She-Hulk Heavy Speed Bug Fix [Title Edited for Clarity]



  • HfchangHfchang Member Posts: 186
    edited August 2019
    Everyone here needs to calm down. I rank 4’d my she hulk and play her without the heavy ending combo... I can smash every 5/65 Hyperion, NC, and juggs I find in war no problem. Aspect of war nodes included. She’s fine, just less powerful. If this was the original intention... what good is complaining? I’m sure you’ll cope just fine...
  • Reverend_RuckusReverend_Ruckus Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    I don’t have SheHulk at at a high rank but I feel for everyone who did rank her up because this is BS. This is just like 12.0 when they nerfed the others. It’s not fair to the community and the amount of resources they have used on SH. Probably won’t spend here anymore.
  • RonldRonld Member Posts: 4
    Changes like this will make a lot a people quit and they should.

    Solid points here. You guys knew what was going on. No mention of it to the player base. You allowed people to use resources to rank up a champ for months and then without warning hide a major fix in your patch notes. Really grimy grimy move.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
  • RonldRonld Member Posts: 4

    I do not post about much, but this one has got me feeling the color of red hulk.
    ALLOW me to rank down, because part of the 500!! that I spent just this month has been to rank up my she-hulk, for this "ability" ONLY.. Now I wont be able to is fine, just give me back what I thought I was getting. Thanks.
    Incase you think we just talk the talk Kabam... Let me save you time and show my aug. kabam spending. Its not some whalers money, but for me, its a decent amount that I work hard for, and feel crapped on when something like this happens.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
  • Tireck20Tireck20 Member Posts: 29

    Hey everybody,

    We’re sorry that this update came as a surprise. The Ability to chain into a Heavy Attack from a combo is not one that is intended for any Champion, and we have never advertised it as one (except for Wasp, who has a built in short Passive stun to ensure that she is able to do it). No Champion should be able to Combo into a Heavy attack with 100% reliability, unless explicitly stated in their Ability description.

    This was not something that was listed as an ability or an exception for She-Hulk. She was not built, tuned, or tested, around this unintended interaction. This was identified as an issue and resolved.

    We apologize for the confusion caused by this interaction.

    "this update came as a surprise" always a nerf or changes of the champions "are a surprise", they never notify about the changes they make to the champions, they only make them and the players must report so that everyone knows what happened.

    You must be honest with everyone and let them know that they are going to make the change, not do it and then say that this or that was not expected.
    They always change something and never talk about it,, like nightcrawler and change his fight mode, like centinel when SA1 cant be countered after finisht it, and after that you remove the change of him,
    Always is the same...
  • jnikolas92jnikolas92 Member Posts: 192 ★★★
    Sorry crew, @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra

    but the answers/interactions/reasons given so far don't address the following things regarding how She Hulk is being treated. and honestly at this point, i'm desperate for answers. I struggle to understand where y'all are coming from on this.

    - There are other champions in the game who can chain a heavy onto a 4 hit combo. Why is She Hulk the only one being "fixed"?

    - There was ZERO indication that She Hulk's game play was bugged or non-intended since her buff was implemented. There have been many discussions, videos and threads on the Kabam forums that talked about She Hulk being a counter for X fight, or for X quest. Not once did a Kabam Mod/Admin indicate that her current gameplay was non-intended or a bug. Youtube videos from popular content creators over the last few months have highlighted She Hulk, and not once were we made aware that any part of her gameplay was non-intended or a bug.

    - Your Summoner Showdown introductions highlighted that a Rank 2 She Hulk was used to defeat the Champion boss in 6.2. This indicates that the game team was aware that She Hulk's gameplay had an "unintended" aspect to it. YET...nothing was announced or passed on to us summoners. Not only does this confirm that the game team was aware of the "issue", it confirms that She Hulk was advertised to us followers as an extremely rankable champ.
    In between this time period...I took my 5* She Hulk to Rank 5 with the following in mind:

    1. Content Creators (some official CCP members) highlighted She Hulk as a Rank 5 worthy champion

    2. Nothing in the forums had indicated that She Hulk was not working as intended

    3. The game team clearly knew that She Hulks current gameplay existed, and didn't warn/indicate summoners otherwise

    With these 3 factors in mind, we used RARE and VALUABLE game resources on She Hulk.

    - Given that we were not made aware that any part of She Hulk's game play was unintended, rank up resources were made on a champion whose function is being changed. To quote a Kabam Game Team member from the forums:
    "Rank Down tickets are only for when a character is adjusted to no longer perform the way they once did"

    Since NO indication was made to us by the Game Team that She Hulk wasn't functioning as intended, and we know that there was plenty of opportunity to warn summoners seems only fair that She Hulk be ranked down in this scenario.

    It simply isn't our fault or our control that communication and intention by the Game Team wasn't adequate in this situation. By not allowing us to move forward with the lost/burned resources, you're telling us that we are always at the mercy of poor communication/intention by the game team.

    As stated above...the actions and non-actions by the Game Team lead me to understand that there was NOTHING wrong with She Hulk's gameplay. Since there was no indication that She Hulk was bugged or not working as intended WHEN THERE WAS PLENTY OF OPPORTUNITY TO TELL US OTHERWISE, I struggle to understand why I should be punished (by wasting resources on a changed champion) when I did nothing wrong.

  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    There is a thread of this going already. Post it in that.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    You can use all the capital letters you want, but it doesn't change that fact that she was a cheese and needed fixed.
  • jnikolas92jnikolas92 Member Posts: 192 ★★★
    Shrimkins said:

    You can use all the capital letters you want, but it doesn't change that fact that she was a cheese and needed fixed.

    agreed. don't find anything wrong with that. the reasoning makes sense!
    but i'm talking about the way its been handled.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    TRONG94 said:

    Stop acting selfish GW, you don't have a high rank SH. Many ppl even ranked 5 her. Let them fight for their time and money spent for all thosere sources, dear friend.
    And little as you understand the things being discussed, as you compared SH with GP and said they had same mechanics, you just love to join crowded threads to show your blunt arguments. After your deficiency of knowledge is being pointed out, you talk about company management, lol. Good job.

    You're right. I don't. I've had her a while and she sat in my Roster. I just Duped her recently. In fact, I just posted asking what benefits she has not too long before this. I wasn't aware that people were Ranking her in drones to use on The Champion.
    I didn't say they had the same mechanics. I said they were the same type of situation. Both cases involved Champs that did something which created an Easy Street that wasn't intended. You could compare Shulk more to Drax, especially since it was never part of how she was supposed to operate, but my point is missed either way. If there's a situation that wasn't intended which makes content much easier than they had in mind for content, it will most likely be fixed. GP was a direct loophole, Drax was a framerate issue, AA was never really meant to bypass Immunity, and I'm not even going to entertain SS. Nothing was changed at all. I'm not being selfish. Quite the opposite.
  • edited August 2019
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  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    DrZola said:

    Hey everybody,

    We’re sorry that this update came as a surprise. The Ability to chain into a Heavy Attack from a combo is not one that is intended for any Champion, and we have never advertised it as one (except for Wasp, who has a built in short Passive stun to ensure that she is able to do it). No Champion should be able to Combo into a Heavy attack with 100% reliability, unless explicitly stated in their Ability description.

    This was not something that was listed as an ability or an exception for She-Hulk. She was not built, tuned, or tested, around this unintended interaction. This was identified as an issue and resolved.

    We apologize for the confusion caused by this interaction.

    Honestly, people should get more than an apology here, Miike.

    This was a specific mechanic known throughout the community for a while and a significant attribute of the champ. You guys need to be more attuned to what is happening in game and make “fixes” like this out of the gate, not months later.

    I dodged this bullet and used mine at R3 for 6.2 content. But anyone who used their hard-to-get materials on her should get them back and then some.

    Dr. Zola
    How do you fix something you dont know is broken, that does not make any sense.
    The majority of the community have known about it for months and years but the developers of the game don't?!
    This opens up a whole another can of worms.
    It's the developers job, their literal JOB to know what's happening in their game. Specially when something is common knowledge throughout the player base for years.

    Them saying, omg, we didn't know about that for years, honestly sounds really careless for them.
    Years....3 years this has been a known function for She-Hulk and Old Man Logan
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    3 years, people didn't care about it because there wasn't content to be bypassed with it.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    3 years, people didn't care about it because there wasn't content to be bypassed with it.

    How does that make this ok then? If it has been known for years but they are only doing it now because there is content to clear, then this still means a bug was let live for years and molded the playstyle of this champ.
  • jnikolas92jnikolas92 Member Posts: 192 ★★★
    I'd like to add that generic apologies for the situation do nothing for us. you've said that compensation is about rectifying the situation. we're still looking for answers with how this is being handled.
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    What really gets me with this, is how has she worked like this since she was released, then updated and went through all the beta testing also has been out for all these months after beta and now this is considered a bug? No way is that possible
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Zuko_ILC said:

    3 years, people didn't care about it because there wasn't content to be bypassed with it.

    Thank you for confirming that this was a function for 3 years, and you are incorrect I used her and old man logan for a lot of content with this function. I bypassed a lot of content with those two champs for almost a year even though people thought they were terrible.
    It wasn't a function. It existed for some time. Same with Drax. You're filling in blanks in my statement.
  • Agentk24Agentk24 Member Posts: 22
    Lormif said:

    She hulk is still able to beat the champion and is still a rank 5 worthy champ.

    Show me a kill without a 5:65 one then because anylower will die from block damage if you want to get your slow debuff applied
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