15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Miike, will next round of Wars start before any changes will be made?
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  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Virux wrote: »
    Maybe... Just maybe..... You have some of the community try it out before you send out the update? This could save you money and backlash. You know, like how things were supposed to be done after 12.0? There are multiple platforms for ios and Android that allow you to have certain people download the updated app and try it out. It's really not that hard.

    Agree, but they only accept people under the age of 15 and using mommy's credit card to judge content.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    as well as some other possible adjustments to the mode.

    NO! Only this please
    some adjustments need to be made to the new scoring system

    Just reduce the amount of points for attacker kills slightly. You may or may not choose to reintroduce defender kills. I don't care about that

    Alliance wars have become too easy. They are going to have to ratchet up the nodes if they want this diversity thing to work. So the choices are either dump diversity but keep the nodes (I would be in favor of this) or make the nodes harder and keep diversity (not a fan)
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    I actually like the idea of diversity. It was something new to plan and account for in AW. Defender kills should give some points though. That's the main sticking point for me.
  • OGHeRRoOGHeRRo Member Posts: 113
    Diversity in my opinion was just installed to try and appease the entire community that was fed up with AW being a "MD5 Mystic war". It completely missed the mark.
  • vikky89vikky89 Member Posts: 80
    Hey Everybody,

    With the first round of Alliance Wars coming to a close soon, the Team agrees that some adjustments need to be made to the new scoring system, as well as some other possible adjustments to the mode.

    We don't know what those are at this time, or what needs to be done, so we can't give you any more information right now, but rest assured that we are already starting discussions on what needs to be done.

    Stay tuned, and we'll update you as soon as we can.

    Finally glad you guys acknowledged new AW setup is flawed. Plz bring back defender kills and make wars balanced again.
  • Aspry375Aspry375 Member Posts: 8
    When a team can place nobody attack yours and win by a landslide the system is flawed, glad it's getting an early tweak
  • xdethsquadxxdethsquadx Member Posts: 50
    KABAM- You led us to conclude that spending resources on certain champs was a NECESSITY to compete in the last AW format, then you completely devalue MANY champs we ranked up SOLELY for Defense by punishing us for using the former staples of AW. We need RANK DOWN TICKETS to readjust our rosters. Now, we need to rank up champs that we never would have and the EXPENSIVE upgrades to the likes of Spideys, Mordos, Magiks, Dormammus, Hyperions, and Electros are rendered useless and are a detriment to winning. This is not a "Oh, Im having lag issues, so gimme RD tickets." This is an absolute necessity, as with 5* and 6* taking over, we cant spend new resources on otherwise unplayable 4* champs like Kamala or Cage or Ant Man.
  • HotcheeseHotcheese Member Posts: 1
    Run477 wrote: »
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    as well as some other possible adjustments to the mode.

    NO! Only this please
    some adjustments need to be made to the new scoring system

    Just reduce the amount of points for attacker kills slightly. You may or may not choose to reintroduce defender kills. I don't care about that

    Alliance wars have become too easy. They are going to have to ratchet up the nodes if they want this diversity thing to work. So the choices are either dump diversity but keep the nodes (I would be in favor of this) or make the nodes harder and keep diversity (not a fan)

    They need to change more then attacker kills! Like bring back defense kills and also not make it about diverse opponents so much because there's only a certain amount that are good for def!
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    Where are the new boosts?
    I bet i get a warning for asking.
  • Obeng90Obeng90 Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2017
    Tell it straight to our face that u guys don't test **** . Your level of failure is so close to 100% . Explain to us how you do the supposed beta testing that continuously fails us . Pathetic
  • xdethsquadxxdethsquadx Member Posts: 50
    Why would you guys force us to WASTE resources on HORRIBLE CHAMPS that have no place in this game and arent useable for quests or AQ, making them only useable for AWD, but oh wait!! They are horrible for that too! RANK DOWN TICKETS!!!
  • PlantesanPlantesan Member Posts: 335 ★★
    Why not bring back defender kills, drop overall rating, and adjust nodes so it makes the garbage champs your team seems hell-bent on us bringing into AW, via Champ Diversity, more tempting?

    *tossed onto the idea stockpile that'll never be considered*
  • Jackie2CokesJackie2Cokes Member Posts: 207 ★★
    Ok, so are we to assume that we will continue on with the broken AW until such a time as you put out a new version?

    Or will it be disabled?
  • HendrossHendross Member Posts: 966 ★★★
    Pow3rKat wrote: »
    Hey Everybody,

    With the first round of Alliance Wars coming to a close soon, the Team agrees that some adjustments need to be made to the new scoring system, as well as some other possible adjustments to the mode.

    We don't know what those are at this time, or what needs to be done, so we can't give you any more information right now, but rest assured that we are already starting discussions on what needs to be done.

    Stay tuned, and we'll update you as soon as we can.

    My question is 100% straight-forward...

    Will you beta test the update before its release?

    lol, are you new?
  • Bash100000Bash100000 Member Posts: 11
    they removed defender kills to improve spending, so people would continue and to pay to win, what they did not count on is no defence strategy causes the 1 alliance to spend to guarantee a win, but that spending was already in place, what they did not realize is those in the middle and lower alliances who are not spending they thought it was because of defender kills, but it is really due to the players being unhappy with all the bugs in the game, so their percieved increased spending never came to light as they expected.
  • Aspry375Aspry375 Member Posts: 8
    The problem with enhanced bleed and enhanced poison nodes is what player is going to take a champ who's not immune into those fights making them pointless as very few will place a champ with those abilities there, your much better off with enhanced ability nodes as who knows what those enhanced abilities will be, much more challenging. Power gain, health enhancement coupled with mystic ward. I could go on but I won't, sombody gets paid for these ideas.
  • Chill510Chill510 Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2017
    There’s so many different and creative nodes in Act 5. Bring some of that to AW. That would be great. For example, “below 50% health, 25% chance to go Unstoppable for x sec.” That’s a good challenge and keeps attacking players on their toes. Make it about skills not money....Come on Kabam. Stop being lazy and get creative.
  • Yeah basically Kabam is telling us is 'we realized you guys didn't spend enough units as we had hoped so we're going to jack it up so we can make money off you fools'
  • themainnnbrainthemainnnbrain Member Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike I feel that rank down tickets might be appropriate after shifting content this drastically. Most of us have developed rosters with aq/aw in mind. I love the new changes and think this would alleviate most attitudes as rosters can be re-established.
  • SparhaukSparhauk Member Posts: 23
    It's almost as if the executives made a decision that more potions and units would need to be used, and any other decisions be damned. Oh wait... that's every new "feature" introduced since 12.0!
  • KandiwolfKandiwolf Member Posts: 35
    I know I'm going to be mad when the guys we come up against this war don't have a defense
  • KandiwolfKandiwolf Member Posts: 35
    Overall I like the new map and what not.
  • LscarvalLscarval Member Posts: 2
    Here's a suggestion: whoever doesn't place all 5 defenders doesn't get the AW rewards.
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