Delayed calendar again?



  • DaJiveTurkeyDaJiveTurkey Member Posts: 73
    Hey i still dont have access to the calendar. Username DaJiveTurkey.
  • hmdemerahmdemera Member Posts: 78
    IGN: hmdemera

    Last day of rewards from Sinister labs grayed out. I updated when patch became available in Google Play.
  • SunnyL7SunnyL7 Member Posts: 1
    I also have the last day greyed out saying missed, downloaded the update when it went live on iOS.

    IGN: SunnyL7
  • josemourizkyjosemourizky Member Posts: 15

    Hey everyone -

    For those of you still having a delayed calendar, can we get you to confirm your in-game usernames for us please? Thank you in advance!

    IGN: josemourizky
  • LuxoneoLuxoneo Member Posts: 8
    IGN: Luxoneo

    The same problem. I am on Iphone 7 plus. Missing day 28. And i log in every day and stay in game for 20 hour a day.
  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★

    Hey everyone -

    For those of you still having a delayed calendar, can we get you to confirm your in-game usernames for us please? Thank you in advance!

    I have 2 accounts both were delayed and showing that I missed a day and I haven't

    Main account Haunted stories

    2nd account Jedi six
  • Jack_OHaraJack_OHara Member Posts: 92
    Missing the last day too.

    IGN: Jack OHara
  • FlamemikeFlamemike Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2019
    My IGN: Micdan
    This isn't really fair to miss out on 250 5 star shards.
  • FlamemikeFlamemike Member Posts: 2
    IGN: Micdan
    Haven't got the calendar yet
  • Pit_JPit_J Member Posts: 10

    Thanks, everyone!

    Give it a bit. It looks like things are running find and y'all should still be getting this accordingly. If you don't see them by end of day tomorrow, let us know!

    I too now have the Sinister Labs calendar a day late and am going to lose out on 250 5 star shards, for missing a day which I did not. I was in the arena most of the day and then unwittingly went to the home screen when the calendars refreshed, and before realising the new update was live. This can be seen by the fact all the other calendars are correct with no missing days (the following screenshot was taken soon after updating and realising the missing calendar)

    Is there any possibility of a grace day or an in-game correction to the Sinister Labs calendar? I feel missing a day from a technicality like playing too much to realise an update is out isn’t really fair.

    On that note, is it also possible to get an in-game message when updates go live for those who are unable to keep track of the forums especially when new calendars like this need us to update immediately. We got a message about the new monthly event and Sinister Labs with details including the calendar the day after, but a message as soon as the new update is out would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks.

    IGN: Pit-J
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    Ign- Addyosamigos. Same as others; last day is greyed out and I updated the game before the new EQ started.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,804 Guardian
    Need to change so that the Starting Day for new Calendars always begins on the next “evening” after you actually have Updated the game. It should not be dependent upon you being capable of downloading Updates to your device the very same day they become available.

    Then there wouldn’t be the need for extra “Grace” days to make up for missed beginnings. You should still have the full 31 days (or 7 days, or whatever calendar it is) available starting with the first day after you apply the Update, and should be allowed to fully earn ALL days so long as you login every day once you have that Update. Ie, there should not be a HARD CUT-OFF Ending time that would cause people who login several times a day to potentially miss any days just because of when they can download the new Update each month.

    If that means that sometimes a person would have “overlapping” Calendars for a day or two some months, so be it (it is still just getting the max allowed rewards for logging in every day).
  • rafius_kantunrafius_kantun Member Posts: 30
    I don't believe this was a OS specific problem. I say that, because I have one device that runs 2 accounts. My "alt" account got the calendar, my "main" account did not.

    That being said, my main account got the calendar last night, finally, but like a lot of others here, I'm stuck missing out on the last day.
  • IGN:LuckyMan.
    I have 3 calendar
  • SiddhantSiddhant Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2019
    IGN: cap. siddhant
    Same issue for delayed calender and will miss last day (250 5* shards)
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    As mentioned last night, I'm looking into this! Thank you all for the patience.
  • thomasonendorthomasonendor Member Posts: 1
    IGN: thomasonendor
  • ZrailuZrailu Member Posts: 2
    IGN: Zrailu

    I don't even have the sinister calendar. My phone is updated & the game is updated.

  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Are ppl opening tickets about this or waiting for a response here first?
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    IGN: Wayntos already missed a day just got calendar today
  • EbbtideEbbtide Member Posts: 292 ★★
    Like others, I cannot get the last day of the Sinister Calendar.

    IGN: Ebbtide
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Neotwism said:

    Are ppl opening tickets about this or waiting for a response here first?

    This is literally a global problem, so i hope they solve this for all of us.
    I only open a ticket when they say so or the next 2 weeks nothing happens here.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    @Cassy i have only opened a ticket a couple of times over the years myself. That's why i wasnt sure what to do in a situation like this. I dont want to open a ticket and waste their time if it's not necessary. Thats why i was curious what other ppl were doing. Thanks for the reply!
  • The_Stig9684The_Stig9684 Member Posts: 42

    As mentioned last night, I'm looking into this! Thank you all for the patience.

    The issue has been corrected, thank you very much for your diligence!
  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282
    Happened to me too
    Username is Brice Miester
  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282

    Happened to me too
    Username is Brice Miester

    I know because I have 3 other running calendars and they all work fine
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★

    Happened to me too
    Username is Brice Miester

    I know because I have 3 other running calendars and they all work fine
    4 accounts? :o
  • XanthiaXanthia Member Posts: 1
    I missed 1 day too somehow.
    IGN: xanthia
  • KingGrimlokKingGrimlok Member Posts: 13
    My IGN is FulmetalGrimlok
  • asgardtrollasgardtroll Member Posts: 9
    Same here.
    IGN: asgardtroll
This discussion has been closed.