6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Skylord wrote: »
    What was the logic behind not making 6* shards retroactive? Too complex a transaction? What plans do you have to honor the top spenders/vets of the game? Would be a shame if you did nothing as it cost a pretty penny to complete lab, and I'll never get those shards again where as a new comer will be able to do it cheaper and benefit more from it

    Just like ROL, RTL etc. you still need to get the champs to do it.

    LOL is optional, no one forced you to do it.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Will 6* at the very least have buffed verions of undesireable or useless champs?

    This is where you can buff Luke Cage, Spider-Gwen, Hulkbuster, Abomination, Electro needs the shock debuff, and so many others that were here in the first year of the games release. Even if you never buff the 4* or 5* versions, you can't drop the ball with the 6* Versions.

    Even Iron Fist and Dr. Strange should be buffed when made into 6*. Give Dr. Strange a small power gain when attacking and being attacked. Increase his life steal a bit and he won't be so bad. This is of course if you don't plan on reversing his nerf.
  • Sharma7Sharma7 Member Posts: 1
    Animejay70 wrote: »
    I can honestly say that i think this is ridiculous so soon. I can barely get 1 5* per month now. I have a LOT of 4* and they are about to be obsolete in the next 6 months.

    I've been playing for 2 years. I'm an endgame player. I'm about to do my first LOL run (although i should've done it a while ago), but I just don't see how this will help ANYONE except the top 20 alliances that pay a lot of money to stay that way.

    I also see nothing about Tier 2 Alphas!

    Well said...the day i got thebnews about 6*......i lost my intrest and planning to leave the game....everyone play the game so they can b strong....but Kabam dont let people grow without real money....if u grow they will introduce something new......not in favour of 6 stsr....:(
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    quando213 wrote: »
    Most of the champs are not available as 5*'s yet .... please get that in pace with the 4*'s first before introducing 6*'s

    By the time that 6-Stars hit the Contest as available for players to use, most of the 5-Star Champions will have been added to the 5-Star Crystal (if not all of them)

    What about champions that are not available as 5* yet? Like Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Joe Fixit?

    Joe Fixit is way to OP to ever be a 5*.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Indrick781 wrote: »
    I see you're reducing the amount of catalysts needed. What about champs that were ranked up recently? I just ranked up a 5* and now the costs are being reduced in two weeks? Are we getting the overages we spent ranking champions up back? If not, can we get rank down tickets to get back the extra catalysts we spent?

    The only cost that is being reduced is how many Tier 5 Basics it costs to get 5-Stars to Rank 5. There won't been any changes to the lower ranks.

    Any chance other catalysts like t1a and t2a will be reduced to get to rank 5 also? It's not like there are many people just sitting on 6 t2a in the game, and t1a are not necessarily falling out of the sky anymore either for people who actually do have enough t2a.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    edited August 2017
    First off,
    I have been playing since MWOH shut down, and still have not acquired enough t4cc to r5 a 4* yet. I play daily and am in a decent alliance, so its not that.
    I would rather see you guys put the time, effort, and resources into actually fixing the bugs in the game before ANYTHING else. I am so tired of complaining about them, and dealing with them in game.

    no thanks for closing down the other thread about 6* champs. Way to goo to kill a good discussion and hide a thread so you don't have to deal with real reactions. This game is going down fast. 6*'s will not save it...new types of content will. If you can't understand the overwhelming majority of opinions here, then this game is no better off than what the liberals are doing to this country now.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    Fugnasty wrote: »
    Can we get an impression of how you are going to make 4 * more accessible? I like to buy the 4* daily cards but don't want to spend anything if they're going to be the new 3*.

    One of the ways is with the new Grandmaster Crystal which was also announced today. It contains only 3, 4, and 5 Star Champions. Again, this is still a ways away, and a lot will happen between the announcement today and 6-Star Champions being playable.

    So basically what you're saying is these will be the new phc crystals. Bascially, making 1,2,&3 star champs completely useless, and making 4* champs as ineffective as 3*'s are right now.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    edited August 2017
    Badrose wrote: »
    TOTAL BS!!! We spent a lot of resources for 4s and now all of a sudden here comes 6s when we can't max 5s yet.

    Give us 1000 rank down tickets to get rid of 4s or you will quickly die and rot for good this time

    I wouldn't say "all of a sudden". This is still at least 5 months away, and the way that 5-Stars didn't make 4-Stars obsolete, these won't be making them obsolete very soon either.

    No, but 5*'s made 3*'s obsolete, the same way 6*'s will make 4*'s obsolete. If you dont understand this, check out AWD on any decent alliance, and you wont find a single 3* in it, because they would be decimated.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    Mhykke wrote: »
    When people brought up the idea of 6 star champs, I thought they were just either making a joke or mentioning a really bad idea.

    As has been stated, we currently do not have the ability to max 5 stars, and now 6 stars are announced? I understand that T5 basics are being added and we'll be able to max our 5 stars, but from what I understand, 6 stars will be playable in about 5 months. I'm sorry, but that's ridiculously fast. Upgrading your 5 star in the next 5 months and already they'll be obsolete due to the new 6 stars.

    So when will 7 stars be added? And 8 stars? And 9 stars?

    I've never complained about the game, and have spent a good deal of money on the game because I enjoyed it. But this may be a deal breaker. Extraordinarily bad timing.

    Obsolete is a very strong word here. Did 5-Stars make 4-Stars Obsolete? 6-Stars are not going to be easy to obtain, and then will be more difficult to Rank Up. We have lots more planned before 6-Stars ever make it into Player's hands, and that includes making 5-Stars more accessible.

    How about just fixing all the bugs and glitches in the game????
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    FAL7EN wrote: »
    Well prestige and challenger rating will officially be out of control

    Dont even know why people worry about prestige anymore. You could have the worst palyer in the game pull the best champs and have higher prestige than a really good player. Prestige is a useless way to judge a player.
  • DocStrangeDocStrange Member Posts: 36
    unknown wrote: »
    FAL7EN wrote: »
    Well prestige and challenger rating will officially be out of control

    Dont even know why people worry about prestige anymore. You could have the worst palyer in the game pull the best champs and have higher prestige than a really good player. Prestige is a useless way to judge a player.

    Prestige allows you to get more points in Alliance Quests, thus getting a better ranking and rewards.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    DalBot wrote: »
    Once again since moderators are avoiding this:

    5 stars ABSOLUTELY made 3*s obsolete. So now 4*s will be obsolete to. So why make us use T4CC to rank them up anymore if they're going to be useless in a few months?

    We will not be changing the recipe to Rank Up 4-Star Champions, but with this much notice, you'll be able to decide if it's worth your while to upgrade 4-Stars, 5-Stars, or hold for 6-Stars. We've also made big strides in making those rank up materials easier to obtain, and will be doing more going forward.

    Really? Because I havent been able to collect enough t4cc's for a r5 4* yet, and it seems I have stalled at getting shards for them also, so thats a blatant lie.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    CORON3L wrote: »
    6 stars??? Really??? How insane, how crazy is that... Think about it, the year is 2030, and everybody wants to find a 20 star Star Lord in the shards cristal... Ridiculous!!!

    I think 5 stars is the limit! There is a 6 stars hotel, for instance?

    Why dont you change the level that the 5 star champs can rank up, maybe 8 instead of 5... Give extra 5 star shards when a champion reaches the maximum duplication level, anything but this 6 stars champs...

    You're living in a dreamworld if you think this game will still be around in 2030. I'd be surprised if its around by the end of next year with the junk they're doing to it, not to mention not even trying to fix the bugs anymore.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    wSWeaponX wrote: »
    I can't wait to open a 6 star she-hulk

    i cant wait for 6* antman....oh wait, I wont be playing anymore by then
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    ddarko wrote: »
    Obsolete is a very strong word here. Did 5-Stars make 4-Stars Obsolete? 6-Stars are not going to be easy to obtain, and then will be more difficult to Rank Up. We have lots more planned before 6-Stars ever make it into Player's hands, and that includes making 5-Stars more accessible.

    Comparing the effect of 5-stars on 4-stars is not valid for understanding how 6-stars will affect 4-stars. To do a valid comparison, you must take into account how 5-stars affected 3-stars. As anyone will be able to tell you, 5-stars and your challenger rank system made sure that 5-stars made 3-stars obsolete.

    So therefore, it is a very valid concern to have that 6-stars are now going to make 4-stars obsolete.

    In fact, everyone who is playing your game should be concerned that whatever set of champs they spend hours grinding to get will be made obsolete by a 7-star or a 8-star that you will inevitably roll out. If I may be bold enough to state this to you, I think your company needs to find a better direction to evolve the game or it will turn the entire game into a big joke. No one in their right mind should grind or pay to rank up any champ because you will inevitably release a stronger version of the same champ very soon.

    The game is already a big joke since they cant seem to fix bugs in a timely manner, if at all, but can fix an exploit in less than a day.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    T4cc wall? What does that even mean?

    I have 46 t4cc and 8 expiring, never played map6 in my life, please explain.????

    Well aren't you just the special one. Most of us dont even have enough in our inventory to r5 a 4*. Would be nice if we could pick the ones we need though.
  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 392 ★★
    How about for those of us who are Uncollected, completely remove 2 and 3 stars. We don't use them anyways and the shards and gold we get for dups is ridiculously hilarious. And with the release of 6 stars, might as well remove 4 stars as well. Right now as we speak, 4 stars are almost useless in act 5 chapter 2 level 4 and so on. Already know they will be useless in chapter 3. Especially with these ridiculous buffs and nodes you add to each champ rendering all our abilities useless. Not to mention my biggest problem with this game has always been, the inability to choose whatever champ you want to beat content in this game. This game is very much champion specific. If you don't have certain champs you are not making it through a lot of content.
    Example: what if I really liked Luke Cage, Joe Fix It, Kamila Kahn, or Iron Patriot amongst many others. No way in heck are you able to use them to beat anything. Can't use them in War, Can't use then in AQ, sure as heck can't use them to beat the Labyrinth or any speciality quests. Only a handful of champs can beat a buffed up Electro, Hyperion, or Mordo amongst several others. Just saying that this is one of the most unbalanced games i have ever played.
  • aVaT4raVaT4r Member Posts: 4
    They have made it much easier to squire t4b and t4cc to rank up champs but There Is no point in doing 4* anymore if 6* come in. How often do you use a maxed 3* in anything but arena?

    I'm in agreement with Bient. I have done lol to get another r4 5* and still haven't gotten any of the good champs as 5* and now 6* are announced! The game is boring between aw and aq. Monthly challenges are just a grind to get t2a shards. We need more content not another stupid tier of champs. Yes, one day when most of have as many r4/5 5* as people have r5 4*, it might be time to add in the next level, but it's way too soon for that. This is a blatant attempt to get us to spend and we won't stand for it.

  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    aVaT4r wrote: »
    They have made it much easier to squire t4b and t4cc to rank up champs but There Is no point in doing 4* anymore if 6* come in. How often do you use a maxed 3* in anything but arena?

    I'm in agreement with Bient. I have done lol to get another r4 5* and still haven't gotten any of the good champs as 5* and now 6* are announced! The game is boring between aw and aq. Monthly challenges are just a grind to get t2a shards. We need more content not another stupid tier of champs. Yes, one day when most of have as many r4/5 5* as people have r5 4*, it might be time to add in the next level, but it's way too soon for that. This is a blatant attempt to get us to spend and we won't stand for it.


    When most have current maxed champs ? How about the people that are just joining the game? Your situation is not everyones situation.

  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 456 ★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    aVaT4r wrote: »
    They have made it much easier to squire t4b and t4cc to rank up champs but There Is no point in doing 4* anymore if 6* come in. How often do you use a maxed 3* in anything but arena?

    I'm in agreement with Bient. I have done lol to get another r4 5* and still haven't gotten any of the good champs as 5* and now 6* are announced! The game is boring between aw and aq. Monthly challenges are just a grind to get t2a shards. We need more content not another stupid tier of champs. Yes, one day when most of have as many r4/5 5* as people have r5 4*, it might be time to add in the next level, but it's way too soon for that. This is a blatant attempt to get us to spend and we won't stand for it.


    When most have current maxed champs ? How about the people that are just joining the game? Your situation is not everyones situation.

    Heed your own words dude I mean really you brag about your account and state in the game and then make a comment to someone about there situation not being the same as others get out you troll Kabam apologist
  • PlasmaKingPlasmaKing Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2017
    It's easier to ignore him @Zeke_the_Xbot rather than feed him, he doesn't play the top content in aq, yet complains of overpowered champs, says stuff like that and then starts saying he looks forward to 6* being available and in content, oh and that CR is great. Doesn't seem to realise the second 6* is in content 5* onwards are being penalised for not being 6* and that will be the case for a long time especially for the middle and lower developed players who will have a harder time even with more 5* shards and upgrade items being available. In other words they have turned up the potential for these guys using more items on content with just that introduction.
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  • Psycho1980Psycho1980 Member Posts: 39

    I wanted to say this so badly

    That's all

    P.S. 6* heroes is a good idea.....but TOO SOON!!!
  • Andlow94Andlow94 Member Posts: 79
    Kabam, have you guys lost your minds?? I am not against the release of 6* and I understand that they won't become playable till 2018, but you're pushing this too soon! All this is, is another one of your money grabs!!! So many players are already starting to quit the game due to this BS! 5* aren't even able to be ranked to rank 5 yet, and you're already talking about release 5*?? too soon kabam, way too soon! This is basically making 4*s useless now... what about arena, you think players will still want to grind in the arena to win 4*?? There's no point! 6* champs will break this game!! Unless you make it a hell of a lot easier to max out those 5* champs!!
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Does progress even exist in this game?

    Challenger Ratings devalues our rosters every time a higher Star gets released 100% guaranteed.

    So we start chasing the new carrot thinking it's the next best thing even though it's the exact same carrot we've been chasing the whole time, except it has a different number attached to it.

    It doesn't matter what you call something, if it plays the same and acts the same and if game difficulty is increased proportionately, we're grinding our wheels playing the same game over and over and over again.

    Kabam can give us 9* champs tomorrow and give out a bunch of free T9Bs and T9Cs, it doesn't matter what it's called if the game mechanics are the same and we're going up against other 9*s, it has no worth and we're playing the same game!

    These new star changes are just a label. The value of something in this game is dictated by it's scarcity. When Kabam tosses out free resources, it lowers the value of everything in this game.

    It's like a diamond company selling a small diamond for $50 000 a piece because they're so rare, and we end up finding out that there's 50 trillion of them sitting in a mine somewhere. What do you thinks' going to happen to the value of that small diamond? It's going to be worthless now.

    Except in this case, Kabam controls 100% of shard supply, and they can devalue it any time they want and release a "better version" at a higher price. It's worthless digital goods. They can devalue your product anytime they want.
  • ZonkoZonko Member Posts: 2
    Can we please maybe get content that isn't the same don't get hit, learn to dodge like a pro pay up $$$ and get good wifi bs, there needs to be a new dimension to the fighting and combat system maybe more different style content for players who aren't rich but gives them a chance to get half decent rewards
  • MLBMikeMLBMike Member Posts: 21
    DalBot wrote: »
    Once again since moderators are avoiding this:

    5 stars ABSOLUTELY made 3*s obsolete. So now 4*s will be obsolete to. So why make us use T4CC to rank them up anymore if they're going to be useless in a few months?

    We will not be changing the recipe to Rank Up 4-Star Champions, but with this much notice, you'll be able to decide if it's worth your while to upgrade 4-Stars, 5-Stars, or hold for 6-Stars. We've also made big strides in making those rank up materials easier to obtain, and will be doing more going forward.

    Can you please at least triple the inventory capacity especially T4Bs T4CCs and T1 Alphas..yes and T2 Alpha capacity too?
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
    PlasmaKing wrote: »
    It's easier to ignore him @Zeke_the_Xbot rather than feed him, he doesn't play the top content in aq, yet complains of overpowered champs, says stuff like that and then starts saying he looks forward to 6* being available and in content, oh and that CR is great. Doesn't seem to realise the second 6* is in content 5* onwards are being penalised for not being 6* and that will be the case for a long time especially for the middle and lower developed players who will have a harder time even with more 5* shards and upgrade items being available. In other words they have turned up the potential for these guys using more items on content with just that introduction.

    Yes I play top content, does AQ day 5 prestige of 9800 sounds high enough?

    Yes there are overpowered champs and you know it.

    Yes CR is amazing, why do you feel entiled to easily beat content with lower rank champs?

    Yes i want 6 stars maxed in AQ, Master Quest and story quest. The content should be n scale harder than the champs available to use . Thst is what makes it a challenge.

    Arent you happy with the challenge? Act 1 and beginner quest is also there waiting!
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Andlow94 wrote: »
    Kabam, have you guys lost your minds?? I am not against the release of 6* and I understand that they won't become playable till 2018, but you're pushing this too soon! All this is, is another one of your money grabs!!! So many players are already starting to quit the game due to this BS! 5* aren't even able to be ranked to rank 5 yet, and you're already talking about release 5*?? too soon kabam, way too soon! This is basically making 4*s useless now... what about arena, you think players will still want to grind in the arena to win 4*?? There's no point! 6* champs will break this game!! Unless you make it a hell of a lot easier to max out those 5* champs!!

    Good for arena, no more score inflation.

    Again it is not too soon, kabam said you will be able to max 5 star and have more t2a available before 6 stars become playable.
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