Domino/Red Hulk Synergy - Incinerate on Heavy [MERGED THREADS]



  • _Rogueyy__Rogueyy_ Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2019
    After playing her without the synergy it seems her heavy damage is very underwhelming definitely not like she used to be and her critical rate and damage is lower than before the update, I'm not hitting criticals as much as I used to
  • ChosenOne94ChosenOne94 Member Posts: 108
    Domino isn't fixed
  • GalloFenixGalloFenix Member Posts: 17
    Yea. Without synergy her heavies do very little. I'm using heavy when stunned but it's weak. Also her 2nd special has a pathetic amount of bleed. Very rarely now she critical bleeds. I know she doesn't always has too. But the times she does it's very weak. My tests are the same as everyone else's.
  • GalloFenixGalloFenix Member Posts: 17
    I just fought against Winter Soldier in Realm of Legends. 6* rank 1 with max suicides. I'm still getting incinerate of 1k very rarely 3 or higher. Her 2nd special bleeds 800 only 1 bleed debuff. There is still something wrong with her.
  • GalloFenixGalloFenix Member Posts: 17
    The 3rd looks good. But the 2nd special is kinda weird. I don't think it was like this just now I caused 3200 bleed 2 debuff but then in the same match it went 850 2 bleed debuffs. I don't think it's supposed to be like that.
  • GalloFenixGalloFenix Member Posts: 17
    So I did another test. It seems she still does that damage when she is the only one on the team. The heavy does seem to be better. With or without synergy but the incinerate still doesn't scale right.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    Hmmm after a little more use, incinerate seems to work all right but overall her damage does seem to be lower. I am wondering if she was tweaked in other ways because she does indeed feel a little different to me now. I was thinking maybe it's all in my head, maybe it's RNG, and then I see these recent posts... I dunno. Maybe the best thing is to just roll her back to the way she was before all of this tinkering.
  • tree_fiddytree_fiddy Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2019
    Still bugged.
    Inscinerate is probably fine now, but heavy attack damage.. Meh..
    WS, RoL, Domino 4\55
    Before bug: 60-75 combo (heavy and sp3)
    Now: 95-120 combo (same, heavy and sp3)
    At least 3 attempts before and after.
    @Kabam Miike , is that a known issue, low dmg from heavy attack?
  • Cptnkillr_89Cptnkillr_89 Member Posts: 57
    I tried a couple things with domino this morning, LoL red hulk and Starlord fights. I was getting s3 damage under 10k while lucky/unlucky on rulk. S2 hit for just over 5k total on SL. Even with CapIW prowess synergy with magneto,cyclops,and wolverine on my team she never hit the 50k damage cap on her s3. I used her to steamroll Easy path LoL months ago and now I can’t solo rulk with her. Before I’d have him dead before his first rage timer triggered.
  • Cptnkillr_89Cptnkillr_89 Member Posts: 57
    Working as intended?
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  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    For those who are still experiencing an issue please include a date and time when you saw the behavior that you believe is incorrect? We want to make sure that these reports are from after the fix went live at around 6PM PST on April 4.

    @Kabam Lyra

    This was recorded 5 mins before I posted it to YT. It SEEMS fine. However I have noticed a decrease in heavy critical hits thus reducing overall damage she was pulling prior to v22
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Domino officially fixed! Close it out! Thank god!
  • ChosenOne94ChosenOne94 Member Posts: 108

    For those who are still experiencing an issue please include a date and time when you saw the behavior that you believe is incorrect? We want to make sure that these reports are from after the fix went live at around 6PM PST on April 4.

    @Kabam Lyra

    This was recorded 5 mins before I posted it to YT. It SEEMS fine. However I have noticed a decrease in heavy critical hits thus reducing overall damage she was pulling prior to v22
    Do you see your damage man or what? You should make that video 8 days ago, she's not same champion that's for sure
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Just 4 hit 2 war defenders in a row... she is fixed
  • ChosenOne94ChosenOne94 Member Posts: 108
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra any info guys, we need old Domino for questing, just give her back all data like she had 8 days ago before new patch. And give us some info.
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  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Try it she is hitting hard
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252

  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252

  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    That’s my current
  • GottesfurchtGottesfurcht Member Posts: 14
    She is NOT fixed. Sometimes she works well but absolutely not the same damage as before the update. Special 2 also doesn‘t work correctly.
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  • Sailor_BennySailor_Benny Member Posts: 1
    My domino is not working what’s going on
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    For those who are still experiencing an issue please include a date and time when you saw the behavior that you believe is incorrect? We want to make sure that these reports are from after the fix went live at around 6PM PST on April 4.

    @Kabam Lyra

    This was recorded 5 mins before I posted it to YT. It SEEMS fine. However I have noticed a decrease in heavy critical hits thus reducing overall damage she was pulling prior to v22
    Do you see your damage man or what? You should make that video 8 days ago, she's not same champion that's for sure
    What do you mean? I said the incinerate seems to scale right. But overall she is doing less damage
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    Anyone have a pic of her stats pre bug? This is current

    That was July 9, 2018
  • _Rogueyy__Rogueyy_ Member Posts: 25
    My personal opinion I dont get crits as often as I did before update on dominos heavy attacks
  • DengconanDengconan Member Posts: 9
    I feel like I did not get the same amount of crit as before. Nerf a champion like this is stupid. You are basically telling you people stop buying crystals for powerful champion because they get nerfed anyway
  • DengconanDengconan Member Posts: 9
    Her heavy is weakened
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