the AI is expert on Dexterity



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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    edited November 2019

    Lormif said:

    volrex said:

    dude you posted this in the wrong place ,here the majority of people are kabams cultists who gonna deny everything

    people here said that we dont deserve a compensation for the major bugs that we had lately ,even tho its outright disturbed people game ,messing with AW and questing

    so you are just wasting your time tbh

    @DorianGray this is what trying to silence people looks like, personal attacks, unsubstantiated claims against he people.

    the fact is prove your position. Requring proof does not make people "kabam cultists who deny everything"

    This is a strawman argument backed by projection and the One Single Proof fallacy.

    I figured the One Single Proof fallacy would be used here to this degree.

    No matter what evidence you attempt to provide, even though it is the exact request being fulfilled, it will be denied and dismissed without hesitation.
    telling you to prove your position is a straw man fallacy? And no it is not a single proof fallacy. We litterally told you how to prove your position. Take a video that shows the total life, subtract all the damage and add all the healing. If you are at 1% or greater when that is done then we will confirm and admit there is an issue. The issue is you refuse to try to do this, and instead rely on "I said its a bug so its a bug, here is some SSs that I think shows it is a bug but actually confirm it is working."

    you have provided zero evidece of the bug, let alone overwhelming.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian

    No matter what evidence you attempt to provide, even though it is the exact request being fulfilled, it will be denied and dismissed without hesitation.

    Nice try. You're asserting that the game "safeguards" damage. So everyone is asking for proof of that. You posted a whole bunch of pictures showing champions reaching 1% or 2% health before being killed. That isn't evidence of a safeguard, because that's supposed to happen much of the time. All you've proven is that sometimes you'll reach 1% health before dying.

    No one disagrees this sometimes happens.

    The first time you do so, I demonstrate that the damage done was the damage that was supposed to be done, if everything was working correctly and no safeguard exists. This doesn't prove safeguard doesn't exist, it proves your evidence is rubbish. The burden of proof is on you, but I've done more work to figure out what's happening in your pictures than you're doing to make your case.

    No one is being "triggered" here. What's happening is what's supposed to happen. Someone makes a claim. They are asked to back up that claim with evidence. That evidence is analyzed to see if that evidence has any value. In this case it doesn't, and when the person making the claim fails to acknowledge that and continues to pile even more valueless "evidence" on top without thought but with a lot of defensiveness, it becomes obvious to everyone what's going on.

    And then everyone else moves on to more important things. I moved on to more important things, because I think this particular issue (of the safeguard) is settled (at least in this instance), but I think it is worth mentioning that your attempts at playing the martyr shouldn't discourage other people from reporting potential problems and presenting actual evidence of the problem that is worth anything. When people reported issues with diminishing returns, with challenge rating, with Pure Skill mechanics, with alliance match making, with crystal odds, with a whole bunch of things I and many other players jumped in to discuss and do real work to uncover what was happening. And they should look to those examples for how to do that correctly. And they should look to this example for how to fail completely.

    I wouldn't say the forums and the reddit are perfect, but more often than not when someone comes along with a real issue and real evidence, the players don't dismiss it out of hand; they spend the time and the resources to investigate. I can list dozens if not hundreds of cases where players reporting issues were taken seriously. The people crying about how bad the forums are in not falling over themselves to take them seriously by in large don't present anything worth taking seriously.
  • BLEEDlNG_DGEBLEEDlNG_DGE Member Posts: 324 ★★
    Fortunately for me, I don't experience the "1%" occurrences anymore. I did for a few months. While it didn't happen a lot, it happened enough for me to notice.

    What I am experiencing right now is a total shift in AI behaviour. It does really feel like I'm playing on 'expert' level throughout entire game.
    Intermittent, gitchy blocking; immaculate defender dash foward to punish attacker dash back (THING almost always gets me with this one) and my favourite, AI intercepting draft back intercepts. Those three are without question the most annoying AI behaviours I experience. I've had to change my entire playstyle and rely too heavily on PARRY (which is also fast becoming an unreliable tool due to the AI's exceedingly shifty movements).
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    TKS87 said:

    it's true though... AI at the beginning( I started playing 3 years ago) won't evade your dashes or parry your intercept. but now it happens quite often during the game. not trying to prove the conspiracy theory or anything am just putting it out there as a matter of fact...

    Thank you for your input. Don't be hesitant to speak up about it. Doesn't make it conspiracy theory simply because someone says so.
    It also doesn't make it true, just because someone says so.. I've been playing this game since 2015, I've never noticed this 1% bug myself. People always claim kabam simply sweeps it under the rug but these same people never provide video evidence and instantly lash out at someone who doesn't agree with them.

    The AI has frequently changed over the years, and this is a good thing. Can you imagine if the AI in act 5/6, Variant, etc was the same as we fought in Act 2? The game would get stale and boring. As newer champions and content comes out, the AI changes. That's the way its always been. And for the record, the AI has always been able to evade without dex, just like the player can. Whether they do this more frequently now than in the past, that I can't say. But they've always been able to do it. Some champs also recover from heavies and certain specials much faster than others (my best is example is spider Gwen, who recovers absurdly early from her heavy).

    Adapting is part of the game man. The AI has always done and we have to do it too.
    I totally agree with you on the highlighted part. But how do we reconcile this with repeated statements by Kabam mods, saying they haven't changed the ai behavior, and more importantly, that they don't change ai behavior without telling us? To the best of my knowledge, they never made any announcements about the ai changing, improving, or evolving. To suggest that we play against the same ai that was initially introduced five years ago would be absurd.

    That doesn't change the fact that the ai needs to continuously improve to keep the game challenging.

  • OmegaManOmegaMan Member Posts: 383 ★★★

    Fortunately for me, I don't experience the "1%" occurrences anymore. I did for a few months. While it didn't happen a lot, it happened enough for me to notice.

    What I am experiencing right now is a total shift in AI behaviour. It does really feel like I'm playing on 'expert' level throughout entire game.
    Intermittent, gitchy blocking; immaculate defender dash foward to punish attacker dash back (THING almost always gets me with this one) and my favourite, AI intercepting draft back intercepts. Those three are without question the most annoying AI behaviours I experience. I've had to change my entire playstyle and rely too heavily on PARRY (which is also fast becoming an unreliable tool due to the AI's exceedingly shifty movements).

    Agreed. The AI has definitely changed and it’s not accidental. They wanted the AI to learn and to be able to counter the player more often. The results is more potions and revives and yields more money, more profits.

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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    I think that 1% safe guard is unlucky rng against us as usual. Annoying? Yes, but not a big deal. I will not deny the fact that I expect it to happen and keep my distance.
    And AI dexing is just AI evolving, which in this month it's doing more often. "As said by a Great Himalayan Monk: Adapt and git gud scrub."
    Personally I'm fine with it too.

    The only thing that is really frustrating is when the AI intercepts my medium with light or special while we both are standing in close proximity holding block. I mean how in the Usian Bolt the AI can punish us. I don't even let my block down, I swipe forward while holding block to perform a medium attack on its block.

    This happens in new map5 (good riddance, I don't play it anymore) and in master mode
    eq, and in some fights of arena while streak building.
    It's just annoying, also I can't recall experiencing this in any endgame content.

    You cannot medium attack and block at the same time, as soon as you queued the medium the block drops.
  • edited November 2019
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  • LordRaymond3LordRaymond3 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    How is this thread not closed yet
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    This is my favorite 1%er. Drops 530k Hp from 97% to 1%. All the math/action is from 2:30

    *best part is you can easily math out this one due to aggression regeneration and the math checks out to simply not doing enough damage to take the defender to zero.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    arsjum said:

    TKS87 said:

    it's true though... AI at the beginning( I started playing 3 years ago) won't evade your dashes or parry your intercept. but now it happens quite often during the game. not trying to prove the conspiracy theory or anything am just putting it out there as a matter of fact...

    Thank you for your input. Don't be hesitant to speak up about it. Doesn't make it conspiracy theory simply because someone says so.
    It also doesn't make it true, just because someone says so.. I've been playing this game since 2015, I've never noticed this 1% bug myself. People always claim kabam simply sweeps it under the rug but these same people never provide video evidence and instantly lash out at someone who doesn't agree with them.

    The AI has frequently changed over the years, and this is a good thing. Can you imagine if the AI in act 5/6, Variant, etc was the same as we fought in Act 2? The game would get stale and boring. As newer champions and content comes out, the AI changes. That's the way its always been. And for the record, the AI has always been able to evade without dex, just like the player can. Whether they do this more frequently now than in the past, that I can't say. But they've always been able to do it. Some champs also recover from heavies and certain specials much faster than others (my best is example is spider Gwen, who recovers absurdly early from her heavy).

    Adapting is part of the game man. The AI has always done and we have to do it too.
    I totally agree with you on the highlighted part. But how do we reconcile this with repeated statements by Kabam mods, saying they haven't changed the ai behavior, and more importantly, that they don't change ai behavior without telling us? To the best of my knowledge, they never made any announcements about the ai changing, improving, or evolving. To suggest that we play against the same ai that was initially introduced five years ago would be absurd.
    One place I part ways with the devs is in what they consider a "player-facing" change, and the AI is one of those places. The definition the devs use to define "change the AI' is technical, not colloquial. It is possible to change the behavior of the AI without actually changing any element of the implementation of the AI. This is difficult to describe, but an analogy is easier to describe. A lot of times people observe that the arena is getting "more difficult" the devs will say they've made no change to the arena. This is true. The arena is programmed to throw arena teams at us in part by sampling the teams arena players use: the stronger the teams we possess, the stronger the teams we will face. This happens automatically, and irrespective of any actual explicit changes by the devs. It isn't the devs making arena harder, it is actually the players indirectly doing so.

    Some AI changes are like that: the AI itself hasn't changed, but some other element of the game has changed in a way the AI is reacting to. And in other cases the AI has changed, but not in explicit ways: the AI often does things that seem to be an emergent behavior of tweaking other knobs and dials unrelated to that behavior. But since sometimes the devs comment on changes and sometimes don't, if the players ask if the AI has changed continuously and sometimes the mods relay that the AI hasn't changed, that could be just at that moment: the AI could have changed in the past at times when Kabam was silent on those changes.

    I could say more, but I would be violating a rule of mine. Suffice to say: the AI is going to change over time, and you can't actually trust Kabam when they say the AI hasn't changed. They aren't necessarily lying, but they aren't open enough about the implementation for the players to really fairly understand what they are saying about the AI.
  • AngryJuiceAngryJuice Member Posts: 5
    I always put the 1% thing down to the fact that the this number was rounded down in the display but so as not to display 0% health without the character being knocked out the 1% covers the health range between 0 and less than 2%. This would make it roughly twice as likely to see 1% as any other health percentage. I guess it’s either this or have a character on 0% health still fighting back.
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    arsjum said:

    TKS87 said:

    it's true though... AI at the beginning( I started playing 3 years ago) won't evade your dashes or parry your intercept. but now it happens quite often during the game. not trying to prove the conspiracy theory or anything am just putting it out there as a matter of fact...

    Thank you for your input. Don't be hesitant to speak up about it. Doesn't make it conspiracy theory simply because someone says so.
    It also doesn't make it true, just because someone says so.. I've been playing this game since 2015, I've never noticed this 1% bug myself. People always claim kabam simply sweeps it under the rug but these same people never provide video evidence and instantly lash out at someone who doesn't agree with them.

    The AI has frequently changed over the years, and this is a good thing. Can you imagine if the AI in act 5/6, Variant, etc was the same as we fought in Act 2? The game would get stale and boring. As newer champions and content comes out, the AI changes. That's the way its always been. And for the record, the AI has always been able to evade without dex, just like the player can. Whether they do this more frequently now than in the past, that I can't say. But they've always been able to do it. Some champs also recover from heavies and certain specials much faster than others (my best is example is spider Gwen, who recovers absurdly early from her heavy).

    Adapting is part of the game man. The AI has always done and we have to do it too.
    I totally agree with you on the highlighted part. But how do we reconcile this with repeated statements by Kabam mods, saying they haven't changed the ai behavior, and more importantly, that they don't change ai behavior without telling us? To the best of my knowledge, they never made any announcements about the ai changing, improving, or evolving. To suggest that we play against the same ai that was initially introduced five years ago would be absurd.
    One place I part ways with the devs is in what they consider a "player-facing" change, and the AI is one of those places. The definition the devs use to define "change the AI' is technical, not colloquial. It is possible to change the behavior of the AI without actually changing any element of the implementation of the AI. This is difficult to describe, but an analogy is easier to describe. A lot of times people observe that the arena is getting "more difficult" the devs will say they've made no change to the arena. This is true. The arena is programmed to throw arena teams at us in part by sampling the teams arena players use: the stronger the teams we possess, the stronger the teams we will face. This happens automatically, and irrespective of any actual explicit changes by the devs. It isn't the devs making arena harder, it is actually the players indirectly doing so.

    Some AI changes are like that: the AI itself hasn't changed, but some other element of the game has changed in a way the AI is reacting to. And in other cases the AI has changed, but not in explicit ways: the AI often does things that seem to be an emergent behavior of tweaking other knobs and dials unrelated to that behavior. But since sometimes the devs comment on changes and sometimes don't, if the players ask if the AI has changed continuously and sometimes the mods relay that the AI hasn't changed, that could be just at that moment: the AI could have changed in the past at times when Kabam was silent on those changes.

    I could say more, but I would be violating a rule of mine. Suffice to say: the AI is going to change over time, and you can't actually trust Kabam when they say the AI hasn't changed. They aren't necessarily lying, but they aren't open enough about the implementation for the players to really fairly understand what they are saying about the AI.
    Thank you for a detailed explanation. Makes so much more sense than what Kabam official representatives have said so far about this issue.
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