[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • LosisbheLosisbhe Member Posts: 10
    Scratch that, we have 10 pages of bug reports. Update us on this issue. Even RichTheMan has mentioned it on YT through his weekly mcoc news.
  • Poloio99Poloio99 Member Posts: 4
    This is very frustrating, it's not the fact that it is impossible to play without downloading a vpn. But really, it's the lack of communication, I understand it is probably difficult to get a fix in the current global environment, but I think everyone would appreciate an update to at least give us some hope that you are working on it.
  • OW4ISOW4IS Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2020
    In game name - OW4IS
    Device and model - Samsung galaxy a70
    Device operating system - Android 10
    Cellular or WIFI - Both
    Game version - Latest version
    Game Mode - All
    Every time I do a fight a connection problem pops up. This doesnt affect anything in the fight, but once I do the fight it disconnects me and when I get back in the game my champs health is halved. This is especially annoying in AW. I hope this issue gets resolved soon and we receive some sort of compensation for this.
  • AndyJosephAndyJoseph Member Posts: 10
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos
    Hi Kabam,
    The Galaxy A70 issue is there since a month. It has effected our progress in the game. We can no longer progress in story quest, got stuck at one place. AW and AQ are no longer our cup of tea, Arenas after 20 win streak gets connection lost in every fight, what we A70 users has faced needs a compensation for sure. But most of all we need someone to address the issue and tell us the progress. We can't even complete Barron's war.
    Please kabam tell us what's there for us in future.
    And also, UFO vpn doesn't work for me all the time.
  • JewkoJewko Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2020

    Samsung galaxy A70

    Hallo ich habe Probleme mit dem Spiel nach der Update von Android 10 das Spiel bricht andauernd ein.
  • barstoolwarriorbarstoolwarrior Member Posts: 5
    Did they even stop caring? No one even bothers to address concerns anymore.

    At this point you might as well make this an iOS exclusive, given how much second class citizen like treatment is show to the android users. Just the differences in fight/arena loading times aare testament to this fact.
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  • RafboldoRafboldo Member Posts: 3
    Hello guys, i want to thank you all for this wonderful game, and this event! You are awesome! And i want to apologize to wish death for you all! I love you! I will play this game for the rest of my life!
  • ThiGonThiGon Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2020
    Same Galaxy A70 problem...

    In game name - Lord Schulz
    Device and model - Samsung galaxy a70
    Device operating system - Android 10
    Cellular or WIFI - Both
    Game version - 1012370
    Game Mode - All
    Description of the issue - In longer fights at some point a connection lost-symbol shows up in the corner. Normally its possible to finish the fight but afterwards you disconnect from the game, the fight is lost and your champ looses half its health. If fights are going really long the game even chrashes mid-fight. Short fights are no problem.

    Only way to "bypass" the crashes is to forfeit a fight when the connection lost-symbol shows up. Then your champ dies but at least you can deal some damage and maybe win the fight with the next champ before the game crashes.
  • Pro21Pro21 Member Posts: 25
    Same Galaxy A70 problem...

    In game name - ProGamer21
    Device and model - Samsung galaxy A70
    Device operating system - Android 10
    Cellular or WIFI - Both
    Game version - MOST RECENT
    Game Mode - All
    Description of the issue - In longer fights at some point a connection lost-symbol shows up in the corner. Normally its possible to finish the fight but afterwards you disconnect from the game, KABAM THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR NEARLY A MONTH, VPN ISNT A PERMANENT SOLUTION.
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
  • xd_finna_stevexd_finna_steve Member Posts: 1
    My name in game is xd finna steve and I play on the S9 and no custom profile pictures are loading other than the top champion and the banners for all quests, everything in arena and all the crystals haven't been rendering since the most recent update, as well as this my game frequently freezes while mid fight. I have the most recent update for both my phone and MCOC and the issues occur both on wifi and cellular data.
  • Dean43Dean43 Member Posts: 9
    In-Game Name: Please include your in-game (not forum) name. Dean43
    Device and Model: (Example, Galaxy S6) Galaxy s10e
    Device Operating System: (Example 8.0) You can find the operating system version on Android by going to Apps, then Settings and “About Device.”10
    Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier? Both T-mobile
    Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the Google Play Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number.26.1.1
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War. all
    Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance issue you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. This includes any specific Champions affected and how long you’ve been experiencing the issue.So now there is all sorts of weird tuff happening. Players that move forward at all go into the medium hit no matter what. Sometimes they move for no reason, sometimes hits don’t register etc etc.

    Example I had my left thumb sown for defense and she moved and attacked, Happened on both cell phone, and the computer.

    Replies to this thread must use the template below and provide relevant, constructive information about the issue. This thread is for information gathering and not one-on-one support. Off topic posts, requests for status updates and general complaints will be removed according to the forum rules.
  • Yugu43221Yugu43221 Member Posts: 12
    n-Game Name: yugu43221
    Device and Model: Galaxy A70s
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: latest
    Game Mode: All
    Whenever a fight is ended my game crashes.
    Issues with dashing towards the opponent.
  • Yugu43221Yugu43221 Member Posts: 12
    Is this some type of joke to you

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos
  • EduardPLMEduardPLM Member Posts: 9
    In-game name: EduardPLM
    Device and model: GalaxyA70
    Device Operating system: Android10
    Cellular or Wifi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Last
    Game Mode: All
    Since march, i have connection issue in almost every fight, or if the fight is more longer, or spending a more time ingame. Lost fights in AQ and AW, half life at heroes, after "lost connection" start the fight from the beginning. Every day, every time i play i have this issue...its verry annoying and gives me a lot of nervs...have even problems with my girl, because of swearing the game for this bug :smile: please DO something about this!!!
    PS: i'm waiting a response about this problem. Thanks!
  • CanniballospsiCanniballospsi Member Posts: 13
    Even with VPN u have problems,not with the connection but 2with the lags....a lot of framing and it s still impossible to play
    Kabam...thanks for the...NO SUPPORT AT ALL
  • sfsiliconsfsilicon Member Posts: 113
    In-Game Name: sfsilicon
    Device and Model: Samsung Note 10 plus (Qualcom) (SM-975U1)
    Device Operating System: Android 10 + One UI 2.06
    Cellular or WiFi: Both cellular and WiFi
    Game Version Installed: MCOC ver 1012370
    Game Mode: All, see most while grinding arena

    Description of the Issue: Basically graphics glitches, most frequent on the floating asteroid screen that starts with flashing then leads to either a lockup, crash or black screen with the game still active in the background. I have to kill the app and restart to fix this.

    Post more information on this thread with videos. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/193245/samsung-note-10-s10-mcoc-graphics-glitching-crash-black-screen/p1?new=1
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  • OliJamesxxOliJamesxx Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2020
    In-Game Name: OliJamesxx
    Device and Model: Samsung A9 2018
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both cellular and WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 1012370
    Game Mode: All

    Description of the Issue: Connection issues. Game disconnect after almost every fight. It affect every game modes. It started immediately after I updated my phone to Android 10 on April 24.

  • DigletGamingDigletGaming Member Posts: 849 ★★★★
    Has anyone got this?
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  • xowel93xowel93 Member Posts: 9
    after the update the bug where the game was closed during a battle that affects Samsung A70 users continues

  • edited April 2020
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  • MidnightGhostMidnightGhost Member Posts: 3
    Ok no saltiness or mean spirits, just honestly asking - is there a fix in place for the A70 issue? I installed 27.0 and it still loses connection every few fights...
  • Emirhb1Emirhb1 Member Posts: 2
    In game name - Emirh~1
    Device and model - Samsung galaxy A70
    Device operating system - Android 10
    Cellular or WIFI - Both
    Game version - MOST RECENT
    Game Mode - All
    Description of the Issue: Title says it all. Sorry for my bad english but i have an issue since storm x and sorceress supreme. I got connection errors while playing mcoc. My other apps and games didnt do that, just mcoc. Can you guys help me about that? I have a Samsung Galaxy A70 mobile phone. Also i cant even play because of that i skip this month's event and free sigil bonuses.
  • HerizonHazeHerizonHaze Member Posts: 35
    It keeps disconnecting. On the Mainpage in the game, when Indonesien nothing just looking it randomly lose connection. Even in the Crystaltab i scroll Down and get disconnected...

    Samsung A70
    Android 10
    Latest GameVersion
    IngameName: HerizonHaze (second account: Bantu!)
    All I want to say is that
    They don't really care about us
    All I want to say is that
    They don't really care about us

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    RE: Samsung A70, running with that Android v10 update.
    They are still looking into the problem, as per latest comment issued today...

  • HerizonHazeHerizonHaze Member Posts: 35
    Now the game is crashed completely
    Device: Samsung A70
    android 10
    Latest Gameversion

  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    As we have mentioned previously, the team is looking into this. As soon as we have more information to share, we will let everyone know.
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