[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Mankind5 said:

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Samgsung Galaxy all kinds please change developer device option, go to Drawing and Hardware accelerate rendering. Turn your Animation scale 1.0 to 0.5 smaller scale by window, transition, animantor all 1.0 scale down to 0.5 scale and force 4xMSAA. It works faster and quicker. I hope so. Tech Guy help me from YouTube. You won't be worry about freeze and lagging anymore on Alliance Quests and War.

    Thanks for the tip! I've done so I'm settings, so I'll go test it out.
  • W4rp_HypeW4rp_Hype Member Posts: 10
    In-Game Name: Warp Hype
    Device and Model: Motorola G7 Power
    Operating System: Android Version 10
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 29.0.0
    Game Mode: All modes
    Description of the Issue: Whenever I press and hold my thumb down on the left side of the screen to block, the game sometimes does not register that I have my thumb press down, leaving me open for an attack and this has cost me so many fights.
  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    In-Game Name: Raichu626
    Device and Model: Samsung GalaxA50
    Device Operating 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both, Swisscom
    Game Version Installed: 29.0.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests (Labyrinth of Legends)
    Description of the Issue: Whenever I try to start a fight, the game freezes for almost one minute before the fight actually starts. No issues during the fights, and no such issues in any other quest, exclusively in the labyrinth and Abyss of Legends. I'm not in an Alliance currently
  • Klo35Klo35 Member Posts: 5
    In game name: Klo35
    Phone: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T
    Android 9PKQ1.1960616.001
    In game: eq,story, aq, aw
    1. lag is unberable, getting hit on heavy, sp on whole screen. Unable to dodge or dex attacks
    2. Winter soldier synergy with Killmonger is broken, damage is not higher than 3 k on crits even after 30 hits
    3. Eq, map2.1, after 2 fury buffs on rage path defender gets unblockable
  • BadboyMungaBadboyMunga Member Posts: 1
    This is ridiculous, for the past 3 month I can play AQ. It takes a 1 minute to loading into the fright. That's if I get in and when I don't half of my champion health is missing. I can reboot delete the game even download it back again its the something. I am not switching to an Iphone. Fix the problem that's going with Android users. Thank you.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Samsung Galaxy S10
    Android 10
    Version 29.0
    All Areas

    I've been having lag since the Update. Controls are lagging behind sporadic AI. Making it quite difficult to play.
  • _Reef_Reef Member Posts: 270
    In-Game Name: _Reef
    Device and Model: samsung galaxy tab
    Device Operating System: 9
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 25.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: In any fight, using any character from my roster at least 5 times a day, during combat the game will stick for about 2-3 seconds during the; dash attacks, dash backs, combos, and specials of both my champion and the A.I. During the stick the sounds of the action still occur and after unsticking the action will continue with no sound. At beginning of fight i dont know what happens for afew seconds.
  • CaptainMarvellCaptainMarvell Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2020
    game has crashed 17 times & disconnected with full bars on wifi 3 times in 4 hours. it has crashed 1 time on the menu screen when doing nothing. it has crashed 4 times after clicking fight costing my champ half their health. it has crashed 2 times when leveling up champs or looking at inventory. it has crashed 4 times right before clicking fight or changing menu screens. it has crashed 6 times when certain champs do a special or any type of attack.

    mister sinister sp.1, professor x sp.1, dr.doom sp.1 & sp.2, sasquatch sp.1, 2 & 3, sunspot sp.2, doctor voodoo sp.1 & sp.3, ebony maw sp.2, aegon sp.3, the thing sp.1, warlock sp.2, mole man sp.2, silver surfer sp.3, light & heavy attacks, namor sp.3, guardian sp.3, terrax sp.1, hulk immortal light attack are just some of the attacks that will cause the game to crash. i have lost close to 1 & 1/2 hrs from having to restart the phone, game & loading screens in that time. the 17 times is after i sent a bug report to your support team. before that we're looking at around 20 times today & i know it's only going to rise. i restarted my phone it only makes it worse. every update has made it worse.

    this has been going on for months & you put out a dev diary stating all the good things that you've done & yes there has been some good from the updates but you fail to mention all the bugs that have arisen & yet to fix. instead of listening to the players who post outside of this post in the bug forum all you do is tell them to put it this post only for you to ignore it. it's clear you don't care about the players or you would have someone responding in this post & giving us updates on what bugs you are actually fixing.

  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    If you are not going to fix anything in upcoming 3h maintenance, then we will need compensation because what's the point of maintenance? Oh yeah last time you banned cheaters...bravo, bravo...
  • aikidudeaikidude Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: aikidude
    Device and Model: huawei P20 Lite
    Device Operating System: 9
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 25.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: crazy problems in arena help button today. since last update after help the champ still lags at top of the roost until a second has been helped OR all 3 champs after the fight are automatically "helped" and they are at the bottom - this second is particularly annoying when using boosts.
    TODAY: after the fight when back in help/choosing next champs the screen freeze. only solution has been exit the app and close it then restart it. it is becoming impossible to play especially when not much time lefty and in need to make points. besides of course the annoyance and anger.
  • SamA2SamA2 Member Posts: 8
    I have been playing the game for a few years and haven't seen the game this slow and laggy. It's slowly putting me off it, I have to press parry so early it isn't funny. It is also taking between 1-2 minutes to load into the game from my home screen.

    Samsung S10 5G 256GB
    Most up to date software.
  • kgrobinskgrobins Member Posts: 16
    I have been experiencing very long load times and trouble connecting for awhile now. I originally thought it was my connection but this is the ONLY game that I am experiencing any connection difficulties. This thread tells me it's ongoing and nothing is really being done about it. My in game name is kgrobins.
  • Jwallace25Jwallace25 Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Are these threads being read? I'm not trying to cause issues, I really want to know. I have been experiencing the same issues as above, but before I go through the trouble of filling out the required information for bug reporting, I want to know if this thread is being monitored so that I am not wasting my time. Thanks.
  • RikeMileyRikeMiley Member Posts: 8
    This connection **** has been going on since the cosmic ghost rider update and only has gotten worse since the current update. It takes up to 10 min to connect to the game while it spins on the load screen and now it's doing it while in game.

    Moto G Power
    Android 10

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  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    RikeMiley said:

    This connection **** has been going on since the cosmic ghost rider update and only has gotten worse since the current update. It takes up to 10 min to connect to the game while it spins on the load screen and now it's doing it while in game.

    Moto G Power
    Android 10

    Its been long before the Cosmic Ghost Rider update. My connection has been getting progressively worse for the last 3 months.
  • aikidudeaikidude Member Posts: 7
    worse than last week: arena 3* is freezing once back after the fight to the champ chose screen for next fight and help.
    am i the only one?
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 704 ★★★★
    Since you closed the thread that actually had all the pertinent information for the issue that several people have also posted threads about for me to come post it again here, where you never address issues, here it is again.
    Issue: constant connection failure.
    Device: LG G7 thinQ.
    Carrier: T mobile.
    Android version: 10.
    Game version: current.
    Playing on: data (unlimited).
    1. I've been playing on this phone for over a year and this has only been an issue for the last month or so.
    2. I have full signal and full upload/download speed on 4G LTE, and it still does it.

  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Issue: constant connection failure. It is especially bad when it comes to loading the game period and Alliance quest
    Device: Samsung Galaxy Note 9
    Carrier: T mobile.
    Android version: 9
    Game version: current.
    Playing on: data (unlimited).

    This needs to be addressed asap. It is incredibly frustrating because 29 other guys are counting on me and I couldn't join AW at all today and it took 2 hours to do 3 fights in AQ. It also caused me to use 2 revives that wouldn't have happened otherwise. Also 3 potions total as well.
  • Lyrak10Lyrak10 Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: Lyrak10
    Device and Model: MOTO G6
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 29.0.0
    Game Mode: ALL
    Description of the Issue: After 10 to 15 min playing, the game crashes. When playing mission, the game crashes after 10 fights, but when playing arenas, it freezes after 2 fights! FIX THIS ****! I CAN'T BE COMPETITIVE ANYMORE! I PLAY THIS GAME FOR 6 YEARS AND I DON'T FEEL MOTIVATED ANYMORE BECAUSE OF THIS! EVERY UPDATE THE SAME PROBLEM CONTINUES AND NOTHING CHANGES! FIX THIS **** IMEDIATELY!!!
  • TrippieTrippie Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: JÜÎĆĒĢØĐ
    Device and Model: Samsung A20
    Device Operating System: Android Version 10
    Cellular or WiFi: cellular
    Game Version Installed: Latest Version
    Game Mode: All modes
    Description of the Issue: login takes forever, cant even open a crystal without it freezing, I try to fight in aq and itll load the fight and freeze and say I timed out so I lose half my health when I didnt even get into the fight, it did that twice. I cant even send help cause it freezes or shows the no connection symbol.

  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Gionee K3 (M100)
    Android 9
    Wi-Fi (probably both)
    Latest version
    All modes
    In addition to the horde of other issues-
    Since you guys introduced "help 10", the game reloads whenever I switch to another app, or close it. Even if it's still running in the background, and no matter how short the time interval is, it decided to reload, instead of leaving me where I was In-game.
    For instance, I'm in AQ and just took out the miniboss. Then I decide to hop over to Line app to tag my BG members to move forward. I switch apps without removing MCOC from the background. Normally, I'd just quickly send a message, then reopen MCOC and continue moving; but instead, it completely reloads for no frickin reason, making me go through those 5 or so minutes of login time. Whereas before, I could just immediately continue from where I stopped. Happens everywhere, and not just AQ, and wastes loads of time!

    I thought maintenance was going to fix it, but apparently it's worse. Remove help button, please!
  • edited November 2020
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  • AlphaChaosAlphaChaos Member Posts: 20

    FFS, can you please fix the bloody game engine you messed up a millennia ago? There's no point in introducing a new champion (or even a thousands more) as long as we have poor performance.

    We are not complaining from using a low end device that can't cope up with your game. Most of the complains are from flagship devices and they are more than capable of running even more heavier games than this.

    Seriously, are we ever getting a fix for this?
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  • SgtSledgehammerSgtSledgehammer Member Posts: 6
    This is getting absurd. Im about to be forced to leave alliance because I can't connect to run my map 7. at all... idk wtf your coders are doing over there but I've never seen issues like this with anything but mcoc.
  • hk_mk417hk_mk417 Member Posts: 36

    Using a Pixel 4 XL on Android 11, latest game version as well. Cannot seem to login promptly and when I am able to, nothing but connection issues on wifi and cellular data. When I go to move, connection issue and bugged screen. Fix. The. Game.
  • MalchaeisMalchaeis Member Posts: 264 ★★

    In-Game Name: Malchaeis
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5g
    Device Operating System: 10.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 29.0.0
    Game Mode: Arena
    Description of the Issue: When asking for help on the champion selection screen, if you accidentally tap the same champion twice, the game completely freezes and locks up. You have to quit the app and restart. After you push the help request there is a delay sometimes around a second and its easy to accidentally hit it again. This has happened so many times before and after this latest maintenance. Makes doing arena tedious if you just trying to get a couple fights in real quick.
  • StacheBoiStacheBoi Member Posts: 58
    In-Game Name: StacheBoi
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S10
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or Wifi: Cellular/ MetroPCS
    Game Version Installed: 29.0.0
    Game Mode: AQ, Story Quest/ Event
    Description of Bug: everytime I open the game it takes roughly 5 minutes as well as loading times for entering a fight, which results in getting timeout out in AQ...., Connection issues in opening and closing in-game tabs as well.

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