46 Generic Sig Stones, who gets them?

Also got 55 Mystic Sig Stones, 19 Science Sig Stones, and 4 Cosmic Sig Stones to use along side them if necessary.

(Cap Marvel will be my next Rank 4 using T2 Alpha, and Luke Cage will be my next Rank 4 using a Science Rank Up Gem.)

(Cap Marvel will be my next Rank 4 using T2 Alpha, and Luke Cage will be my next Rank 4 using a Science Rank Up Gem.)
46 Generic Sig Stones, who gets them? 32 votes
As for Champions like X-23 and Luke Cage I agree, X-23's Sig Scales pretty poorly as well as isn't super necessary and with how fast Champions attack now a days LC's Indestructible at Sig 20 is Just long enough to wall a full combo and most heavies if you were to slip up.