6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Supaflyazn wrote: »
    My suggestion is this, since 6*s are so hard to get and exclusive, why not make the initial batch of 6*'s all Featured champs that you can't get as 5*'s already. Make these champs desirable, such as make a 6* Scarlet Witch that handles and feels like her old 4* glorious self. She wouldn't make the community that has her create any "unbalance" to the game, because 6*'s are so hard to get in the first place... create the 6* version of these champs the same as the pre-nerfed 4* version, but with unique 6* abilities.

    I agree with Dr. Zola, in that if you are going to make an announcement of 6* progression, at least give us desirable champs, worth our resources and countless hours of blood, sweat and tears!!!
    They couldn't do it because they've stated many times "every champ is worthy in someway and some uses" but doing it they would confirm every was bs and actually it was true many champs sucks.

    Another reason is because the new tier is for stop the top players, stop them to beat almost every content with no problem. If they give to them those god champs in 6* they would be hitting themself and killing the new tier scheme for nothing.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Kabam please put nice champs as the first batch of 6 stars.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    Supaflyazn wrote: »
    My suggestion is this, since 6*s are so hard to get and exclusive, why not make the initial batch of 6*'s all Featured champs that you can't get as 5*'s already. Make these champs desirable, such as make a 6* Scarlet Witch that handles and feels like her old 4* glorious self. She wouldn't make the community that has her create any "unbalance" to the game, because 6*'s are so hard to get in the first place... create the 6* version of these champs the same as the pre-nerfed 4* version, but with unique 6* abilities.

    I agree with Dr. Zola, in that if you are going to make an announcement of 6* progression, at least give us desirable champs, worth our resources and countless hours of blood, sweat and tears!!!
    They couldn't do it because they've stated many times "every champ is worthy in someway and some uses" but doing it they would confirm every was bs and actually it was true many champs sucks.

    Another reason is because the new tier is for stop the top players, stop them to beat almost every content with no problem. If they give to them those god champs in 6* they would be hitting themself and killing the new tier scheme for nothing.


    And after they state things like that, they wonder why we doubt that they ever play the game. Always makes me remember that NYCC video with the game team "playing" the new champs...

    Dr. Zola
  • DrFreakyDrFreaky Member Posts: 30
    You could starting taking out the 2* from PHC, So we can get more 3* duped or 4* duped to increase our 5* shards.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    If they shift our rosters back a step, they should shift 5* and 6* acquisition and rank up a step forward too to balance it out. They won't do this as much as they should so we'll be losing out, but even if they did, what's the point of playing a zero-sum game?

    If it takes the same amount of screen taps and hard work to rank up the next generation of champs so we can fight against the next generation of content, what's the point if it all balances out? Aren't we just running on a treadmill?

    There's never a chance to get ahead in this game. We keep doing the same stuff again and again and again. Doesn't matter if we're playing with 2*s or 6*s, the game is identical at every level and our work means nothing.
  • EBG78EBG78 Member Posts: 135 ★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Knowing this why would anyone waste t5b or t2a now? You know they will be the lower rank needed materials

    This is why we're telling you all so far out. This will let you make informed decisions when deciding on which Champions to invest your time and resources into!

    Here is one thing I think the game team fails to think about: often times rankups are necessary for prestige. You have made this game very prestige-driven. So waiting for a decent duped champion can be difficult. Waiting for a duped champ with good prestige, usually a featured champ, even more so. Many people have been forced to rank champs (5* to rank 4) simply because they were awakened. Some people don't get a duplicate 5* until they've already gotten 10 different 5*'s. In order to stay competitive they are forced to rank any awakened champ they have simply because it helps with their alliance's prestige. So while you say they can "make informed decisions", sometimes it's not that simple.
  • TwistedEnigma17TwistedEnigma17 Member Posts: 69
    With the release or the 6* champs are we going to see 5* versions of the unobtainable champs you said you weren't going to release? Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Dr. Strange for example?
  • Scott12Scott12 Member Posts: 1
  • Randomness_Randomness_ Member Posts: 17
    You can't even fix bugs and you're think of this... sigh
    Yeah so we are gonna be paying 300 units on a grandmaster crystal with a 1% chance of a 4 or 5* and a 99% chance of a 3 star that's awesome
  • sunilcultsunilcult Member Posts: 4
    Well I love to see 6 stars but before announcing 6* I wanted to see rank 5 5* possible
  • DC_is_better17DC_is_better17 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2017
    Funny how they hear the fanbase pleading for no 6 stars yet they don't care. This time I'm not sure the competitive community will end up surviving. At least not entirely. People will quit, divide, take a break, etc. This change to the game will be remembered as mcocs death sentence to themselves. And yes kabam moderator I have read all the announcement and do know it's not till 2018. So don't tell me like everyone else to go back and read acting like I have a misinformed opinionated response... Well guess what? We as a community together don't want them to come Until late late 2018 if at all.
  • my_name_jeff_2my_name_jeff_2 Member Posts: 9
    It may seem a bit early to most but one plus to releasing them are with these comments I've been reading kabam is getting a ton of good ideas to make the release more appeasing. I see a lot of good ideas like adding a special tier to unlock on 4* champs as to not make them obsolete with the release of 6*champs. I personally think this change will stimulate other areas of the game and make it more appealing for most. Yes there will be complaints and people saying they want to quit but let's not forget why we're here, to have fun play hard and win.
  • BigspankBigspank Member Posts: 10
    So true
  • BigspankBigspank Member Posts: 10
    Honestly I've been playing for years it's time to quit soon...6*?..
    We can't max 5s
    Barely get4s
    5* dupes? Nope.. Can't even dupe my 4s
  • DK1109DK1109 Member Posts: 10
    This reminds me so much of MWoH this game will very quickly be dead! There is no way to spin this positively, I don't think anyone is arguing that eventually it will need to happen of course it will. Nobody cares that resources will be easier to come by you'll just release 7 star champs lol. Smart companies take feedback from their loyal customers. Remember when Madden eleiminated franchise mode for one year!?! Well it didn't take long for them to bring it back after sales plummeted. Unfortunately @Kabam Miike and friends aren't going to be around to fix this screw up if it happens cause you need us to spend money to pay your salaries and license fees. It honestly makes me really sad it was terrible watching MWoH die and I see it starting again
  • Magn3th3adMagn3th3ad Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2017
    I would rather see the whole star system replaced with something akin to the Future Fight approach. Being able to collect the resources you need to upgrade a 1* to a 2 then a 3 and so on. The idea of eventually having 6 different star levels of the same champs isn't something I'll be playing towards.

    How about adding something different into the mix? I worry for the future of this game if tagging another star on is the limit of your imagination.
  • DocStrangeDocStrange Member Posts: 36
    So don't tell me like everyone else to go back and read acting like I have a misinformed opinionated response... Well guess what? We as a community together don't want them to come Until late late 2018 if at all.

    Exactly. I was so infuriated when a mod responded to one of my messages acting like I didn't read every minor detail several times. I just read the thread created by TheBigBient in which a mod treated them the same way, and that infuriated me just as much. The majority of us do not want 6*s Kabam. Especially your biggest spenders. This is not a wise business decision.
  • ACTIIACTII Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2017

    From 1* to 6*... Get, upgrade, bench them, get the next shiny star, repeat and repeat... Too boring..
  • CrenoCreno Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2017
    So, im here for the first time, decide you am i a endgame player or not, finished on 1 path the labirinth, and im now stuck in nowhere- lets say so. To 100% the labirinth i would need the right 5* champ, what i dont have. ( no SL, no Gpool, no Hyp, no CM, no Tech spidey or other decent champs here. ) but lets say i would spend shittonnes of units for revives, that i make it with 4* sl.

    Next step, i get as end reward 8 t2as, so i can bring another 2 5* to r4. Okay, im almost happy , coz i have then good prestige ( for what ? )

    I have right now 28 r5 4*, 6 r3 5* and 2 r4 5* and my t4c cat stash is almost full.

    And after this announcement of the future comming of 6*s im confused too. Coz the top alliance players who already have the lab on 100% and they was pushed to do 5-6 r4 5* , they stuck now, coz with this announcement was told too, that t5b will be released till end of this year. But what u need for r5 5*? Those anounced t5b cats AND 6 t2a cats, what are now already invested in the r4 5*.

    How much time is needed for forming a whole t2a ? Lets say with offers will it take 6 months for 1. That means 3 years from now they can r5 one of their r4 5*. Hurra.

    How makes that sense then with the releasing of the 6*?

    Have i missed something, that we can get monthly almost a full t2a?

    Dear developpers, are u in clear, with the biggest problem in game for now? U will give t5b with act5 end, but whats with t2a?? And whats with the progression of the other 5* champs, will they stuck forever on r3?

    Thanks for the reading, feel free for comments, and tell me please when im wrong with my thinking.

    @Adora_ @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf

    Best regards Creno
  • TwistedEnigma17TwistedEnigma17 Member Posts: 69
    I think everyone is freaking out a bit early. We need to wait and see how they change the ways we get 5* shards first. I mean they could make it to where we can get 4 a month and at that point the dupes will come fairly quickly. I'm going to give them a chance at least. Everyone wanted to riot when the 5.2 rewards sucked initially but these new uncollected crystals are pretty nice. Let's wait to see what the do between now and then before every one loses their minds. Give ideas and constructive feedback because we have all seen the power this community has. Let's make sure they do this right and don't punt this into the stands.
  • Luciel83Luciel83 Member Posts: 16
    This is by far the worse announce by kabam, is no new that kabam only cares about $$$ and I guess is not enough, so is really sad when a company as big as kabam doenst care about their customers, actually they never did and adding a 6 stars champs to the game is totally greedy, the 1m dollar question is that why we keep playing this game when the concept of the big companies is make ur customers happy and they always right but I guess kabam aren't really that great with customers and they will never care about us, they never will and never gonna appreciate our effort to buy pricey content while u guys have a great vacation in caribe, I been playing this game since day 1 and I think this is
    A game over for me, I hope u guys that really smart quit this game too, because this game by far is not fun anymore it feels like u have to pay for play, good thing is that I never sell my ps4 and is time for real game experience while kabam gonna keep thinking about money...!!!
  • AURELIUSAURELIUS Member Posts: 121
    Like @ThebigBient said this is just a money grabber. kabam needs to work on the glitches and bugs before you even introduce the first 6 star honestly people like me who barely get a 5* once every month or so it's hurting us in the long run they might as well just make the calendars all 10K 5* shards to even keep up the news.
  • JerimizzayJerimizzay Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2017
    We definitely need more storage for all resources, especially considering 4, 5 and 6star champs use t1a and t4c and the fact that it takes so many to rank a 4* to rank 5 or a 5* to rank 3 or 4... and the RNG nature of crystals can really screw you over. I recently opened 22 t4c and did not get a single mystic. All other t4c are maxed out at 8, so I have 30 days before the 20 in my inventory rot. There is already a massive bottle neck for catalysts, it will just get worse unless we have more storage. (Why not let us sell t4c as shards that can be used to form a master t4c that can be used in any class?) Also, it really just means you can't rank 4* at all anymore because you have to keep enough t1a, t2a, t4b and t4c on hand to rank up a 5* from 1 to 4 in case you are lucky enough to dupe someone other that Iron patriot, hulkbuster, or the numerous other useless champs that cannot hang in map 6, or act 5, unless you are a sadist that loves to punish yourself by paying more units than you need to by using **** champs in hard content.
  • TheSoulAssassinTheSoulAssassin Member Posts: 1
    20* champions coming in 2019?! haha...come on Kabam Team! Bring us something new, and not the same looking champs, with the same specials, and abilities. I know there are a ton of creative minds over there, so prove it. Give us something that makes people stick around. 6*s is clearly not the answer.
  • CeresCPHCeresCPH Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2017
    Kabam, after your announcement my motivation to continue to increase my team has diminished.

    I have read your posts and nothing in your communication is helping on my motivation.

    I'm a medium player that for the last year has played the game intensely. My 4* line up is pretty strong. I have been saving 5* shards that will be exchanged into crystals soon - but after your announcement all the hard work to get 5* shards seems not to have payed of. Now I need to start all over again. Not only the shards needs to be saved up. Also the catalysts, gold etc has to be taking into consideration.

    An option would be just to throw a lot of money in your direction, but I will not do this. Firstly your decision the devaluate the power of 4* and soon 5* has no rationale. 6* will take control of AW and so on because some apparently are able to spend a lot of money. Secondly us Europeans and I believe every one outside the US has to pay 20-25% more for the deals even taken the exchange rate into consideration.

    My future in this game is hanging on a loose wire.

    If you don't do a massive improvement on tier 4 class catalysts and basic catalysts I don't see that this game will be a part of my future entertainment. The current announcement on this topic is simply not satisfying.

    For now I will just use Auto pilot and do the minimum work. Bye for now.
    This is what Kabam do. Squeeze the money out of you than throw you out to dry. They have never had the best interest of it's players in mind. At the end of the day, they exist to make money. And this is one of the many examples.
  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 392 ★★
    Obsolete is a very strong word here. Did 5-Stars make 4-Stars Obsolete? 6-Stars are not going to be easy to obtain, and then will be more difficult to Rank Up. We have lots more planned before 6-Stars ever make it into Player's hands, and that includes making 5-Stars more accessible.[/quote]

    The release of 5 star absolutely made 3 stars obsolete. They are pointless and a waste of space. Also with the release of 5 stars made it much more difficult to complete certain challenges because you didn't have a rank 4/55 champ. Or better yet a r 4/55 Star Lord or Gwenpool. 4 stars did not become completely useless but unless your extremely skilled, you are not completing challenging content without using several items in your inventory or units. Making the game harder isn't the answer to anything. Cause even with maxed 6 stars, only a handful of the player base will be skilled enough to beat future content (Labyrinth of Legends 2 perhaps). And that's not fair.

    When you don't respect your customers, how do you expect to be respected?
  • guess_who_09guess_who_09 Member Posts: 3
    You gotta love the show off with his whole t4cc stash a few posts above. This whole thread is funny to me. I will say, I agree with the fact that storage needs to be increased. Otherwise,

    This game is about progression. I was able to get through Acts 1,2,3 with 3* and less, sure. I used 4* and highly duped clutch 3* for Act 4, and the 3* only got me through the beginning of said act. Act 5 is still a work in progress, but the upward trend has continued.

    By the time you get to where you need 6*, you'll have 6*. If you're in an alliance where you're a top dawg and don't think it's fair that you won't get your shards because you're in a lower alliance, find a better alliance. This challenger rating whining is stupid. They fixed it to where PI matched rating. There's no reason you should be taking 3* into endgame, and maxed 4* is just a tick below endgame challenger rating. The game will progress the same way.

    Also, if you are one of those top dawgs and are thinking of quitting, please do. Just means I can keep on moving up without spending nearly as much money as you have.
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