Corvus Glave & Ebony Maw is a problem



  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★

    I’ve thought about this for a while... & all in all, I’m ok with this. I don’t often agree with Mr. GroundedWisdom, but have to here.

    @GroundedWisdom is using an example of Mephisto vs Human Torch as an “impossible feat”. However, I think we are forgetting one green Goliath that auto-kills many opponents, with no hope of survival. Our boy, Abomination.

    If you go against A-Bomb In high level content like Act5, Act6, Variant, etc... you are doomed without a poison immune, or someone who shrugs off Debuffs. I guess the “Corvus vs Maw” argument is slightly worse, since he can’t deal Damage outside of the 1st light & SP3, but honestly, I feel it’s pretty similar. Both matches, you are doomed to fail very quickly.

    Specific champion requirements are something Kabam has been pushing out a lot lately, but this is an OG example. I’m not sure how I feel about how Kabam is doing this, but either way, it’s happening.

    Abom will not proc poison as much in arena but Utron will fail 100% versus Maw in arena.
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  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 392 ★★
    This is a joke.... no champ should be 100% fully immune to another.
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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,492 ★★★★★
    Hav to said that mechanic is bad in general. Shuld hav that huge change to mis if it. Was to counter covus. Ther wher better way make it. So only when he hav a avagve over the class somone like ultron also get hurts buy this it wild broken war. In. A bit. When he wild be released war wild be broke but ther is one greater counter for ebony mav that is wasp to keep him down from force spicel if he It the boss kabam haven’t thinking’s this totalt thuget and just make a ability to counterattacks covus personal it hasn’t hurt me but with war going one need so many defrinds counter now. And with only 3 space. To use not gone work in long team Ther really need to giv any inside why ther build it to him. Becasse it hurt ultron so much after 4 hit you can’t do a shot with ultron.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    It’s just 3 champs though, if you’re running uncollected you should have more than 1 champ to clear ebony maw? (I included stark spider also).

    I cleared him with AA my first go
    Blade my second and third
    Void my third.

    I’m sure everyone has a crossbones, no crits at all and packs a good punch.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★

    This is a joke.... no champ should be 100% fully immune to another.

    That's just it. The game has about 151 playable Champs (according to Wiki). There's no reason we can't have one that's immune to one or two others.
  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    Akhilxcx said:

    has anyone wondered that jane foster duped gets guaranteed crits while keeping anyone stun locked so basically a useless mystic is more useless against a mystic only. plus crits are the only thing that procs buffs and debuffs for sw so she is just useless not to mention we don't even get her as 5* so damage in uc won't be much on basic non crit damage

    This is a joke.... no champ should be 100% fully immune to another.

    That's just it. The game has about 151 playable Champs (according to Wiki). There's no reason we can't have one that's immune to one or two others.
    This is one of those agree to disagree conversations. There are people who feel introducing champs that it is 100% impossible to beat bu other charcaters make sense. There are others that feel this is an absolutely obsurd idea.

    On the obsurd end if this continues it will make the game obnoxious. Right now it is one champ who is unbeatable to a few others. What if Kabam keeps introducing characters with this type of ability. Do we really want that in the game.

    A big deal needs to be made about this to convince Kabam not to keep introducing champs like this.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    It's one Champ. No one said they are going to keep introducing Champs in the same manner. That's just unnecessary panic. They're going to consider balance before anything, and they have done that consistently, so the overreactions are a bit extra.
  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    On another note it would be really great to hear from Kabam and the moderators if this was intended or not. Was it intentional to have an unbeatable champ introduced.
  • WardenZeroWardenZero Member Posts: 722 ★★★
    Onmix said:

    I think this could be easily fixable. He hasn’t been released.
    Just don’t make the guaranteed hits miss. Make them do no damage. That way Ultron can keep hitting. CG can spend his charges etc

    It is still a pretty hard counter for CG. But it doesn’t make him an impossible kill.

    This would be a pretty perfect fix in my opinion.

  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    The issue with Corvus is that he is too overpowered with

    1. Glaive’s immunity. You can’t die as long as you have charges active.
    2. Guaranteed crits
    3. High potential crit damage with charge collection

    All in all, it was enabling him to do fights that were supposed to be doable but not fun (taking the previous Meph vs HT example). One example is the one shot solos of Morningstar bosses, even with class disadvantage. You can even tackle Abom and ignore his poison because of glaives immunity. Even in 6.1, I used Corvus to outright ignore Crossbone’s biohazard and bane, simply because he cannot die.

    So rather than outright nerfing Corvus, one counter is introduced. ONE. Personally, it’s not a big deal (I have a sig 200 Corvus and R2 Ghost). I’ll just use someone else.

    Rereading the developers’ post about the future of the game, they want it to include roster breadth instead of depth, which also means players are not expected to be cruising through AW with R5 CG + R1 Proxima + R1 Nebula. So I’m expecting more champ specific counters introduced, like nodes or champs.

    One example is the “Do you bleed?” node that outright counters all champs that don’t bleed opponents. Where’s the outroar about that? 😂
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,492 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    The issue with Corvus is that he is too overpowered with

    1. Glaive’s immunity. You can’t die as long as you have charges active.
    2. Guaranteed crits
    3. High potential crit damage with charge collection

    All in all, it was enabling him to do fights that were supposed to be doable but not fun (taking the previous Meph vs HT example). One example is the one shot solos of Morningstar bosses, even with class disadvantage. You can even tackle Abom and ignore his poison because of glaives immunity. Even in 6.1, I used Corvus to outright ignore Crossbone’s biohazard and bane, simply because he cannot die.

    So rather than outright nerfing Corvus, one counter is introduced. ONE. Personally, it’s not a big deal (I have a sig 200 Corvus and R2 Ghost). I’ll just use someone else.

    Rereading the developers’ post about the future of the game, they want it to include roster breadth instead of depth, which also means players are not expected to be cruising through AW with R5 CG + R1 Proxima + R1 Nebula. So I’m expecting more champ specific counters introduced, like nodes or champs.

    One example is the “Do you bleed?” node that outright counters all champs that don’t bleed opponents. Where’s the outroar about that? 😂

    Becasse it didt only hurt covus it hurt somone like ultron but mine esp for the game it hav grown a lot the pass 2 year so ther com to a point wher ther haven’t the time to test all champ probably se ultron can’t ack after 4 hit. Simple becasse of that. Personally ther counter take wasp is the perfect counter to ebony mav.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    How hard would it have been to reduce guaranteed crits by 50% or hell even 90% (like OR vs bleed)? That is 100 times better than guaranteed misses.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Gamer said:

    xNig said:

    The issue with Corvus is that he is too overpowered with

    1. Glaive’s immunity. You can’t die as long as you have charges active.
    2. Guaranteed crits
    3. High potential crit damage with charge collection

    All in all, it was enabling him to do fights that were supposed to be doable but not fun (taking the previous Meph vs HT example). One example is the one shot solos of Morningstar bosses, even with class disadvantage. You can even tackle Abom and ignore his poison because of glaives immunity. Even in 6.1, I used Corvus to outright ignore Crossbone’s biohazard and bane, simply because he cannot die.

    So rather than outright nerfing Corvus, one counter is introduced. ONE. Personally, it’s not a big deal (I have a sig 200 Corvus and R2 Ghost). I’ll just use someone else.

    Rereading the developers’ post about the future of the game, they want it to include roster breadth instead of depth, which also means players are not expected to be cruising through AW with R5 CG + R1 Proxima + R1 Nebula. So I’m expecting more champ specific counters introduced, like nodes or champs.

    One example is the “Do you bleed?” node that outright counters all champs that don’t bleed opponents. Where’s the outroar about that? 😂

    Becasse it didt only hurt covus it hurt somone like ultron but mine esp for the game it hav grown a lot the pass 2 year so ther com to a point wher ther haven’t the time to test all champ probably se ultron can’t ack after 4 hit. Simple becasse of that. Personally ther counter take wasp is the perfect counter to ebony mav.
    That's what happens when Kabam doesn't think things through. This is basically how I see their conversations:

    Hey let's make the ultimate Legends run champ!

    Oh ****, that champ we made for Legends runs is being used everywhere to beat everything.

    Hey, let's make a champ that can't be touched by guaranteed crits!

    Oh ****, that makes a totally not OP champs completely unusable vs that one camp.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    I usually give the community tons of flack for overreacting, but for once they're spot on.

    Having a champ that's fully immune is just a terrible idea. Every other example of hard counters people have mentioned (Like Torch) can be damaged, and softened up for the next fight.

    I don't see how changing it from 100% chance to miss to an 80% chance to miss would negatively impact Maw, still would be a great defender vs corvus, but at least allow the potential of a few hits to soften the defender.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    If he's not OP, then why does the majority have him Ranked for Attack? Lol.

    For me, it's just logical. If he's immune to a few, out of 150, then that's not an alarming restriction. There's over 140 other options. Having a Champ that isn't affected by a few others is not a huge deal with the numbers available. If the day came that there was a Champ that can only be affected by one or two, or even half the Champs, I would start to worry. 2 or 3 out of 150 is a drop in the bucket.
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    To me, this is a test to see how the community reacts to an absolute counter. We all agree counter's are necessary to the balance of the game, but disagree on a 100% counter being good or not. If this an accepted practice then it may become more obvious in the future. It may even get to a point that a new champ comes out and one of their abilities is listed as X champ can cause no damage. Could even lead to X class can cause no damage or X champ tag can cause no damage. There will always be ways around it. I think Kabam is just testing to see what type of balances the community can handle and at what rate they can implement different balances.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    I have zero issues with Maw being total Corvus counter in single player content ...

    It is only AW that makes these encounters problematic ...

    Which is entirely easy to get past. Most people wouldn't use a Cosmic against a Mystic to begin with. Just use one of the two other Attack Champs.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    As I said beforehand use the mastery that reduces ability Accuracy when stunned
  • OnmixOnmix Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Zuro said:

    As I said beforehand use the mastery that reduces ability Accuracy when stunned

    Good luck stunning him. Just 1 of his hits is stunnable.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Haji_Saab said:

    I have zero issues with Maw being total Corvus counter in single player content ...

    It is only AW that makes these encounters problematic ...

    Which is entirely easy to get past. Most people wouldn't use a Cosmic against a Mystic to begin with. Just use one of the two other Attack Champs.
    But a lot of these people don't want to do that, they want to bring a R5 corvus and a couple of 3*s for synergy so they're throwing a fit
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★

    Haji_Saab said:

    I have zero issues with Maw being total Corvus counter in single player content ...

    It is only AW that makes these encounters problematic ...

    Which is entirely easy to get past. Most people wouldn't use a Cosmic against a Mystic to begin with. Just use one of the two other Attack Champs.
    The nodes matter so much in AW that sometimes your best option is to take a champ with class disadvantage. You can't just stack your team with all bleed immunes, so when you run into a mystic on a bleed node, corvus may still be your best option.

    So you being a full health Corvus against that Maw, and do exactly 0 damage before you die.

    There is nothing wrong with hard counters to certain champs, and everything wrong with immunities.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Zuro said:

    As I said beforehand use the mastery that reduces ability Accuracy when stunned

    On page 10 of the thread, zeezee57 gave that a try, and while 10 Medium attacks is not a big enough sample size to be sure, but none of them landed, making it unreliable at best, and perhaps impossible.
  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    I don't know. For me, I hate the hits that don't make contact more than one champ completely shutting down another. Ya, that sucks, but there are 100+ other champs that can fight him. There are only a few that can parry the non contact hits though. We need more of them. Although, that can be overcome with intercepting.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    IKON said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    I have zero issues with Maw being total Corvus counter in single player content ...

    It is only AW that makes these encounters problematic ...

    Which is entirely easy to get past. Most people wouldn't use a Cosmic against a Mystic to begin with. Just use one of the two other Attack Champs.
    The nodes matter so much in AW that sometimes your best option is to take a champ with class disadvantage. You can't just stack your team with all bleed immunes, so when you run into a mystic on a bleed node, corvus may still be your best option.

    So you being a full health Corvus against that Maw, and do exactly 0 damage before you die.

    There is nothing wrong with hard counters to certain champs, and everything wrong with immunities.
    You can't rely on one Champ for every situation.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★

    IKON said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    I have zero issues with Maw being total Corvus counter in single player content ...

    It is only AW that makes these encounters problematic ...

    Which is entirely easy to get past. Most people wouldn't use a Cosmic against a Mystic to begin with. Just use one of the two other Attack Champs.
    The nodes matter so much in AW that sometimes your best option is to take a champ with class disadvantage. You can't just stack your team with all bleed immunes, so when you run into a mystic on a bleed node, corvus may still be your best option.

    So you being a full health Corvus against that Maw, and do exactly 0 damage before you die.

    There is nothing wrong with hard counters to certain champs, and everything wrong with immunities.
    You can't rely on one Champ for every situation.
    Which may be a good argument if you could bring 30 champs to AW, you get 3.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Solrac_2 said:

    Again, no one is against PROPER checks and balances. Having counters to Corvus is fine but no one should 100% negate another champ. That isn't balance at all.

    IKON said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    I have zero issues with Maw being total Corvus counter in single player content ...

    It is only AW that makes these encounters problematic ...

    Which is entirely easy to get past. Most people wouldn't use a Cosmic against a Mystic to begin with. Just use one of the two other Attack Champs.
    The nodes matter so much in AW that sometimes your best option is to take a champ with class disadvantage. You can't just stack your team with all bleed immunes, so when you run into a mystic on a bleed node, corvus may still be your best option.

    So you being a full health Corvus against that Maw, and do exactly 0 damage before you die.

    There is nothing wrong with hard counters to certain champs, and everything wrong with immunities.
    really, corvus is your best opion? Not OR, or iceman, or luke cage, or the plethora of other bleed immune champs that are not at disadvantage?
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