Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • cycyancycyan Member Posts: 77
    GuyanaGyal wrote: »
    X-Men Storm with her white uniform, the one pretty much from the 90s X-Men cartoon. Thanks in advanced!

    gold idea! No problem in advanced
  • Ironmark48Ironmark48 Member Posts: 20
    Can you add the infinity war iron man armor?? But not a re-skin pls :c
  • AlizarFear83AlizarFear83 Member Posts: 1
    Adam Warlock
    Fantastic four
    Captain Britain
    Mad Jim Jaspers
  • WorldWarSeanWorldWarSean Member Posts: 2
  • WorldWarSeanWorldWarSean Member Posts: 2
    Dracula (mystic)
    Fantastic four (cosmic)
    Dr doom and god doom (cosmic, mystic)
    War machine punisher (tech)
    Silver surfer (cosmic)
    Red she hulk (science)
    Quick silver (mutant)
    Apocalypse (mutant)
    Mr sinister (mutant)
    Spiderman 2099 (science)
    Anti venom (science)
    Kraven the hunter (skill)
    Robbie reyes ghost rider (mystic)
  • Batofstee1Batofstee1 Member Posts: 6
    Nova (Sam Alexander: All-New, All-Different)
    Spider-Man 2099 (All-New, All-Different)
    Iron Spider (Avengers: Infinity War)
    Captain America (Avengers: Infinity War)
    Winter Soldier (Avengers: Infinity War)
    Improve Deadpool's fighting style so he uses swords, please.
    Doctor Strange (Avengers: Infinity War)
    Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger)
    Black Cat
    Superior Spider-Man
    Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
    Ultimate Green Goblin
    Baby Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 without ravengers outfit)
    Hawkeye (Captain America: Civil War)
    Heimdall (Thor: Ragnarok)
    Hulkbuster (Black Heavy Duty Armor)
    Inferno (All-New, All-Different)
    Iron Fist (Netflix)
    Kraven the Hunter
    Loki (Thor: Ragnarok)
    Odin (Modern)
    Quicksilver (Avengers: Age of Ultron)
    Jean Grey (X-Men: Buena Vista Home Entertainment)
    The Fantastic Four (Classic)
    Sandman (Flint Marco)
    Spider-Girl (May Parker)
    Shuri (Black Panther Movie)
    Skurge (Thor: Ragnarok)
    Spider-Man (All-New, All-Different)
    Spider-Man 2099 (Classic)
    Storm (Classic)
    Captain Marvel (Unmasked or fiery mohawk)
    Thanos (Secret War: Infinity)
    Black Widow (Classic)
    Mystique (Classic)
    Whiplash (Iron Man 2)
    Shocker (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
    Shocker (Classic)
    James Howlet (Logan)
    Beast (Classic)
    Silver Surfer
    Victor Von Doom (Dr. Doom: Classic)
    Spider-Girl (Jessica Drew)
    Agent Venom (All-New, All-Diffent: Space Venom)
    White Tiger
    Scarlet Witch (Avengers: Infinity War)
    Dark Phoenix (Classic)
    Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2)
    Star Lord (Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2)
    Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2)
    Drax (Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2)
    Havoc (Modern)
  • BjmrocesBjmroces Member Posts: 1
    My Wishlist champs

    Havok mutant
    Mystique mutant
    Shatterstar mutant/skill
    Warpath mutant/skill
    Emma Frost mutant
    Multiple Man mutant/science
    Omega Red mutant/science
    Mr Sinister mutant
    Apocalypse mutant
    Pyro mutant
  • ShadeZeroShadeZero Member Posts: 145
    How about some LGBT representation? Hercules has a romance with wolverine. There's Northstar. And I'm sure others.
  • Icy1985Icy1985 Member Posts: 5
    Would love to see Emma Frost, Quicksilver, Wiccan, Hercules, Jessica Jones and shadowcat
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★

    Ulysses Klaue / Klaw

    He been in majority of all the marvel movie he should be a must skilled merc!!
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★

    Brood Wolverine!! Come on!! Who doesn't want this?!!?
  • MEB23MEB23 Member Posts: 1
    Fantastic Four (cosmic or science)
    Mystique (mutant)
    Professor X (mutant)
    Dr. Doom (cosmic or science)
    Red Skull (science)
    Emma Frost (mutant)
    Silver Surfer (cosmic)
    Sif (cosmic)
    Kitty Pryde (mutant)
    Jubilee (mutant)
    Nick Fury (skill or tech)
    Shaman (mystic)
    Pyro (mutant)
    Mockingbird (mutant)
    Hercules (cosmic or skill)
    Captain Britain (mystic)
    Cannonball (mutant)
    Sasquatch (science)
    Wolfsbane (mutant)
    Namor (mutant)
    Dazzler (mutant)
    Wiccan (maybe a mystic)
    Galactus (cosmic)
    Apocalypse (mutant)
    Talisman (mystic)
    Polaris (mutant)
    Odin (cosmic)
    Valkyrie (cosmic)
  • amit262452amit262452 Member Posts: 1
  • DarnoJomblangDarnoJomblang Member Posts: 1
    My wishlist
    1. Dr. Doom
    2. Galactus
    3. The Thing
    4. Man Thing
    5. Blackheart
    6. Apocalypse
    7. Onslaught
    8. Iron Monger
    9. Mandarin
    10. Beta Ray Bill
  • humanspiderhumanspider Member Posts: 1
    We need black cat, quick silver, mystic
  • BlueEnderBlueEnder Member Posts: 1
    Iron spider
  • DaymanDayman Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2018
    Mojo. Plain and simple. His character profile fits the contest. He's be Cosmic with advanced robotics and weaponry. Bleed, incinerate etc.

    Plus he's literally spineless.
  • mashuniversitymashuniversity Member Posts: 4
    My Wishlist:

    Dr. Doom
    Mr. Sinister
    Emma Frost
    Dark Phoenix
  • Rebellious777Rebellious777 Member Posts: 1
    1. Red skull
    2. Baron Zemo
    3. Sin
    4. Beta Ray Bill
    5. Galactus
    6. His heralds
    7. Silver surfer
    8. Human torch
    9. The thing
    10. Lady deathsrike
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    Onslaught would be nice, but he and Galactus are way too big...
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    MEB23 wrote: »
    Fantastic Four (cosmic or science)
    Mystique (mutant)
    Professor X (mutant)
    Dr. Doom (cosmic or science)
    Red Skull (science)
    Emma Frost (mutant)
    Silver Surfer (cosmic)
    Sif (cosmic)
    Kitty Pryde (mutant)
    Jubilee (mutant)
    Nick Fury (skill or tech)
    Shaman (mystic)
    Pyro (mutant)
    Mockingbird (mutant)
    Hercules (cosmic or skill)
    Captain Britain (mystic)
    Cannonball (mutant)
    Sasquatch (science)
    Wolfsbane (mutant)
    Namor (mutant)
    Dazzler (mutant)
    Wiccan (maybe a mystic)
    Galactus (cosmic)
    Apocalypse (mutant)
    Talisman (mystic)
    Polaris (mutant)
    Odin (cosmic)
    Valkyrie (cosmic)

    If you want a full list of potential Mutants, I have a list somewhere in the attic... it includes, Cipher, Darwin, Marrow, the Cuckoo sisters, Quentin Quire, and "some" others.
  • WesleyanGuruWesleyanGuru Member Posts: 5
    Most of the charachters I wanted in the contest 2 years ago have actually already been added, but I found out about this wish list thread and thought I'd post my biggest non F4 related wants for the game for the next time your looking for new ideas to add in.
    In order from most wanted to least wanted of my top picks
    Xemnu the first Hulk
    Baron Zemo (NOT movie version)
    Shadow Cat (with her pet dragon in her ultimate move)
    Reskin of Storm in 90's white gown & hairstyle from cartoon
    Blue Dr Strange Reskin from that time he was 2 people and know what I'm talking about?

    Their are a lot of others I of course will be happy to see in the contest but these are the ones that would excite me the most short of putting Dr Doom and Human Torch in, which I understand you probably can't.

    The top 4 would give you a lot to build off of for future monthly events like using enchantress in a Surtur inspired event or Namor in Mutant or Iluminatee or even Golden Age inspired event's or Xemnu in a really great Hulk monster/horror Halloween event. And Zemo in Captain America and Bucky events and Zemo and Enchantress in Masters of Evil events. Also Xemnu is just a great villain that deserves more love and use.
    Crystal and Shadow Cat are the last core members of existing teams in the contest they could use. Inhumans only need Crystal to feel complete and X Men really only need Shadow Cat to feel like all of the main team is in the game.
    Blue Dr Strange is a really cool 2nd skin for him in any game and a cool part of his comic book history, and I may be of a minority opinion on this but I love Storm but hate her 80's Mohawk. I can't understand fan obsession with it and long for the one I grew up with in X Men the animated series on Fox Kids.

    Also not a charachter request but I really hope Comcast function can one day be a thing in the game.
  • Atul_aryanAtul_aryan Member Posts: 75
    Just give us captain america (infinty war)
  • Taxman666Taxman666 Member Posts: 103
  • Taxman666Taxman666 Member Posts: 103
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
    Sweet dreams are made of this
    Who am I to disagree?
    I travel the world
    And the seven seas,
    Everybody's looking for something.
  • Taxman666Taxman666 Member Posts: 103
    I Just got Done completing one of the MCU Arena's and saw the Sentinel And Sabertooth and after getting a look at them I'm afraid that I'm going to have to insist on Dr.Doom and Galactus now . You Have no Excuse Kabam.
    And ps. Thank h for listening to the suggestions on this page in the Forum.

    Tax Man
  • ManWhOlauGhZManWhOlauGhZ Member Posts: 1
    I think we all know Mystique should deff be added (Comic Version not MCU)
    How about
    Lady Sif
    Jessica Jones
    (Complete Defenders)
  • CrazedSoul541CrazedSoul541 Member Posts: 13
    Black panther from the new movie:
    I feel like we should add this black panther because the character hasn’t really got much justice in the game also the suit has so many cool abilities such as kinectic energy absorbing damage ,if you will we can also take into account the heart shaped herbs powers and those cool tech gadgets, i’m still quite new to the game so i can’t really propse much ideas for his passive or duplicate abilities
    But for specials, some quick ideas:
    Special one: Wakandan martial arts
    Black panther shows of some of his combat skills he has learned since young enchanced by the heart shaped herb, thanks to the vibranium armor grants unstoppable
    Special 2 : Emp blast
    Thanks to wakandas advanced technology black panther kicks off his opponent and throws emp bombs which will apply decharge damage and possible confusion.
    Special 3: Kinectic shockwave
    After taking multiple attacks from his opponent black panther’s suit glows purple and be takes out his claws slashing with his claws and finishes with a huge kinectic blast leaving the opponent stunned with rather severe bleed damage
    These are just rather rough ideas but i honestly feel like the kabam team can have a fun time bringing this character to life! After all killmonger deserves his worthy counter part!
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