Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Harpoon (Mutant)

    Vermin (Science)

    Ch'od (Cosmic)

    Jia Jing Sprite (Mutant)

    Talon (Cosmic)

    Pod (Tech)

    American Dream (Skill)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Zombie Red Skull (Science)

    Infernal Hulk (Mystic)

    Anarchist (Mutant)

    Spider-Woman (Mangaverse) (Mystic)

    Juggernaut (Charles Xavier) (Mystic)

    Mercury (Mutant)

    Ultimate Deadpool (Tech)

    Red Onslaught (Mutant)

    Weapon Omega (Mutant)
  • DesertwindsDesertwinds Member Posts: 1






    Doom 2099
  • Wildearth08Wildearth08 Member Posts: 1

    Phantom Rider Carter Slade


    Genesis (Tyler Dayspring)

    Beta Ray Bill

    1,000,000 BC Odin
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Solem (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities

    Solem is a mutant with the following powers:

    Superhuman Strength: Solem was able to break free from Wolverine's grip with ease.[1]
    Superhuman Durability: Solem’s skin is comprised of Adamantium.[2]
    Advanced Longevity: Solem is more than one hundred years old and still looks young.[1]
    Muramasa blade: Solem skin can be cut using one of the Murasama swords.[2]

    Hellblade: A blade which previously belonged to Bracken, and acted as a key to Hell.[2]
    Murasama blade: A brand new blade forged by Muramasa.[2]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Deviants (Homo descendus)

    Deviants are a subspecies derived from humanity. They were created by the Celestials and are at war with the Eternals, whose polar opposite they represent. The Deviants call themselves “the Changing People”. All members of the breed possess a different genetic map, an often monstrous appearance, and special powers. Some human myths are taken from actual Deviant stories.

    The Deviants are a religious people, the loyal subjects of the Dreaming Celestial (“He Who Sleeps in Darkness”). They attribute to him the creation of their species and the gift of the Earth, a pact that was betrayed and broken by the Eternals, as it is told in one of their holy books, the Book of Krask. The Deviants developed advanced technology, focused on genetic engineering, while humans still lived in caves. Their domination of humanity was, however, prevented by the Eternals. There are approximately 2,000 Deviants in the world.

    Why this introduction? Well, in today’s article, we are going to give you a list of the 15 strongest Deviants in Marvel’s universe, starting with the weakest among them. It’s going to be an interesting article, so keep reading to acquaint yourselves with our list. Enjoy!

    Table of Contents show

    15. Dulpus

    Due to having a total of just four appearances in the comics since 2001, Dulpus is a relatively unknown character which we don’t have much data on him. We know that he assisted in the failed takeover of Earth wanting to get closer to Kang the Conqueror. He tried to conquer China in Kang’s name but ultimately failed after the Avengers intervened. Later, a loss against Warbird forced him to fully retreat.

    14. Ranar

    Ranar was the son of Brother Tode, the ruler of Deviant Lemuria and an unknown woman. Her mother died in childbirth under the watchful eye of Ghaur, the priest of the priesthood allegedly killed by Ranar, who had torn himself from his womb.

    After Brother Tode’s death, Ranar directed the repairs and restored the economy to bring the deviants out of the darkness. When he tried to stand up to lead the dissidents, he confronted Ghaur but was killed by the priesthood.

    Not much is known about him beside these facts, as he was killed early on and we didn’t really get the chance to explore his character further. Still, seeing that he was the ruler’s son, he must have inherited at least some powers.

    13. Brother Visara
    A Deviant who came to power after Warlord Kro left the throne. He used the paranoia of the people to visit all the supporters of Ghaur and the other priest-lords after it became known that the “time of purity” had been secretly used to amass a stupid army of dissenting warriors. He was infamously known for his weapon, called “The Slicer,” a guillotine-like device used to execute suspected acolytes by priest lords, who even included subordinate temple servants. He literally became a victim of his own success when his own status as a new leader was emphasized and the dissenters turned him on.

    12. Brother Tode
    For a while there were several dissenting monarchies fighting against each other. Recently, only one deviant empire with a lone ruler has been observed. That leader was Brother Tode, who was active in the City of Toads and, using advanced technology, was able to destroy planes or intruders in his domain.

    The bulky Tode sat on a throne and his little henchmen – including his Queen Vira and his fool Broop – crawled before him, and only privileged subordinates like Prime Minister Ragar and Warlord Kro stood around or beside him. Whenever Tode moved (or was moved), the Deviants stopped their activities to greet him. Tode seldom confided in anyone, but he considered Priest-Lord Ghaur an ally; Ghaur said he helped in the birth of Death’s son Ranar, who killed his mother – not Vira – during childbirth.

    Although Tode had no real superpower, he claimed to have particularly advanced perceptions for a Deviant. Tode had excellent leadership skills. His hand-to-hand combat skills are weak, but his reaction time is superior and he can heal and heal injuries, illnesses, and fatigue faster than one would expect. Death can lift its own (considerable) weight above its head.

    Because of his oversized head, his personal mobility is impaired and Tode often has to resort to minions to get him from one place to another. Tode can walk alone at a normal pace if necessary and hold his own weight for some time, but his flexibility and coordination are poor.

    11. Ulysses Dragonblood

    Ulysses Dragonborn is a Deviant. He and his brother Odysseus Indigo were the founders of the Damocles Foundation, an organization created to develop and control the next stage in human evolution. He was very concerned about the development of mutants and carried out various experiments on them.

    After years of torture, a young mutant named Arcadia DeVille escaped with the help of Dragonblood. The two were driven away by the foundation’s armed forces, the Sword. When Arcadia and Dragonblood finally arrived in Kentucky, they met the mutant hero Cannonball, who was on leave from the X-Men to visit his family. Cannonball tried to help but was defeated.

    Fortunately, Cannonball’s former team, X-Force, has arrived to help out with Sword. During the fight, Arcadia didn’t know who to trust and thought X-Force was an enemy. So she turned X-Force member Danielle Moonstar into a silent substance. Eventually, X-Force defeated the sword and Arcadia restored Moonstar to its true form and somehow altered Moonstar’s powers so that he could control the cosmic forces, much like Arcadia did.

    Ulysses Dragonborn has Deviant physiology that gives him superhuman strength, endurance, and durability, which makes him a very formidable fighter. He also has the ability to heal wounds at a significantly faster rate than a normal person. His special power is the Sedative Touch, with which Ulysses has the ability to sedate people by just touching them. He is also completely immune to the powers of his brother, Odysseus Indigo.

    10. Odysseus Indigo

    Odysseus Indigo was a Deviant. He was the founder of the Damocles Foundation, an organization created to develop and control the next stage in human evolution. He was very concerned about the development of mutants and carried out various experiments on them.

    Indigo represented the group on one of its many fronts, the Aguilar Institute. They donated various resources to a small town called Almost Reno in New Mexico. The city’s sterile residents were exposed to aberrant and mutated chromosomes, causing all children born there to develop superhuman powers.

    Odysseus Indigo has a different physiology, which in turn has given him superhuman strength, endurance, and durability. He also has the Power Negation ability, through which he projects a damping field out of his body that deactivates all superhuman abilities as long as he is within range of his field and focused.

    9. Enigmo

    Enigmo was born as a Deviant. He did not remain isolated in Lemuria like the rest of his race thanks to his human appearance. He joined the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation. He had just beaten Anabolicus during one of the wrestling matches when Kro, another Deviant, came to him to offer him a position on his newly formed Delta Force team, created to improve the lives of their brothers.

    He agreed and Delta Force set out to save the Avengers from Ghaur. He fought Black Knight, who was under control due to a Brain Mine, but before the fight could end the mine was bypassed and the Dark Knight returned to normal. Unfortunately, the team was again forced to leave Lemuria under Ghaur’s control for fear of throwing society into chaos. Kro promised that one day they would return to defeat Ghaur.

    Enigmo’s best-known powers is his biomass manipulation, meaning that he can separate his body and the separate parts can reshape and form separate entities that are able to move. He can also absorb those duplicates back to his own body.

    8. Taras Vol

    Taras Vol was a Deviant scientist from circa 18,000 BC, in the ancient island of Lemuria. He was a brilliant geneticist and had the power of telepathy. Taras Vol captured three Neanderthals called Cole, Gort and One-Eye to experiment on.

    He was searching for a way to prolong the Deviant races’ lifespan. The experiment was only meant to last five years, but he never learned the results of his work, because of the Great Cataclysm sinking Lemuria and Atlantis, it is unknown whether he survived. During the event, the Neanderthal’s escaped and lived through history due to their genetic enhancements. As for his powers, he is a brilliant scientist and a skilled genetic.

    Like with Ranar, not much is known about Taras Vol and this is all the information that we possess about him.

    7. Dragona

    Dragona is another Deviant and the sister of Ereshkigal. Not much is known about her, as she has only had seven appearances since her debut in 1979. Her most important storyline is from Avengers #370-371, when she was part of a Delta Force unit that was sent to rescue the Avengers, who were being held captive by Ghaur. She is also known for being the former lover of Brother Tode.

    As for her abilities, she is known to have been able to fly, but also breath fire, which was her special ability. She also had other generalized Deviants powers.

    6. Ransak the Reject

    Ransak is a member of the Deviant race. He is the son of Maelstrom and Medula. Perfectly resmbling a human, he was feared and avoided by his peers, all of which have been misshapen since birth. His appearance is monstrous to the Deviants.

    Rejected, he channeled his rage to become a great gladiator. In the arena, he attracted the attention of Thena, an Eternal, and in the company of his companion gladiator Karkas, had a right of sanctuary in the city of Olympia. But his perpetual anger worried the Eternals. Kingo Sunen set out to teach him discipline and self-control.

    When the Eternals moved to space, Ransak resumed his profession as a gladiator in the arenas, or as a warrior. We see Karkas and Ransak, guardians of the City of the Eternals. They helped Thor reach the city of Lemuria to recover a powerful destructive artifact previously stolen by Ereshkigal.

    Ransak possesses the strength and stamina to lift several tons and stand up to an Eternal in single combat. He has a long experience in melee combat, and is, therefore, a formidable warrior, very dangerous with swords and spears. He is prone to fits of fury, helping him resist injury and pain.

    5. The Ritter Twins

    Thena and Kro, despite being members of two offshoots of humanity who are traditional enemies, have been in a relationship for over 25,000 years. During the Vietnam War, the two had intercouorse and Thena found out she was pregnant. With her powers, she secretly implanted the embryos in a sterile human woman, and the two grew up without knowing their origins.

    When Dr. Daniel Damian, a person who was aware of the existence of Deviants and the Eternals, sent a monster (formerly Ajak) to kill the two children and in the process to kill many other pairs of twins, Thena took both of them to Olympia, the City of Eternals but did not inform them of their heritage. But even Olympia proved dangerous, and the monster captured the two and fled to Peru, where they faced Damian. The twins learned of their true origins and were saved by Kro and Thena.

    The Ritter Twins have been shown several times since then. In Avengers #370-371, the two Ritter’s joined Delta Network and demonstrated their ability to merge into a two-mouthed, four-eyed, four-armed creature named Tzabaoth. In Heroes for Hire #6, they merged again, this time forming a slender, winged metallic creature called Dark Angel.

    In both stories, the twins were supposed to merge for the “first” time, and both stories also featured the “resurrection” of the dissenting Ghaur, suggesting that the writers of those stories may not have been aware that these characters were previously used along here. Tzabaoth and Dark Angel both had eternity-type abilities, including great strength and durability, flight, and the ability to shoot beams of energy from his eyes. They were briefly captured by the evil Maelstrom, but saved by the Eternals and Kro.

    4. Maelstrom
    Maelstrom is a hybrid of the Deviant and Inhuman race, the only one known to date. About a hundred years old, he possesses terrible power, and is as smart as he is mad. His father, Phaeder, was exiled from the city of Attilan (the city of the Inhumans) after claiming to want to create clones. He was stranded in a Deviant city where he married a woman named Morga, who gave birth to Maelstrom.

    Maelstrom was pushed into the slave pits, while his mother was killed. He was saved by his father, and together they prepared their revenge against the Deviant and Inhuman race.

    Maelstrom can manipulate kinetic energy. He can thus literally absorb any attack and use the absorbed energy for his own purposes, such as improving his strength, projecting energy, creating a force field, and changing his size. In addition to his powers, he is a genius in biology and genetics. He is also a very good technician. Maelstrom’s unique genetic code gives her far greater strength than a standard human.

    He learned to increase it further by absorbing kinetic energy. He can also mentally control his height, being able to grow and shrink to as yet unknown limits.

    3. Ereshkigal

    Sister of Dragona, Ereshkigal is a Deviant explorer who claims to have lived over a thousand years. She used her resemblance to the Sumerian Goddess to usurp her identity. Her real name is, thus, unknown. Brother Tode sent her to the City of the Gods of Space. She took on a human appearance and set off for the Andes Cordillera. His plane was captured by the Celestials; on board were also the Eternal Ajak and Thor (in human form). The duo thwarted their plans.

    Later, after the Siege of Asgard, Ereshkigal left the city of Lemuria then in the midst of civil war and ventured into the ruins of Asgard watched over by Thor. She succeeds in stealing the Oshemar Stone from him (an extra-dimensional artifact once entrusted to Odin by its creator). She couldn’t use it to take command of the Deviants, and it was finally Kro who managed to open it, triggering a destructive process. The cataclysm was finally stopped by Thor and Phastos.

    Ereshkigal is a Deviant with white skin and red eyes. She has bat wings which allow her to fly at moderate speed. Her strength and endurance surpass that of a man. We do not know her age but she seems for the moment to have lived almost a millennium, despite her appearance of a woman in her forties. A shapeshifter, she can take on a human appearance. She has access to Deviant knowledge and technology. She has already been seen using energy weapons, or pistols that generate ice. She has a belt allowing her to cross dimensions and teleport.

    2. Ghaur

    Ghaur was born in the “City of Toads” of the Deviant Lemuria. He grew up as a high priest in the Deviant priesthood but had ambitions to be much more. He had Ranar killed when Ranar claimed the succession to the dissenting throne. Ghaur became the unofficial leader of the Deviants.

    He had a confrontation with Warlord Kro, whom Ghaur was allowed to make a figurehead monarch. Ghaur conquered Kro and the Eternals Thena and Sersi. He revealed to Kro that he had assembled an army of off-types in floating animation. Ghaur used a bottle that contained part of the “essence” of the “dreaming heavenly” in order to transform himself into a heavenly one. However, Ghaur came under the mind control of the Dreaming Celestial, which forced Ghaur to free him from his grave.

    Ghaur’s consciousness was separated from his heavenly body by a Uni-Mind. Ghaur’s consciousness apparently dissolved and Ghaur’s celestial body shrank into apparent nothing. Ghaur later got the Silver Surfer to restore his physical form. Its most powerfully expressed powers are genetic modification and control of the mind. Ghaur also displayed leadership and occult skills, as well as an excellent memory: he remembered the genetic code of every known living deviant and those deviants whom he believed had survived apparent death.

    1. Kro

    Kro is a warlord, dictator, and a general of the Deviants. He is 20,000 years old and is secretly an immortal shapeshifter, closer to the Eternals than the rest of his kin, which forced him to hide his powers from his people. Over the centuries, he has been mistaken for the Olympian Pluto, the devil, and many other mythological figures. He is Thena’s secret lover, and for this reason, he has sometimes become a reluctant ally of the Eternals.

    Despite his diverse heritage, Kro possesses a number of superhuman traits characteristic of an Eternal, including regenerative durability, immortality, toxic immunity, and malleability. However, Kro’s shapeshifting powers are limited. He can only change the shape of his skeleton slightly. Furthermore, it cannot remove any part of its mass through transformation; He can only redistribute his 320 pounds of weight. Therefore, he usually only uses his shapeshifting power to change his facial features.

    He can mentally shape the shape of his skull somewhat. Kro has about three times the physical endurance of a normal human athlete. His heart is not in the same place as an ordinary person’s; its true place is not revealed. Kro is a master military strategist, an excellent military commander, a good hand-to-hand fighter, and an expert on deviant weapons.


    And that’s it for today. We hope you had fun reading this and that we helped solve this dilemma for you. See you next time and don’t forget to follow us!
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Defenders of Warp World
    Verteidiger der Warp-Welt

    Stephen Rogers (Warp World) (Earth-616)
    Soldier Surpreme

    Powers and Abilities
    Seemingly those of Doctor Strange and those of Captain America

    Cloak of Levitation, Eye of Agamoshtur, Eye of Agamodin

    Stark Odinson (Warp World) (Earth-616)
    Iron Hammer

    Iron Hammer Armor

    Peter Parker (Warp World) (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities
    Seemingly those of the Peter Parker of the regular universe.


    Arachknight's Darts

    Laura Kinney (Warp World) (Earth-616)
    Weapon Hex

    Powers and Abilities
    Seemingly those of Laura Kinney and those of Wanda Maximoff.

    Seemingly those of Laura Kinney and those of Wanda Maximoff.

    John Kaluu (Warp World) (Earth-616) U. S. Archmage
    Powers and Abilities
    Seemingly those of the U.S. Agent of Earth-616 and those of the Kaluu of Earth-616.

    Seemingly those of the U.S. Agent of Earth-616 and those of the Kaluu of Earth-616.

    Cloak of Levitation

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Terrific Two (Warp World) (Earth-616)
    Terrific Two (Warpwelt) (Earth-616)

    Benjamin Storm (Warp World) (Earth-616)
    Hot Rocks
    Notes Powers and Abilities
    This character is a warp between the Human Torch and Thing.

    Reed Storm (Warp World) (Earth-616)
    Mister Invisible
    Notes Power and Abilities
    This character is a warp between Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman.

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Black Ant (Tech)

    Kid Loki (Mystic)

    Anole (Mutant)

    Jack Flag (Science)

    Sir Ram (Science)

    The Spider (Cosmic)

    Abigail Brand (Cosmic)
  • FisichellaFisichella Member Posts: 97
    Kate Bishop

    Screaming Mimi

    Sydney Taine



    Sharon Rogers

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Ahura (Cosmic)

    Spider-Man (Tech Stealth Suit) (Tech)

    Belladonna (Mutant)

    Rockslide (Mutant)

    Set (Mystic)

    Cypher (Mutant)
  • FlyingnightFlyingnight Member Posts: 1

    Scientists Supreme (Andrew Forson)





  • Redone465Redone465 Member Posts: 1

    Midnight Sun



    Madame Swarm





  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Rune King Thor Thor Odinson

    Rune King Thor is still under beings such as The Living Tribunal infinitely.
    Rune King Thor is still under Omnipotent beings such as The-One-Above-All and Pre-Retcon Beyonder.
    Rune King Thor can lose to the Abstract beings such as Eternity and Infinity.
    Rune King Thor cant beat a fully fed Galactus or best a Fully powered Celestials.


    Powers and Abilities
    Nigh-Omnipotence (Low Tier)
    Odinforce Empowerment
    Rune Magic Empowerment
    Reality Warping (Mid Tier)
    Universe Manipulation
    Cosmic Energy Manipulation
    Subatomic Manipulation
    Space-Time Manipulation
    Soul Manipulation
    Matter Manipulation
    Mind Control
    Disease Immunity
    God-Tier Strength
    God-Tier stamina
    Trans-Dimensional Teleportation
    Duplicate Manipulation
    Light Speed Flight
    Infinite Speed
    Cosmic Awareness
    Supernatural Sensory System
    Supernatural Sight
    Telescopic Sight
    Microscopic Sight
    Supernatural Hearing
  • DWV78DWV78 Member Posts: 1
    Captain Glory

    Just a cool looking character with a cool powerset. Could have synergies with Super Skrull, Ronan, Captain Marvel, etc
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Artie Maddicks (Mutant)

    Spectrum (Science)

    Gibbon (Mutant)

    Hazmat (Science)

    Triathlon (Cosmic)

    Genesis (Mutant)

    Dust (Mutant)

    Smasher (Tech)

    D.E.A.D.P.O.O.L. (Tech)

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Gentle (Mutant)

    Vulcan (Mutant)

    Aquarian (Science)
  • NewChampionNewChampion Member Posts: 1



    Jack O lantern


    Alpha Ray
  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    edited August 2021
    kevhugo said:

    Lizard and Sandman, good characters to come out side by side, could introduce a Sinister Six synergy, Similar to Horseman Synergy.

    Still think this would be great
  • Bluecat38Bluecat38 Member Posts: 1






  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New Champion: Klaw
    Class: Tech

    Ulysses Klaw is an infamous arms dealer and terrorist famous for attempting to steal Vibranium, after one of his machines malfunctioned during a fight with Black Panther he became a being of pure sonic energy, making him a deadly foe

    Special Attacks
    SP1: Disruption Pulse- Klaw fires a sonic blast before teleporting and firing a blinding sonic laser

    SP2: Sonic Boom- Klaw grows to huge proportions, kicking his foe before returning to normal size and fires a concentrated beam of pure sonic energy

    SP3: Wakanda Belongs To ME!!- Klaw vanishes before bursting out of the ground at the size of a 20 storey building before he aims his enlarged sonic cannon at his foe and fires a couple blasts then he charges up his cannon and obliterates them into atoms

    Awakened Ability: Ultrasonics- Klaw can harness his sonic body to evade attack, with a 40% chance to place a falter debuff on them when they hit him
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New Champion: Shadow Knight
    Class: Skill

    Bio: Randall Spector was the psychotic brother of Marc Spector, AKA Moon Knight, after he found out his brother's identity he made his own take on his brother's suit before realising he could be better than his brother at being Moon Knight, becoming his sworn enemy

    Special Attacks
    SP1: Enhanced Hatchet- Shadow Knight uses a modified version of his old hatchet when he was Hatchet Man to hack away at his foe

    SP2: Shadow Slash- Shadow Knight takes a stolen crescent dart and stabs and slashes away at his foe before throwing it

    SP3: Into The Shadows- when you face up to Shadow Knight, you realise he is beyond insanity

    Awakened Ability: Insanity and Instinct- Shadow Knight is both a psycho and a cunning strategist
  • NightWonders09NightWonders09 Member Posts: 1



    Red Shift


  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106

    Emplate enters The Contest MM/DDth at TT AM

    About Emplate:

    Emplate, a vampire-like mutant who can take on the abilities of those he feeds upon as well as control their minds. Emplate was the main villain of Generation X.

    Base Stats & Abilities

    *All stats based on 4 Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Signature Level 99

    .Health: 15660
    .Attack: 1227
    .Max PI
    .Without Signature: 3727
    .With Signature (99): 4737

    Character Class: Mutant

    *Passive: Pocket Dimensions
    .Emplate suffers from a permanent (active) Degeneration debuff that drains 0.2% health each second.

    .When against mutants, Emplate senses Mutant Aura of target which grants Emplate 1193 attack rating while also reducing the opponent’s Ability Accuracy by 50%. This Ability Accuracy reduction ignores mutants immunities.

    *Medium Attack Combo Finisher:
    .50% chance to cause your opponent to Rupture for 1450 direct damage over 20 seconds.

    *Heavy Attack: Vampiric Infection
    .100% chance to inflict Vampiric Infection to opponent, passively Heal Blocking and Slowing them for 7.5 seconds.

    ✓Developer Note - The Heavy Attack animation has to be of 6 hits for convenience of players during playing.

    ~Density Control: Another natural power Emplate does have, is ability to control his own density.

    *Dash Back -
    .Become Indestructible for 2 seconds, this indestructibility also ignores all DOT debuffs and passives.

    *While Heavy Attack Charging -
    .Become Intangible and opponent has 100% chance to miss, providing the Opponent isn’t able to bypass Miss.

    *Special Attacks -
    .100% chance to cause your opponent to Rupture for 1450 direct damage over 20 seconds.

    #Signature Ability: Energy Siphon
    .Being a Energy Vampire Emplate has also the ability to Siphon Energy from his target through their Bone Marrow Sap, and utilising it for his requirements.

    *Bone Marrow Sap (Max Stack 42):
    .50% chance to gain 1 Bone Marrow Sap per Critical Hit.
    .For every 3 hit on Combo Meter gains 1 Bone Marrow Sap.

    ✓Developer Note - Emplate's normal Combo will be of 6 hits, i.e. he will gain 2 Bone Marrow Sap per 1 Combo Rotation.

    *Special Attacks:
    .Consumes same number of Bone Marrow Sap as number of Hits on that Special Attack.

    ✓Developer Note - Special Attacks effect will be depend upon, the type of Stance at which Emplate is during Special Attack activation.

    ~Emplate can Siphon Life, Power and Buff from his opponents depending upon his current Stance.

    *Emplate has 3 Stances -

    >Attack Energy

    .SP 1 - 100% Chance to Power Lock the target for 7.5 seconds.
    .SP 2 - 100% Chance to Steal 50% of the target's current power.
    .SP 3 - 100% Chance to Drain 100% of the target's current power.

    >Buff Energy

    .SP 1 - 100% Chance to Drain (Nullify) all of the target's current buffs.
    .SP 2 - 100% Chance to Buff Steal for 15 seconds.
    .SP 3 - 100% Chance to Buff Lock (Stagger) for 30 seconds.

    >Life Energy

    .SP 1 - Inflict Life Steal, Stealing 1000 Health from the opponent.
    .SP 2 - Inflict Life Steal, Stealing 2000 Health from the opponent.
    .SP 3 - Inflict Life Steal, Stealing 3000 Health from the opponent.

    ~Emplate will start every fight with Power Siphon stance when he gains enough Bone Marrow Mass.
    ~To change Stances from one to another dash back and hold block for 1 second.

    ✓Developer Note - If during activation of a Special Attack a minimum amount of Bone Marrow Sap is not present than the Special Attack will not produce any of the above listed effect.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Firefly (Science)

    Crusader (Mutant)

    Conan 2099 (Skill)

    Punisher 2099 (Hector Tago) (Tech)

    Torrent (Mutant)

    Malefactor (Mystic)

    Bravado (Mystic)

    Mustang (Skill)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Another new character champion is coming this year, check out Falcon's synergy with Thor Ragnarök? 👁👁

    US-Agent ( John Walker )?

    Exceptional hand-to-hand combatant
    Highly trained acrobat and gymnast
    Superhuman strength, agility, reflexes/reactions and endurance
    Peak-level speed, dexterity, coordination and balance
    Use of nearly indestructible shield and firearms

    Powers and abilities
    As a result of the experimental mutagenic augmentation process conducted on him by Dr. Karl Malus on behalf of the Power Broker, John Walker has superhuman strength (capable of lifting 10 tons under maximum exertion), agility, reflexes/reactions, and endurance. His speed, dexterity, coordination, and balance are of the order of a superior Olympic athlete.

    Aside from the above advantages, U.S. Agent is an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant and highly trained in gymnastics and acrobatics, having received rigorous training in unarmed combat and the use of his shield in a style similar to Captain America's own fighting style by the Taskmaster.

    He is a seasoned combat veteran with military combat experience in tactical and strategic planning, observations, and special operations, has been shown to have a fluent grasp of Arabic[73] and Spanish,[114] is technically proficient enough to bypass an advanced security system,[115] is a qualified fixed-wing pilot,[69] a trained scuba diver,[71] and is highly proficient in the use of conventional firearms.

    He is capable of using his nearly indestructible vibranium shield for defensive purposes and as a weapon. He has great accuracy at throwing his shield, and due to his superhuman strength, it is potentially a lethal weapon.

    Agent has used a variety of shields in his time, initially inheriting Captain America's indestructible circular shield after Steve Rogers relinquished it upon quitting the role and refusing to work for the Commission for Super-Human Activities.[116] U.S. Agent was later provided a vibranium replica of this shield by the Black Panther, which was also used by Steve Rogers when Rogers adopted the title of 'The Captain'.[117] U.S. Agent then briefly adopted a remote control shield against Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts.[118] During his time with the New Invaders, U.S. Agent possessed a star-shaped shield with retractable spikes.[volume & issue needed] The shield was decorated with the names of Americans who had died at the hands of terrorists, as well as a photograph of U.S. Agent's parents.

    After being badly injured by the villain Protocide, U.S. Agent was fitted with an exoskeleton by S.H.I.E.L.D. that allowed him to continue to walk, and according to then-Director Sharon Carter may have also provided "an additional benefit or two".[119]

    After being crippled by Nuke, John Walker lost one arm and one leg.[91] Electing to use ordinary low-tech prosthesis, he retired his U.S. Agent identity, and no longer has access to his weapons and gear.[92] However, he still retains his full capability to act in self-defense.

    At one point, the Agent used wrist guards which produced an energy shield as well as energy blasts.[120] U.S. Agent's costume incorporated a "thought relay receptor" that picks up his mental commands and shapes his shield however he wills it. In U.S. Agent's own words "It's better than the old trash can lid!"[121]

    In his first costumed identity as the Super Patriot, Walker wore a costume that was capable of stopping multiple shots from a handgun at point-blank range,[9] and also used throwing stars and a flame torch.[7] The U.S. Agent also wears synthetic stretch bulletproof fabric.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Atum (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities

    Atum possesses various superhuman abilities that are common to the various god pantheons of Earth. However, he is considerably more powerful than the vast majority of them:

    Absorption and Transformation: Although Atum is already immensely powerful, he has the ability to literally absorb and consume other gods as well as demons. As a result, Atum's body basically feeds upon these absorbed beings like food and, as a result, their powers are added to his, thereby increasing all of his powers beyond their limits. However, if he absorbs too much energy, he transforms into the Demogorge, which is a hulking, almost unstoppable brute. After Atum has purged himself of this excess energy, which he can do at will by releasing the beings he absorbs or burns the energy away in combat, he will revert to his normal form.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Strength: Atum possesses vast superhuman strength, the limits of which aren't known. However, it is believed that his physical strength surpasses that of any member of the god or demon pantheons of Earth. Hence, Atum is ultimately able to lift far in excess of 100 tons.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Speed: Atum is capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of even the finest human being, or most other gods for that matter.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Stamina: Atum's advanced musculature produces no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him limitless superhuman stamina.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Durability: Atum is highly resistant to all forms of physical injury. Even without transforming into the Demogorge, Atum can withstand attacks from some of the most powerful of Earth's gods and demons without being injured. Atum can fully and easily survive the temperature and pressure within a star and the vacuum of deep space indefinitely.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Agility: Atum's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Reflexes: Atum's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.[citation needed]
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Although he is virtually invulnerable, it is possible for Atum to suffer physical injury. However, his body is capable of rapidly regenerating damaged or destroyed bodily tissue faster and more extensively than most other gods, even to the point of easily regrowing lost limbs.[citation needed]
    Virtual Immortality:[18] Atum, like some of the god pantheons on Earth, is functionally immortal in the sense that he is completely immune to the effects of aging. He is also immune to all earthly diseases and infections.[citation needed]
    Flight: Atum, even while transformed into the Demogorge, is capable of flying through the air, or even through deep space. The upper limit of his flight speed isn't revealed, though he can achieve faster than light speeds.[citation needed]
    Energy Manipulation: Atum is capable of manipulating and controlling vast amounts of energy for numerous purposes, although only a few have been revealed, on a level that is at least equal to that of gods such as Odin and Zeus. Atum can manipulate massive amounts of solar energy, typically in the form of extreme light or heat that actually rivals the temperature of the sun itself. Atum is also capable of flight even while in a human form.[citation needed]
    Atum possesses no true special abilities. However, the sheer scope of his powers make him an extremely formidable combatant, even though he has no formal training in combat.

    Physical Strength
    Class 100+

    Eternity is the greatest fear of the Demogorge, as discovered by Nightmare when the God Squad journeyed to his realm.[15]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Human Torch (Android) (Earth-616)
    Jim Hammond

    Menschliche Fackel (Android) (Earth-616)
    Jim Hammond

    Powers and Abilities


    The Torch bursts into flame
    Pyrokinesis: The original Human Torch possessed the mental ability to control ambient heat energy and the physical ability to transform his entire body, or portions of his body into a fiery, plasma-like state of will.[citation needed]
    Plasma Form: The Torch possesses the mental ability to control ambient heat energy and the physical ability to envelop his entire body or portions of his body with fiery plasma without harm to himself (plasma is a super-heated matter that exists in the atmosphere of stars). Ordinarily, when aflame, the Human Torch is enveloped by a low intensity flame of low level plasma (reddish, approximately 780° Fahrenheit), which ranges from 1 to 5 inches from his body. He can, however, generate much higher levels and flames about himself.[citation needed]
    Nova Flame: The Torch refers to his highest, hottest levels of plasma that he can create as his "nova flame." The exact temperatures that his "nova flame" can attain are not known. At an average rate of expenditure of energy, the Torch can stay aflame for about 16.8 hours. In his younger days, he could only maintain his flame for much briefer periods, and sometimes exhausted it while in combat. He cannot maintain his "nova flame" for as long a time as he can maintain his ordinary flame. The Torch can release all of his body's stored energy in one intense, omnidirectional "nova-burst," which can reach about 1,000,000°F, and which is similar to the heat-pulse of a nuclear warhead detonation, with an are of total devastation of about 900 feet in diameter (the Torch has claimed that he can destroy a small moon with his nova-burst). This violent discharge uses his entire reserve of energy (except for the necessary to keep him alive) at once, entirely exhausting his flame power. He generally requires at least 12 hours to recover entirely from such a feat.[citation needed]
    Fire Manipulation: The Human Torch can generate shapes composed of fire from any point on his body (he usually employs his hands to "sculpt" the flames). He can form fire into long streams, spheres, or even more complex shapes like letters in skywriting. These flames-objects will only remain their shapes as long as he concentrates upon them. The objects will only burn about three minutes before expiring unless the Torch continues to infuse them with energy. The temperature of these fiery projections is generally around 2,800°F (near the melting point of iron). The original Human Torch can telekinetically control not only flames and flame objects that he himself creates, but also flames he did not create. Before he had mastered his flame control ability, the Torch yelled at the flames to gain control.[7]
    Flight: The Human Torch's plasma has a high hydrogen content, and is surrounded by an exuded cloud of mono-atomic hydrogen atoms. This hot cloud provides sufficient positive buoyancy for him to float. With mental stimulation of his flame, he can provide enough lift to carry 180 pounds. By forming a jet from his feet, directed behind him, he can achieve speeds up to at least 140 miles per hour.[citation needed]
    Thermokinesis: The Human Torch has the ability to mentally control the ambient heat energy within his immediate environment, even when he himself is not aflame. He can reduce objects' temperatures (if they are in a normal range for existing on Earth's surface) to about 30°F, raise them to several hundred degrees, or extinguish open flames. His radius of influence is about 80 feet. The heat energy he takes from the environment is absorbed into his own body. If he takes in a critical amount while he is not aflame, he will become aflame. There are unknown limits to the amount of flame he can absorb into his own body harmlessly while he is himself aflame. He has been shown interfering with the thermal gradients of heat seeker missiles so he could cause them to change direction.[citation needed]
    Immunity to Fire & Heat: The Human Torch is unaffected by heat and flames, including his own, even when part of him is aflame and the rest of him is not. His flesh cannot be scalded or burned by any heat source whose level is below that of his maximum output.[citation needed]
    Radiation Generation: Another distinction he has with Johnny Storm is that Jim can make his flames radioactive.[76] However, it was not revealed the extent this power.
    He has received some training in unarmed combat by Captain America, and is an expert in the combat use of his superhuman powers. The Torch can live without oxygen, entering a stasis mode.[citation needed]

    Physical Strength
    The Human Torch possesses the normal human strength of a man in his middle twenties who engages in moderate regular exercise (however as an android he may have had slightly higher strength and/or endurance).[citation needed]

    Energy Depletion: At an average rate of expenditure of energy, the Torch can maintain his plasma state for about 16.8 hours before he is forced to revert to his solid state.[citation needed]

    Fire Extinguishing: The Human Torch's flame is supported by the presence of oxygen, and thus is extinguished in low air pressure or a vacuum. The Torch's flame can be extinguished by smothering materials, such as water, sand, fire-fighting foam, and heat-resistant blankets, unless his flame is at such an intensity that it immediately vaporizes such materials on contact. If hit with small amounts of water, up to about five gallons, the Torch can turn it to steam with relatively little effort. More water than that could extinguish his flame at its normal level, and he would have to wait until he could evaporate the residual moisture before re-ignition.[citation needed]

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Bee-Yonder (Cosmic)

    Pigeon (Tech)

    Punfisher (Skill)

    Croktor Strange (Mystic)

    Quacksilver (Mutant)

    Sub-Marsupial (Mutant)

    Doctor Octopussycat (Tech)

    Squawkeye (Skill)

    Croak (Mystic)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Badger (Mystic)

    Black Panda (Skill)

    Sandmanatee (Science)

    Ant Ant (Science)
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