What a great war season (9)

This will probably get closed but don't you think seeing groups in masters with r4's and unduped 6*s in their profile is a pretty good sign that match making is WAY off this season?
3 million alliance finished 41 in Gold 2.
If I was MNG, NY, or ISO8A, I'd be raising holy hell with Kabam right now.
Nothing wrong here...
We've seen that looking at prestige first and then searching down the list for next closest in prestige doesn't work.
Mine was pretty fairly matched, although we did match Ny and subsequently later on, 3 alliances that were either docked or suspected cheating. 😭
At our prestige level, 8830, you think there would be enough alliances to get closer rating matches.
My alliance prestige is around 9300 and we’ve had relatively fair matches all around.
The alliance that we matched in the 10th war of the season was rated 1779, they won and got +117 bringing them to 1896, 2 wars later and they are now 2100, that’s +321 points in 3 wars! Unheard of.
Alliance wars is supposed to be skill based. Yes top alliances have bigger rosters which give them an edge but a highly skilled alliance can overcome that. Kabam allowing lower prestige alliances to skate into master / platinum Defeats this concept. They effectively made a veteran / intermediate / beginner brackets as subsets to existing war rating brackets and are slicing the different rank rewards between them versus having different pools like arena
To recap, sounds like they ignored those 2 “bye” Win wars, and compared their score in the other 10 real wars against everyone else's 10 wars during those same days.
Not sure that means that for purposes of determining Rank position against other alliances, if those same 2 wars (was it the 1st 2 wars ?) were not counted as well (just for comparing versus MNG).
Seems like they should have just extrapolated MNG's 10 real wars up to a 12-War basis by multiplying by 1.2 (or maybe that's what they did, just didn’t describe it as such ?)
And that the 4th place Rank position of MNG, based on above, also does not affect the real 12-War 4th place alliance (or others below that). So that the real 4th, 5th, 6th, etc, etc place teams still got those position rewards, they just gave out a 4th place (extrapolated) position for MNG as well (without affecting other alliance's positions).