July 4th deals, Uncollected vs Cavalier



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★

    There's nothing to fix. It's not broken. That's the intended goal. There are different Offers for Uncollected and Cavalier. The only way to fix it is become Cavalier.

    Sometimes you have a way to say things to others that makes the 5 silver stars besides your profil name totally irrelevant.

    Players should get the same value for the same $$$....
    The Stars on my Profile are there because I've been contributing since the Forum opened, and people apparently agreed with at least some of the comments I've made. I didn't give the Points to myself.
    People should get the value of what they have access to. If they haven't put the same work in as Cavalier people, they're not entitled to what's offered to them. That's the cold, hard truth. The game has progress points that provide increased Rewards. That includes Offers. We are not entitled to the same as Cavalier if we are not in fact, Cavalier.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    First of all, he's Cavalier.
    Secondly, the value of your money is subjective. People make their own decisions on whether they spend or not. It's our own personal choice whether we feel it's worth it or not, and I don't debate someone's right to spend or not.
    What I do feel the need to clarify is that has nothing to do with what isn't available to us. They can't always offer the same thing to everyone. The game has a range of progress, and needs vary. There's also a balance to what you can give depending on the demographic. Otherwise, you'll end up offering 6*s to Level 1 Players, and that breaks a number of systems. Further to that, the perks that come with reaching the Milestones are a part of the achievement. Just the same as we received for Uncollected, and the Titles previously. It's not meant to be for all people. That's by design. Otherwise, it's not a Milestone at all.
    So people can feel free to make their own decisions based on what's available to them, but if they're basing it on what Cavalier gets, the only solution is to put the same effort in and reach it too.
  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★

    It also does not matter that you let us know ahead of time. If a player does not have the correct champs to attain cavalier status regardless of what you are doing they are still going to have to wait before they attempt it. Why did you think that giving them lower tiered item offers would help them out with this? You just created a class system within this game among the players. That's blatant discrimination. Not cool.

    there always has been a class system in this game as far as i can remember. i opened up a new f2p account recently and the offers you get on there are not the same as my main account and that's fine based on the current progress in the game. this game wouldn't be as much fun if you could get from a 2* to a 6* in a week. that's the balance Kabam has to keep overall or this game would be dead by now.
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  • KingKiahKingKiah Member Posts: 192
    Lainua said:

    You arent required to buy the offers. Its insane if the same exact deals will be offered to people who just started and guys who played for a while now.

    True that. They didn’t earn the right to buy better offers.

    Look, if tomorrow Kabam creates another title called HOLYCOW for anyone who beat 6.2 with better deals then I will accept it and be happy with what I am having than crying about it.

    Lol it’s hilarious that some of you claim about different offers.
    I have two accounts, one is cav and the other isnt yet

    I wanted the deal for my second account, having had not played enough to receive equal offers -- since they're bought with money and not units, is where people have issues.

    Also, why is it bad if new people have the same offer? If you and they get it no one is worse off
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  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Neotwism said:

    @GroundedWisdom tell me one place prior to today that it was announced Cavalier status grants you access to better cash based offers. Even looking back thru your own comments about it, you said it grants u the title and access to cavalier crystals. Nothing else was ever mentioned. Today is the first time they spring on us a difference between uncollected and cavalier in a cash based deal. Its not hard to understand why ppl are upset. A little transparency from Kabam informing everyone ahead of time would have at least gave ppl a chance before todays deals dropped to earn the title if they wanted.

    Kabam did mention it more than once. Use the search button if it means that much to you.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Neotwism said:

    @GroundedWisdom tell me one place prior to today that it was announced Cavalier status grants you access to better cash based offers. Even looking back thru your own comments about it, you said it grants u the title and access to cavalier crystals. Nothing else was ever mentioned. Today is the first time they spring on us a difference between uncollected and cavalier in a cash based deal. Its not hard to understand why ppl are upset. A little transparency from Kabam informing everyone ahead of time would have at least gave ppl a chance before todays deals dropped to earn the title if they wanted.

    Nothing about any of the Offers was mentioned before today. They don't announce them beforehand.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    edited July 2019

    Felganos said:

    I completely agree and I'm cavalier. Money deals should be the same across the board. Kabam messed up wit this one.

    Kabam does still have time to fix this, the question is if they will be willing to admit to their mistake (which would actually make them more money), or if they will stand by their decision, angering the community to a huge extent
    The reasoning behind this split is to offer more Level appropriate Deals and Offers to Summoners. We mentioned that this kind of stuff would be happening when we introduced these Tiers.

    They are designed to allow us to make different Rewards available in different Content for players Progression levels.
    Well the unit deals are a bit unfair. 1000 units should buy the same exact deal. My other account isn't at the same point my main one is, but 1000 units for less t4c, less 5* shards and so on makes zero sense. Why would I spend the units if Iknow there were better deals offered to others?

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    crogs said:

    Felganos said:

    I completely agree and I'm cavalier. Money deals should be the same across the board. Kabam messed up wit this one.

    Kabam does still have time to fix this, the question is if they will be willing to admit to their mistake (which would actually make them more money), or if they will stand by their decision, angering the community to a huge extent
    The reasoning behind this split is to offer more Level appropriate Deals and Offers to Summoners. We mentioned that this kind of stuff would be happening when we introduced these Tiers.

    They are designed to allow us to make different Rewards available in different Content for players Progression levels.
    Well the unit deals are a bit unfair. 1000 units should buy the same exact deal. My other account isn't at the same point my main one is, but 1000 units for less t4c, less 5* shards and so on makes zero sense. Why would I spend the units if Iknow there were better deals offered to others?
    Why you would spend is up to you. The better deals however, are not offered to others in the same pay grade. Different points of progress, different Offers. The game is the same. There are different Rewards for different levels of progress.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Same way Cavaliers have access to 6*s for the same price that UC has access to 5*s.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    @GroundedWisdom im talking about when has kabam ever said gaining cavalier status will grant u better deals on cash based offers in general. I know they dont announce specific deals ahead of time. This isnt my first day playing the game. They never mentioned this as a perk for being at a certain level in the game. To suddenly toss it in without giving anyone notice isnt right.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Neotwism said:

    @GroundedWisdom im talking about when has kabam ever said gaining cavalier status will grant u better deals on cash based offers in general. I know they dont announce specific deals ahead of time. This isnt my first day playing the game. They never mentioned this as a perk for being at a certain level in the game. To suddenly toss it in without giving anyone notice isnt right.

    This isn't new. We know that increased Rewards and access to special Offers comes with reaching new Milestones. It may not be your first day playing, but it isn't anything new in the game either. There have always been Offers that vary and aren't for every demographic. I'm going to be blunt here because I can't find any more eloquent ways of putting it. People are upset about what they can't have. If they're not at that level, it isn't for them.
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    An uncollected player who spends nothing gets the same deal as a cavalier player who spends nothing. There’s your equality.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    Yall make this sound like it's new phc have lower cost as you progeess.
    3 star Crystal's are still 400 units
    Or cavalier can buy 200 units for a 3 4 or 5

    Well put.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    The argument is these are cash based deals. Not units u can earn for free and not rewards u earn from completing certain content. I have no problem with a level 1 player earning 6* shards. They arent available in most of the offers and rewards at that level so it will be a long time before they have a complete crystal. Cash should be equal no matter who spends it. Alot of the uncollected players wouldnt be as upset if the offers for UC were better. The odin offer gets less than it did last year. How is that fair? I know, if u dont like it dont buy it. That just pushes you farther behind teammates who may spend or just became cavalier resulting into more problems for alliances. A little advanced warning that cavalier status gets better CASH based offers would have helped resolve alot of these problems.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Neotwism said:

    The argument is these are cash based deals. Not units u can earn for free and not rewards u earn from completing certain content. I have no problem with a level 1 player earning 6* shards. They arent available in most of the offers and rewards at that level so it will be a long time before they have a complete crystal. Cash should be equal no matter who spends it. Alot of the uncollected players wouldnt be as upset if the offers for UC were better. The odin offer gets less than it did last year. How is that fair? I know, if u dont like it dont buy it. That just pushes you farther behind teammates who may spend or just became cavalier resulting into more problems for alliances. A little advanced warning that cavalier status gets better CASH based offers would have helped resolve alot of these problems.

    Cash has nothing to do with it, and money can't buy access to Cavalier Offers without completing the Cavalier content. Money allows access to what Kabam allows, and in this instance, the Offer is not accessible to anyone under the Cavalier level.
  • antazorantazor Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2019

    The reasoning behind this split is to offer more Level appropriate Deals and Offers to Summoners. We mentioned that this kind of stuff would be happening when we introduced these Tiers.

    They are designed to allow us to make different Rewards available in different Content for players Progression levels.

    @Kabam Miike level appropriate deals and offers?! Sorry, nothing about your statement is appropriate. These unit offerings are showing how little Kabam cares about the player base and more about how much money they can squeeze out per transaction. Tiers should be rewarding when completing content and not for unit offerings. It makes the player base across the board unbalanced and doesn't help those who are trying to get to the next level.

    Furthermore, these offerings wouldn't really impact the state of the game due to the terrible RNG that plagues most players. I could count the number of times I've rolled on an irrelevant champion that can't help me progress through harder content.

    Here's an idea. Reduce the cost of your so-called 'level appropriate deals and offers' and actually, have a balanced and affordable sale for all players. If you can give out 5k shards for free, what's stopping you from reducing unit costs?
    Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
  • edited July 2019
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  • antazorantazor Member Posts: 4

    The reasoning behind this split is to offer more Level appropriate Deals and Offers to Summoners. We mentioned that this kind of stuff would be happening when we introduced these Tiers.

    They are designed to allow us to make different Rewards available in different Content for players Progression levels.

    @Kabam Miike level appropriate deals and offers?! Sorry, nothing about your statement is appropriate. These unit offerings are showing how little Kabam cares about the player base and more about how much money can be squeezed per transactions. Tiers should be rewarding when completing content and not for 'level appropriate unit offerings'. It makes the player base unbalanced and doesn't help those who are trying to get to the next level.

    Furthermore, these offerings wouldn't really impact the state of the game due to the terrible RNG that plagues most players. I could count the number of times I've rolled on an irrelevant champion that can't help me progress through harder content.

    Here's an idea. Reduce the cost of your so-called 'level appropriate deals and offers' and actually have a balanced and affordable sales to all players. If you can give out 5k five-star shards for free, what's stopping you from reducing unit costs?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    antazor said:

    The reasoning behind this split is to offer more Level appropriate Deals and Offers to Summoners. We mentioned that this kind of stuff would be happening when we introduced these Tiers.

    They are designed to allow us to make different Rewards available in different Content for players Progression levels.

    @Kabam Miike level appropriate deals and offers?! Sorry, nothing about your statement is appropriate. These unit offerings are showing how little Kabam cares about the player base and more about how much money can be squeezed per transactions. Tiers should be rewarding when completing content and not for 'level appropriate unit offerings'. It makes the player base unbalanced and doesn't help those who are trying to get to the next level.

    Furthermore, these offerings wouldn't really impact the state of the game due to the terrible RNG that plagues most players. I could count the number of times I've rolled on an irrelevant champion that can't help me progress through harder content.

    Here's an idea. Reduce the cost of your so-called 'level appropriate deals and offers' and actually have a balanced and affordable sales to all players. If you can give out 5k five-star shards for free, what's stopping you from reducing unit costs?

    Not all Players received Shards. Those Gifts were appropriate to levels of progress as well.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★

    Clearing Uncollected and clearing Cavalier are 2 very different things. I can't believe how all of you are whining about this, if you clear harder content than someone else, you should have the opportunity to spend and gain an advantage over the person that hasn't cleared that content (yet).

    You're all the same people that are saying "Wahhh we need the Daily Login Calandar buffed for Uncollected and Cavalier players", that thing the difference between UC/CAV deals are unfair. It's sad. How about all the Level 10 players get some 6* Shards, too? They aren't Uncollected, haven't beaten the Collector like you have, and haven't earned the right to gain a 6* like you have, but surely they should gain the same rewards, right? That sounds fair. LMAO!

    Honestly it's a slap in the face when someone at a much lower progression point than you gets the same rewards, it's insulting.

    I'll mention this again, I saw a newly Uncollected Summoner purchase the Namor Cavalier bundle, bear in mind this player ISN'T Cavalier, he pulled a 6* Namor. Is that fair to all the people who have beaten the content? No. He hasn't become Cavalier, yet he has access to those offers? LOL!

    And then there's you lot, who assumed that the offers for Uncollected and Cavalier would be the same, so you put off the Act 6.1 content, seriously?

    Are you all that entitled? I'm disappointed.

    Lol it’s you who sound’s entitled champ!
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