Dark Lord or Darkchylde?

What’s better to rank up: 4 star Magik to rank 5 or 5 star Dormammu to rank 2 (or maybe rank 3 if i have the resources)? I’m currently in the last part of act 5.1. Also if you guys want me to rank up Magik, should I awaken her with my generic 4 star awakening gem?
Dark Lord or Darkchylde? 49 votes
Magik does have her perks though. Awakened and high sig level will result in cycling Limbo. Her S2 Power Control is fantastic. An amazing champ for intercepting. Her damage output ain't half bad either. At the end of the day, it really depends upon who you are most comfortable fighting with, and what your near future plans are for content you're gonna be tackling. I wouldn't go solely upon the results of a poll. Weigh it all out and choose who will serve YOU best @SkyBlueGaming .
@Lvernon15 this is true. Dorm isn't a powerhouse for general damage output. However, once 4* Magik his R5/50, that's her peak. Once 5* Dormammu hits R4/55, he will supersede her damage output, let alone R5/65. With the focus turning towards 5* champs in CoC and 6* champs being the top tier, longterm it's a bit better to invest in 5* champs. Especially when they're about equal in certain respects to X 4*, and supersede them in others. In this case, Dormammu is quite effective with Power Control.
Honestly, if my focus hadn't switched to high damage over power control, I would've taken my 5* Dormammu to R4 minimum already. However, when you have 5* Domino, Ghost, Beardo, and Nick Fury (among other hard hitters) Dormammu's Power Control is a moot point, lol. Maybe someday I may still take him up to R4. Just have too many other options that far exceed him right now (also have a 5* Magik I've yet to take to R4).
In conclusion, short term 4* Magik is a GRAND option you can't go wrong with IMO. Dormammu is also a good option for the long term in many respects. Really boils down to whomever you're most comfortable fighting with, and will serve you best for your current in game goals. Eventually you may rank both if you don't land someone that supersedes their usefulness. Which honestly, is bound to happen over time. Truthfully, both have their perks. Best wishes @SkyBlueGaming , may your next crystal yield someone epic!
@Lvernon15 to each their own. I like Dormammu and he's worth the effort in my opinion. Power Control for V2 is something Magik cannot provide. Don't get me wrong, as stated above, big fan of Magik. Just acknowledging her limitations in comparison, and her perks by comparison.
Also assuming, you can get the Heavies for his damage, learn his very specific playstyle, and heal enough to deal with the block damage.