Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Cancelled war enlistment [Merged Threads]



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    FlavorFlaveFlavorFlave Posts: 89
    Just took a major hit in rank because we were unenlisted for war during the emergency maintenance

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    FlavorFlaveFlavorFlave Posts: 89
    I put in a ticket, but this is brutal @Kabam Miike
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    migofmigof Posts: 15

    Here the same situation.
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    StauntonStaunton Posts: 1,524
    edited November 2019
    Loxc affected by this too...
    Ign: Staunton
    I have emailed mcoc support about this too,but going to post it here too.
    Plat3, #47 before last war. We were delisted

    And now having missed a war we have dropped places

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    OneEyedLauOneEyedLau Posts: 28
    Same happened to us, we were 7th in plat4, now we’re 225th...multiple tickets raised to support and no response.
    @Kabam Miike your support team aren’t responding to these issues and there is nothing mentioned in the compensation thread about alliances like this, we had a genuine shot at plat3, how are we going to be compensated?
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    VorvancosVorvancos Posts: 22

    Now gold1
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    RaplexXxRaplexXx Posts: 7
    The same

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    WolverineXWolverineX Posts: 42
    my alliance has stopped wars. we missed a war and it's not our fault. Can I know what our fate will be? We will recover?
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    BADMAN1BADMAN1 Posts: 1
    hello we have a problem with the war of the union we were in platinum alone and now in platinum two help solve this problem
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    Swimdudeno1Swimdudeno1 Posts: 10
    Yeah it's a huge problem. My alliance was unenlisted as well. Hopefully they figure something out.
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    IcejrIcejr Posts: 431 ★★★
    edited November 2019
    What are you doing @Kabam Miike
    @Kabam Zibiit
    @Kabam Vydious ?

    From master 7 to straight Platinum 20 ?

    Wtf is going on ?

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    RaplexXxRaplexXx Posts: 7
    Our season result is 7W - 1L. Very close to masters rank.
    And what now? At the end of the platinum 2 list..
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    Timone147Timone147 Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    We fell from 453 in gold 1 all the way to 87 in gold 2. I expect our compensation to cover ag minimum the gap in rewards from gold 2 to gold 1.

    This part is truly a joke because it was avoidable. Should have just cancelled this round of war.
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    Timone147Timone147 Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    edited November 2019
    They made this situation so much worse by not just cancelling war for the weekend and extending the season.

    I try not to be rude but truth is with how well they handled things during the Friday fiasco just deciding to turn in after all that work and leave it for Monday was a decision that created a much bigger and harder to fix issue from a compensation standpoint.
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    AldacAldac Posts: 478 ★★★
    Our ally has been trying to get to Plat 4 for a couple of seasons. Everyone’s been really disciplined this time, coordinating, spending resources etc and we’ve been solidly mid-to-upper Plat 4 this season. Low-level compared to others in the game but meant a lot to us. We’ve been bounced back into Gold 1 as a result of the bugs/enlistment issue. Everyone is pretty mad and disappointed. Can we please have some sort of statement or reassurance from Admins about this action on this?
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    onelide_dcaonelide_dca Posts: 9
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    FlavorFlaveFlavorFlave Posts: 89

    Is it maybe time for at least a generic response now? We've been talking about exactly this in several threads since friday.

    They did post something in the announcements about it, but I wanted to post anyways so they saw the actual effect on alliances

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    pansapansa Posts: 2
    edited November 2019

    We were in gold 1, thanks to the game not enlisting us in war as we had done, we were downgraded
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    TangywolfTangywolf Posts: 27
    Yep we had a significant drop as well not as extensive as you higher ranked alliances but out push out of silver 1 into gold 3 is now not gonna happen.
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    Is it maybe time for at least a generic response now? We've been talking about exactly this in several threads since friday.

    They did post something in the announcements about it, but I wanted to post anyways so they saw the actual effect on alliances

    As mentioned in that post, we're aware of this. We're adding it into our talks about what we need to do to correct the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing until then, but rest assured we're looking to get this resolved for everyone.
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    YofaYofa Posts: 11
    It's awful what happens we were or2 891st after this war 1065th and I will look again at our ranking we are 1265th we fall again and again ...
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    AldacAldac Posts: 478 ★★★
    Same for us, mid Plat 4 to Gold 1.

    Felt like a kick in the teeth after many seasons trying to get into Plat 4.
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    YofaYofa Posts: 11
    Sorry for my english i'm french..😅 ..... but it's terrible what happens
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    Ezra7676Ezra7676 Posts: 670 ★★
    I joined an ally last week so only have 1 in. This missed one means I'm SOL I guess
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    Is it maybe time for at least a generic response now? We've been talking about exactly this in several threads since friday.

    They did post something in the announcements about it, but I wanted to post anyways so they saw the actual effect on alliances

    As mentioned in that post, we're aware of this. We're adding it into our talks about what we need to do to correct the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing until then, but rest assured we're looking to get this resolved for everyone.
    I also went ahead and merged two threads about the same topic together!
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    dr_nish777dr_nish777 Posts: 313 ★★
    Give everyone rewards of one higher milestone of what they attained at the end of season.
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    Swimdudeno1Swimdudeno1 Posts: 10
    Unpopular opinion:
    Unless people are sharing compensation ideas, I think people shouldn't post anything else here.

    They've said they are aware and can't change much, but are working to figure out compensation. They know how big this is it seems.
This discussion has been closed.