Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads]



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  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★


    Thanks to everyone who has provided specific information about instances in which AI has used a special while blocking. We've passed those on for investigation into instances where it may be more likely to occur in order to evaluate the situation.

    But, as has been stated previously in this thread, the previous update provided an improvement but not a 100% fix. It has always technically been possible and will continue to be so. This is not a situation where changing a single variable will fix the situation 100% and any change will have many considerations to take into account. Please keep this in mind and we thank you for understanding.

    If this wasn't a problem before, and now is, why can't everything be rolled back to what it was, and then Kabam can experiment all they want with the testers you have, until Kabam can figure out how to move forward with the changes they wanted to make, without breaking the game mechanics we had before?

    Now, this is happening much more frequently, and it changes game mechanics especially for champs like Massacre who MUST hit into their block to ignite the bat.
  • DestroyerDestroyer Member Posts: 130
    This started happening w the April update. Never once had it happen before then. If this was always possible, then designing champs that benifit from hitting into block is a bit disingenuous imo as there is no way to see it coming, so no way to avoid it. Are you are saying that it's up to us to shoulder the risk of playing a character the way it was designed, in the case of OR, by hitting into block to keep his spore count up?

    I already r5ed my 5* OR months ago. Playing aggressive and hitting into block is key with OR, and up until April I never had this issue with him. This issue has not only lowered the effectiveness of champs like OR, Massacre, Yondu, Captain Marvel MCU, etc., but has altered the key mechanic of hitting into block to maintain spacing. Fighting Medusa in AW is a **** shoot now. NC in AW on stun immune is also a nightmare with this issue if you can't get him to switch with the old reliable method that also seems to either be bugged or "fixed". I can't tell you how disheartening this is and I'm hoping for some major fixes with the next update. Thanks.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★


    That's the only time you'll ever see cm connect her sp2.
    That’s been fixed for quite some time.
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    SparkAlot said:


    Thanks to everyone who has provided specific information about instances in which AI has used a special while blocking. We've passed those on for investigation into instances where it may be more likely to occur in order to evaluate the situation.

    But, as has been stated previously in this thread, the previous update provided an improvement but not a 100% fix. It has always technically been possible and will continue to be so. This is not a situation where changing a single variable will fix the situation 100% and any change will have many considerations to take into account. Please keep this in mind and we thank you for understanding.

    If this wasn't a problem before, and now is, why can't everything be rolled back to what it was, and then Kabam can experiment all they want with the testers you have, until Kabam can figure out how to move forward with the changes they wanted to make, without breaking the game mechanics we had before?

    Now, this is happening much more frequently, and it changes game mechanics especially for champs like Massacre who MUST hit into their block to ignite the bat.
    I have been saying that this was an intentional change all along. From my knowledge of the situation, they have stated that this was always supposed to be possible but was not functioning the way it was suppose to be before and the update fixed that. I do not think that Kabam knew that they would get this much rebuttal on this change. So now it is a question of how often it is happening. This is the ONLY dispute that we have at this point. Keep in mind that the game is designed to make you lose. If we always won, there would be no money to make. OR, Massacre, Yondu, Captain Marvel MCU, etc.as stated before are not the same champs with this change. People have ranked them up and now they are less effective. This is not cool. I think Kabam should offer rank down tickets. If this was always what was intended and not functioning properly, then people have been mislead on these champs abilities. After the 12.0 update, rank down tickets were made available when several player abilities were changed. This is kind of the same situation.
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  • Mystix13Mystix13 Member Posts: 50
    This is still happening fairly regularly. And it’s not happening in the case previously stated by @Kabam Miike

    There was no “slow down” in my attack to allow this action to happen. This seems to happen most often with XL champs and OR.


    Please fix this Kabam. It’s ruining the game experience for your long time veteran players.
  • Mr_KonmanMr_Konman Member Posts: 20


    Thanks to everyone who has provided specific information about instances in which AI has used a special while blocking. We've passed those on for investigation into instances where it may be more likely to occur in order to evaluate the situation.

    But, as has been stated previously in this thread, the previous update provided an improvement but not a 100% fix. It has always technically been possible and will continue to be so. This is not a situation where changing a single variable will fix the situation 100% and any change will have many considerations to take into account. Please keep this in mind and we thank you for understanding.

    You guys keep telling us, "This has always been technically possible". Does this mean Kabam is not actively trying to fix this?
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    Did happen to me with Uncollected Nameless Thanos... in the middle of a 5 hit combo, he just fired is SP1....
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    “Has always tech been possible” but never actually happened to me till all these changes lol
  • Biggpoppa187Biggpoppa187 Member Posts: 7
    I have the same problem, mostly with all champs tho. Not every match but, it happens either the first fight of a quest or the 3 rd or 4th. 5 hit combos are bugged on these. I hittfor 5 and get smashed with light or medium which is unblockable or dexable. I am met by unblockbreakables can't bait specials. This has been getting worse since they have been trying to implement new opposition stats. #revert
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    edited May 2019
    RE: "It has always technically been possible and will continue to be so"

    I have looked at scores of vids from Act 3/4/5, and lots of events, and I can't find one video that supports that the AI could always do this before these last 2 months.

    Which got me thinking, has ANYONE had success while holding down block, as they are attacking into you, to launch a special?

    It is impossible for a Human, even if you wail on the launch special button.

    While we wait for a fix, the other part of the statement "...and will continue to be so" has me worried that this is the new norm, and the AI can do something people can't since the reaction time is just not possible, which means this is a change in game mechanics for the worse for players. Yeah, it will generate more funds for Kabam, but, they really should make it fair, and not have a cheating AI.
  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★
    Also, since the last update i can no longer backdraft intercept. I hit their block, and (if they dont use a sp) i dex to start a combo, but get slapped in the face at light speed. This almost never happened before, and now it happens 90% of the time i try to backdraft intercept. Anyone else?
  • Unknown_SoldierUnknown_Soldier Member Posts: 154 ★★
    He punches through blocks when combo ends or hes in corner. His reaction timing is ridiculously fast ......so fast he is able to land a combo after you combo him as if it was part of yours. This isnt right! This results in him KOing a champ as he almsot always finishes with a combo. This is not skill, it's not challenging or innovative it's cheap and frustrating. He punches through blocks and it's not fair! This happens almost every match. Also if the only way to hit him whe. He has thorns is to hit his block....the AI has to give opportunity to do so. If all he does is dash and attack......that's not giving us a fair chance! The reaction time has been adjusted last couple updates and it's making this game NOT fun anymore. No one wants to play a game that forces you to spend. Please fix this issue as its happening in arenas as well.
  • DestroyerDestroyer Member Posts: 130
    "no fun" is a dead on description of this game ri
    Mr_Konman said:


    Thanks to everyone who has provided specific information about instances in which AI has used a special while blocking. We've passed those on for investigation into instances where it may be more likely to occur in order to evaluate the situation.

    But, as has been stated previously in this thread, the previous update provided an improvement but not a 100% fix. It has always technically been possible and will continue to be so. This is not a situation where changing a single variable will fix the situation 100% and any change will have many considerations to take into account. Please keep this in mind and we thank you for understanding.

    You guys keep telling us, "This has always been technically possible". Does this mean Kabam is not actively trying to fix this?
    This is the big question and a Yes/No answer would work. So how about it Kabam? Yes or No?
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    Has Modok always been able to immediately punish an attacker after an auto-block happens? I was in AW and I would hit his auto-block with a medium dash and follow up with a light attack into his block, and then I would immediately get hit by him (no time to dash back and I couldn't even follow up with another light attack into his block. He would be able to hit me the moment the animation of my second light attack ended). ...

    I tried to see if I could do this while I played as Modok in duels and I couldn't replicate it, so I don't think I was going too slow in alliance war when I faced him.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★


    Thanks to everyone who has provided specific information about instances in which AI has used a special while blocking. We've passed those on for investigation into instances where it may be more likely to occur in order to evaluate the situation.

    But, as has been stated previously in this thread, the previous update provided an improvement but not a 100% fix. It has always technically been possible and will continue to be so. This is not a situation where changing a single variable will fix the situation 100% and any change will have many considerations to take into account. Please keep this in mind and we thank you for understanding.

    This sounds a whole lot like, "adapt and overcome" the changes. That comment went over well in 12.0.
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  • APERAGEAPERAGE Member Posts: 10


    Thanks to everyone who has provided specific information about instances in which AI has used a special while blocking. We've passed those on for investigation into instances where it may be more likely to occur in order to evaluate the situation.

    But, as has been stated previously in this thread, the previous update provided an improvement but not a 100% fix. It has always technically been possible and will continue to be so. This is not a situation where changing a single variable will fix the situation 100% and any change will have many considerations to take into account. Please keep this in mind and we thank you for understanding.

    This is an inadequate response to say the least. I got juiced with a SP playing in micro realm Variant on my last hit of the fight using VtD my last hit of my combo instead of landing the wolverine threw his special. Had to restart because he just dashed back and blocked while I bleed out
  • APERAGEAPERAGE Member Posts: 10
    In case it wasn’t clear in this case he wasn’t even blocking but actively getting hit and still managed to throw a special.
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  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    This is something else. They released the update and Kabam is not addressing this matter at all. I just had it happen to me as well. Funny thing is I got nailed with a special while I was hitting the block for the first time. Dashed over and first hit on the block I got nailed. This is the way the game is intended to run? LOL That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. LOL I was literally in the action of hitting when I got hit. We all know why this change was made. How many revives are people using for AQ/AW? I can guarantee it is a great deal more now and they are not cheap.
  • bb_81bb_81 Member Posts: 147
    i am still getting hit with specials in the middle of my combo, how can the AI have the ability to launch a special while being hit with combos? this happens to me in EQ, SQ, AQ, AW and the Arenas. fix your game ASAP, NOW!!!!!!!
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