She-Hulk Heavy Speed Bug Fix [Title Edited for Clarity]

This is absolutely terrible. People ranked her for that reason only. She had a unique ability that’s absolutely not op, but of course Kabam has to nerf her...
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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She-Hulk: Fixed an issue where she could Combo into a Heavy Attack.
Also the part about Fate Seal removing permanent buffs means that Mephisto , Ghost Rider and maybe other's will not work anymore against Rogue in Variant 3. This interaction is in the game for years now (people used to do it against Maestro in act 4), and now it's going away as well.
this is not a nerf, it is a bug fix.
I DO understand that the white knights will all come here and say this was a YEARS old "bug" that is being fixed, but time and time again we have seen these changes happen to the detriment of the summoners (GP, NC, and now SheHulk).
Anyway, no matter what we say, Kabam is not going to change this. Just another line in the long list of disappointments.
Also you have no clue how simple this fix was or what priority it was.
More than likely it was made accidentally such that some peoples timing was off, they then reported that it was no longer working and Kabam went, "wait it was never supposed to work int he first place" and fixed it. That is how the NC fix happened as well.
It is pretty well known that you it is not intended for you to be able to combo into a heavy without some sort of parry still involved.
There have actually been lots of it in bugs.