I do all of the events and have 100% the game so far but have 5 t5b but can’t even upgrade my champs because not enough gold
Please drop a gold event
Please drop a gold event
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1. There’s a means to get it.
2. That means has no entry cost.
3. That means has no limit on how much you can of that particular resource you can attain.
I'd even be fine with something like a weekly event (that maybe replaces the Grandmaster Free-For-All) that has unique challenges every week and a fair chunk of gold as a reward. With multiple difficulties too, of course. Then you get new, possibly interesting challenges each week and gold to reward you for your efforts.
But hey I can understand if Kabam doesn't want to do this, or don't feel like it's necessary. And I'm mostly fine with how it is right now. Just stating what I understand of the other side of the argument.
There have been many solutions, tips, tricks and what not offered in those topics, such as:
-selling excess iso
-prioritizing who and when to rank up
-planning ahead
-saving gold crystals (which you get for solo events)
-(event) questing
And above all: Have patience.
But all those have consistently been set aside as being useless.
Gold realms, gold events are the so-called true solutions for the gold problem.
Newsflash, well more like an ancient announcement since it’s been said and explained numerous times: there is no gold problem.
It’s a resource management problem, and until players learn how to manage their gold they will continu to have, or rather lack gold.
Gold from the gold realms/gold events would immediatly be spent and the next step would be to cry for more gold realms and/or bigger pay-outs from those realms.
Some of the rewards from events, crystals are completely outdated and were made when there were only 4*s to rank up.
Potions are completely outdated, those health and alliance revives were made for 4* rank ups
He’ll, the advancement solo events don’t even have 5* sig stones able to give points in them..
The game is vastly outdated in tons of issues, don’t be dumb by just saying do arena. I do arena and have completed the game. To keep up with weekly high tier donations and rank up champs is impossible without spending high cheddar.
There are diff points in the game for everyone, but at the tier I’m at, unless your putting up 5-50mil arena scores each week, gold is most def an issue. So don’t be a tool by stating the arena. Already spend 5 hours to this game a day minimum, enough resources /gold should be available to rank the champions grinder for.
The problem isn't that there isn't a gold issue. It is that there's always an issue, and it is always different for different players, and it is mostly coincidence that the forums focus on any one particular one of them for a period of time. Everyone is short of something. It is just that every so often, some players get it in their head that their something is especially important, and they represent some silent majority of players that all are short that one thing. And they are always wrong.
I grind 1.5m / 4m / 6m milestones which takes me about 60 matches each to hit.
I have 5 5* R5s, 1 6* R2, 13 5* R4s, 26 5* R3s. 8 6*s, all of which are maxed R1. All my 4*s are R3 at least, all my 1/2/3*s are fully maxed out. I have 82m gold sitting in my inventory.
There isn’t a gold problem. Just a resource management problem that people like you don’t want to admit to because it puts the blame squarely on yourself. It’s much easier to blame the game.
Oh yes, and I’m free to play and never been in a Masters or Whale alliance.