the AI is expert on Dexterity



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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    you were fighting what appears to be a mini boss, at class disadvantage. You killed her with 6824 damage from 6%, meaning they probably had around 110k hps, which is about right for a champing with that pi level

    Thanks for insight. I'll be posting more.
    Go ahead, it does not show anything without context, for example what does your sp2 do to a champ like that outside of that 6%
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    hint, about the same, I have a 6* r2 hood that I use all the time with suicides and assassin.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Honestly I'm a four year player going on five and I have seen the computer dexterity. It happened to me more recently and I haven't seen it in about 3 months so I think it was a specific update bug, specifically when the AI goes into super defensive mode, and it isn't all the time or a huge issue. Just my 2 cents.

    Definitely not enough to have a forum bug issue post that needs to be updated immediately
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Honestly I'm a four year player going on five and I have seen the computer dexterity. It happened to me more recently and I haven't seen it in about 3 months so I think it was a specific update bug, specifically when the AI goes into super defensive mode, and it isn't all the time or a huge issue. Just my 2 cents.

    Definitely not enough to have a forum bug issue post that needs to be updated immediately

    dont confuse shallow evade for dex, the computer can shallow evade.
  • DorianGrayDorianGray Member Posts: 23
    Lormif said:

    And see because you replied to a comment t hat tagged me I got alerted. Now you are spouting an actual conspiracy yourself.

    Also you can confirm this one as true or not, take a fight recorded where it stops at 1%, add up all the damage and subtract all the healing and see if it is greater than the health, if it is then there is a problem.

    How is it a conspiracy if it's official Kabam policy? 1. It's not a secret 2. It's their forums, they're justified in having that as a rule.

    I would but I'm honestly not that worried about it. I'm more worried about people dismissing legitimate concerns as "conspiracy theory," as if no one has even planned a harmful or illegal act in secret. Or worse, when people call something that's not a conspiracy theory a conspiracy theory.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian

    I'll start it. I just saw this from Seatin channel. 48 stacks of prowess. Bishop vs Karnak. Should have been a 1 shot kill... but no.

    I don't know how you can know this should have been a one shot kill. The amount of damage displayed - 71264 - doesn't seem wildly inconsistent with the damage dealt elsewhere. Incidentally, 72315 - 71264 = 1051 health remaining. That is 1051/72315 ~ 0.0145, or 1.45%. But the game screen shows 2%. As I said, the game rounds that number, and it isn't obvious just how much health is or is not left when you get down to the last few percent.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    And see because you replied to a comment t hat tagged me I got alerted. Now you are spouting an actual conspiracy yourself.

    Also you can confirm this one as true or not, take a fight recorded where it stops at 1%, add up all the damage and subtract all the healing and see if it is greater than the health, if it is then there is a problem.

    How is it a conspiracy if it's official Kabam policy? 1. It's not a secret 2. It's their forums, they're justified in having that as a rule.

    I would but I'm honestly not that worried about it. I'm more worried about people dismissing legitimate concerns as "conspiracy theory," as if no one has even planned a harmful or illegal act in secret. Or worse, when people call something that's not a conspiracy theory a conspiracy theory.
    Where is their official policy to dismiss accusations without any sort of of investigation into them rule stated?
  • DorianGrayDorianGray Member Posts: 23
    Lormif said:

    Where is their official policy to dismiss accusations without any sort of of investigation into them rule stated?

    Accusations of conspiracy*

    Idk, ask DNA.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Where is their official policy to dismiss accusations without any sort of of investigation into them rule stated?

    Accusations of conspiracy*

    Idk, ask DNA.
    DNA did not make the claim, you did, or atleat it appears that you did, it could also be a case of you using a dangling modifier.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    For someone who accused others of needing a course of formal logic, you seem to need it yourself. No one accused that of being YOUR position, but that of others, including the OP. In fact yours was not even one of the one DNA quoted to support that this is a conspiracy theory. They quoted actual examples in this thread of them accusing kabam of doing this on purpose and calling them out for it, which fits the definition of a conspiracy theory. It seems you came into this thread just to call us out for supposedly not understanding something, and instead stuck your foot in your mouth. It happens, but instead of taking it on the chin and moving on you are doubling down with this strawman. Understand I have training in formal logic, a lot of it, and understanding truth tables, as well as other fundamental functions of both formal and mathematical logic is part of my job.

    Nope, read @DNA3000 's last comment again. He quoted my comment as his first example of conspiracy theory statement, and the other user he quoted only suggested the possibility of a conspiracy by kabam, that wasn't the basis of his argument. Idk why you felt the need to appeal to your own authority to try and validate your incorrect statement.
    And you stick it in your mouth again, no they did not quote you as the first example of a conspiracy theory, they quoted you to make sure that you know they were talking to you, just as I am quoting you here to let you know I am talking to you, because posts get disjoined and people dont know who you are talking about. The NEXT TWO entries they quoted were to let you know what he was talking about. After all that was your first post in this thread and had nothing in it to talk about what was going on, just to accuse others of doing something..

    Also you are proving your logic is not very well. An appeal to authority is one in when you reference someone or some thing as an authority of something so therefore they have to be correct about it. Such as claiming a lawyer has to be correct about the law because he is a lawyer, ignoring that they are fallible. In this cause I used my education to counter your comment about some of us needing classes in logic. You do not get to set up something, then when they list that they have what you claim they may need you accuse them of using an appeal to authority.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian

    Lormif said:

    Where is their official policy to dismiss accusations without any sort of of investigation into them rule stated?

    Accusations of conspiracy*

    Idk, ask DNA.
    I made no such statement. I said they do not allow discussions of conspiracy theories on the forums, and you decided it was okay to redefine what I meant. I define conspiracy theory as I defined it earlier, and in general I have not seen Kabam censor discussions of problems or issues in the game, or player investigations into same. What they censor are the meta discussions of motive or rationale, accusations of deliberate causation, or baseless assertions of general malfeasance which are common to most conspiracy theories about the game.
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★

    it's true though... AI at the beginning( I started playing 3 years ago) won't evade your dashes or parry your intercept. but now it happens quite often during the game. not trying to prove the conspiracy theory or anything am just putting it out there as a matter of fact...

    Thank you for your input. Don't be hesitant to speak up about it. Doesn't make it conspiracy theory simply because someone says so.
    It also doesn't make it true, just because someone says so.. I've been playing this game since 2015, I've never noticed this 1% bug myself. People always claim kabam simply sweeps it under the rug but these same people never provide video evidence and instantly lash out at someone who doesn't agree with them.

    The AI has frequently changed over the years, and this is a good thing. Can you imagine if the AI in act 5/6, Variant, etc was the same as we fought in Act 2? The game would get stale and boring. As newer champions and content comes out, the AI changes. That's the way its always been. And for the record, the AI has always been able to evade without dex, just like the player can. Whether they do this more frequently now than in the past, that I can't say. But they've always been able to do it. Some champs also recover from heavies and certain specials much faster than others (my best is example is spider Gwen, who recovers absurdly early from her heavy).

    Adapting is part of the game man. The AI has always done and we have to do it too.
  • ScholiaScholia Member Posts: 116
    I had this happen against me today, very first fight in fact in war. Mordo. Did a combo, phased and sp2 straight away. He dexed the first part and my special didn’t connect at all.

    I do see dex in war. The ai is definitely different in that format. Not only on specials, but on general play too
  • Inventor6bInventor6b Member Posts: 33
    I have a question......

    Why is this complaint important? If there really is a 1-3% safeguard and you're (supposedly) doing more than 1% damage, then you should only need 3 more hit to finish them off. That's not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. Really shouldn't be that big of a deal, right?

    Am I wrong?
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Scholia said:

    I had this happen against me today, very first fight in fact in war. Mordo. Did a combo, phased and sp2 straight away. He dexed the first part and my special didn’t connect at all.

    I do see dex in war. The ai is definitely different in that format. Not only on specials, but on general play too

    war and arena are special, you can see dex in there if you dont parry because it uses the talents of the player.
  • Agent_TAgent_T Member Posts: 274 ★★
    Everyone is so hostile on this thread.
    I noticed it a lot last year with the whole AI ironically surviving with 1% health. I’m sure there’s some threads on it but I for one always assumed it was a bug. I mean how is it possible that a champ can survive a sp 3 and be left standing without it being GP, Punisher or any of the sort. As for the passive AI, they’ve become ultra stubborn in releasing an sp themselves. Same with the dex. Say what you want but I’m a firm believer of this “conspiracy”
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Agent_T said:

    Everyone is so hostile on this thread.
    I noticed it a lot last year with the whole AI ironically surviving with 1% health. I’m sure there’s some threads on it but I for one always assumed it was a bug. I mean how is it possible that a champ can survive a sp 3 and be left standing without it being GP, Punisher or any of the sort. As for the passive AI, they’ve become ultra stubborn in releasing an sp themselves. Same with the dex. Say what you want but I’m a firm believer of this “conspiracy”

    because sp3s dont always do enough to kill champs, a lot of SP3s dont do killer damage like dominos, shoot corvus' does way less than his sp2.
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  • ChubsWhiteChubsWhite Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    A few of these dudes I wouldn't even waste time, cause all they do is suck up to kabam.

    I know what you mean bro, and definitely agree, over the 2 years I have been playing the AI has definitely changed. They evade way more than usual, and sometimes in the middle of a 5 hit combo. I've even had the AI activate a special in the middle of a combo, or even evade before my special attack was finished.
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