I think we all know Mystique should deff be added (Comic Version not MCU)
How about Mockingbird
Lady Sif
Jessica Jones (Complete Defenders)
Domino would be cool. Who would win, her or SW? Chance or probability? And I agree that Mystique should be added, though I wouldn't mind the movie skin. As long as she is blue with red hair, I am fine. If it is the comic version, they bettter give her that skull brooch/whatever and her guns.
JJ seems to have been considered at least before, since she was in the Netflix DD event.
Black panther from the new movie:
I feel like we should add this black panther because the character hasn’t really got much justice in the game also the suit has so many cool abilities such as kinectic energy absorbing damage ,if you will we can also take into account the heart shaped herbs powers and those cool tech gadgets, i’m still quite new to the game so i can’t really propse much ideas for his passive or duplicate abilities
But for specials, some quick ideas:
Special one: Wakandan martial arts
Black panther shows of some of his combat skills he has learned since young enchanced by the heart shaped herb, thanks to the vibranium armor grants unstoppable
Special 2 : Emp blast
Thanks to wakandas advanced technology black panther kicks off his opponent and throws emp bombs which will apply decharge damage and possible confusion.
Special 3: Kinectic shockwave
After taking multiple attacks from his opponent black panther’s suit glows purple and be takes out his claws slashing with his claws and finishes with a huge kinectic blast leaving the opponent stunned with rather severe bleed damage
These are just rather rough ideas but i honestly feel like the kabam team can have a fun time bringing this character to life! After all killmonger deserves his worthy counter part!
Two of a character is enough, IMO. No more Magneto, Cyclops, Spidey (unless 2099), Punisher (IMO 2099 was a bad idea anyway; why him?) , Iron Man, Hulk or Thor, please. Maybe the blonde BW, but she is pretty nice as is.
FF might ough to be Science as well. Certainly I think Thing ought to be Science, since the effects of the cosmic storm on him are reversible (see the movie). TBH, I always thought of the whole team as more a scientific mishap rather than a cosmic thing.
Shadow Cat (with her pet dragon in her ultimate move
Definitely need to have Lockheed in there.
I think many of the others are too obscure. I never liked Punisher 2099 and Howard, though a classic, is pushing it pretty hard. They still need Beta Ray Bill and Spider Ham if they want to go that direction... Why not a Hooloovoo ("a super-intelligent shade of blue") while we're at it?
Hey, just another player on the Forum here, but It seems to me that you guys managed to add less-popular characters such as guillotine,morningstar,hyperion, etc. But Never added the classic characters such as Sandman, Kraven, and all of the fantastic four. Now I know you guys cannot fulfill all of the requests but I only ask that these characters be considered because they are pretty darn cool.
Squirrel Girl (Mutant)
Ability: Some form of autoblock using the big tail
Passive: Physical Resistance with tail (Not much logic in this but still a bit. Plus some stuff in mcoc doesnt make sense anyways)
Heavy: 30% bleed chance
L1: 80% bleed (Scratches opponent twice)
L2 100% bleed (Scratches opponent three times then whips them with tail)
L3 100% bleed + poison + 20 second Fury (Punches and Scratches opponent and then summons squirrels to attack opponent)
Attack: 1159-1216
Idea: (if Stryfe is used in AW)
Stryfe will always be visible on the map even when "hidden defenders" is active.
When Stryfe dies/is KO'd, he releases the Legacy Virus, killing ALL MUTANTS on the battlefield, friend or foe. Players may choose to "skip" fighting Stryfe if they so choose to avoid this, but they lose out on points in AW. This ability has a +100% chance of triggering.
I think this makes for some very interesting strategic decisions. Maybe we will see defenses with zero mutants, attack groups with no mutants, etc.
Shrug off non damaging debuffs 70% faster.
Special attacks consume 8% less power per velocity charge.
PASSIVE: Enhanced Perception
Reduce enemy evade chance by 33% per Velocity Charge. This also includes the dexterity mastery.
Enemy Dash attacks have a 15% to miss per Velocity Charge.
Enemy Special attacks have double the above chance.
Gain 40% additional attack rating per Velocity Charge.
Enemy Dash attacks have a flat 45% to miss.
-Each passively consumes 1% max power per second.
- Increases the chance for the opponent to activate a special attack by 25%.
-Each Velocity Charge increases critical rating by 33%.
-Every time you cross a power threshold, gain 1 charge.
-Idling for 1 second grants Quicksilver 1 Velocity Charge.
-Max 3 charges.
-1 Velocity charge is lost if Quicksilver is hit 4 times.
-ALL Velocity Charges are lost if Quicksilver hits 0% power.(Not applicable at the beginning of a fight)
Inflict a concussion, reducing enemy ability accuracy by 25% per velocity charge for 10 seconds.
5 punches. Deal 5 additional punches per Velocity Charge. ( This means that this attack can deal up to +150% bonus damage)
SP 3: Stun the opponent for 2.5 seconds per velocity charge active.
Signature Ability
Increase power gain by (1-10%) per velocity charge active. ( This ability does not work while under the effect of a fatigue or exhaustion debuff )
All attacks gain +50% attack rating per Velocity Charge.
Quicksilver is meant to be an Evade Kill Champion who greatly rewards intercepting.
Via his Special 1 he can also reduce enemy ability accuracy be a nice amount.
Intercepts deal up to 150% more damage via his signature ability. If you intercept your opponent using a dash attack then it will deal 240% increased damage !
Velocity charges are what grant him his powers but they consume your power over time, hence you must fight aggressively. The more Velocity charges you have the easier it will become to intercept successfully and keep your charges.
He has plenty of weaknesses. Icemen, all power control champs, who will deny him Velocity charges, etc.
In the hands of a skilled player he can churn out very nice damage. His signature ability allows him to keep Velocity Charges as it reduces the risk of having 0% power.
Shang Chi.
A guy that is THE expert in martial arts, specially Kung Fu, and has the ability of multiply himself in a battle... Think how exciting will be play with THE own champion in body to body combat performing the various Kung Fu styles just sliding back and holding to alternate these various styles with different abilities...
Sandman, he should attack exactly like Mrs marvel, his fists turning big. When you back away he should turn to sand and come back quickly behind. His combo should be swinging a sand hammer. Evades attacks randomly. He should be in the science cattagory, because experiment that turned him to sand. His first bar move should be they fall in quick sand and he smacks them like in king pins first bar move. It should be unblockable, but not do too much damage because of that. His second bar move on the other hand should be, with both hands he smacks them with sand hammers, and then he smashes them downwards with a sand spike ball. When he blocks it should have a very small chance of sand spreading across their body, and giving them a short stun that will be just long enough for you to start perrying. When you use his third bar ability, it should start out like colossus, but it punches through him and a hole appears in him and the enemy starts sinking in sand. Then off screen while the angle is focused on the enemy sand scatters, and the angle shifts to see sandman huge, and after that he smashes them just like dormamu. After bar abilities he should get a regeneration for his awakening ability.
Jack of hearts
Mister Negative
Cloak and Dagger
Deadpool 2099
White tiger
Ex nihilo
Gorr the God butcher
The Alien Entity
Entropy(Son of Eternity)
The Goblin Force
The One above all(Celestial)
Doctor Spectrum
Ruby Thursday
3-D Man(Delroy Garrett)
Lady Bullseye
Moon girl and Devil dinosaur
Devil girl and Moon dinosaur
Design goal: to create a set of formidable defenders.
Invisible Woman
If deployed as a defender, grants permanent invisibility to all adjacent Fantastic Four defenders. As to what constitutes as "adjacent", a defender is considered adjacent to another defender if a line can be drawn between them with no other defender between them. Thus if Invisible woman was the war-boss, she would grant permanent invisibility to her mini-bosses.
Permanent Invisibility:
Similar to Hood's ability, but lasts for the entire fight as long as Invisible Woman is still alive. In addition, invisible mini-bosses and bosses are also hidden on the map (it won't be a real mystery that Invis. Woman will be the warboss but at least you can hide the identities of the other mini-bosses) Limitations of invisibility: characters like Daredevil ignore this ability, as well as characters with acute senses like Wolverine, X-23 (hopefully they are granted this ability in the future) as well as characters with infrared vision or technology.
Sue will protect her FF allies from harm as much as possible. Thus if an allied FF defender takes 10 or more consecutive hits, she automatically activates a forcefield on them, which reduces damage by x% for a few seconds.
Only adjacent defenders can benefit from her aid.
Mr. Fantastic
Theme: lowers ability accuracy. The degree to which he lowers ability accuracy is proportional to his intellect, which he can build as the fight progresses. The longer he spends not attacking the opponent, the more intellect points he gets. Intellect points is a persistent charge that carries over to future fights. In addition, his ability accuracy reduction potential is decreased versus characters that also have Intellect points (for ex., If Dr. Doom also had intellect points, Mr. Fantastic won't be able to lower his ability accuracy that much) I guess the calculation will be: Mr. Fantastic's intellect minus opponent's intellect equals the degree of ability accuracy lowering.
Reed Richards is a master at creating new inventions. When he ends a fight, the game calculates what ability he countered most often. For instance, he countered the enemy's tendency to armor-up: Mr. Fantastic will thus gain an invention that has a flat X% chance to counter armor-up abilities in future battles. This invention adds to Reed's current ability countering potential. And like a persistent charge, he can carry his inventions into future fights. In addition, these inventions can benefit other FF defenders. When Reed is KO'd, these inventions are removed from the game. Thus if you don't want the other FF defenders to benefit from these gadgets, kill Reed first.
Elastic Body:
Reed's plasticity grants him a high degree of physical resistance, bleed resistance, immunity to Concussion debuffs, and a chance to redirect projectiles. Weakness: energy attacks and extreme temperatures might be most effective against him.
Human Torch
Has a permanent aura of incineration that can be shut off when he is stunned or when he is hit by water, or if he is exposed to an environment with no oxygen. But after x seconds, he regains his aura of incineration. When he is near death, he enters desperation mode and gets a burst of power gain (like Deadpool x-force) and unleashes his L3: Nova Flame. This attack damages his opponent's teammates as well as if they were in the vicinity, but to a much lesser degree.
He possesses high physical resistance. In addition, due to his experience fighting characters much stronger than he is, enemy damage is capped at a certain amount (like a lesser form of Safeguard) In addition, Ben Grimm hates it when his foes use "fancy-shmancy" techniques such as Evade, Unblockable melee attacks, Unstoppable, or Invulnerable. If his foe triggers any of these abilities, he gains a stack of fury and physical resist before the attack actually hits him.
The Thing trains his Fantastic Four allies in hand-to-hand combat. Thus if Thing is a defender, he grants all other FF defenders a slight increase in damage when executing melee attacks, as well as a higher chance to parry melee attacks.
Well...I really think you could add the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom, besides Mystic and Quicksilver and others... check this list, please
1 - Invisible Woman:
She could get invisible, just like Hood does, but more frequently
2 - The Human Torch
He could incinerate enemies when hit. Something like Electro, but with Incineration
3 - The Thing
If I’m not mistaken, he doesn’t bleed, so it’s a good thing to add to him
4 - Mr. Fantastic
I didn’t quite think over him, but I bet you could make something hahahah.
5 - Dr. Doom
Sorry, but I didn’t think something for him either
6 - Mystic*
She could Shapeshift into another character for a moment (like 1sec or less) to confuse the enemy and things like that
7 - QuickSilver
He could have a high dodge rate, bigger than Spider-Man’s
And some others I didn’t think so much in the abilities (the ones with “*” are the ones I REALLY would like to see)
Black Cat*
Emma Frost
Nick Fury*
Nova (Cosmic)
Enchantress (Mystic)
Venomous Spider-Gwen/Spider-Gwen Symbiote (Cosmic)
Squirrel Girl (Skill)
Proxima Midnight (Cosmic)
Corvus Glave (Cosmic)
Wasp (Science)
Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes (Mystic)
Valkyrie Ragnarok (Cosmic)
Red Wolf (Skill)
Ironheart (Tech)
Punisher as War Machine (Tech)
Kitty Pride (Mutant)
And since they have some of the same characters with different looks:
Hydra Captain America (Science)
Unmasked Captain Marvel (Cosmic)
Good day brother, I have boon a fan of this game because of all the marvel characters that we have in the game. regarding to your question of X re-skinned character, that was a great idea. your character Wolverene, cyclops blue team, Rogue, Magneto, Beast, Gambit, Archanel, Old Man Logan, Colossus, Deadpool, Cabble are PERFECT!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THAT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IzSGvXc_PM
if you open the link you will see the characters the way we love them, we are from 90's there is such a great feeling when we open the TV and hear that opening theme everything was so spacial.
That is why I want to let you know that Storm was not UGLY! she was a cool character, Sentinel was actually can talk so he does not need to open his mouth all the time like a doll that is why people are not dying to have him because you make him so ugly, the original sentinel from the 90's animated series was so different and original he have a circle glowing on his chest and he do not have a fake abs because he is a robot he don't need that. there is a wire going out of this hand and hi does not fight like that. I know its hard to resize the character but yyou have to make him a title bigger and should be looking like the original, make him scary just like the simple and original one.
against the flying character like rogue she should can him him in his chest with punches same as vodoo, strange, magneto because they can fly, and champs that cannot fly can hit him on his legs not his balls coz it's so awkward it will be a joke for the kids to see that, he should be scary just like the original, so he have two fighting style. he fight different against flying champion and different for champs in the ground. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKMvLjw6hxQ
you can make combination like ghost rider of his wire, and few laser like goblin and he can smash on the ground using his feet, his current combination is the game was so ugly spacial those two hand punch come on man! that was so lame! and funny!
and one more thing phoenix design was perfect, then she should be a God champion and very strong, but you just made her a common champion it was like you did not watch any X-men movies. she is the only one that can come to the sun and back to planet earth it's means she should be one of the God champions.
Sabretooth and Wolverine are brutal enemy so Sabretooth should have a strong Bleed and Regen or else he was just useless champ and they will want to have Wolverine instead.
I will comment more in the future this is all I can do for now. sorry about my grammar. peace \m/
Domino would be cool. Who would win, her or SW? Chance or probability? And I agree that Mystique should be added, though I wouldn't mind the movie skin. As long as she is blue with red hair, I am fine. If it is the comic version, they bettter give her that skull brooch/whatever and her guns.
JJ seems to have been considered at least before, since she was in the Netflix DD event.
Two of a character is enough, IMO. No more Magneto, Cyclops, Spidey (unless 2099), Punisher (IMO 2099 was a bad idea anyway; why him?) , Iron Man, Hulk or Thor, please. Maybe the blonde BW, but she is pretty nice as is.
FF might ough to be Science as well. Certainly I think Thing ought to be Science, since the effects of the cosmic storm on him are reversible (see the movie). TBH, I always thought of the whole team as more a scientific mishap rather than a cosmic thing.
Definitely need to have Lockheed in there.
I think many of the others are too obscure. I never liked Punisher 2099 and Howard, though a classic, is pushing it pretty hard. They still need Beta Ray Bill and Spider Ham if they want to go that direction... Why not a Hooloovoo ("a super-intelligent shade of blue") while we're at it?
Ability: Some form of autoblock using the big tail
Passive: Physical Resistance with tail (Not much logic in this but still a bit. Plus some stuff in mcoc doesnt make sense anyways)
Heavy: 30% bleed chance
L1: 80% bleed (Scratches opponent twice)
L2 100% bleed (Scratches opponent three times then whips them with tail)
L3 100% bleed + poison + 20 second Fury (Punches and Scratches opponent and then summons squirrels to attack opponent)
Attack: 1159-1216
Idea: (if Stryfe is used in AW)
Stryfe will always be visible on the map even when "hidden defenders" is active.
When Stryfe dies/is KO'd, he releases the Legacy Virus, killing ALL MUTANTS on the battlefield, friend or foe. Players may choose to "skip" fighting Stryfe if they so choose to avoid this, but they lose out on points in AW. This ability has a +100% chance of triggering.
I think this makes for some very interesting strategic decisions. Maybe we will see defenses with zero mutants, attack groups with no mutants, etc.
PASSIVE: Enhanced Metabolism
Shrug off non damaging debuffs 70% faster.
Special attacks consume 8% less power per velocity charge.
PASSIVE: Enhanced Perception
Reduce enemy evade chance by 33% per Velocity Charge. This also includes the dexterity mastery.
Enemy Dash attacks have a 15% to miss per Velocity Charge.
Enemy Special attacks have double the above chance.
Gain 40% additional attack rating per Velocity Charge.
Enemy Dash attacks have a flat 45% to miss.
-Each passively consumes 1% max power per second.
- Increases the chance for the opponent to activate a special attack by 25%.
-Each Velocity Charge increases critical rating by 33%.
-Every time you cross a power threshold, gain 1 charge.
-Idling for 1 second grants Quicksilver 1 Velocity Charge.
-Max 3 charges.
-1 Velocity charge is lost if Quicksilver is hit 4 times.
-ALL Velocity Charges are lost if Quicksilver hits 0% power.(Not applicable at the beginning of a fight)
Inflict a concussion, reducing enemy ability accuracy by 25% per velocity charge for 10 seconds.
5 punches. Deal 5 additional punches per Velocity Charge. ( This means that this attack can deal up to +150% bonus damage)
SP 3: Stun the opponent for 2.5 seconds per velocity charge active.
Signature Ability
Increase power gain by (1-10%) per velocity charge active. ( This ability does not work while under the effect of a fatigue or exhaustion debuff )
All attacks gain +50% attack rating per Velocity Charge.
Quicksilver is meant to be an Evade Kill Champion who greatly rewards intercepting.
Via his Special 1 he can also reduce enemy ability accuracy be a nice amount.
Intercepts deal up to 150% more damage via his signature ability. If you intercept your opponent using a dash attack then it will deal 240% increased damage !
Velocity charges are what grant him his powers but they consume your power over time, hence you must fight aggressively. The more Velocity charges you have the easier it will become to intercept successfully and keep your charges.
He has plenty of weaknesses. Icemen, all power control champs, who will deny him Velocity charges, etc.
In the hands of a skilled player he can churn out very nice damage. His signature ability allows him to keep Velocity Charges as it reduces the risk of having 0% power.
Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
A guy that is THE expert in martial arts, specially Kung Fu, and has the ability of multiply himself in a battle... Think how exciting will be play with THE own champion in body to body combat performing the various Kung Fu styles just sliding back and holding to alternate these various styles with different abilities...
1.Impossible man
3.white Tiger
4.lady Deadpool
5.Misty knight
6.Betty Ross (red she-hulk
7.Cloak and Dagger
8.Rick jones(A-Bomb)
12.Devil Dinosaur
13. Fin Fang Foom
14. Galactus
15.lady Deathstrike
17. One Above All (God of the Multiverse)
18.The Black order
20. Beta Ray Bill
22. The Runaways
23. Hulkling
24. Ka-zar
25. Silver surfer
26. Hercules
27. Starhawk
28. Emma Frost
29. Invisible women
30. Mr Fantastic
31. Human torch
32. The Thing
33. Skaar
34. Thundra
35. Titania
36. Absorbing Man
37. Baron Zemo
38. The Leader
39. Havok
40. Apocalypse
41. Quicksilver
42. Nick Fury
43. Maria Hill
44. Peggy Carter
45. Phil coulson
46. Sharon Carter
47. Adam Warlock
48. Crystal
49. Triton
50. Gorgon
51. Mantis
52. Ego
53. Mystique
54. Red Skull
55. Pyro
56. Jessica jones
57. Namor
58. Polaris
59. Warpath
60. Nova
61. Mimic
62. The Watcher
63. Slapstick
64. Forge
65. Lady Sif and the warriors three
66. Heimdall
67. Surtur
68. Laufey
69. Kurse
70. Enchantress
71. Wasp
72. Korg
73. Caiera
74. Zzzax
75. Skurge (The Executioner)
76. Valkyrie
77. Shuri
78. Man-Ape
79. Professor X
80. Odin
81. Thunderbird
82. Eclipse
83. Legion
84. Super skrull
85. Beyonder
86. Kronos
87. Destroyer
88. Celestials
89. Kitty Pryde
90. Viper
91. Stan lee
92. Toad
93. Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man)
94. Silver Fox
95. Kestrel (John Wraith)
96. Lady Death
97. Blob
98. Ajax
99. Angel Dust
100. Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Jack of hearts
Mister Negative
Cloak and Dagger
Deadpool 2099
White tiger
Ex nihilo
Gorr the God butcher
The Alien Entity
Entropy(Son of Eternity)
The Goblin Force
The One above all(Celestial)
Doctor Spectrum
Ruby Thursday
3-D Man(Delroy Garrett)
Lady Bullseye
Moon girl and Devil dinosaur
Devil girl and Moon dinosaur
Fantastic Four idea:
Design goal: to create a set of formidable defenders.
Invisible Woman
If deployed as a defender, grants permanent invisibility to all adjacent Fantastic Four defenders. As to what constitutes as "adjacent", a defender is considered adjacent to another defender if a line can be drawn between them with no other defender between them. Thus if Invisible woman was the war-boss, she would grant permanent invisibility to her mini-bosses.
Permanent Invisibility:
Similar to Hood's ability, but lasts for the entire fight as long as Invisible Woman is still alive. In addition, invisible mini-bosses and bosses are also hidden on the map (it won't be a real mystery that Invis. Woman will be the warboss but at least you can hide the identities of the other mini-bosses) Limitations of invisibility: characters like Daredevil ignore this ability, as well as characters with acute senses like Wolverine, X-23 (hopefully they are granted this ability in the future) as well as characters with infrared vision or technology.
Sue will protect her FF allies from harm as much as possible. Thus if an allied FF defender takes 10 or more consecutive hits, she automatically activates a forcefield on them, which reduces damage by x% for a few seconds.
Only adjacent defenders can benefit from her aid.
Mr. Fantastic
Theme: lowers ability accuracy. The degree to which he lowers ability accuracy is proportional to his intellect, which he can build as the fight progresses. The longer he spends not attacking the opponent, the more intellect points he gets. Intellect points is a persistent charge that carries over to future fights. In addition, his ability accuracy reduction potential is decreased versus characters that also have Intellect points (for ex., If Dr. Doom also had intellect points, Mr. Fantastic won't be able to lower his ability accuracy that much) I guess the calculation will be: Mr. Fantastic's intellect minus opponent's intellect equals the degree of ability accuracy lowering.
Reed Richards is a master at creating new inventions. When he ends a fight, the game calculates what ability he countered most often. For instance, he countered the enemy's tendency to armor-up: Mr. Fantastic will thus gain an invention that has a flat X% chance to counter armor-up abilities in future battles. This invention adds to Reed's current ability countering potential. And like a persistent charge, he can carry his inventions into future fights. In addition, these inventions can benefit other FF defenders. When Reed is KO'd, these inventions are removed from the game. Thus if you don't want the other FF defenders to benefit from these gadgets, kill Reed first.
Elastic Body:
Reed's plasticity grants him a high degree of physical resistance, bleed resistance, immunity to Concussion debuffs, and a chance to redirect projectiles. Weakness: energy attacks and extreme temperatures might be most effective against him.
Human Torch
Has a permanent aura of incineration that can be shut off when he is stunned or when he is hit by water, or if he is exposed to an environment with no oxygen. But after x seconds, he regains his aura of incineration. When he is near death, he enters desperation mode and gets a burst of power gain (like Deadpool x-force) and unleashes his L3: Nova Flame. This attack damages his opponent's teammates as well as if they were in the vicinity, but to a much lesser degree.
He possesses high physical resistance. In addition, due to his experience fighting characters much stronger than he is, enemy damage is capped at a certain amount (like a lesser form of Safeguard) In addition, Ben Grimm hates it when his foes use "fancy-shmancy" techniques such as Evade, Unblockable melee attacks, Unstoppable, or Invulnerable. If his foe triggers any of these abilities, he gains a stack of fury and physical resist before the attack actually hits him.
The Thing trains his Fantastic Four allies in hand-to-hand combat. Thus if Thing is a defender, he grants all other FF defenders a slight increase in damage when executing melee attacks, as well as a higher chance to parry melee attacks.
Yo. Your a LEGEND
is that Hellstorm?
1 - Invisible Woman:
She could get invisible, just like Hood does, but more frequently
2 - The Human Torch
He could incinerate enemies when hit. Something like Electro, but with Incineration
3 - The Thing
If I’m not mistaken, he doesn’t bleed, so it’s a good thing to add to him
4 - Mr. Fantastic
I didn’t quite think over him, but I bet you could make something hahahah.
5 - Dr. Doom
Sorry, but I didn’t think something for him either
6 - Mystic*
She could Shapeshift into another character for a moment (like 1sec or less) to confuse the enemy and things like that
7 - QuickSilver
He could have a high dodge rate, bigger than Spider-Man’s
And some others I didn’t think so much in the abilities (the ones with “*” are the ones I REALLY would like to see)
Black Cat*
Emma Frost
Nick Fury*
Wolverine (Brown Costume)
Wolverine (Tiger Stripe)
Vision (Infinity War)
Spider-Man (Cosmic)
Spider-Man (Spider-Man: Homecoming, Homemade Outfit)
Enchantress (Mystic)
Venomous Spider-Gwen/Spider-Gwen Symbiote (Cosmic)
Squirrel Girl (Skill)
Proxima Midnight (Cosmic)
Corvus Glave (Cosmic)
Wasp (Science)
Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes (Mystic)
Valkyrie Ragnarok (Cosmic)
Red Wolf (Skill)
Ironheart (Tech)
Punisher as War Machine (Tech)
Kitty Pride (Mutant)
And since they have some of the same characters with different looks:
Hydra Captain America (Science)
Unmasked Captain Marvel (Cosmic)
2 Emma Frost
3 Leader
4 Mysterio
5 Namor
Profesor X
if you open the link you will see the characters the way we love them, we are from 90's there is such a great feeling when we open the TV and hear that opening theme everything was so spacial.
That is why I want to let you know that Storm was not UGLY! she was a cool character, Sentinel was actually can talk so he does not need to open his mouth all the time like a doll that is why people are not dying to have him because you make him so ugly, the original sentinel from the 90's animated series was so different and original he have a circle glowing on his chest and he do not have a fake abs because he is a robot he don't need that. there is a wire going out of this hand and hi does not fight like that. I know its hard to resize the character but yyou have to make him a title bigger and should be looking like the original, make him scary just like the simple and original one.
against the flying character like rogue she should can him him in his chest with punches same as vodoo, strange, magneto because they can fly, and champs that cannot fly can hit him on his legs not his balls coz it's so awkward it will be a joke for the kids to see that, he should be scary just like the original, so he have two fighting style. he fight different against flying champion and different for champs in the ground.
you can make combination like ghost rider of his wire, and few laser like goblin and he can smash on the ground using his feet, his current combination is the game was so ugly spacial those two hand punch come on man! that was so lame! and funny!
and one more thing phoenix design was perfect, then she should be a God champion and very strong, but you just made her a common champion it was like you did not watch any X-men movies. she is the only one that can come to the sun and back to planet earth it's means she should be one of the God champions.
Sabretooth and Wolverine are brutal enemy so Sabretooth should have a strong Bleed and Regen or else he was just useless champ and they will want to have Wolverine instead.
I will comment more in the future this is all I can do for now. sorry about my grammar. peace \m/