Corvus Glave & Ebony Maw is a problem

I don’t believe any one champ should be made as a complete counter to any other champ. Now, I admit I have a CG so there’s a little bit of bias, but no champ, no matter how powerful, should be completely immune to another. It would be a lot better if EM simply, for instance, changed crits to normal hits. Or he could have a miss percentage for guaranteed crits instead of 100% miss. Either option would still leave him fairly powerful, while not affecting the balance of the game. The first option might even make him more powerful. But as it is, he ignores CG entirely and I feel this affects his balance and neutralizes Corvus to far too great an extent in game.
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Introducing a champ that 100% negates a specific champ (regardless of said champ) is not proper balance. The Ebony Maw suggestions by the OP would be more balanced.
It’s kabam trying to get people to take people besides CG and Ghost to AW.
Better remove Agent Venom from the game since Void is basically unplayable against him 0.o
Actually kabam is trying to balancing the game by adding counters to all 2018 god tiers like Corvus and Ghost
So far they have added Sinister(regen on critical hits) , Nick Fury(For ghost) , Ronin(For ghost) and EM(miss critical hits).
When Knocked Down: Corvus’ blade is damaged if Corvus is Knocked Down by a Heavy or Special Attack, disabling Glaive’s Immunity for 3 seconds.
Corvus’ blade is damaged after he uses all of his Glaive charges, disabling Glaive’s Immunity for 50 seconds. Corvus cannot inflict Critical Hits while Glaive’s Immunity is disabled.
So, no crit hits means Maw can take damage?
Does it makes sense to take a heavy and then strike back during the cool down window?
You are wrong. Hard counters are stupid and will piss players off. No champ should not be able to beat any other champ automatically at the same PI. Yes, nodes/quests that make us bring other champs are great. Champs that you can’t win a fair fight because they are such a hard counter is terrible and will just make the game go downhill
Inhibits is totally fine, that’s not the problem here. Impossible is BS and I don’t like seeing the game go this direction, will just lead further to P2W. Any 2 champs at the same PI should have a chance to win, this is not the case with these two champions
A counter is fine, an auto-loss is not