Announcing Event Quest: Avengers Forever



  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    Gamer said:

    Rewards shuld definitely hav Ben rewape In this quset. But no.

    Nah. Don’t need to be. It’s a very fun boss fight.

    One team revive though. Got careless with Aspect of War and was wondering why his life doesn’t drop despite me hitting him. Lol
    Any tips/tricks to share? Still stuck at the inverted control phase where I can’t seem to get more than 2 hits into a combo before my champs just stops/freezes 🤔 And with that final phase any tips or such would be welcome 👍

  • AkhilxcxAkhilxcx Member Posts: 255 ★★
    this wasn't fun quest. it was torture
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,517 ★★★★
    edited April 2019

    I can't click to move forward on the path.

    Did anyone else encounter this?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    I can't click to move forward on the path.

    Did anyone else encounter this?

    Zoom in
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    Gamer said:

    Rewards shuld definitely hav Ben rewape In this quset. But no.

    Nah. Don’t need to be. It’s a very fun boss fight.

    One team revive though. Got careless with Aspect of War and was wondering why his life doesn’t drop despite me hitting him. Lol
    Any tips/tricks to share? Still stuck at the inverted control phase where I can’t seem to get more than 2 hits into a combo before my champs just stops/freezes 🤔 And with that final phase any tips or such would be welcome 👍

    What do you mean by “freezes/stops”?

    I used some DOT champs to make fighting him easier since I can focus more on evading his specials and handling his mechanics than dealing damage.

    Unlike last year’s Thanos, this one isn’t debuff immune. (Iirc)
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    the montly quest difficulty has definitely gone up this year, the rewards need to reflect the increased difficulty and be more rare, as it stands the items in the rewards are easily obtainable elsewhere in the game these days

    From another perspective, since the “items in the rewards are easily obtainable elsewhere in the game these days”, then it should be perfectly fine for you to not do the monthly quest ya?
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    xNig said:

    The previous Infinity War Thanos EQ boss was ALOT harder. This month’s one just felt much easier because the mechanics are not something we aren’t use to.

    Also, you only need to beat him ONCE.

    Part of the game is to test out the fight with a variety of champs, read his abilities and try out different strategies against him. I ran the final boss 3 times, each with a different team so I can better advise my alliance on how to handle him. It’s only 9 energy so it’s not a big deal.

    Honestly, my favorite part of the fight is his last phase with armor breaks. You have 1s to deal damage per intercept, so it really tests you on your intercepting skills.

    So if you’re having problems handling him in the last phase, you most probably need to work on your intercepting. Any champ can counter him in that phase, especially avengers since the damage you take from SP3 is capped. Personally I used Gwenpool and she tanked the SP3s like a boss.

    For many many months we, the community, have been clamoring for more “skill base” content. And when one is introduced, people complain about it being un-doable or a money grab. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    You must of missed 3 more thanos on 3.1 where you fight him more then once lol
  • TripleBTripleB Member Posts: 272 ★★
    I gotta rant cause im frustrated with thisEQ.

    I 100% uncollected EQ every month, this month I can’t even complete it because I don’t have high enough champs to even get him past the 3rd phase. I don’t have tons of units to throw at this or revives and I don’t have high enough champs. I’m not sure where the rewards reflect this difficulty? I’ve been able to 100% all other EQ’s with my rank 3 champs and sometimes even rank 2, this time a full team of rank 4’s put hardly a dent in him and they aren’t the hyperions, blades, nick furies or any other god tier options. I haven’t seen anyone take him down with anything less than a rank 5 and I don’t see why we needed this? I’m now forced to either throw money at this or miss out on just the completion of this quest!
    Sorry again, I just needed to rant a bit, congrats to all who completed this bs content! I wish I had your skill, champs, patience and all else!
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Akhilxcx said:

    xNig said:

    The previous Infinity War Thanos EQ boss was ALOT harder. This month’s one just felt much easier because the mechanics are not something we aren’t use to.

    Also, you only need to beat him ONCE.

    Part of the game is to test out the fight with a variety of champs, read his abilities and try out different strategies against him. I ran the final boss 3 times, each with a different team so I can better advise my alliance on how to handle him. It’s only 9 energy so it’s not a big deal.

    Honestly, my favorite part of the fight is his last phase with armor breaks. You have 1s to deal damage per intercept, so it really tests you on your intercepting skills.

    So if you’re having problems handling him in the last phase, you most probably need to work on your intercepting. Any champ can counter him in that phase, especially avengers since the damage you take from SP3 is capped. Personally I used Gwenpool and she tanked the SP3s like a boss.

    For many many months we, the community, have been clamoring for more “skill base” content. And when one is introduced, people complain about it being un-doable or a money grab. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    intercepts are broken af so even if you aren't experiencing any bugs, a whole lot of community is facing issues in the "skill based content" like this needs to come if everything's working fine.Also people are giving their personal feedbacks to kabam so stop forcing your opinions on everyone in this thread. plus now you see this content is way harder than previous months so why aren't you asking for increase in rewards when you were trying to decrease rewards for easier eq.
    Intercepts are working just fine. It’s just the backdraft that’s a little buggy due to AI response timing. If you only can intercept using backdraft then that’s on you.

    I’ve never asked for decrease in rewards. Rewards for each difficulty should remain constant regardless of how difficulty fluctuates month to month.

    UC was introduced when we were using 5* R4s to clear it. At that point of time, the rewards were good for that difficulty level. Now, we are using 5* R5s. So to commensurate the stronger champs we use, what’s wrong with it being slightly harder?

    People are giving their personal opinions, I’m giving mine. So many people think they’re so good at the game because they steamroll through other content with their overpowered champs and when the game gives them a reality check in the form of a champ they can’t steamroll through without proper skills, they take it to the forum to cry moneygrab.

    Even when more skilled players show them otherwise, these crybabies put them down because they refuse to face reality that they need to improve and firmly believe that they are skilled enough instead of putting in the effort to learn and get better.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    The previous Infinity War Thanos EQ boss was ALOT harder. This month’s one just felt much easier because the mechanics are not something we aren’t use to.

    Also, you only need to beat him ONCE.

    Part of the game is to test out the fight with a variety of champs, read his abilities and try out different strategies against him. I ran the final boss 3 times, each with a different team so I can better advise my alliance on how to handle him. It’s only 9 energy so it’s not a big deal.

    Honestly, my favorite part of the fight is his last phase with armor breaks. You have 1s to deal damage per intercept, so it really tests you on your intercepting skills.

    So if you’re having problems handling him in the last phase, you most probably need to work on your intercepting. Any champ can counter him in that phase, especially avengers since the damage you take from SP3 is capped. Personally I used Gwenpool and she tanked the SP3s like a boss.

    For many many months we, the community, have been clamoring for more “skill base” content. And when one is introduced, people complain about it being un-doable or a money grab. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    You must of missed 3 more thanos on 3.1 where you fight him more then once lol

    Those 3 aren’t even worth a mention. Steamrolled through them. Only the final boss was fun.
  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 891 ★★★★★
    Boom! 5/65 domino with trinity for the first 70%, then 4/55 Beardo for the rest. Gain the armorbreaks, intercept, SP3. Came down with only 1 20% revive and 4000HP worth of potions.

  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    benshb said:

    Boom! 5/65 domino with trinity for the first 70%, then 4/55 Beardo for the rest. Gain the armorbreaks, intercept, SP3. Came down with only 1 20% revive and 4000HP worth of potions.

    Sick! Good job man!
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Gamer said:

    Rewards shuld definitely hav Ben rewape In this quset. But no.

    Nah. Don’t need to be. It’s a very fun boss fight.

    One team revive though. Got careless with Aspect of War and was wondering why his life doesn’t drop despite me hitting him. Lol
    Any tips/tricks to share? Still stuck at the inverted control phase where I can’t seem to get more than 2 hits into a combo before my champs just stops/freezes 🤔 And with that final phase any tips or such would be welcome 👍

    What do you mean by “freezes/stops”?

    I used some DOT champs to make fighting him easier since I can focus more on evading his specials and handling his mechanics than dealing damage.

    Unlike last year’s Thanos, this one isn’t debuff immune. (Iirc)
    By “freezes/stops” I mean that I can not proceed with my combo cuz of my champ standing still. Could be bug/glitch related, could also be (more probable) that I need to practise more with those inverted controls.

    I’ll try DOT champs, speaking off I assume your Gwenpool is duped.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Gamer said:

    Rewards shuld definitely hav Ben rewape In this quset. But no.

    Nah. Don’t need to be. It’s a very fun boss fight.

    One team revive though. Got careless with Aspect of War and was wondering why his life doesn’t drop despite me hitting him. Lol
    Any tips/tricks to share? Still stuck at the inverted control phase where I can’t seem to get more than 2 hits into a combo before my champs just stops/freezes 🤔 And with that final phase any tips or such would be welcome 👍

    What do you mean by “freezes/stops”?

    I used some DOT champs to make fighting him easier since I can focus more on evading his specials and handling his mechanics than dealing damage.

    Unlike last year’s Thanos, this one isn’t debuff immune. (Iirc)
    By “freezes/stops” I mean that I can not proceed with my combo cuz of my champ standing still. Could be bug/glitch related, could also be (more probable) that I need to practise more with those inverted controls.

    I’ll try DOT champs, speaking off I assume your Gwenpool is duped.
    Yup. It’s pointless if she’s unduped. AA works pretty well as well.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,517 ★★★★

    I can't click to move forward on the path.

    Did anyone else encounter this?

    Zoom in
    I did several times and finally it worked. It was odd, cause normally I zoom in and it works the first time.
  • vertiGovertiGo Member Posts: 93
    My main issue with this across the board, is people who usually 100% UC saying it's no different. At the moment I manage doing 1 pass of each quest in UC each month. Even then there's usually some revives and units involved.

    This month I know full well I'll not touch Thanos as I've only got one R4 on my roster, and no other champions particularly close to them. This means I've no hope of getting rewards in UC for the first pass, and the majority of rewards won't be accessible. Yes, I can still get 2k 4* shards and 500 5* shards for my efforts, but that's about all I'll be getting. Masters rewards, I might manage with my best team and probably a healthy supply of units, but with no power gain champions, and my best team being based around ramp up champions, I don't think it's really worth giving it all too much of a go. This compounded by last month's frame rate smoothing update which means frames randomly drop (the cause of the special intercepts when you're attacking into block, and Sentinel's loss of being able to be punished) mean there's little to no chance of my getting any worthwhile rewards from this EQ, and I'm sure there's a lot of other players in the boat that haven't been UC very long.
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Why is the PI of Cull lower than Ronin in Master mode but then in Uncollected Culls PI is way more than Ronin? It seems to be a mistake to me in Uncollected.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    TBH I expected more complaining for the thanos minibosses in the previous chapter... anyways the first two phases are just an issue of play style, and the last phase needs high damage specials within a relarively short window. I used SW in Master, and it worked pretty well. I still need to pratice against inverted controls before I do uncollected though
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Smeagz23 said:

    Those thanos’ are absolutely ridiculous. You made this months quest 10x harder with the same rewards. I’m in a map7 and masters alliance and im having trouble doing this with a whole team of 5/65s. Why should i spend items when i can’t remember the last time i had to use ONE item for these uncollected quests. We should be celebrating this event not having to use tons of items for **** rewards. Can you guys, seriously, do absolutely nothing right as a company? You just keep pushing and pushing us away. I’m on my very last leg with yall and i feel like i’m not alone. I’m just so disappointed with everything you guys do anymore like what goes on in your heads.. smmfh...

    Are you having trouble with the three thanos minis? They seem pretty straightforward. I haven't finished the last Thanos boss. Been busy and just tried for the first time today. I can get him down pretty low but haven't been able to beat him yet (haven't used any items). Plenty of time though. I like the challenge.
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    edited April 2019
    I'll just post this here since we have enough topics on Thanos haha.. Anyways, do you guys think I should I even attempt this quest with my roster? I've explored the rest, but the rewards are so much better with the finish..

  • RellenquishRellenquish Member Posts: 92

    No last stand shards :(

    There are too many easy ways to earn last stand crystal shards already, and besides, the title sounds epic
  • RellenquishRellenquish Member Posts: 92
    ẞlооd said:

    I'll just post this here since we have enough topics on Thanos haha.. Anyways, do you guys think I should I even attempt this quest with my roster? I've explored the rest, but the rewards are so much better with the finish..

    dude, dont show off your roster
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★

    ẞlооd said:

    I'll just post this here since we have enough topics on Thanos haha.. Anyways, do you guys think I should I even attempt this quest with my roster? I've explored the rest, but the rewards are so much better with the finish..

    dude, dont show off your roster
    Why not? That's the best way to give people an idea of what I have to work with..
  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    Just to make everyone feel better they snuck in a big fix on Thanos without ever really mentioning the was broken. So he should be easier now
  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    Sorry correction. They will be pushing the bug fix soon
  • theMercenarytheMercenary Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    ẞlооd said:

    I'll just post this here since we have enough topics on Thanos haha.. Anyways, do you guys think I should I even attempt this quest with my roster? I've explored the rest, but the rewards are so much better with the finish..

    Rank up 1 more avenger for phase 3 and you’re good to go. Don’t give up trying.
  • theMercenarytheMercenary Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Dtl7714 said:

    Just to make everyone feel better they snuck in a big fix on Thanos without ever really mentioning the was broken. So he should be easier now

    Who told this? So how did I beat UC thanos with bugs? There were no bugs!??!
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