Day 5 AQ rewards delay? [Merged Threads]



  • RedamberRedamber Member Posts: 1
    How will you calculate the rewards If the points are not there ?? Hope at the end will be the right rewards as we are fed up of these things
  • DarthFigmentDarthFigment Member Posts: 36
    The honor rewards were described on the forum as milestones, not peak milestones, so we should have gotten all milestones below the top one earned. We only got one milestone reward, when we earned 9 milestones of rewards.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,702 ★★★★★

    The honor rewards were described on the forum as milestones, not peak milestones, so we should have gotten all milestones below the top one earned. We only got one milestone reward, when we earned 9 milestones of rewards.

    Is is only peak milestones thing Miike conforms that later one
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    The team is working on getting the issues sorted out so that everyone can their correct rewards as soon as possible.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,702 ★★★★★

    The team is working on getting the issues sorted out so that everyone can their correct rewards as soon as possible.

    How Hav that bug even happens in the first place
  • KwAmOnKwAmOn Member Posts: 108

    The team is working on getting the issues sorted out so that everyone can their correct rewards as soon as possible.

    I know ETAs are hard to come by for buggy stuff, but setting an estimate or compromise from the dev tem would help to mitigate some of the commentary.

    People in my alliance now believes modifiers might not be OK for not getting T5B. I've tried to mitigate, but it helps to have more complete responses of how and when this will be corrected.
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