Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★

    This is my idea for Apocalypse
  • DragonGamingZDragonGamingZ Member Posts: 2
    I have a suggestion for a custom character
  • DragonGamingZDragonGamingZ Member Posts: 2
    I have a suggestion for a custom character named Shadow.
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
    ron67mjr wrote: »
    I understand why they do not add name of the Submariner what you been awesome character for the Marvel Universe they never use him an anything and I don't understand why

    excuse me, what?
  • StonewallStonewall Member Posts: 10
    Lets get some more villains and definitely more monsters

    Morbius the Living Vampire
    Classic vulture
    A sentinel
    Mr Sinister
    Fantastic Four (of course they should be in the game, the original contest of champions happened in their comic)
    Dr Doom
    Mole Man
    Mole Monster (from FF issue 1)
    Fing Fang Foom
    Man Thing
    WereWolf by Night (PLEASE)
    Dracula (not the red armor one either, lets get the suit and cape)
    Frankenstein’s monster
    Ghost Rider, Robbie Reyes
    Nick Fury (classic and new)
    Kid Colt or Billy the Kid
    A new Star-Lord (vol 2, comics, or infinity war?), a lot of his moves have been reused in a lot of other champs, I’d like to see one that has more character, maybe one that doesn’t fumble his gun on his super (this was cool for a while but it gets old, kind of like Deadpool’s phone call)
    A new Punisher (Netflix?) would be awesome too, maybe a bandolier or something. with Grenades in one of his specials
    Red Skull
    Baron Zemo (with sword)
    Classic Crossbones
    Giant Man
    Gray Hulk
    Purple Pants Hulk
    The Leader
    A playable Maestro, Kang, and Thanos
    Those special wolverines (weapon x and x force)

  • _Epic_2099_Epic_2099 Member Posts: 8
    Hello Everyone! Epic is back for some more! Here are some pics I know you will find very interesting!

    Captain Universe
    Zom(In Doctor Strange's body)
    Doctor Doom(Earth-616)
    High Evolutionary
    Phoenix Force

    I think my work here is done! Let me know what you guys think! ;)

  • REN_BOLREN_BOL Member Posts: 6
    Ghost (from the film "The Ant Man and the Wasp") - 4 * 5 rank Class: Technology
    Unique ability:
    Ghost becomes intangible when using special attacks.
    1st special attack: the ghost uses firearms, inflicts bleeding on the enemy on 5 seconds, dealing 1459 direct damage, the ghost is made intangible for 3 seconds,
    2nd special attack: the ghost throws 3 grenades, applies 3 incineration effects, each incineration lasts 5 seconds and deals 1300 direct damage. lasts for 5.5 seconds, increases the critical strike chance by 170%, and burns 50% of the enemy's energy.
    3rd special attack: the ghost crushes the opponent on an invisible motorcycle. The ghost is intangible for 10 seconds, with 3 rage effects superimposed. The rage's effect increases the Ghost's attack by 50%, and impotence is applied to the enemy for 10 seconds, and when the ghost is immaterial, its attacks ignore armor, irrepressibility, and evasion. Similarly, when it is non-material, no negative effects can be imposed on it.
    Awakened Ability: At the beginning of the battle, the ghost becomes intangible for 4 seconds. It depends on the level of the awakened ability. At the maximum level of the awakened ability, the ghost becomes intangible for 10 seconds.
    Other Abilities: Each hit has a 30% chance to cast the Armor Penetration effect on the enemy for 5 seconds.
  • Mandarin[Comic](skill/cosmic)
    Iron Man(Bleeding Edge)
    Kraven The hunter(skill)
  • Scorpion(iron fists enemy)
  • duckrogersduckrogers Member Posts: 11
    Shanna she devil
    Conan the barbarian
    Iron man heavy duty
  • GeneralHeroesGeneralHeroes Member Posts: 32
    Here list of some champs:1. Antivenom 2. The Wasp 3. Red Skull 4. Pyro 5. Toad 6. Odin 7. Sandman 8. Crystal 9. Hercules 10. Human Torch 11. Mr. Fantastic 12. Maximus 13. Toad 14. Nova 15. Sif 16.Destroyer 17. Heimdall 18. AntiMan 19. America Chavez 20. Spider Man 2099 21. The Destroyer
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    Iron Man(Bleeding Edge)
    Kraven The hunter(skill)

    You can't have Cloak without Dagger!
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    edited February 2018
    I think Manifold and Singularity would be cool Champs to add. Marrow, Darwin, Cipher and Domino would be great as well. Domino vs. SW... Chance vs. Probability!
  • MilesbestMilesbest Member Posts: 41
    Squirrel girl
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    Here list of some champs:1. Antivenom 2. The Wasp 3. Red Skull 4. Pyro 5. Toad 6. Odin 7. Sandman 8. Crystal 9. Hercules 10. Human Torch 11. Mr. Fantastic 12. Maximus 13. Toad 14. Nova 15. Sif 16.Destroyer 17. Heimdall 18. AntiMan 19. America Chavez 20. Spider Man 2099 21. The Destroyer
    I like 5/13,7,10,11,and 20

  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    Cameron Hodge

    Hodge receives only 25% damage from bleed and poison due to parts of his body being cybernetic. But at the same time, electricity-based effects deal 125% damage to him.

    Cameron Hodge has additional attack rating vs mutants (this is added to his tech advantage over mutants)

    Arena Combat (has a +100% chance to trigger)
    When he defeats a mutant, he captures it. (captured champs cannot be used until Hodge is defeated in combat). When he captures his 2nd champ, he makes his two captured champs duel amongst each other. To represent this, if Hodge is not defeated within one hour of him capturing his 2nd character, all of his captives, when rescued, will suffer reduced maximum hp due to the exhaustion they experienced in Hodge's

    After executing an L2, Hodge becomes temporarily intangible, ignoring all non-psychic damage. But he himself cannot deal non-psychic damage either.

    Faustian Bargain:
    Hodge cannot die. To represent this, when defeated in combat, he does not reward souls to Mephisto or Morningstar,
    and does not count as a kill for the purposes of Modok's and Hela's abilities.

    Vendetta: Archangel
    Archangel beheaded Cameron Hodge, thus Cameron has a vendetta against him. To represent this, Hodge has
    additional hp and damage when fighting AA.
  • ProjectWeaponXProjectWeaponX Member Posts: 14
    Omega red
  • This content has been removed.
  • Taxman666Taxman666 Member Posts: 103
    Dan- Epic And Ace...
    You guys are the Top 3 cats I look forward to your posts ...
    I'm a Fan TAX MAN
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132



    "I take from you your power"
    Odin lowers the attack rating of enemies wielding magical weapons (ex. Mjolnir, Magik's sword, Guillotine's sword, Morningstar's mace, maybe Mephisto's whip? etc.) If facing a character wielding a norse-weapon (i.e. OG Thor or Jane) they suffer an additional penalty to attack rating.

    (inspired by Moon Knight's scheduled abilities. One of the most interesting game mechanics ever created in my opinion.)
    Odin is indeed a powerful character (maybe too powerful), thus he needs to undergo a period of rest.
    Every first Wednesday of the month, Odin cannot be used in the game (lasts 24 hours). If he falls asleep in the middle of a fight/AQ/AW, he is instantly KO'd. This mechanic will reward players with good planning skills and punish those with poor planning/scheduling. One exception is if he is the Warboss. If he is the warboss, he isn't instantly KO'd. There is still a chance that he survives if his mini-bosses are able to protect him from his assailants. But if at least one attacker gets through and hits Odin just once, he is KO'd.

    Synergy with Destroyer armour:

    When the Celestials came, Odin attempted to stop them by animating the dreaded Destroyer armour. This is a special type of synergy in the sense that Odin's soul/essence enters the Destroyer armour (which is more akin to a "robot" or automaton than actual armour that is worn) To represent this, if Odin and Destroyer are in your team, they combine to become one entity with an insane amount of damage, hp, armor, etc. But this synergy can only activate if Odin is selected to fight a last Boss of any type of map (story, AQ, AW, etc) While possessing the Destroyer armour, Odin also wields the Odinsword. This weapon reduces armor and resistances to such a great extent that average characters are practically reduced to zero armor and resistances except for the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe (ex. Celestials)

  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Extension of the Odinsleep idea:

    Now predictably people will think this ability is stupid. After all, who wants his character unuseable in the game, even if it's just for 24 hrs per month? So here's a solution: Make Odinsleep an advantage:

    "When Odin enters the Odinsleep, if he is the Warboss, he grants his "Guardians" a considerable increase in hp, attack, plus he grants them Safeguard (max damage is capped at 1% if i remember correctly). Who counts as a "Guardian"? His mini-bosses, and only if they are Asgardian. This opens a lot of design possibilities for the lesser known Asgardians such as Balder, Sif, The Warriors Three, etc. My intention is to make Odinsleep such a powerful defensive mechanism that players will WANT a sleeping Odin as a warboss because he makes his mini-bosses so insanely powerful.


    I'll start coming up with ideas for five defensive Asgardian characters. Will hopefully post these ideas within a few days.
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Taxman666 wrote: »
    Dan- Epic And Ace...
    You guys are the Top 3 cats I look forward to your posts ...
    I'm a Fan TAX MAN

    Thank you for your kind words. Your encouragement certainly helps :)
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Ideas for Asgardians

    Design rationale: to be effective defenders for Odin if Odin is the warboss during the Odinsleep.
    (please scroll up for info on Odin and the Odinsleep)


    If selected as a defender and Odin is the warboss, you can teleport her to any node on the map, even if that node is already occupied by a defender. She can essentially stack upon that defense. In terms of who is fought first, Sif is fought first, then the original defender on that node. Strategic use of this ability: this can be useful if you need to reinforce a crucial node that really needs defending. She will also grant all defenders on her node additional block proficiency, as if she had synergy with them. Limitation: she cannot teleport to a node that has already been explored or cleared by the opponent.

    Has superhuman vision and hearing. Can see attackers from miles away and thus can make the necessary preparations. If selected as a mini-boss and Odin is the warboss and he is in the Odinsleep, Heimdall grants all Asgardian mini-bosses "resist all" (this includes all forms of damage such as fire, cold, electricity, poison, bleed, degen, etc) It could be imagined that he scouted out the opposition and requested Asgardian sorcerers to grant them the appropriate magical protection. In addition, he suffers no class disadvantage versus his foes. Heimdall can also switch the positions of the mini-bosses AFTER the war has started. Strategic use of this ability is to wait for the attackers to commit to their lanes, then mess up their plans by switching up the mini-bosses.

    Known as the fastest and most agile Asgardian, his speed enables him to evade most attacks. Balder has an evade chance that rises with each other Asgardian in the battlefield, including defenders and attackers. This evade chance is further increased if he is protecting his sleeping father. In addition, if a ranged attack were to slay him, that attack is automatically nullified. This includes SP3s that only have a ranged component. If melee attacks are part of the SP3, he will still be damaged by the melee part.

    Has cold resistance due to his Storm Giant heritage. Has excellent reach. For each foe that he defeats, he gains a stack of physical resistance and block proficiency that lasts until he is slain (like persistent charges). In addition, if Odin is the warboss and he is under the Odinsleep, the warboss cannot be attacked until all Asgardian mini-bosses have been KO'd.

    Warriors Three
    My idea for these guys is you can stack them into one node. Thus essentially you can have seven defenders, with these three occupying the same node. How is this fair you might ask? They will have lower attack and hp than normal (maybe 1/3 that of a normal character). In addition, it matters who you deploy first on the node. So you will have to decide who to deploy first based on the situation. When you fight the Warriors Three, you fight them one by one until all are defeated. This means two of the three have to wait on the "bench". This "wait time" can be utilized to your advantage.

    1. Fandral -- probably the best Asgardian swordsman: he studies his opponent's moves.... each time his opponent repeats the exact same combo, Fandral gains a stack of "analysis". The more stacks of these he has, the higher chance of him auto-parrying the opponent's attacks. Thus to fight Fandral effectively, one has to do a different combo combination every single time. The longer Fandral "waits on the bench", he will also consider the combos used by the opponent on his compatriots. Thus he can start the fight with a high stack of "analysis". In addition, he has a higher chance of parrying opponents wielding weapons, especially swords.

    2. Hogun - Expert with the mace: he causes armor break and stun. While Hogun is "sitting on the bench", he passively heals the other two. Thus if you want to maximize healing, deploy Hogun last.

    3.Volstagg - Volstagg's attacks have a chance to be unblockable. In addition, due to his mass, he slides less (I am referring to the fact that characters are pushed back as they are attacked while they are blocking) which will result in Volstagg cornering his opponent most of the time. While Volstagg is on the bench, he eats..... the longer he waits, the more he eats. Food gives him additional mass, meaning the chance to be unblockable increases, as well as the damage he deals, plus he will slide less. Thus if you want to maximize his mass, deploy him last.

  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Ideas for Asgardians

    Design rationale: to be effective defenders for Odin if Odin is the warboss during the Odinsleep.
    (please scroll up for info on Odin and the Odinsleep)


    If selected as a defender and Odin is the warboss, you can teleport her to any node on the map, even if that node is already occupied by a defender. She can essentially stack upon that defense. In terms of who is fought first, Sif is fought first, then the original defender on that node. Strategic use of this ability: this can be useful if you need to reinforce a crucial node that really needs defending. She will also grant all defenders on her node additional block proficiency, as if she had synergy with them. Limitation: she cannot teleport to a node that has already been explored or cleared by the opponent.

    Has superhuman vision and hearing. Can see attackers from miles away and thus can make the necessary preparations. If selected as a mini-boss and Odin is the warboss and he is in the Odinsleep, Heimdall grants all Asgardian mini-bosses "resist all" (this includes all forms of damage such as fire, cold, electricity, poison, bleed, degen, etc) It could be imagined that he scouted out the opposition and requested Asgardian sorcerers to grant them the appropriate magical protection. In addition, he suffers no class disadvantage versus his foes. Heimdall can also switch the positions of the mini-bosses AFTER the war has started. Strategic use of this ability is to wait for the attackers to commit to their lanes, then mess up their plans by switching up the mini-bosses.

    Known as the fastest and most agile Asgardian, his speed enables him to evade most attacks. Balder has an evade chance that rises with each other Asgardian in the battlefield, including defenders and attackers. This evade chance is further increased if he is protecting his sleeping father. In addition, if a ranged attack were to slay him, that attack is automatically nullified. This includes SP3s that only have a ranged component. If melee attacks are part of the SP3, he will still be damaged by the melee part.

    Has cold resistance due to his Storm Giant heritage. Has excellent reach. For each foe that he defeats, he gains a stack of physical resistance and block proficiency that lasts until he is slain (like persistent charges). In addition, if Odin is the warboss and he is under the Odinsleep, the warboss cannot be attacked until all Asgardian mini-bosses have been KO'd.

    Warriors Three
    My idea for these guys is you can stack them into one node. Thus essentially you can have seven defenders, with these three occupying the same node. How is this fair you might ask? They will have lower attack and hp than normal (maybe 1/3 that of a normal character). In addition, it matters who you deploy first on the node. So you will have to decide who to deploy first based on the situation. When you fight the Warriors Three, you fight them one by one until all are defeated. This means two of the three have to wait on the "bench". This "wait time" can be utilized to your advantage.

    1. Fandral -- probably the best Asgardian swordsman: he studies his opponent's moves.... each time his opponent repeats the exact same combo, Fandral gains a stack of "analysis". The more stacks of these he has, the higher chance of him auto-parrying the opponent's attacks. Thus to fight Fandral effectively, one has to do a different combo combination every single time. The longer Fandral "waits on the bench", he will also consider the combos used by the opponent on his compatriots. Thus he can start the fight with a high stack of "analysis". In addition, he has a higher chance of parrying opponents wielding weapons, especially swords.

    2. Hogun - Expert with the mace: he causes armor break and stun. While Hogun is "sitting on the bench", he passively heals the other two. Thus if you want to maximize healing, deploy Hogun last.

    3.Volstagg - Volstagg's attacks have a chance to be unblockable. In addition, due to his mass, he slides less (I am referring to the fact that characters are pushed back as they are attacked while they are blocking) which will result in Volstagg cornering his opponent most of the time. While Volstagg is on the bench, he eats..... the longer he waits, the more he eats. Food gives him additional mass, meaning the chance to be unblockable increases, as well as the damage he deals, plus he will slide less. Thus if you want to maximize his mass, deploy him last.

  • WyldstyleWyldstyle Member Posts: 38
    Molecule Man
    Omega Red
    Adam Warlock
    Silver Surfer
    Dr. Doom
    Red skull
    The Beyonder
  • cycyancycyan Member Posts: 77
    Mystique, every speacial atacks she doese she turns invisible.

    High base atack
    Medium health
    Medium crit rate

  • _Epic_2099_Epic_2099 Member Posts: 8
    Hello again, Epic is here! Thanks for that comment Taxman! Here's more pics for you guys to enjoy!

    Black knight
    Iron man (space armor model 45)
    Michael van Patrick
    Pete wisdom
    Jack Monroe
    Cosmic Spider-Man

    Another batch of pics! Let me know what you guys think again! B)
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    edited February 2018
    Apocalypse, Mr. sinister, Vulcan, Onslaught Jean grey, Nate grey, Powerful magneto, Franklin Richard, Professor X, Polaris.
  • GuyanaGyalGuyanaGyal Member Posts: 1
    X-Men Storm with her white uniform, the one pretty much from the 90s X-Men cartoon. Thanks in advanced!
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