[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • MorbidCuriosityMorbidCuriosity Member Posts: 59
    edited December 2024
    In-Game Name:
    Device and Model:
    Device Operating System:
    One UI 6.1
    Cellular or WiFi:
    Game Version:
    v. 48.0.1
    Game Mode:
    Event Quest/Uncollected chapter: 3.1
    Description of the Issue:
    When entering a fight with Purgatory against the Rhintra defender in this quest, the game immediately crashes, kicking me out to my device's home screen.

  • LouisomaetLouisomaet Member Posts: 3

    El juego sale con estos errores y no deja jugar libremente
  • LouisomaetLouisomaet Member Posts: 3
    Nisiquiera puedo jugar aparte que para realizar los ataques cuando cargan las barras, están bloqueados.
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,707 ★★★★
    In-game name: psp742
    Device and model: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
    Device operating system: Android
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game version installed: Latest
    Game mode: some modes

    The video looks like it there is a fog haze.. the worse is visual bug where you don't see you or the opponent.

    @Kabam Lyra
    @Kabam Zibiit
    @Kabam Dorky Dave

    It was thru luck that I even won.. can see the attack.. attacking and defending blindly.. not the challenge anyone wants.
  • Justnoob4realJustnoob4real Member Posts: 35

  • DubblezDubblez Member Posts: 9
    I want to know what compensation will be given to me for this is was in necropolis gaurdian fight and the screen was orange and then acter several revives it turned to this screen where i could see images in bright light
  • DubblezDubblez Member Posts: 9
    What can be done for the necropolis guardian fight? I spent 10x the potions and revives became the screen was yellow and couldn't see characters and then when I revived a bunch of times it turned to this
  • AngelSvytoiAngelSvytoi Member Posts: 9
    The Guillotine 2099 has a problem with the cloak, He became invisible, Or maybe she just forgot to wear it.
  • Mhmdgamal96Mhmdgamal96 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: mhmdgamal96
    Device and Model: S21 ultra
    Device Operating System: android 14
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: last version 1348081
    Description of the Issue: juggernaut sp2 have changed to hulk sp2 and becomes with no damge
  • StacheBoiStacheBoi Member Posts: 58
    In-Game Name: stache_boi
    Device and Model: S23 Ultra
    Device Operating System: android 14
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 48.1.0
    Description of the Issue: after dying with professor x the screen borders blacken and visibility diminishes please fix.

  • Apetta11Apetta11 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 11
    Nome nel gioco: MatteoeSabrina
    Dispositivo e modello: Samsung a34 5G
    Sistema operativo del dispositivo: Versione Android 14
    Cellulare o WiFi:
    WiFi e Cellulare, qual è il tuo operatore di telefonia mobile? Wind3
    Versione del gioco installata: Versione 48.1.0
    Modalità di gioco: Battle Ground/Campi di battaglia
    Descrizione del problema: stavo giocando a Battleground durante gli ultimi secondi della fine della stagione. Ero in partita e presumo che il tempo della stagione sia scaduto, ma il gioco è andato avanti ed ha avviato la partita per il 3 round, nonostante io avessi perso sia il round 1 e 2. Ho dovuto forzare la chiusura del gioco perché ero bloccato nella partita. Ma ora non ho più l'icona di Battleground nel gioco. Sto perdendo ogni giorno le ricompense dei Gettoni Trofeo.
  • StacheBoiStacheBoi Member Posts: 58
    In-Game Name: stache_boi
    Device and Model: S23 Ultra
    Device Operating System: android 14
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 48.1.0
    Game Mode: Glorious Games Showcase
    Description of the Issue: Fighting bullseye makes my phone extremely laggy also against dust
  • Justnoob4realJustnoob4real Member Posts: 35
    In the new update, the maps look really bad; the car colors look brown with glases all like in really old retro games, like boxes.
    Bildings are pink or overexposed In that hotfix, you need to repair several gameplay maps also.
  • Avalon986Avalon986 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 13
    StacheBoi said:

    In-Game Name: stache_boi
    Device and Model: S23 Ultra
    Device Operating System: android 14
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 48.1.0
    Game Mode: Glorious Games Showcase
    Description of the Issue: Fighting bullseye makes my phone extremely laggy also against dust

    I have the same problem on Moto Razr 50 ultra, android 14

    Also now after a game restart i got this screen, with a weird upper line, units and stuff...
    And I can't move in quest. If i try the game freezes!

  • StacheBoiStacheBoi Member Posts: 58
    StacheBoi said:

    In-Game Name: stache_boi
    Device and Model: S23 Ultra
    Device Operating System: android 14
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 48.1.0
    Description of the Issue: after dying with professor x the screen borders blacken and visibility diminishes please fix.

  • DubblezDubblez Member Posts: 9
    How and when.wipl I be compensated for the gaurdian fight in necropolis when the screen went orange? I spent almost 2k units and I demand kabam does something and not feed me ****!!
  • SonikGoldSonikGold Member Posts: 33
    edited January 16

    Galaxy S23
    Android 14
    Sonik Gold
    No game updates available, 48.1.0
    First fight in AQ, map 6 against spider ham
    Tried Diablo first, then Hercules

    There is no way to complete this fight, which affects both myself and the alliance.

    Still experiencing blurred fights against some champs, but that is doable. This new bug is insane.
  • bearedguybearedguy Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: bearedguy
    Device and Model: Samsung galaxy a12
    Device Operating System: 12
    Cellular or WiFi: both t-mobile for cell network
    Game Version Installed: 1349739
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena
    Description of the Issue: game gets extremely laggy and then crashes. Sends me back to my home screen. Happens several times an hour when I try and play. Getting to the point to where it's unplayable
  • KenKylenKenKylen Member Posts: 6
    edited January 19
    In-Game Name: KenKylen
    Device and Model: Galaxy S9+/iPhoneX
    Device Operating System: Andriod10/iOS18.x
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 48.1.1
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Honestly, thought this already is the norm, lags throughout the game even if I am on a very fast network (I'm in Dubai UAE, so we're talking about VERY FAST connections like 100Mbps-250Mbps at least). worse case scenario, lag times in with the supposedly user input during fights (and in Battlegrounds as well as AW, even a single missed action will mean defeat, which has already happened MULTIPLE TIMES). Seems the dev team concentrated more on making the graphics more flashy, sacrificing performance (was assuming that issue is because Galaxy S9+ might be outdated already, but this happening even worse on my iPhone X means it obviously is not the case). Lost A LOT of fights because of this (was actually thinking of quitting the game because the game has been giving me a lot more stress than what I get from work, which is supposedly the reason why I play, to de-stress from work).

    Been playing for a long time (and encountering issues in-game along the way), but this issue has been the worse of them all.
  • AngelSvytoiAngelSvytoi Member Posts: 9
    edited January 19
    Device: Google Pixel 8 Pro
    OS: Android 15
    Game version: 48.1.1
    Reduced visual effects

  • AngelSvytoiAngelSvytoi Member Posts: 9
    edited January 19
    Device: Google Pixel 8 Pro
    OS: Android 15
    Game version: 48.1.1
    Problems the input/control issues
    Sounds in battles are lagging behind
    Game mode: Everywhere
  • Super786WarriorSuper786Warrior Member Posts: 31
    Using android 13 game is very laggy lost alot of fights since the update. I am also in a fight with 8.4.6 boss and have lost a few times due to lag. Overall the game is very laggy. The menu scrolling is bad. Takes ages to scroll in chanpions or friend list and crystal openings are laggy too. Hope we get compensation for all these issues and a quick fix as soon as possible
  • Super786WarriorSuper786Warrior Member Posts: 31
    Ive uninstalled mcoc and reinstalled it but no luck
  • obaz4pierrobaz4pierr Member Posts: 3
    I can't login and when I do login I only get to play for 5 minutes and back to watching login error plz kabam I need help what's going to happen to me when alliance war starts
  • Super786WarriorSuper786Warrior Member Posts: 31
    This is a nightmare am stuck in 8.4.6 boss fight and my intercepts are messing up am having to grind arena for revives only to get more lag issues and even when I go back to boss fight theres like time delay on my parries especially at the start of the fight it is so fustrating i get punished before the fight even starts and its just my units going to waste and all my time wasted in arena just feels pointless
  • Knez1Knez1 Member Posts: 2
    Kabam when the game will work normal? Now I am really mad for several years now. In AQ I took a fight I win, and game freez. And keep loading. You have to quit the aplicTion and start again. I did that and
    What happent? My champ lost 50% health and u have to fight it again. Thus is obvious cheating of players. Not allow us to play normal but rather to force us to spend.

    Also for 2 years now I can't access my primary account and you won't do anything about it.

    I'm really thinking to talk to some lawyers and get the video online to see how many people would join. Cuz obviously only once somebody hit your pocket you will learn to appreciate what you had.

  • Super786WarriorSuper786Warrior Member Posts: 31
    Lot of people are experiencing similar issues it's annoying. So many fights now feel rigged. AI is too aggressive and auto punishes you for lagging out
  • Knez1Knez1 Member Posts: 2
    I think nodes are annoying sometimes. But thus is not annoying, this is just greed. So how many players will buy missing health. They just force you to spend. But you know where game works flawless? When you buy stuff and Kabam earn money, I swear, I never had problem it works perfect :)

    So Kabam..any answer?
  • 50грамм50грамм Member Posts: 2
    25 рік а вони неможуть зав спання виправити
  • esjinoesjino Member Posts: 3
    After a decade of playing contest of Champions, there are still several issues that drastically plagues gaming experience, and the best you lot could come up with is that the issue is on the user end. All I see is that this issues are put in place on purpose, to get players to spend money, which is highly unlikely on my end. Maybe it's just the underqualified staff on the gaming development team either way **** you and **** your pathetic game.
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