always hard and challenging (which naturaly brings frustration), and as players improve, the difficulty has to be increased as well, else it wouldn't be fun. Estimation tha onlyt 1% of players are able to effectively intercept and evade fury's sp1 seems rather silly to me as well, no one in my alliance had any issues with it and we are only in gold
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    I understand your frustration, but you just need to learn, that you can't clear all content at the moment, you have to give up on some rewards. Everyone's limited. Someone by skill, someone by champions etc.

    I, for example, have weak phone that lags. I have somehow become uncollected, but could clear the EQ just twice over last 7 months. Although I have too strong champs for that content (2 usable r4 5*s and plenty of r3 5*s or r5 4*s), I just can't beat it because of my lack of skill and the lags. And although I could be saving up on my second 6* already, I am still aitzing here w 6k shards and am satisfied, because I play the game for fun and when aome kind of content is too difficult (I mean REALLY difficult, not just very challenging), I just ignore it and go on. I think you, op, should too.
  • PlayerPlayer Member Posts: 169
    edited March 2019

    I'm by no means an end game player, but I finished all those missions for maybe 90 units? Those were spent on energy containers, because I was impatient mind you.

    Most people tend to get extremely defensive, when it comes to this, but this sounds like a skill issue, moreso than like a difficulty issue.

    How much do you think have your skills improved over the course of the last few months? There will always be new game mechanics or new variations and combinations of existing ones to pose new and unknown challenges. Being able to anticipate is key here.

    To be honest, I absolutely disagree with the idea that the game became more difficult.

    Probably also a roster issue. I’m very light in Mercs/Robots so Epic is a bit of a bother, I recently obtained a 5* GP but need to rank her up. I don’t have Domina in 5* only as a newly acquired 4*.

    So I’m taking either one r4 4* or r2 5* with the rest r5 4* and one r3 5* (Masacre).

    Getting to Fury is easy (even on Epic), just working on beating him. Mostly just about timing and remembering when not to attack etc.

    However, I don’t think the content is too hard in general and certainly not limited to the 1%. I’m Uncollected and regularly do the Uncollected quests, I do get frustrated with the RNG sometimes just because some content is much easier with champs I don’t have. At the same time, other content is easier with champs I have that others don’t yet. So it balances out over time.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019

    Boegota said:

    Now, I did have one objection with how they jumped right from having three stars on the line and a four star boss in Heroic to having all awakened five stars on the line and a really beefed up five star at the end for Master. I've already complained that the jump was unwarranted since the natural progression should've been to go from three star to four star opponents on the line when going from Heroic to Master but I got no response from the developers about that. Thus, because I'm not the one making the game, all I can do is bring up my concerns about the jump from Heroic to Master being a bit on the extreme side, having said concern not be address and as a result of that, simply be happy for now that my roof is at Heroic and that's where you should be at too.

    Sorry to all of the rest of you for going off on this bit of a tangent but I felt I had to defend the notion that we do have content that is designed for those of us "stuck in the middle" so to speak and we should be content with what we can do and not cry about what we can't do.

    Thanks for reading.

    ^That. Something feels off these days with the difficulties. If I would start playing now, I wouldn't be able to complete Heroic difficulty with only maxed out 3* and tops some 4* 3/30. I simply couldn't without burning through units. Kabam releases god tier champions at a quick rate and puts them as end bosses on nodes that is just asking for players to get wrecked. Like seriously, Villainy node for like an 8k Ultron when you can only use hero champions? That's freakin hard for Heroic difficulty. The result is that the natural progression of the game stops, as players go in a state of limbo. Normal is clearly too easy but they can't go higher. The same problem with Master difficulty. Do I really need rank 3 5* or higher to complete that content?
    Actually, you probably should have some 5/50s or 3/45s for Master. Kinda seems like that’s the level it’s designed for.

    It did seem like a bit of a leap from one to the next though. I don’t know. I’ve never really had an issue with this. Early on I suppose I boosted the hell out of my team, and stocked up on items to get through some difficult content. Had to struggle through that for a bit. Did a lot of research. But after I became Uncollected and struggled through a couple spendy EQs I kinda broke through the barrier so to speak.
    The way master is designed, you need a lot of 5/50's and 3/45's. It is not that you can simply take any 5/50 to some fights, these days you need very specific champions. Take for instant Mr. Sinister of last month: without a heal block champion or a no crit champion (only Crossbones), the fight is way too difficult or you need a god tier champion that outdamages him through DoT (Domino and others) but with so many unblockable nodes, the instant you get hit the DoT is turned against you and you get wrecked. The only counter to him is Sentinel and mine is only 4/40. And don't get me started on the Emma Frost with unblockable sp1 they pulled off IN FREAKIN HEROIC.

    But it is clear that if you've a lot of 4/40 and starting to rank-up to 5/50, you should also move from heroic to master. But it is simply not possible these days.
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    The only thing I find annoying in the game is when kabam creates an OP champ and then proceeds to create difficult content to counter those OP champs expecting older champs to still keep up (not everyone is lucky to pull those 2018-2019 god tiers sheesh). Though I like how they are buffing older heroes, they're are slow in doing so.

    Personal opinion I find that people that say content is easy tend to be using god tier heroes and I find it irritating when they do so
    Just cuz it's easy for your champs, doesn't mean it's easy for everyone else
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  • AnimusAthiestAnimusAthiest Member Posts: 9
    I agree that the game is becoming more frustrating than fun. The complexity of new champions abilities requires too much studying, practice and research to be fun. And then the new event quests keep getting stacked with more and more of these newer, more complicated champs so that the highest level becomes a nightmare. I just want to fight and collect my rewards. I'm not looking for an exciting challenge. Just want to collect the resources I need to keep growing my team.
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Fact of the matter is the game difficulty has gotten out of hand. This is not the same game it once was. It is all about the nodes they have created. They tell us that the intention is to make it more challenging but in all reality it is to force us to spend. Look at uncollected EQ. One path you cant hit them while blocking and another path you have to hit them while blocking. Forced to change the way you play. Mabey we like the way we play. We also now have to acquire the right champs but it takes forever to get them as a 5*. 4* cant even play Act 6. Everyone talks about skill in the game. Did we forget that it is a game? The best games give all players the opportunity to compete. We have to wait so long to get what we need to get the resources to rank up the players that will make a difference if and only if you are lucky enough to acquire them. This is the facts regardless of your skill level.
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  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Lormif said:

    Clydania said:

    GP can do well, DoT. Sentinel as well. Where most content now has Intercept as a common theme, Unblockable is the opposite. Only attack when they're not attacking. TBH, I'd fight Fury 10x over before I'd fight KP. Can't stand him. Lol.

    KP was easy. Bait Sp1 . 0 skill required
    KP was easy once you got a cycle going and could keep him in sp1, before that he was tough, and his block damage was very high... He did not have extra power gain so keeping him right was difficult and meant taking a lot of block damage for most people.

    Nick was easy, searously the easiest of the 4. Most of his damage was minor, his sp1 was a joke as long as you dodged the first hit which was easy. Save your specials for when he goes unblockable and he is dead.
    I guess you didn’t do epic difficulty. Hard saving ur specials for Fury when you can’t get over a bar of power (but I had domino with the masacre synergy so it wasn’t that bad for people who don’t have domino
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    It is these comments that makes people quit. I am uncollected and completed one run every month in EQ with 100% of chapter 1 and 2. Also complete epic difficulty but that does not mean that I am happy about the direction of the game. People have the right to speak up but that does not mean you have to bash them for it.
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  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★

    It is these comments that makes people quit. I am uncollected and completed one run every month in EQ with 100% of chapter 1 and 2. Also complete epic difficulty but that does not mean that I am happy about the direction of the game. People have the right to speak up but that does not mean you have to bash them for it.

    I wasn't trying to bash you in any way and I deeply apologize, if I hurt you with anything I said. That was not my intention.

    You do have the right to speak up about what you think is a problem. But you might want to consider that other people also have that right. And some of those simply disagree with what you said.

    What changes would you suggest to make the game more enjoyable to you, though? Maybe there's even some common ground to be found.
    No worries. Worked hard this month to 100% uncollected and fell short. Biohazard was difficult. Probably for most. So close to an R5 5* but again I will have to wait. To make me fell better, i opened some 5* that I was saving up but was disappointed so I opened some 4* crystals and got great champs that can never be used in Act 6. Lol. The most frustrating thing is that rewards required to rank up take so long to acquire. You can feel like you are a great player when playing AQ and taking out KP but then you play the last chapter of this months uncollected EQ, you fell like you are not good enough to play the game. There has got to be some more consistency when it comes to difficulty. That's all I was truly saying.
  • LethalProtectorLethalProtector Member Posts: 76

    It is these comments that makes people quit. I am uncollected and completed one run every month in EQ with 100% of chapter 1 and 2. Also complete epic difficulty but that does not mean that I am happy about the direction of the game. People have the right to speak up but that does not mean you have to bash them for it.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but i didn't see any bashing. Please correct me as I have only skimmed this page. Also, can you indulge us as to why you believe the game is headed in the wrong direction?
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★

    It is these comments that makes people quit. I am uncollected and completed one run every month in EQ with 100% of chapter 1 and 2. Also complete epic difficulty but that does not mean that I am happy about the direction of the game. People have the right to speak up but that does not mean you have to bash them for it.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but i didn't see any bashing. Please correct me as I have only skimmed this page. Also, can you indulge us as to why you believe the game is headed in the wrong direction?
    That comment was not directed at you specifically. I apologize.
    I was referring to the general bashing that is done. Accusing people of not having skill happens way too much. If you are uncollected then you have skill unless someone did it for you period.

    I am glad that Kabam has come out with Caviler.

    Now they need to have quest for this classification and leave the crazy nodes like biohazard for them. You should never have to fight a node in EQ uncollected that is harder than any node in Act 5.1 and 5.2. Keep the level of difficulty the same with different champs to face. If you can become uncollected than you can take on uncollected quest. Keep the playing field the same.

    They do it in sports. That is why they have the different leagues. PRO=Caviler

    This is the answer to the different variations of difficulty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    its not getting harder, as harder content (act 6) is ment to be harder when 6.2 and so on is release.

    its the fact... RNG sucks so bad, im at 18 6* and none id r2.

    plenty of map 7 and tier 1 aw experience. and i am ready to take on whatever act 6 brings. 5* roster is fine, but when u see people pull best champs as a 6*, while RNG hasnt been on your side, its pretty disapointing.

    6* will get easier, but with each pull...just makes u wonder when and where u will finally get that 6* worth to r2.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @ContestOfNoobs post your 6* roster if you don't mind. Not doubting you really but 18 with none worthy of R2 seems crazy lol. I have 8 with one dupe and none I want to rank.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★

    @ContestOfNoobs post your 6* roster if you don't mind. Not doubting you really but 18 with none worthy of R2 seems crazy lol. I have 8 with one dupe and none I want to rank.

    Its so bad i dont want to showem.
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  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    My problem is, that they release better champions, which makes old content easier. I logical step is to increase the difgiculty of new content, so the game is balanced. This would work in case, that the new better champions would be able to help with the new content more than the old ones. But look at Thing or Darkhawk. They need specific kind of gameplaye that can be done with any champion, no matter if it's Kamala Khan or Corvus Glaive
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    It is these comments that makes people quit. I am uncollected and completed one run every month in EQ with 100% of chapter 1 and 2. Also complete epic difficulty but that does not mean that I am happy about the direction of the game. People have the right to speak up but that does not mean you have to bash them for it.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but i didn't see any bashing. Please correct me as I have only skimmed this page. Also, can you indulge us as to why you believe the game is headed in the wrong direction?
    That comment was not directed at you specifically. I apologize.
    I was referring to the general bashing that is done. Accusing people of not having skill happens way too much. If you are uncollected then you have skill unless someone did it for you period.

    I am glad that Kabam has come out with Caviler.

    Now they need to have quest for this classification and leave the crazy nodes like biohazard for them. You should never have to fight a node in EQ uncollected that is harder than any node in Act 5.1 and 5.2. Keep the level of difficulty the same with different champs to face. If you can become uncollected than you can take on uncollected quest. Keep the playing field the same.

    They do it in sports. That is why they have the different leagues. PRO=Caviler

    This is the answer to the different variations of difficulty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If you think biohazard is a crazy node, I wouldn't worry about not being able to use those 4*s in act 6 bc you're not gonna want anything to do with it anyway
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    I honestly don't care if portions of the game are difficult due to certain nodes as long as they are easy to understand. I do care that everything is becoming overly complicated though, especially the new champs being released. The abilities of the newer champs are becoming essays and I don't want to spend my available time reading/researching.

    Old champs would read like "L1 causes bleed damage." Ok.

    New champs read like "L1 causes bleed damage if the opponent has any buffs and causes poison to be applied if the opponent has any debuffs. If the opponent has both poison and bleed placed upon them simultaneously then this champion also gains unstoppable for 1.1 seconds times the number of debuffs and/or buffs that the opponent had at the time the bleed/poison were placed on the opponent. Additionally, if the opponent is bleed immune then incinerate damage equal to 3.6 times the opponent's attack rating minus the square root of pi is applied over x-32/y seconds." NOT Ok!

    Stop making it so complicated! My interest (I believe I'm not alone) in this game is waning rapidly due to this. The amount of time spent reading and trying to decipher these new champion's abilities is greater than the amount of time spent playing. I'm not here to read a novel. If I wanted to read I'd have my nose buried in a book, not my phone/tablet.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian

    But to clarify what I did get out of this video, it’s simple. There are different games, with different difficulties. Games like Candy Crush... would be considered an “Easy” Game. But a game like MCOC, it’s simply a very hard game. It’s what it’s made to be... it’s in its blood. Sure, there are some easy special events, like Gwenpool Goes To The Movies, but that’s a “special event”... not representative of most MCOC content.

    The very fabrics, & very nature of this game is to get increasingly difficult. As explained in the vid, Complaining games like MCOC are getting too hard, is like complaining peppers are too hot 🌶, or lemons are too sour 🍋. Just don’t eat them, because that’s exactly what they are. Do something else, that fits what you like.

    Thing is, on a scale of one to ten, where ten represents the highest difficulty games, MCOC probably rates a five. To the extent that people have been noticing the game getting more difficult, it is probably because MCOC spent its early years being closer to a four.

    In fact, when people talk about difficulty in a game like MCOC, there's two separate but linked aspects of the game that can be characterized as difficult. First, the gameplay itself can be easy or difficult. In that sense I think MCOC has moved from a three at launch to a five today. Second, the game's progression rate can be slow or fast, and thus progression can be "easy" or "difficult" in that sense. MCOC has actually gotten faster over time, so if it was a five at launch, it is probably between a three and a four today.

    The problem is that people always want to progress faster, and they believe if a rate of progress exists that they can observe anyone able to achieve, then that means they deserve something comparable as well. So players don't judge progress rate based on what the average player is doing, the judge based on what the fastest player is doing, and the game is always too slow on that basis. And because it is too slow, that means the player must be able to do higher tier content that awards higher rewards suitable for the rate of progress they deserve. And when that content is too difficult for them to do, because it is intended for stronger players, that means the game itself is "too difficult."
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    edited April 2019

    What bothers me is the "suggested team champion rating". For master difficulty it was 12,500, so you need a team with minimum 2,500's champion rating or 4* 3/30. That's just a joke. This was clearly 25,500 difficulty. I just find it so sad because Kabam deceives players. They should really nerf master difficulty.

    Ummm... I did the spider verse Master one all with 3/30 4*s on my one account. Used a few pots, but I got through it. I just never ranked any of them above r3. Didn't even attempt it on epic. I know my limits. I'm not super skilled. I can only explore the Epic EQ maybe one out of every five months. The rest I just complete and move on. Maybe at some point. My baby account got a 5* Mystic for Voodoo, and my main got a science for Cage. So hopefully my arsenal is a little more effective moving forward.

    All in due time.

    And for me? Units? I don't buy crystals and other junk. I use them to get through content. I'll farm potions when I can. Can't wait to R4 my SL and make farming on bucky easier. I always search for potions in quests on open paths. I try to build up reserves when I can. The no gifting sucks because I can't gift between my two accounts depending on which needs something. And if I feel like I'm going to be stuck blowing through pots, I'll exit, regroup and go back in with different champs, different mentality or what not. All I lose is energy. No point in getting frustrated, unless it's game issues that do me in. Then I get annoyed.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★

    Fact of the matter is the game difficulty has gotten out of hand. This is not the same game it once was. It is all about the nodes they have created. They tell us that the intention is to make it more challenging but in all reality it is to force us to spend. Look at uncollected EQ. One path you cant hit them while blocking and another path you have to hit them while blocking. Forced to change the way you play. Mabey we like the way we play. We also now have to acquire the right champs but it takes forever to get them as a 5*. 4* cant even play Act 6. Everyone talks about skill in the game. Did we forget that it is a game? The best games give all players the opportunity to compete. We have to wait so long to get what we need to get the resources to rank up the players that will make a difference if and only if you are lucky enough to acquire them. This is the facts regardless of your skill level.

    So it isn't skill learning to adapt your style of play to the content at hand?

    Honestly... What do you want? Same old **** but just jacked up PI?

    You have the opportunity to compete. It's called Master level. You're obviously not ready for Epic yet if you're whining about liking your style of play as it is. You want Epic rewards on a Master budget (if that).

  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    The problem is mid tier players complaining about not being able to breeze through the hardest level of difficulty in each event.
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