6.2 Mister Sinister [MERGED THREADS]



  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    Drooped2 said:

    Using the term Troll is not a form of disagreeing.
    Heimdall is one way. Is he the only way?
    The progress gates have to do with progression. The Boss Fight is not really a progress gate. It's a very specific Fight that requires a specific counter.
    People keep referencing skill, but it takes skill to do. You wouldn't get to it without skill. It ALSO takes a very specific counter. Heimdall is one way.

    You are 100% wrong. It’s Heimdall or Items. Show me 1 video of someone soloing this fight without Heimdall, & what you are saying might have some merit.
    There's a fix being pushed for Regen, so I'll wait to see what comes up after that. If someone is making the point that you MUST have a Synergy to do it, I think it's a very valid question to ask if it's the ONLY way to do it. Is it, or is it just the easiest thus far?
    The fix to the healing will open up a slim amount of champs for cost wise but not sure will make it a soloable fight for many.

    The auto damage back will take most down if you cant keep a 100 percent fury(only possible with synergy to my knowledge)

    I don't think it's supposed to be done with many, I was just making the point that the Synergy is not a requirement.
    Oddly not mentioned I'm seeing high rank xbone working. Easy fury no crits so no heals and shrugs alot of the debuffs to maintain rhe fury
    I used CB to push through but still requires items. He actually works well if you can parry and get the furies right away. Once the 3 furies off the start are on i rarely got poisoned and sinister didn't get anymore shock charges. The only issue is playing aggressive which gives sinister power quickly
    My CB is only rank 3 but with no heimdall didn't have many options before the fix was announced. Rank 5 i could see doing well but unlikely to solo the fight
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019

    Using the term Troll is not a form of disagreeing.
    Heimdall is one way. Is he the only way?
    The progress gates have to do with progression. The Boss Fight is not really a progress gate. It's a very specific Fight that requires a specific counter.
    People keep referencing skill, but it takes skill to do. You wouldn't get to it without skill. It ALSO takes a very specific counter. Heimdall is one way.

    You are 100% wrong. It’s Heimdall or Items. Show me 1 video of someone soloing this fight without Heimdall, & what you are saying might have some merit.
    There's a fix being pushed for Regen, so I'll wait to see what comes up after that. If someone is making the point that you MUST have a Synergy to do it, I think it's a very valid question to ask if it's the ONLY way to do it. Is it, or is it just the easiest thus far?
    I would like to see someone solo without the Synergy, that is all. No BS. Just to see some proof that it’s possible. Because without proof, you are just talking out of your a**. A single video would prove otherwise.
    Talking about a requirement is not the same as talking about soloing it without using anything. Two totally different things. Not everything will be done without investing Revs or Pots now and then.
    Requiring someone to use items is freakin stupid. This is a fighting game, & it should be possible to actually win 1st try (although extremely difficult at times). That’s the whole point of a fighting game.
    Everyone has yet to see someone pass Sinister without Items or Heimdall, & until someone does, your statements are invalid. You are stating facts with no backup or merit. You are simply spitting out things that pop into your head 1st. Show me a solo without Heimdall, & what you say will actually make sense LMAO.
    Being able to do something first try is never a requirement. Some things take doing over, thinking of strategies, trying other options. I haven't stated any facts concerning that, other than asking the open-ended question of whether or not it's the only way. That distinction is important to make because the claim was made that you MUST have the Synergy to do the Fight, and it's not about skill, just RNG. Well, if you MUST have it, then that means there's no other way to do it. Which isn't the case if it's possible without it. As for being able to do it first go, there's never any guaratee of that. As much as people pride themselves on doing it without dying, that's not always a guarantee. That's where the challenge and strategy comes in. Otherwise, why bother making any new challenges? Just put the same thing up over and over.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019

    Using the term Troll is not a form of disagreeing.
    Heimdall is one way. Is he the only way?
    The progress gates have to do with progression. The Boss Fight is not really a progress gate. It's a very specific Fight that requires a specific counter.
    People keep referencing skill, but it takes skill to do. You wouldn't get to it without skill. It ALSO takes a very specific counter. Heimdall is one way.

    You are 100% wrong. It’s Heimdall or Items. Show me 1 video of someone soloing this fight without Heimdall, & what you are saying might have some merit.
    There's a fix being pushed for Regen, so I'll wait to see what comes up after that. If someone is making the point that you MUST have a Synergy to do it, I think it's a very valid question to ask if it's the ONLY way to do it. Is it, or is it just the easiest thus far?
    I would like to see someone solo without the Synergy, that is all. No BS. Just to see some proof that it’s possible. Because without proof, you are just talking out of your a**. A single video would prove otherwise.
    Talking about a requirement is not the same as talking about soloing it without using anything. Two totally different things. Not everything will be done without investing Revs or Pots now and then.
    Requiring someone to use items is freakin stupid. This is a fighting game, & it should be possible to actually win 1st try (although extremely difficult at times). That’s the whole point of a fighting game.
    Everyone has yet to see someone pass Sinister without Items or Heimdall, & until someone does, your statements are invalid. You are stating facts with no backup or merit. You are simply spitting out things that pop into your head 1st. Show me a solo without Heimdall, & what you say will actually make sense LMAO.
    Being able to do something first try is never a requirement. Some things take doing over, thinking of strategies, trying other options. I haven't stated any facts concerning that, other than asking the open-ended question of whether or not it's the only way. That distinction is important to make because the claim was made that you MUST have the Synergy to do the Fight, and it's not about skill, just RNG. Well, if you MUST have it, then that means there's no other way to do it. Which isn't the case if it's possible without it. As for being able to do it first go, there's never any guaratee of that. As much as people pride themselves on doing it without dying, that's not always a guarantee. That's where the challenge and strategy comes in. Otherwise, why bother making any new challenges? Just put the same thing up over and over.
    It’s Heimdall or Items. You can say all you want, but that’s what it is. I’m not even sure what you are getting at, at this point. Nobody ever said Heimdall was the only option, people are saying “Heimdall OR Items”. Requiring people to use items is a cash grab, plain & simple.
    So far, we haven't seen too many other suggestions given. Just people using their best Roster with the Fury Synergy. Also, is money the only way to get Items? I thought they were farmable throughout the game. The point was most definitely made that you MUST have Heimdall. That's what I was questioning. Where along the lines are people exempt from learning?
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  • Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    I gave up on act 6.2 n move on to varient 1 lol
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    Drooped2 said:

    You're clearly not getting what I'm saying. We should just disagree. For some reason, you think if you can't get it on the first go with whatever you want to use, it's some kind of design flaw. I don't see that as a flaw. I see that as a good challenge.

    The problem is the limited scope of the fight. Name one other fight that had such a limited counter.
    I've done lol both variants in full and cant rhink of a single fight that had such a restrictive list
    We haven't had a 6.2 yet either. Lol.
    Sigh fine next monthly I hope theres a gate requiring a 5 star diablo it's fair and balanced right? I mean it's ok to limit the champs to finish content down to such a small chunk
    When it's a permanent fixture in the storyline, and the highest to date, yes. It's not EQ.
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  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    So here’s my question and I pray it gets answered. What champion(s) did the testers use to take down Mr Sinister before rolling out this debacle?
    I’m confident none of them did or couldnt without using a copious amount of potions and boosts with the helpful synergy.
    So that’s the real question I guess. Who on earth decided this was ok to go live? It’s clearly broken and no one even picked up on it. How is that possible?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★

    So here’s my question and I pray it gets answered. What champion(s) did the testers use to take down Mr Sinister before rolling out this debacle?
    I’m confident none of them did or couldnt without using a copious amount of potions and boosts with the helpful synergy.
    So that’s the real question I guess. Who on earth decided this was ok to go live? It’s clearly broken and no one even picked up on it. How is that possible?

    Good question. There may be some suggestions in that. I know that xNig stated people are fighting the lesser version than the Beta.
  • RaiserRaiser Member Posts: 424 ★★
    Search on youtube... Now act 6.2 is easy although with specific roster. Nice kabam.. hood work, thanks beta tester
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  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 454 ★★★

    *I just realized your Name. Lol. Unintended coincidence. I just meant it's not an exclusive club. ;)

    It is now😈😂😂
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  • ÐarkŠtarÐarkŠtar Member Posts: 180
    Drooped2 said:

    What's funny is in this thread we have people saying skill should win fights.

    But.in the champion thread we have people saying that its ba cause it requires skill and you csnt unit thru it..


    Don't you need someone with ridiculously high block proficiency for champion too? So in a way that's also a cash grab although not as bad as unitman sinister
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    *I just realized your Name. Lol. Unintended coincidence. I just meant it's not an exclusive club. ;)

    It is now😈😂😂
    While obviously Cavaliers have more educated opinions, I do believe that everyone should have the right to share their thoughts on this matter. Freedom of speech, ya know what I’m saying?

    (Coming from someone who was Cavalier Day 1)
    Agreed but if people arent wvwr near the fight their opinion weighs a little less to me. Cause they have no in game to actually have an educated opinion
    So far, all I've talked about is the game in general. The reasons for progress gates, the effect of adding a new Rank plateau, the objective in making it so narrow and difficult. I choose my words fairly carefully, and don't claim experience where I don't have any. That doesn't mean I can't take part in the discussion. It also doesn't mean my points are less valid by default.
    If I had said, "When I fought him....", or "My experience was.....", or even "I think it should be nerfed..." without actually doing the Fight, I would expect people to call me on that. Albeit, not a very constructive way to discuss, but I would anticipate as much. However, I'm discussing things larger than just my experience. I've also showed everyone respect by not disputing their own experience, not just because I'm lacking, but because I respect everyone's right to offer their own experience.
    However, what we have is not a case where I'm reporting false experience. It's people trying to call me out so as to ignore the points I've made. That's just as unproductive as it comes. They don't acknowledge anything I say, and bypass any points I've made with the argument that I shouldn't be discussing it because I'm not there. I find that to be cheap.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    _ASDF_ said:

    Drooped2 said:

    I find it cheap that someone with no skin in the game so to speak is the only real defender of the content.

    But it's the same guy who tells me monthly to understand where others are coming from that cant beat (uc boss)

    If this gating to a synergy is ok then so is a 1m health super buffed UC boss. Only the top can defeat

    I haven't defended anything. I asked a simple question, is the Synergy the only way? I also don't tell you to understand anything. You have a different perspective. You want everything harder, you want people to struggle, even said so in this Thread. If that's what you feel, that's what you feel. I don't agree because I understand myself that there's more people in the game than those who can nail anything and are utterly bored.
    It's limited. It's supposed to be limited. That's what I said. Not impossible, not reliant on one thing only, just limited. If people don't like that, I don't care to argue their feelings. What I do know is it's 6.2. It's supposed to be narrow. Not the same as other content that you have a plethora of options for.
    Is synergy the only way? Yes. For the love of god... YES. It’s what we’ve all said since the beginning of this thread. Do you know of any champ that is poison immune and has a permanent non-passive fury buff? There isn’t one...
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel...
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