How to de-curse an account?

After a spectacular run of awful pulls from crystals of all types for the past few months I have come to the sad conclusion that my account has been cursed/had a hex bag attached to it by a witch/been built on a Native American burial ground.
Does anyone know of any methods I can use to remove this unfortunate curse? All charms, spells, rituals or Winchester brother phone numbers welcome.
Does anyone know of any methods I can use to remove this unfortunate curse? All charms, spells, rituals or Winchester brother phone numbers welcome.
Receiving trash champs from past 2 monts
Mine worst luck gone when I received a 5* antman from featured 5* shards crystal
I guess it just terrifies your account into acting right.
2. Stew them together
3. Use the largest bone fragment to draw a pentagram on your phone screen
4. Let it dry for 5 -10 minutes
5. Ritualisticly chant as you pop the crystal
6. Get trash
7. Quit game
In all seriousness, a lot of players think 6* champs are supposed to be the greatest reward in the game, but they are actually supposed to be a bit of an albatross around the necks of top tier players. It gives them something to chase while the rest of us catch up with 5* rosters. It is just that they also trickle down to second tier players, and the same properties that make them good (as in, super expensive) things for top tier players to pursue make them not as great rewards often for players under that tier.
If every singler 6* pull was awesome, well I'm not even a top tier player and I have almost 20 of them. I would be an unstoppable wrecking ball through all the content the game had, and the game would be forced to create much more difficult content for the top tier players, along with associated higher rewards, which would allow them to widen the gap between them and everyone else by an order of magnitude.
Think about it this way. The top tier players already have basically maxed out 5* rosters. Their 5* rosters can't get much better (they can get a little better, sure, but not a lot). So every player under them is in effect gaining a small amount of ground on them in terms of 5* rosters. But they don't have maxed out 6* rosters yet. Anything that makes 6* champs easier to get, or easier to rank up, or have a greater probability of being game-changing, is going to give them more opportunities to push forward than it will give the rest of us.
So we're all gaining ground in 5* champs, and they are all positioned to pull away with 6* champs. So anything that makes 5* champs easier to get and 6* champs harder to get acts to close the gap between the top and the middle. Not by a lot, but by some.
Oh snap, wrong forum.
Possibly still applies though 👍