Should it be easier to acquire champs in arenas?

So, the results are in from the last round of the arenas and what has caught my eyes is the rediculous score you’d have to put in for getting the featured 3 star champion (Ronin in this case). I myself have put in 1.14 million points and I’ve still landed in the 10-20% bracket, which means that to get a 3 start which you’re probably not going to use later you’d have to put in almost double the score required to get the last milestone. To me this seems rediculously much compared to the value you get for grinding the arena. My question to the community is: should arenas get a change? If so, how?
Should it be easier to acquire champs in arenas? 98 votes
- Add more milestones.
- Swap the premium hero shards for featured hero crystal shards.
- Increase the range of the rank rewards where the champion is acquired.
- add an extra milestone where you’d get a crystal of the level the arena is for (3* crystal for 3* arena, 4* crystal for 4* arena etc.)
- Increase the rewards for the milestones if the player is uncollected.
- Make the rank rewards rank the scores per region (Eu, NA, SEA etc.).
I do however think the milestone rewards are awful and could do with some 3-4* shards throwing in there, they have been phc shards for years. Very outdated
It is always nice to get newest hero (1) for reference, (2), to use for Rankup/Levelup Events, (3) in this case of Ronin to earn another Avenger for new Objectives (although dup'ing a Cap or Ironman in “Get the Stones” Quests also count).
Does not actually take much time, especially using 3* Arena Boosts which otherwise just sit around unused (have hundreds of those crystals unopened). And only need to do the new hero arena just once, not both times that week (can use the plentiful 3* Awakening Gems later, during certain Solo/Ally Events).
This week is likely an aberration due to end game players needing an avenger to rank up since those objectives are otherwise impossible for them to get, short of selling a champ.
Milestones are still weak, even after the revamp. Honestly, just skip arena if you haven't completed a ton of content and don't have a deep roster.
Also, the Lesser and Greater Solo (?) crystals give out some Arena boosts too (in addition to other stuff)
Hang onto all those crystals until you need the boosts for particular 3* Hero Arenas you are short on time for (one of the valid excuses to hoard crystals). Since once opened, they only last 3 days in Stash, just long enough for that Arena.
Every time a new champ is released, they should mail a 5* to every one.
Problem fixed.
The second round will be much easier to get him so you really can't go by the three star arena this time. many players including myself were going for him just to complete those solo events in order to get the rewards.
So, overall, I think the amount of time required to get anything useful in this game is too long. In comparison to other games, there is so grinding, and then you are still stuck with the gacha system randomizing your rewards.
Anyway, for arena, widening the champion reward percentage to about a third would feel really good, and add exclusive/valuable rewards for the top ~10% (say, awakening gems, or a ton of hero shards... maybe top 50 get the champ already awakened).
For lower tiers, maybe there could be a milestone reward for the champ, but for competitive 4 and 5 stars, it probably should remain a ranked percentage reward
At least I can get champs in other ways like through events, calendar and the random sale.