[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • AsadisticAsadistic Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2020

    I am using a Huawei Y9(2019) (model JKM-LX1) with the android 9 and game version updated to the latest one. The game has always run seamlessly for me on data and WiFi. Atm I have not been able to login to the game since the upgrade. Managed to login once maybe after great difficulty and a ten minute load time. Have lost on daily rewards and was unable to attack in war as well, which may have lead to a loss. Can't login on data or wifi. Both are working perfectly otherwise. My ingame name is Rors¢ha¢h
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    edited October 2020
    Has anyone noticed how the game reloads every single time we close it for a few seconds? Before, you could close the game for as long as you want, but as long as it was in the background; it would tell you that "your session has timed out" or you can just continue from wherever the hell you were if you make it in time.

    Now I have to go through that ridiculous loading time every single time I want to send my alliance mates a message on Line. Smh
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Carloni84 said:

    Kill grey thats what I'm going through I have to restart app if I don't play for like 5 mins

    Mine is as little as closing the game for 10 frickin seconds!
  • RainHeartRainHeart Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Reinhardt•
    Device and Model: LG G6
    Device Operating System: 8.0
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.0
    Game Mode: Login loading screen.
    Description of the Issue: Ever since the CGR and Red Goblin update, the loading time in logging in takes almost 20 minutes before proceeding to the homescreen. This was not an issue before the most recent update as it took less than a minute to arrive at the homescreen from logging in. I have checked the speed of my internet connection and have found no drastic changes in upload and download speeds. I have made no modifications nor installed any new applications on my device. Please fix this issue. I cannot continue to sit for 20 minutes staring at the loading screen before I get to play.
  • MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 ★★
    edited October 2020
    MoeyTehr said:

    In-game name: The Nth Doctor
    Device: Samsung Galaxy S9+
    OS: Andriod 10
    Game version: 28.2.0
    Cellular and Wi-Fi: Both

    Game issue: Whenever the game resets it's connection (either from manually restarting or been away from the game too long), it takes several minutes to start up again. I timed it the last time around and it took five minutes, most of the waiting occurring on the first splash screen, followed by 30 seconds on the second one. Once I'm in the game, it's mostly business as usual.

    All of this started when I updated the game on Monday.

    Another issue I've noticed: Whenever I switch between apps (such as from this game to Line to communicate with my alliance) and then switch back to the game, the game switches to the load splash screen (the one with just Red Goblin) regardless of however long was away (even if just a few seconds) and takes up to 30 seconds before resuming any action in the game. The only time this doesn't happen is when I'm in a middle of a fight.

    Can someone please give us any kind of update on the progress of these issues? Even if it's simply "We're still working on solutions to these problems and working as fast as we can." Any kind of acknowledge of these issues can allay some of our frustrations. Complete silence makes us feel ignored and even more frustrated.
  • In-game name: รpคятคห
    Device: Nokia 5.1 Plus
    OS: Andriod 10
    Game version: 28.2.0
    Cellular and Wi-Fi: Both

    Game issue: while loading 1st time it is taking about 10 minutes even when using dedicated Wi-fi ,while doing arena the games becomes unresponsive ,sometimes fights wins won't register.

    Admins if u r ever going to work on these bugs or should i start looking for another game because it has been going on for like forever and always your customer care says you guys are working and then saving we can't provide a specific timeline for the improvements and then my quarry is closed.
  • dreday_sydreday_sy Member Posts: 11
    In-Game Name: dreday.sy
    Device and Model: Pixel 4
    Device Operating System: Android 11, Build Number: RP1A.200720.009
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? All
    Description of the Issue: When initializing, the game gets stuck on the initial loadscreen (GR facing Goblin). Usually, it will not progress to the 2nd loadscreen (Goblin on flyer). I'll retry many times before getting in. If it gets to the 2nd loadscreen, it's pretty certain that I can get in.

    Once in the game, it's not as bad, sporadic delays but not more than a minute usually.

    Please please fix.
  • ValeonValeon Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Mame: Taylou
    Device and model: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8
    Device operating system: Android 9
    Cellular ir Wi-fi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 28.2
    Game Mode: All modes and login loading screen
    Description of the Issue: This update has been terrible in terms of the internet connection, it always marks an error when connecting, when wanting to enter the game, in the middle of a fight or at the end of it there are connection errors, I thought it was my Wi-Fi but Even with mobile data it fails, and honestly the situation has become stressful, in a Latino group that I am in there are too many complaints about it (obviously they are in Spanish).

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  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    Over 11 weeks with issues here.
    Several people evidenced the exact same problem.
    No answers, no fix. Same old, same old.
    I haven't spent a penny on the game since 27.2.5, there's no incentive to spend on a game that runs bad on a good device.
    The lack of support and communications only serves to build greater resentment within the affected community.
  • SKD_Warrior34SKD_Warrior34 Member Posts: 14
    Game name- SKD_Warrior34
    Device name- Redmi note 7 pro
    Operating system- android 10(MIUI 11)
    Cellular or WiFi- both
    Game version- 28.2.0
    Game mode- Starting up or boot up
    Problem- Hi team I am really disappointed to inform you that after the last update the game is lagging a lot. And at the start time it tooks 15m to 20m for opening 😩. Even in arean it is showing network error lots of time. Please fixed these errors and make it stable. Hope we will get a stable update soon. This issue is happening lots of devices I noticed in my alliance and my friends.

    Thanks and regards,
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  • FitnesscwFitnesscw Member Posts: 216 ★★

    In-Game Name: FitnessCW
    Device and Model: Samsung galaxy s20 plus
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both lTe and home wifi
    Game Version Installed: 25.0.1
    Game Mode: ALL
    Description of the Issue: loading times are outrageous. Timed outs on war and aq. Crystal opening taking forever to open
  • Wicked_DeathWicked_Death Member Posts: 8
    I have a conspiracy theory, kabam actually manipulates the game of the user who has reported any bug, the devs just don't want to fix the game and they want people who report bugs to stop playing game. By making loading longer and unrealistic they ensure people stop playing. I am dev and only thing I learnt from job is improve user experience by reducing loading screen time and idle time. I have noticed in my team, there are people just like kabam devs who don't want to improve user experience.
  • MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 ★★
    Thecurler said:

    I haven't spent a penny on the game since 27.2.5, there's no incentive to spend on a game that runs bad on a good device.

    The lack of support and communications only serves to build greater resentment within the affected community.

    Exactly. (Emphasis mine)

    I was actually tempted to get the ridiculously-priced Fabulous Pooltastic Bundle since the torso is the last piece I need, but why should I fork over $50 for a game that has such terribly slow load times? Especially since those issues specifically started for me since the last update and Kabam doesn't seem to have the decency to communicate with us about the progress of fixing the problems. Assuming they are working on them at all.
  • TheAverageMCOCPlayerTheAverageMCOCPlayer Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2020
    In-Game Name: JustAnAvgPlayer
    Device and Model: Samsung S10 Plus
    Device Operating System: Android v10, One UI 2.5
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.0
    Game Mode: EQ and Side Quest
    Description of the Issue: My attacker just froze mid combo and he didn't end it with medium. Ended up taking a full combo from attacker
    Login time to game has suddenly increased a lot and first screen of both RG and CGR always shows network issue icon before going in.
    When did a full combo to follow up by a special, the SP just didn't launch. Basically input didn't register
  • 2016fungi2016fungi Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2020
    In-game: 2016fungi
    Device and Model: LG galaxy 5
    Device Operating System: Andriod 8.0.0
    Game Version: 28.2.0
    Game Mode: Story Content Act 6.4

    Personally I have been doing my act 6 completion push and the loading times and the crashes constantly make it really hard to do any of it, especially when my boost are running out cause it takes 5 minutes to get back into the game when it crashes. And also the revives and potions Ive had to use because the game assumes I quit out the fight or my inputs don't work and I have to use another 40 units to revive up.
  • demboyz16demboyz16 Member Posts: 40
    In-Game Name: demboyz16
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Note 10
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 28.2
    Game Mode: All game modes. In various game modes, I've had issues where my block isn't registering or my parry not being recognized. The word "parry" will show but the opponent will act as if he's stun immune when he's not on a stun immunity or limber node. Neither is it a champion that has a mechanic that would bypass the parry such as tenacity. I've also had issues where the opponent is immediately attacking me after I launch a special even though I press block as soon as the special is over. It has cost me countless items such as potions and revives; especially in content such as aq map 6.
  • GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Member Posts: 907 ★★★
    What a tragedy..... we invested a lot of time and money on this game and ended up with login failure....

    If Kabam cannot come up with a clear schedule/plan to solve this problem, I don’t think MCOC can move any forward
  • Grubi794Grubi794 Member Posts: 1
    In game name: Grubi794
    As others mentioned above, loading time since version 28.2 update is terrible, 20 min wait and that's if I'm lucky enough to even login. Used different wifi signals and redownload multiple times.
  • WarriorWarrior Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2020
    Game name: hdrv
    Model : redmi note 8 pro
    System : MIUI 12
    Cellular or wifi : both
    Game version : latest
    Game mode : all
    The game lage while dodging defenders sp
    That left swipe is a bit glicthy now
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  • KingHershelKingHershel Member Posts: 3
    I have a Galaxy Note 10 plus it takes about 6 to 7 minutes to log onto the game
  • FaisaljavedFaisaljaved Member Posts: 15
    i got a new poco x3 nfc phone and it lags crazy please fix it thanks
  • saorpssaorps Member Posts: 85
    Game Name: RafaThanozGoku
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S10+
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both - mostky wifi
    Game Version Installed: 28.2
    Game Mode: All game modes.

    In various game modes, I've had issues where my block isn't registering or my parry not being recognized.I reviewed proficiency tree and it is okay.

    I've also had issues where the opponent is immediately attacking me after I launch a special even though I press block as soon as the special is over.

    Above issues are not new, they only got worse since the last update.

    Also, loading time is taking much longer than used to.
  • UfuomahUfuomah Member Posts: 37
    Game name: ufuomah
    Model : Nokia x5
    System : android 10
    Cellular or wifi : both
    Game version : latest
    Game mode : all

    It takes between 6 to 20 minutes to log in to the game since the last update. It also takes on average 6 minutes to navigate between load screens in game.
    I lost 50% health on all my champs in AQ so many times today, all my champs were on 2 to 5% health without me actually losing a fight. I had to plead for backup.
    I am close to being kicked from my alliance due to this forced inactivity and costing my team deaths in war.
    Please sort this stuff out kabam.
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96
    Lol no resolution whatsoever
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