Venom the Duck Fans: What is the best combination of Buffs from the RNA bank. 10 total

I have heard a few preffered combinations on reddit. I like the combo below that took me through 100% Variant 2
1Power Gain
My VTD is only rank 3 tho so I would change this up if my health pool was bigger.
VTD players let me hear why your combo of buffs is the best! thx!
1Power Gain
My VTD is only rank 3 tho so I would change this up if my health pool was bigger.
VTD players let me hear why your combo of buffs is the best! thx!
But for aq I’ll go heavy on the regen because I can time out in aq and not worry because he’ll just regenerate his health back quickly. So 4-5 regen and 5-6 other offensive buffs I’m happy. For any map but I do map 7. My vtd is 5/65.
Typically a good mix of buffs is best. 2 of each offensive buff is usually sufficient for most regular questing content.
Constant regen xD
I think 4 Precision, 3 Fury, 2 Power Gain, and 1 regen is crazy good. I don’t have a ton of experience with him yet though.
Damage is king! Don’t overdo the regen.
What makes him beautiful is that your desired bank can be altered to suit certain paths.
3 regen
1 precision
3 power gain
I try to get what I can in fight 1 and 2 then start doubling it(won’t start this until I get a regen)
Fury, power gain and Regen are ideal.