Monthly Calender Champ

Quick and Simple, every month there is a Random Champ thrown into the Calender for Players to obtain. I'm thinking after you gain title of conqueror your gifted a 4* Version of that Champ on that day. Its once a month and conqueror is no walk in the park, if you have obtained conqueror you've put some time and money into the game I dont think it would hurt Kabam too much to show a little appreciation once a month. Not to mention I don't know a single person who has pulled a 4* from that offer, would be nice to know it can be done if there is anyone here who has speak up.
Monthly Calender Champ 42 votes
I think the 4-star version should be for people who have completed either act 4 or beaten the Collector.
also I'd love to see Kabam add a 2-star exclusive version of those login champs to the final day of the monthly calendars (so 2-star exclusive, awakening gem and keep the 5-star shards too)
If I remember correctly I think Act 2 is Contender
Nothing: 2-3 star
Contender: 3 star
Proven: 3-4 star
Conqueror: 4 star
Uncollected: 4-5 star
But if we're asking I'd always choose the better option.