Why push people so hard to become uncollected?



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  • NerdNerdNerd1NerdNerdNerd1 Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    becoming UC isnt really that hard, as long as you save your units and revives and dont waste em on random **** you could def become UC withing your first month of playing. also obligatory its a progression based game, the further you progress the better reward youre gonna get, whining on the forums about "kabam pushing you to become UC" isnt gonna do anything
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    So my teammate just hit me up so I can take advantage of the current offer, a daily card that gives you half a 6 star worth of shards for 50 bucks. Oh wait, sorry bro, it's only for uncollected. Doesn't pop up on my other account. See, maybe you feel like I don't deserve this offer because I didn't complete uncollected but I disagree. I have more than paid my dues and just because I didn't find the time or save the units to beat uncollected doesn't mean I should get shafted and uncollected players should get the world handed to them. It's an obvious push in order to grab cash and it's really annoying and unfair, but hey, that's life among human kind. It's not fair and you don't get what you deserve, only what you can figure out how to take for yourself. So uncollected players get handed half a 6 star meanwhile Conqueror gets offered 5 stars for like 10,000 unit. Clownfiesta.SEATIN said it best. Goddamned Clownfiesta of a mobile video game. They suck all of the fun right out of it. I wish someone would release a console version MARVEL fighting game with this good of a roster and graphics.
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    I get it, you feel like the stronger champs 5*s / 6*s, god tier etc will help you to progress because, you need specific champs to beat tricky nodes or more health and damage from the higher ranks. Skill is the biggest deciding factor on progression, you need to put in some serious hours to learn all the different champs, how to use them, understand them, counter them. Get masteries unlocked and set up, there's tonnes to do.

    I played in alliances where I felt like a lot of the other players were significantly more skilled than me but, I could just about keep up. It took ages to get an r5 4* and as a f2p player that's just the way it goes, it can be frustrating to pull champs that you are highly unlikely to use but, 4 years in and I don't play in an alliance and I have got Cavalier. I still have loads to learn but, the progression is well balanced, you should be building skills as you complete each tier of content.

    I know I've still got plenty to learn but, I'll just take it as it comes and enjoy the game.

  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    So my teammate just hit me up so I can take advantage of the current offer, a daily card that gives you half a 6 star worth of shards for 50 bucks. Oh wait, sorry bro, it's only for uncollected. Doesn't pop up on my other account. See, maybe you feel like I don't deserve this offer because I didn't complete uncollected but I disagree. I have more than paid my dues and just because I didn't find the time or save the units to beat uncollected doesn't mean I should get shafted and uncollected players should get the world handed to them. It's an obvious push in order to grab cash and it's really annoying and unfair, but hey, that's life among human kind. It's not fair and you don't get what you deserve, only what you can figure out how to take for yourself. So uncollected players get handed half a 6 star meanwhile Conqueror gets offered 5 stars for like 10,000 unit. Clownfiesta.SEATIN said it best. Goddamned Clownfiesta of a mobile video game. They suck all of the fun right out of it. I wish someone would release a console version MARVEL fighting game with this good of a roster and graphics.

    That's why progressing matters. Why should people who have not yet gotten to uncollected get the same option for rewards, compensations, and deals. We don't get handed half a 6*, we have an option to buy a daily card. You can choose to spend on the game or not, but not everything is a cash grab. If you want to be able to purchase those deals, then the goal should be to finally get uncollected rather it be by saving units and/or growing your skill, or by purchasing them. You said yourself initially it is a title that anyone with enough units can get. So save up the units so that you can finally reap the rewards.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    They aren’t pushing people to be uncollected.

    They set progression milestones that determine the appropriate rewards for people before and after that milestone.

    Uncollected was the first of these. The others were layered in after the fact to help people along but those previously levels in today’s game are not supposed to be long term and you aren’t supposed to progress to a place where it is extremely easy to just “over level” to beat content.

    If this was the case you would eventually reach the content you are completely unprepared for even with the best of roster
  • Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188
    This game is all about progression which why kabam pushes you to get stuff like uncollected. And the reason people in conqueror have to pay an obscene amount to get 5 stars is because the content in act 4-5.2 is made where it’s very doable with 4 stars as long as you can manage your units and revives. Right now getting four stars is so easy and you get so many from just playing event quests monthly and story progression so it really shouldn’t be insanely hard to beat 5.2. It’s more a challenge than act 4 obviously because it’s meant to make you become more skillful
  • Blue_Eyed_ThingBlue_Eyed_Thing Member Posts: 134
    To be blunt bro the people who made it to uncollected useing 4 stars and possibly a 5 star or two made it. So complaining that it's to hard with all of this stuff available to you to me is crazy.
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  • NCB_ptNCB_pt Member Posts: 291
    Everything in the game is being designed so people spend more and more units: they give trash champions so we feel we need buy sine crystals to forget about that trash champions (and get more trash champions and so on lol); even now we have some rewards we just win if we buy that sigil thing; they put easy fights in bringing and harder in last even same boss last % life extremely harder, so people buy units (remember they remove the gifts....); And so on.....

    So just someone said out there, the short answer: $$$$ €€€€€€€
  • NCB_ptNCB_pt Member Posts: 291

    NCB_pt said:

    Everything in the game is being designed so people spend more and more units: they give trash champions so we feel we need buy sine crystals to forget about that trash champions (and get more trash champions and so on lol); even now we have some rewards we just win if we buy that sigil thing; they put easy fights in bringing and harder in last even same boss last % life extremely harder, so people buy units (remember they remove the gifts....); And so on.....

    So just someone said out there, the short answer: $$$$ €€€€€€€

    I've not spent a dime on the game and I'm cavalier. I did uncollected with 5/50 4*. It's not that difficult really. Just keep repeating the quest till you reach the boss without revives. Maybe save up a few team revives for the collecter. I defeated collecter without spending units. Never spend units for act 5 neither for getting cavalier.
    I found uncollected easy too, I never said the opposite. And Cavalier is being easy too, I just don't play often so I am going like in 6.1.3 or something, or I play month events or I play history, not enough energy available (and I don't want but energy, once more €€€€¥). But I respect who feels different, not all of us can have some lucky to have diversion of rooster to play different scenarios. I never spend units, just spend one time in some one of first Boss Rush, when I started play this, I spend like 2k units but didn't complete that BR at that time lololo
  • Plato92Plato92 Member Posts: 102

    KABAM has made many changes to the rewards that Uncollected players receive vs those who are not uncollected. Has KABAM ever given a real reason why they are pushing people so hard to become uncollected and treating everyone else like they don't matter? Why do YOU think they are pushing uncollected so hard? I remember them saying they want us all to become uncollected so that we can enjoy the benefit of all the great rewards but I find it hard to believe that is the case. Why wouldn't they just let everyone progress at their own pace? Why are they punishing people for not having this title that anyone can win with enough units? I think it's just a money grab because they know that anybody can beat just about anything with enough units, and most people will need a ton of units and will likely spend money to get those units because grinding for and saving units is hard. I know, "if anybody can do it why don't you just do it and stop complaining?" Right? Well, I have tried and failed and haven't been able to stack enough units to finish lately. I'm stuck on 5.2.3. Hopefully I will be done soon.

    Some of my alliance members who are uncollected don't think that the rewards that you get from being uncollected are even worth the effort that it takes to become uncollected but I disagree. In my opinion Uncollected players get insane rewards compared to those who are not uncollected yet. They are racking up 6 star shards, and 6 star champions from grandmaster crystals while I keep duping my 5 star Kamala Khan, 4 star Psylocke, and getting nothing but 2 star Gamoras from PHCs. They get the only rewards that are worthwhile in the BLACK-ISO-MARKET. I used to get 5 star shards from the monthly login calendar but now only uncollected players do. I could go on and on. It seems as though Kabam is pushing very hard for all players to become uncollected. I do not think that it is fair. Just my opinion which I'm sure many of you may disagree with. Yes, becoming uncollected is very hard for some and not hard at all for others. We could debate difficulty all day but in the end difficulty is relative to skill level and its a matter of percentile. I'm sure that a large percentile of players find it difficult. There is a certain level of skill that you either have or you don't have (some can learn it) where you are able to dex all attacks including specials and projectiles. I do not have this skill level. I lack a consistent level of focus I guess because sometimes I play like I am in the Matrix but not often. I am a decent player but I get by mostly on knowledge of my roster and raw determination.

    So, why do YOU think they are pushing so hard for people to become uncollected? Do you think that the changes made to rewards are fair? If you ARE uncollected how difficult did you find it? Did you spend units? Who did you use? Do you think the rewards are worth the effort? Those of you who are not uncollected, do you feel like you are being treated unfairly? Can anyone come up with a reason why they are pushing this so hard besides the obvious theory that it's a money grab or the unlikely theory that KABAM is doing it for our own benefit because they want to MAKE SUMMONERS GREAT AGAIN? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

    If you are one of these people who like to complain about people complaining please move on, lol. Just looking for different insights and opinions on one of the most important fights and titles in the game. Thanks fellow summoners.


    They aren’t pushing anyone to become uncollected or even cavalier for that matter. It is go at your own pace and is entirely up to you weather you push yourself or not. But just so you know there is a better monthly calendar for each stage of the journey. As you progress through the ranks you can now get on day 25 a 4* or 5* as a login bonus from your login crystal. Also as you go through the ranks your catalyst changes too, uncollected get half of a t2a every month and cavalier get a fully formed t2a every month. So as you can see there are benefits to becoming uncollected or even cavalier it just depends on how you see it. I personally enjoy having to spend less time farming for certain rank up items. Also there was changes made to the glory store for uncollected and cavalier status. So you may not see the difference between each title but others do.
  • Erik_Killmonger1001Erik_Killmonger1001 Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    As a conqueror i feel no rush to get uncollected yes it is hard but worth it. Trust me you dont 6 stars to clear act 5, 5 stars and 4 stars will do you fine. I am perfectly happy just doing master side quests and having fun with my roster. Also you are arguing that conqueror players deserve 6 stars for clearing act 4 really . RETHINK! your playstyle
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Kabam don’t push to into getting Uncollected. There are tiered rewards and offers based on what’s appropriate for your level/progress in the game. 90% of games that have paid DLC in the form of unlocked gear etc. Won’t offer you the top tier ‘buyable’ until you have reached a point in the game where it’s not going to completely break the progression curve.

    If you’re level 10/99 it is right that you shouldn’t be able to buy level 99 tiered stuff, maybe 15-20 as a thank you for paying extra.

    All of Kabam’s offers, whether you think they’re worth the money or not, are designed to give you a little boost here and there, not to suddenly propel you weeks (early game) ahead of your natural progression curve. This is for two reasons - first, you would 100% and outlive the game’s lifespan if you could do that. Secondly, if you brute force your way through 5.2/6.1 with money and these offers you’re just going to be an Act 4 player with a decent roster/title and no idea how to play properly. And you know what happens? You get annoyed again because you can’t play the content that you have this false progression title for, and in this case, many people quit. Either way, Kabam lose potential long term customers and the game would probably be dead in the water by now if it was totally pay to win. All of the most successful and most long-lived online/MMOs the ones aren’t P2W.

    TL/DR - learn the game, Kabam aren’t gonna sell you 6.4 exploration just because you’re lazy.
  • Pancake_FacePancake_Face Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★★
    stop complaining that you don't have a fricken 6* to complete act 5. I completed act five with one 5* rest were 4*s. when i started playing 4 years ago the rewards starting out were terrible. Now I'm a little jealous about newer players and all those good rewards for them. Your not gonna come out of the gate with a 5*. Its not fair to those who earn them. You have to work for it and not be lazy. Yes some people whale out but most people don't. Many ftp are in endgame including myself. Most of my alliance is ftp and were all at least uncollected and the elders (like me) are cavalier. Looking back now, i wish that i had the same rewards because my roster would be way bigger than it is now.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    Hold on, I take it all back. I DO have plenty of opportunities to earn 6 star shards. The 5-Day Alliance Quest Completion Event offers a whole 100 shards as the top milestone reward! ALL you have to do is score 10,500 points! Map 7 = 700 points. 10,500 points divided by 700 per map 7, carry the 2, that's like only 15 times we have to beat map 7 in 5 days! But doesn't each AQ take 24hrs? Math is hard.

    No, but in all seriousness, I know that I do not deserve to have a 6 star champion. I'm sorry guys. I just need you guys to remind me sometimes. I get caught up in all of the lies that I teach my children like: be nice, be fair, share, everyone deserves a turn, etc. After a while of brainwashing them with lies I actually start to believe them. On top of that, I recently started playing Smash Bros again and had the crazy thought "What if MCOC gave us access to the whole roster right away and didn't use quest energy or time out our champions in arena?" Naaaaah, that'd be crazy. I apologize for my temporary loss of sanity. When I start thinking these craaaazy thoughts, that's when I need the good people of MCOC Forums to remind me that MCOC, much like life, is not fair and you don't get what you deserve you get what you earn (or what you can steal and not get caught). I'm sure president Trump would agree. It's this state of mind that keeps America great.
    I realize now that earning the Uncollected Title is the ultimate test of skill in this game and the dividing line between God Tier players and trash like myself. I know now that those without the title are likely both lazy and unskilled. I know that this is the reason why only uncollected players deserve an opportunity to earn any worthwhile reasonable amount of 6 star shards as a potential reward. Those who definitely didn't hoard units but simply prioritized beating map 5 over all other content (and maybe over a few other things in their life) are the only ones who deserve an opportunity to earn 6-star shards. People like me who tried act 5 and quit half way through because the 20 fight long quests with ridiculous node enhancements took too long and I was too busy raising kids and working full time to sit there for 2 hours at a time, and didn't have 1000 units sitting around, we are the lowest lifeforms and deserve nothing. Even though I have logged in every day for the past 3 years, spent every spare moment grinding, bought many of their God awful crystals and bundles to support the game (and the gambling addiction it has helped me develop) and keep the servers on. A player who went to NYCC and won 2500 units and other prizes for repeatedly beating Ultron on the big screen in front of the entire MCOC community A 3 year player and alliance leader who in the little time that he finds to play has won over 100,000 fights between his main and other account, and achieved a 527,819 base hero rating, and rarely loses in the modes and events that he CHOOSES to play deserves a grand total of nothing. Zero shards. Not 1. I should consider myself lucky that I have any. Even though I feel that I have supported Kabam and the MCOC community, and even though I feel I am skilled based on the content I have chosen to play and beaten, I should keep my sense of entitlement in check. Who am I to think I deserve a shot at a few shards that will eventually result in a champion that I don't want?
    I know that by pushing people to become uncollected Kabam is doing us a favor by forcing us to either reach our full potential as humans or come to terms with our mediocrity. They do it out of a sense of love and responsibility and money is definitely NOT their #1 motivation. This should NOT be a fair, fun game where we can escape from the real world and everybody gets an opportunity to use the champions they grew up loving. This should be what it is, a place where we face the harsh realities of life like not everyone gets what they deserve. The greatest thing about this game is not the incredible roster of beloved characters that MARVEL handed to KABAM, or the event quests tied into the MCU movie releases, it's the fun, inclusive, and not at all frustrating format that they have come up with, and they are DEFINITELY not exploiting peoples' love of these characters for their own gains.
    Even though my first six star pull (or my first 20 pulls) will likely be a troll roll over a God tier champion which will then skip to Deadpool X-Force, I don't deserve the opportunity to grind quest after quest so that I can gamble on a crystal opening and be heartbroken when it's one of the champions that nobody wants. YOU guys earned the right to that pleasure.

    Yes, 6-stars should most definitely be exclusive to players with the Uncollected title and even though Uncollected players didn't need to use units they should definitely NOT make map 5 and 6 itemless. I have seen the light, praise RNGsus.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    edited April 2020

    stop complaining that you don't have a fricken 6* to complete act 5. I completed act five with one 5* rest were 4*s. when i started playing 4 years ago the rewards starting out were terrible. Now I'm a little jealous about newer players and all those good rewards for them. Your not gonna come out of the gate with a 5*. Its not fair to those who earn them. You have to work for it and not be lazy. Yes some people whale out but most people don't. Many ftp are in endgame including myself. Most of my alliance is ftp and were all at least uncollected and the elders (like me) are cavalier. Looking back now, i wish that i had the same rewards because my roster would be way bigger than it is now.

    Pancake face, I offer you my deepest and most sincere apologies. You must have misunderstood my point because I am a moron and stated it poorly. I do not want a 6 star to beat act 5. My maxed out God tier 4 stars (SE Spidey, Medusa, Blade, Emma, Guilly, Void, Corvus, Venom, Quake, BWCV, X23, Scarlet Witch), 5 star Aegon, 5 star Iron Man IW, 5 star Heimdall, 5 star Gwenpool and all of my other champions should be more than enough to beat act 5 whenever I choose to take the time to sit down and try to finish it again (currently I am up to 5.2.2). I just wanted an opportunity to earn some 6 star shards and eventually get a 6 star Deadpool X-Force to look nice in my top 4 champions because I am a 3 year player and alliance leader who considers himself skilled although I may not have the titles to prove it because I chose not to play for titles, but rather to play for champions (since this game is not called MARVEL contest of TITLES). I thought it was kind of ridiculous that I had less than a 3rd of the shards needed to get a 6 star champion after 6 stars having been release over 2 years ago. But don't worry. You and the other good people of Forums have helped me see the errors in my ways. I am nothing and no one deserves anything. You say that you are uncollected so I believe you and this means that you are my superior. Please forgive my existence and thanks for helping to set me straight. I am going to throw myself down my basement steps now to atone for my sins. God bless you, you beautiful Uncollected God.
    Btw, you said you started playing 4 years ago, right? So, 2016? Before the 12.0 update that happened in 2017? The time period when everyone who was playing then says you could easily walk through Realm of Legends with only a Scarlet Witch? Probably pretty easy to become Uncollected back then compared to now where you obviously have to have beyond God tier skill.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★

    Successful post. Some agreed, some disagreed, most made valid points, and only 1 or 2 predictable simpletons who had nothing valid to contribute who took time out of their day to say someone who was looking for opinions was crying or that it was too long for them to read, LOL. Thank you forums community.

    Bro you lost Mr Maximus threw your own words in your face and you avoided replying 😂😂
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293

    As a conqueror i feel no rush to get uncollected yes it is hard but worth it. Trust me you dont 6 stars to clear act 5, 5 stars and 4 stars will do you fine. I am perfectly happy just doing master side quests and having fun with my roster. Also you are arguing that conqueror players deserve 6 stars for clearing act 4 really . RETHINK! your playstyle

    Seems alot of people misunderstood my point even though I tried to make it clear as possible. I do not want a 6 star to defeat act 5. I do not think that I NEED a 6 star to beat act 5. I am arguing that Conquerors with the experience that I have deserve WAY MORE OPPORTUNITY to earn SOME FORM of 6-star shards than we do now and we should not need a stupid title to get said opportunity. How about all of the titles I earned for 100% completing Master difficulty? Those 13 titles I earned count for nothing? They could have made it where if you earn a certain number of uncommon titles you unlock Uncollected difficulty (or call it something else). The work that I put in to earn those 13 titles is definitely equivalent to beating 2 chapters of story to earn 1 "rare" title. Just a good idea for a small change that could be made if everything wasn't about money. It would probably help keep alot of people satisfied and probably keep them playing longer. Maybe I won't even be good enough to beat the Uncollected difficulty monthly quests, and if that's the case I don't deserve the shards but with the time I have put in and the things I have accomplished I feel like I deserve an opportunity and should/would have more 6 star shards than the 2k I currently do if this game was made better. I do not want a 6 star to defeat act 5. I do not think that I NEED a 6 star to beat act 5. My main acct is 527k base hero rating, 5,316 prestige, with many maxed God tier 4 stars and some God tier 5 stars. I do not believe that I lack the SKILL to beat act 5 either. I am very successful in War (alliance laid back, floats between Silver 2 and Gold 3 depending on participation), AQ (map 4/5), arena (have won several 4 star champions, sometimes both rounds of arena back-to-back), I beat Epic difficulty quests like this month's Baron's War against that Goddamned Civil Warrior, and I 100% complete the monthly event quest on Master difficulty whenever I choose to do so with no units used. I really enjoy arena, and the interaction with my alliance in alliance modes. Those are the modes that I choose to play because they bring me enjoyment. I don't like questing, especially story, especially act 5. I don't like being pushed to play this particular mode while the promise of 6 star shards is being dangled over my head. It's not that it's too hard or that I don't have the right Champions. The reason that I have not finished uncollected is that I find it unenjoyable, very time consuming and personally find it difficult to find the time to do it between caring for my 3 children until I go to work every day, working 40+ hours a week, maintaining a home, and fulfilling my obligations to my alliance as well as grinding arena for the most important resource in this game, UNITS. This game is like a full time Goddamn job. I do not want a 6 star HANDED to me either. I simply want the opportunity to grind, and earn some 6 star shards so that I can EVENTUALLY have ONE, the same way that I struggled and grinded and was disappointed in 95% of my 5 star pulls. Most of you are on here saying that beating uncollected is not hard. Okay, if that's the case then why should only people with uncollected title have an opportunity to earn 6-star shards from Uncollected difficulty every month when the rest of us get LITERALLY NOTHING. What are you all worried about, that I am going to hog up all of the 6 star Deadpool X-Forces, Gamoras, Trash Pandas, Diablos and Winter Soldiers?? Because I guarantee those are the only champions I'll pull, ever. I've duped my 5 star Kamala Kahn more times than I care to mention.
    I grew up loving MARVEL and playing Nintendo, both since 1985. Whether you think their (Nintendo) games concepts or graphics are too cartoonish and not realistic enough, that company knows how to make fun games. When I look at the format of some other games and how they flow so much better and are fun and inclusive and only as challenging as YOU want to make it for yourself and don't have so many things obviously put in place to impede your progress, and don't force you to gamble and lose constantly, and don't constantly nerf champions you've worked to build up in favor of newer ones forcing people to spend, and banning players for no reason without so much as an explanation. I look at other games and I think about what MCOC could be and it saddens me. So, the main point of my post was to complain (yes, I like to complain when I feel something is unfair because that's how changes and improvements come about, and many people in forums like to complain about people complaining, which makes them just as bad for taking the time to even click on the post). Bottom line is, the whole Uncollected title and 6 star shard earning format is just one of the many aspects of this game that frustrate me. But, the other point of my post was, I thought maybe some people were going to come up with conspiracy theories as to why Kabam is passive-aggressively pushing/tempting us to become uncollected. I thought maybe someone would be like: "I heard they are doing all of this stuff as quick cash grabs because they are going to shut down the MCOC servers and run with Realm of Champions from here on out."
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    edited April 2020

    The title sounded ridiculous enough.

    Why would someone click on the title of a thread that sounded ridiculous to them, only to not read it, and then take the time to comment and say TL DR? Ooooooh right, because you are an attention seeking troll with a short attention span and no valuable thought to contribute. Happy everyone looked at you? Was your "Look at me daddy" syndrome relieved for a few hours after you typed that? Damn, where's the clown emoji when you need it?
  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★
    Dude just drop the subject you’re the only one that rly thinks this
    Ngl I stopped reading any other comment after that unless they had a lot of LOL reactions
    You’re typing waaaaay to much anyway so it gets hard to keep track of everything since there are multiple of those comments
    Progress at your own pace work for things if you want them
    Honestly you shouldn’t complain uncollected is now fairly easy with all the ridiculous champs available as 4* and the handouts you guys now get
  • ZeepZorpZeepZorp Member Posts: 111 ★★
    I think the biggest problem with this game is that novices are usually unfamiliar at skill level they're at and the fact that they can accumulate 5 and 6 stars champs over time makes it harder for them to understand how good they really are. As many people have said, Uncollected was originally designed for 4* champions. I myself did it with rank 4
    and a rank 5 4* champions. Today, Uncollected is significantly easier, due to players also having more powerful 5* and 6* champions.

    What makes this a problem is that these players believe they're entitled to stronger champions to fight through harder content rather than learning and mastering the skills needed. I'd argue that the argument should be the other way around; that whatever star champions should be gated to their progression title.

    No one is forcing you to progress, Kabam is not forcing you to progress. There is no timer on story mode, no deadline to meet. The only purpose to push forward is the incentive to better rewards.

    The problem at the end is you're blaming your roster rather than your own skill for the reason that you can't pass a progression roadblock. It is there for a reason. So you don't receive champions and the rank-up materials required for them until you actually need them. As a result, you do not need these materials and champs because your skill level is not compatible to the level that is required or that your roster is underwhelmingly poor. Either way you have until the game is shut down to grind towards Uncollected. No one is pointing a gun to your head to do it lol.
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