Is Proff Hoff’s video about Ebony Maw being a cash grab designed to counter Corv & Ghost justified?

SquishyjrThe_4THSquishyjrThe_4TH Member Posts: 2,767 ★★★★
Ok to understand this for players unknown to Ebony Maw’s ability. Guaranteed critics hits always miss unless specified. I’d like to emphasize the cash grab claim. Please be open minded since I am doing this since I want to know how the community overall could feel

Is Proff Hoff’s video about Ebony Maw being a cash grab designed to counter Corv & Ghost justified? 127 votes

DalBotRektorLazyboy89razielTimone147AjavedBrainimpacterbloodyCainSpity68VceeBigbadromoSon_of_OdinrealiTicMixkebabSolrac_2ShatteredDarkrider05AkhilxcxMixalisSavio444 60 votes
ArcDeAngelusGroundedWisdomwinterthurGamerVdh2008Captain_KandicedanielmathLeNoirFaineantMegaSkater67RaganatorxNigCrkwestChriz4061WiMakAxeCopFireStarFighter0717TerraNightCrackerKossukoseMagrailothos 67 votes


  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★

    Nothing Prof Hof says should be taken with more than a grain of salt.

    So tell us how he's wrong exactly on this one...
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★

    Nothing Prof Hof says should be taken with more than a grain of salt.

    I mean to be honest nothing that anyone on the internet says shouldn't be taken to heart without thinking it through.

    But while I can definitely understand that he believes that it is justified, it's really not that massive of a deal that he counters Corvus and Ghost... at least in my opinion.
    Corvus and Ghost aren't too hard to fight on defence (or in questing) to begin with. And Maw doesn't have enough damage to be better for fighting them compared to existing champions.
    His best use will probably be on defence. People will probably place him on the new 'completely hidden' nodes, and even then he won't guarantee kills. Compare that with... I dunno... Havok, who... well you're just dead unless you've got a Venom with an armor up or something.

    So TL;DR is that I can understand why Prof is worried about how much of a money grab Maw seems to be, but I don't think he's gonna be used enough to make it too worrying...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019
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  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    Love his channel and his offer reviews are the best, but don't think its a "cash grab" in this instance, just know then in alliance war if you come across the mystic and you're using corvus glaive , use someone else. just like Captain Marvel shouldn't fight mystics and the way Johnny Storm has a big advantage over mystics. scout ahead.
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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Why would you take corvus against a mystic champ?
    Also if you are using ghost then just use wasp for any mystics in your path or change your playstyle with ghost for just that one fight.
  • edited June 2019
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  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    edited June 2019

    But as we know Prof only cares about getting clicks

    Do you have proof of that? He's already a university professor; that's already a good source of income right there. And even if it is the case, it hasn't been working too well...
    I think the worst case scenario is that he legitimately thinks that he's justified in what he's putting out. Sure it might result in lots more videos, but hey.
    Also, if you are going to prosecute Prof Hoff on this, we do have to consider having to do so towards at least a few other MCOC Content Creators.
    Case and point; Seatin's video on why the calendar rewards should be buffed. All of his Kabam CEO and other satirical videos. LITERALLY ANY TIME HE POSTS A STREAM HIGHLIGHT VIDEO. He legitimately thinks it's content worth making into a video, but it could also be viewed as just 'oh I want views cause I'm dirt poor D:'
    Please see grounded wisdom post which says, “sensationalism” which is just trying to get attention to a topic by means of use of methods to catch the eye
    He tries to be this “alternative” for MCOC viewers which is fine until you see that he rants more than any of them, and he mainly does it for this very niche part of the community
    Plus if you see Seatins page you’ll see that he rarely does the rant style video and when he does it’s only one single video then he moves one. While proff milks issues
    Again. That can all be explained by saying that Prof legitimately thinks that each and every video he puts out is worthwhile putting out. I'm sorry, but I don't see any proof in the above post.
    I definitely have some times where I see a video Prof puts out and go 'okay I don't personally understand why you wanted to make that video', but I can't think of a time where I thought 'oh he's just putting out that video to get clicks'.

    Also I just wanted to make it clear that I don't mean any ill will towards you guys. I just think that this is a topic that's worthwhile discussing...
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  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019
    Please don't start this argument again EM is not a cash grab if he only counters like 4 champs so relax guys
  • edited June 2019
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  • Noob2435Noob2435 Member Posts: 627 ★★★
    It's funny that whenever you see proffs name mentioned you see the same people that claim to hate him, now I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't want to be talking about someone I "hate" every chance I got. Maybe "hate" isn't the right word?
  • edited June 2019
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian

    He's already a university professor; that's already a good source of income right there.

    I suppose it depends on your definition of good. Suffice to say, nobody is getting rich lecturing students at a state university.
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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★

    But as we know Prof only cares about getting clicks

    Do you have proof of that? He's already a university professor; that's already a good source of income right there. And even if it is the case, it hasn't been working too well...
    I think the worst case scenario is that he legitimately thinks that he's justified in what he's putting out. Sure it might result in lots more videos, but hey.
    Also, if you are going to prosecute Prof Hoff on this, we do have to consider having to do so towards at least a few other MCOC Content Creators.
    Case and point; Seatin's video on why the calendar rewards should be buffed. All of his Kabam CEO and other satirical videos. LITERALLY ANY TIME HE POSTS A STREAM HIGHLIGHT VIDEO. He legitimately thinks it's content worth making into a video, but it could also be viewed as just 'oh I want views cause I'm dirt poor D:'
    Difference is that seatin makes interesting and humourous vids and when the occasion asks for it he straight up admits hes selling it out or wtv. Also seatin makes it very clear whether his view is bias or objective and tries to look at things from different angles whereas prof just uses his own view point as base of argument for example asking people to boycott AW because its the most boring part of the game(even though he is a huge arena grinder) and other stupid statements written as facts but are instead anecdotal pieces such as '4 stars dont even exist in gold 2 or gold 1' which is extremely wrong if you spent more than a month in either those.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★

    You may disagree but that’s going with the willingness to ignore how bad 12.0 was plus he did not become popular because of that, it might have increased his channel memebership but it did not throw Him into the spotlight like that. I remember watching him because he was one of the only ones that did thoroughly made guides that people shared a lot. You have to admit that proff doesn’t do anything other than his grading thing and videos he gets from other people via line.

    I mean he DOES say that he wants to 'be a voice for the community' and 'help people make wise decisions with their money'. And as far as I see it (yes you can challenge this if you want), he keeps himself to those standards with his videos.
    Given, I'd probably recommend that Prof tone down on monetisation of his videos, but hey it's his channel. Just chuck on an adblocker if you're so worried about him making money from supposed 'clickbait'... then he won't make any money from you watching his videos.
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