A fair solution for gold issue

For summoners at level 60 any potential gained XP should be converted to gold. It's not the first time the community asks for it and tbh a player benefits nothing from being lvl60. Also the XP boosts from lesser and greater solo crystals should be removed at this level and replaced from gold amounts (5k&10k f.e.). I personally don't have any gold issues ( ...still lol) but many players have serious problems and that would help a lot without making the contest an unfair playground. Feel free to post ur opinion on that

Oh wait..
If I’m willing to put the time/effort into it then I should be able to get what I want. All this time I’ve spent in arena isn’t enough and it’s ridiculous. Not saying we need a gold realm,that only solves the problem temporarily but the OP had a great idea to solve the problem n I really wish Kabam would give it a look.
It’s only the people who struggle with gold that are complaining incessantly like flies. From the last screenshot that I posted with 79m gold.. I’m at 83m and I donate 720k gold a week.
If you wanna rank up and spend gold just for the sake of spending gold, then you’ll run into a deficit no matter what, kid. Heck, even both my alts who don’t do a single arena fight has no issues with gold, and they both have much better rosters than yours.
How about giving arena champs 1000% more health. And rewards at the same time.
This idea is far from perfect. But beyond having great wii and a brand new device......
Let me clarify what I mentioned though. People use “boring” as an excuse because they don’t wanna put in the effort to do it, despite it not needing much attention. They’d rather spend their time on social media, 9gag, Reddit etc. 🤷🏻♂️
🤔 Wonder why that is?
I am in the boat of not finding arena very fun either. I love to fight, but not against arena A.I. At least in the arenas I've done, the A.I. is a lot less aggressive, won't throw off specials, have no nodes, and just overall feel very different to fight. They're pretty much missing everything that makes fights fun, which I'm assuming is the reason why most people just drone through them while listening to something else.
Why do I enjoy it? Because it scales up well enough for it to be challenging at some point while giving me a satisfactory amount of rewards each round.
All that Kabam needs to do to stop arena from being tedious is to apply the same mechanic they did with Dungeons.
Playing till you can't possibly win anymore while your milestones scale up with the difficulty.
On your second paragraph, it’s the same as gold realms and gold arenas etc that’s suggested.
Might be fun if that happens. It’ll be like solo dungeons lol
Yeah, they definitely do. Search feature seems to be invisible for some people..
Also yeah, I don't know how to make gold available in a more fun and interactive way, but also keeping the balance so more work=more payoff. Eh, it's not a huge bother for me though. I mainly use the same top champs I've had forever, and try to prioritize/limit my next rank ups.