Which two bad champs would you combine to make great-but-no-broken champ?

Daredevil (classic) + Iron Fist = DareFist?
* Attributes from Daredevil (classic)
- awakened ability to evade projectiles
- health-pool
- block proficiency
- perfect block chance
- stun debuff
- special 2 animation
* Attributes from Iron Fist
- armor break
- base crit rating
- base attack damage
- heavy attack animation
- heavy attack nullifying precision
- special 1 animation
- class (mystic)
* Attributes taken away
- crit rate increase through special
- heavy attack nullifying cruelty
- power gain synergies
- crit rate synergies (except "standard" ones)
- perfect block chance synergies
* Attributes from both
- Special 3 animation combined
- Daredevil costume with Iron Fist's glowing fists
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* Attributes from Daredevil (classic)
- awakened ability to evade projectiles
- health-pool
- block proficiency
- perfect block chance
- stun debuff
- special 2 animation
* Attributes from Iron Fist
- armor break
- base crit rating
- base attack damage
- heavy attack animation
- heavy attack nullifying precision
- special 1 animation
- class (mystic)
* Attributes taken away
- crit rate increase through special
- heavy attack nullifying cruelty
- power gain synergies
- crit rate synergies (except "standard" ones)
- perfect block chance synergies
* Attributes from both
- Special 3 animation combined
- Daredevil costume with Iron Fist's glowing fists
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King Groot + Phoenix = King Groenix.
King Groot stats and specials, plus all Phoenix Force-related abilities.
You can select which champions ability you want to use in that fight by that new pre fight mechanic.
So I'll try to one up you guys with a Max Sig Ant-Man + Electro. Glancing + Damage back + large health pool = defensive beast
Cullno, basically rhino that inflicts massive stackable armour breaks from his unstoppable dash attack
Armor breaks on hits with own stackable furies.
Armour breaks, true strike and guaranteed crits.
maws animation of specials and heavy, power drain + karnaks guaranteed crits and resistances to have decent block
Combining two horrible champs (KK and Colossus) to make the ultimate meme champ
Colossus + Hulkbuster ---> ultimate armour up champion.
Combine all abilities of Colossus and Huklbuster, then give him the ability from the OR synergy.
-AoU Ultron and OG Vision( All Utilities)
-White Queen and Karnak ( Higher Crit and damage)
-Nightcrawler and Quake(More Evasion for Quake)
-Cyclops and Killmonger (Armour and true strike)
-Stark Spidey, Iron Man IF ( Higher armour, damage and utilities)
Soul imprisonment effect while degeneration or 6 or more deterioration passives are on the opponent. (Has no effect on fury, precision and cruelty)
Degeneration lasts longer but is dependent on proximity (like aura of incineration).
when dropping below 20% health for the first time in the fight, convert up to 10 deterioration passives into health, gaining 5% per passive converted.
Mephisto signature ability, inflicting degen when hit
Sp3 only drains two bars of power, but first time activates an infinite passive
Mephisto attack rating
magnetise him self 40% of the time reducing his ability accuracy by 40% ,
Sp1 is Spiderman's first 3 webshots, then NCs bamf in attacking the enemy with his sp1 end slash.
Sp2 is NCs first slash of sp2, then when bamfing he appears with Spidermans sp2 to the face of the enemy.
Dunno about sp3. Can't think of a good combo.
Basic attacks can stack armor break and bleed. Can recieve precision and fury from these attacks. Sp1 n sp2s consume one of these each to become unblockable.
Evade chance is a flat 35%, increased by 1,5 % for each sp1 thrown up to a max of 75% evasion. Unable to evade when stunned or dashing into a enemy (Ie he can't evade when dashing against you)
Has a Regen on sp1, healing 5% for the final sword attack, and this bypasses healblock entirely.
Sp3s consume all Furys and precision but gives Night-Man Spidergwens physical damage burst mode, but he can't gain any Regen , fury or precision in this mode which lasts 35 seconds.
When below 10% health Night-Man is stun immune but takes 25% more damage if you intercept him.