Why does the catalyst selector force you to choose right away?
Why isn't it something you can have in your items and use it when needed? Did the normal claiming of rewards and all of a sudden had the t4 class selector pop up. Have no clue what class I need and don't really want to pick one I have in the stash already since the value of trading in sucks, and there could be a class I need. Yes, it's first world problems considrirjg I'm sitting on t4c crystals and shards, but that's exactly why you shouldn't be forced to use it withough being able to see what you have going on.
Annoying because you can't even close and log back in to get to your inventory. It forces you to choose before you do anything.
At the very least you could have what's in your inventory under each class. Like when you're buying shards/fragments from the store, it tells you what you currently have before you buy. And maybe that should go under the suggestions section. If you're going to force us to choose point blank, at least let us know what we currently have. Feel like I'm wasting a t4c now.
Annoying because you can't even close and log back in to get to your inventory. It forces you to choose before you do anything.
At the very least you could have what's in your inventory under each class. Like when you're buying shards/fragments from the store, it tells you what you currently have before you buy. And maybe that should go under the suggestions section. If you're going to force us to choose point blank, at least let us know what we currently have. Feel like I'm wasting a t4c now.
Putting a selector in random rewards when you're used to just mass claiming...
But generally speaking, this is just one of the many basic user friendly things they should do to make the non game play experience easier, more fun, fluid and so forth. Especially for a 5yr old game that should be fairly polished by now.
Heck, I still get annoyed they keep changing the order of crystals and items and such so you can't scroll from muscle memory to a certain point and expect to find X crystal or X item. Why is that random and constantly changing?
But you're a perfect example. Missed an opportunity because you were forced to choose.
It's an item. Put it under items and let us use it when we were ready to use it. Dumb the way they do it now.
Can you take this back to the team for some fixin'? Don't know why they can't put the selector under items and let us use it when we feel it necessary instead of locking the game up and forcing us to use it point blank. It's something we earned, worked for or are rewarded for. Why are we not allowed to make an educated decision on how we use it, when we choose to use it? Why do you force us to use it then and there?
And it is an item after all. Throw it with items. Simple zero logic to force us to use it immediately. Especially as just a random reward one is claiming.
For the record, I agree it’s a stupid system.
And you could put a timer on it, so your point is meaningless. There are countless ways to do it better than the current way.
You assume they actually thought about this. Prior history shows they don't.