Man thing missed opportunity

Do you guys even read comic books? Man thing is huge! Also, he doesn't cause poison. He causes fear, panic and incineration. I mean, he melts people's face off! That's his whole thing! He can also teleport and he incredibly difficult to kill. This is such a huge missed opportunity to improve the mystic class. He should have some fear mechanic like Omega Red where when in close proximity the opponent builds passive fear debuffs that stack until they turn into an incinerate debuff or panic debuff that affects ability accuracy or power gain.
Wouldn't be OP as blade mystic danger sense synergy and incinerate immune. His intimidating build up could also be lower for heros that are true of heart or something. So villains trigger the incinerate sooner than say avengers, xmen and spiderverse.
The amount of miss-alignment between how we regular comic fans/lovers and hardcore comic fans like DH envision the character to be and how they are being showcased in-game in MCOC is ever increasing.
All the feedback given by DH, XxLoganTDCxX and Mr_Wiff, are real expectations of hard core fans.
My only suggestions are :
Could they have created a new DoT effect for him? Sure, but that doesn’t mean it is mandatory if it was even feasible. You would then have a champion who has a DoT effect with no counters though.
Could they have used incinerate instead of poison? Sure, but imo poison is more valuable and has more counters so when you face him you’ll have more champions to fight him with.
Maybe they could’ve given him incinerate on top of the poison and armor break which would be closer to his abilities in the comics. 🧐
“He does not possess emotions himself. Violent emotions in others cause him some form of extreme discomfort, which produces a physical reaction on the surface of his body. In response to emotional provocation, his body produces fuming sulfuric acid which can cause severe burns when in contact with the flesh of emoting beings. When the being ceases to radiate emotion, the Man-Thing's body ceases production of acid and secretes a mild, soapy mucus that tends to neutralize the acid. The Man-Thing will only attack a being that emotionally provokes him. ”
“ However, emotions that are often viewed as negative, such as violent emotions like anger, hatred and fear, cause the Man-Thing great discomfort and might provoke him to attack. Once provoked into violent actions, his body secretes highly concentrated acid that can burn human beings to ashes within a matter of seconds. Even individuals that have high levels of superhuman durability have proven unable to withstand this potent acid. While the Man-Thing is devoid of violent emotions, his body produces a type of foamy, soapy mucus that neutralizes the acid.”
“It is able to sense human emotions, and is enraged by fear and automatically secretes a powerful corrosive; anyone feeling fear and clutched by the Man-Thing is prone to be burned (either chemically or mystically), hence the series' tagline: "Whatever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing's touch!" Though fear is understandably most people's response to the creature, both for his monstrous appearance and the physical danger of his touch, typically only villains end up meeting an immolating death at its hands.”
Poison immunity is becoming pretty common now, particularly with new champs. Any champ that relies heavily on poison cant be an all-around effective. The other killer is that a ton of cosmics have poison immunity. Really negates man-thing in those matchups.