Why push people so hard to become uncollected?



  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    Let me state this as clearly as I can.

    1) Kabam, beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt, IS pushing/promoting/encouraging (however you choose to view it) people to defeat the collector (“for improved rewards”). It is clearly stated in the message today about the upcoming Deadpool event.
    2) Using Titles as a replacement progression system in place of the summoner level system was a poorly thought out and poorly executed plan and Kabam knows this because they are releasing surveys about many such topics right now with big changes and revamps to come to the way peoples’ profiles and accomplishments are viewed and how they engage with each-other. I took the survey. Maybe they should expand max summoner level to 120 and level some people up retroactively based on their progress since level 60 (maybe base it on TOTAL TITLES EARNED and not just 1?)
    3) To categorize someone as simply a “conqueror” is not a clear and accurate representation of their overall skills and accomplishments as a player of this game. It undermines their accomplishments in other modes and their progress in story after completing chapter 4 even though they may not have defeated the collector yet.
    4) Based on my skill level and accomplishments in other modes (Arena, AW, AQ, Dungeons, monthly EQ) I have no doubt that I could beat the collector (I got to 5.2.2 and chose to stop because I found it too time consuming and no fun) but I don’t WANT to and I do not feel that I should be FORCED to so I am boycotting the fight out of protest (which nobody cares about except me, I know). This post has nothing to do with the Collector fight being too hard, or needing a 6-Star to complete it and it never did. I am not here for anybody's advice, thanks. Stop acting like you have something to teach me.
    5) I do not want ANYTHING handed to me and I do not feel that all conquerors are entitled to all of the same rewards that uncollected players get, HOWEVER, I DO feel that conquerors should be entitled to A BIT more 6-Star shards than they currently have the opportunity to earn. With the amount of things that I have played and beaten over the past 2+ years since 6-Stars were released I should have been rewarded 100 shards here, 200 shards there, and I would at least have (1) 6-Star champion at this point and probably wouldn’t be here writing this right now. I am good at developing my roster, I am proud of it, but I want a 6-Star in it, and I will have 1, with or without uncollected.
    6) I feel that 6 star shards are almost completely exclusive to people with the uncollected title because of the fact that they can earn them each month from the uncollected quest which is by far the easiest way to earn them aside from duping 5-Star Champions or buying them from crystals with donations from your fans.
    7) I feel that earning the uncollected title alone should not entitle you to the opportunity to earn 6-Star shards more easily over others who may not like questing.
    8) I feel that it is ridiculous for Kabam to make it so difficult for people to get 6 star champions when they are essentially just overpowered 5-Star Champions, lower skill players will not be able to earn the resources needed to rank them up, they will not help lower skilled players clear any content because skill really does reign supreme here, and RNG is going to screw us anyway and give us 99% trash that we don’t want.
    9) It’s natural for those of you with the title to disagree with me or not understand or simply not care. You feel like you worked hard and earned something and now I’m asking for a handout. You’re dead wrong, but I get it and that’s okay.

    Now let’s look at the sources of 6-star shards currently available to those without the uncollected title:
    1) Calendar – Just kidding. Conquerors do not get 6-Star shards on the monthly calendar. We USED to get a few 5 star shards there but they took THAT away with this trash progression system. At least they didn’t take away ALL of my access to 5 star shards because I am rolling in Kamala Kahns!
    2) Selling 5 star Champions – NOT AN OPTION even though you can sell 4 stars for 5 star shards, etc. What a coincidence they did away with that option. NO SHARDS FOR THAT!
    3) Solo/Alliance Side Events – 100 shards for top milestone rewards. Woohoo!
    4) Duping 5-Star Champions (no control over that, although I’ve duped Kamala Kahn and Moon Knight multiple times each!) 275 shards per dupe
    5) Master Difficulty Monthly Event Quest Recommended Team rating 12,500-25,500
    6) Occasional EPIC Difficulty Side Quests – Recommended Team Rating 28,000 – CLEARLY more difficult than Master based on Recommended Team Rating.
    7) Variant quest, Recommended team rating 45-50,000, some with specific Champion requirements. Waaaaaay harder and more time consuming than Master.

    I rest my case.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Holy cow if it honestly bothers you so much and you think your skill reflects what you should earn then just get uncollected already and quit making a huge deal about it. This game is progression based, that is the model. You wanna partake in deals and you want to get more shards, then you know what to do. Just because you think your skill level, amount of money put in, or whatever should guarentee what you get, well then I'm sorry you're wrong. Kabam is encouraging people to be uncollected, yes, and why not? The rewards are better and the 6* shards are nice. If you are happy being conqueror then stay conqueror, but that is your choice so don't be upset when uncollected and Cav get better rewards because you CHOOSE not to make the final push to uncollected
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293

    Let me state this as clearly as I can.

    1) Kabam, beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt, IS pushing/promoting/encouraging (however you choose to view it) people to defeat the collector (“for improved rewards”). It is clearly stated in the message today about the upcoming Deadpool event.
    2) Using Titles as a replacement progression system in place of the summoner level system was a poorly thought out and poorly executed plan and Kabam knows this because they are releasing surveys about many such topics right now with big changes and revamps to come to the way peoples’ profiles and accomplishments are viewed and how they engage with each-other. I took the survey. Maybe they should expand max summoner level to 120 and level some people up retroactively based on their progress since level 60 (maybe base it on TOTAL TITLES EARNED and not just 1?)
    3) To categorize someone as simply a “conqueror” is not a clear and accurate representation of their overall skills and accomplishments as a player of this game. It undermines their accomplishments in other modes and their progress in story after completing chapter 4 even though they may not have defeated the collector yet.
    4) Based on my skill level and accomplishments in other modes (Arena, AW, AQ, Dungeons, monthly EQ) I have no doubt that I could beat the collector (I got to 5.2.2 and chose to stop because I found it too time consuming and no fun) but I don’t WANT to and I do not feel that I should be FORCED to so I am boycotting the fight out of protest (which nobody cares about except me, I know). This post has nothing to do with the Collector fight being too hard, or needing a 6-Star to complete it and it never did. I am not here for anybody's advice, thanks. Stop acting like you have something to teach me.
    5) I do not want ANYTHING handed to me and I do not feel that all conquerors are entitled to all of the same rewards that uncollected players get, HOWEVER, I DO feel that conquerors should be entitled to A BIT more 6-Star shards than they currently have the opportunity to earn. With the amount of things that I have played and beaten over the past 2+ years since 6-Stars were released I should have been rewarded 100 shards here, 200 shards there, and I would at least have (1) 6-Star champion at this point and probably wouldn’t be here writing this right now. I am good at developing my roster, I am proud of it, but I want a 6-Star in it, and I will have 1, with or without uncollected.
    6) I feel that 6 star shards are almost completely exclusive to people with the uncollected title because of the fact that they can earn them each month from the uncollected quest which is by far the easiest way to earn them aside from duping 5-Star Champions or buying them from crystals with donations from your fans.
    7) I feel that earning the uncollected title alone should not entitle you to the opportunity to earn 6-Star shards more easily over others who may not like questing.
    8) I feel that it is ridiculous for Kabam to make it so difficult for people to get 6 star champions when they are essentially just overpowered 5-Star Champions, lower skill players will not be able to earn the resources needed to rank them up, they will not help lower skilled players clear any content because skill really does reign supreme here, and RNG is going to screw us anyway and give us 99% trash that we don’t want.
    9) It’s natural for those of you with the title to disagree with me or not understand or simply not care. You feel like you worked hard and earned something and now I’m asking for a handout. You’re dead wrong, but I get it and that’s okay.

    Now let’s look at the sources of 6-star shards currently available to those without the uncollected title:
    1) Calendar – Just kidding. Conquerors do not get 6-Star shards on the monthly calendar. We USED to get a few 5 star shards there but they took THAT away with this trash progression system. At least they didn’t take away ALL of my access to 5 star shards because I am rolling in Kamala Kahns!
    2) Selling 5 star Champions – NOT AN OPTION even though you can sell 4 stars for 5 star shards, etc. What a coincidence they did away with that option. NO SHARDS FOR THAT!
    3) Solo/Alliance Side Events – 100 shards for top milestone rewards. Woohoo!
    4) Duping 5-Star Champions (no control over that, although I’ve duped Kamala Kahn and Moon Knight multiple times each!) 275 shards per dupe
    5) Master Difficulty Monthly Event Quest Recommended Team rating 12,500-25,500
    6) Occasional EPIC Difficulty Side Quests – Recommended Team Rating 28,000 – CLEARLY more difficult than Master based on Recommended Team Rating.
    7) Variant quest, Recommended team rating 45-50,000, some with specific Champion requirements. Waaaaaay harder and more time consuming than Master.

    I rest my case.

    CORRECTION/TYPO (sorry, it was late)
    5) UNCOLLECTED MONTHLY EVENT QUEST - RECOMMENDED TEAM RATING 28000-33000 - about the same as the Epic quests that come around occasionally, which I am able to beat. If I am able to beat Epic I can beat uncollected and I would be doing so every month instead of Master if I had access.

    Say what you want. I hold these truths to be self evident.
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    I think it's more just kabam pushing you to progress than a cash grab. You don't have to spend money on the game to complete 5.2. It might take 1 or 2 weeks to get units from arenas, but no one is forcing you to spend real currency.
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  • 007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    This thread feels outdated for some reason.
    Soo much thought ful scrutiny. And well...
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  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★
    I think you type so many words in a single comment to compensate for something...lack of skills? Roster size issues?
    Idk man if you’re not up to it then you’re not
    And if you’re afraid of UC than that’s your problem
    Many resources available to help whiners like you
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian

    Seems alot of people misunderstood my point even though I tried to make it clear as possible. I do not want a 6 star to defeat act 5. I do not think that I NEED a 6 star to beat act 5. I am arguing that Conquerors with the experience that I have deserve WAY MORE OPPORTUNITY to earn SOME FORM of 6-star shards than we do now and we should not need a stupid title to get said opportunity.

    You don't need a stupid title. You need to beat the Collector. The title is just an easy way to keep track.

    To do Act 5 you need to finish Act 4 first. And to do Act 4 you need to finish Act 3 first. Which requires completing Act 2, which requires completing Act 1. Someone might think they should be able to just do Act 5 whenever they feel they're ready, even if they haven't spent the time to complete Act 4, or Act 3 or Act 2. But, and this seems to be the theme of this thread, nobody cares. Nobody gets to skip over prerequisites. And you're asking to get rewards for higher progress without having to complete the prerequisites to get them, and "compromising" by saying you don't actually want those rewards, just some of those rewards is a meaningless concession.

    Levels you can gain without actually progressing in the game beyond a certain point. That's why they started using progress within the core content as the measure of progress rather than combat level. If Uncollected is just a stupid title, then what you want to replace it with, extra combat levels, is just a stupid number. I can make that stupid number reach any value I want without actually having to do anything in the game. I can autofight my way to 60, and I could just as easily autofight my way to 120. Being Uncollected means you beat the Collector. Being level 60 means you've had the game on your screen for a while.

    The titles are not the thing, progress through the content is the thing. Nobody actually cares about the Uncollected title, or the Cavalier title. The title is not the thing. The fact that you progressed through the content to the point where you gain the title is the thing. And no matter how many times you try to explain yourself, what everyone hears is you want the rewards associated with higher progress without actually having to make that progress. Because that's what you are in fact saying.

    You deserve 6* shards even though you aren't Uncollected? Why? Because you have a resume you keep quoting? Add defeating the Collector to that resume. Otherwise, nobody cares.

    Or, if that's beyond your capabilities. then just wait. For maybe a couple years. Probably some time in 2022 or thereabouts MCOC might start handing out 6* shards to people who haven't progressed to Uncollected. Maybe shortly after they start releasing 7* champs. But so long as 6* champs are the highest tier champs in the game, there will be some minimum progress point you need to be to get a regular supply of shards. And Uncollected is the most reasonable progress point for that, because after Uncollected the next major looming progress ladder is Act 6, which requires 5* and 6* champs.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian

    2) Using Titles as a replacement progression system in place of the summoner level system was a poorly thought out and poorly executed plan and Kabam knows this because they are releasing surveys about many such topics right now with big changes and revamps to come to the way peoples’ profiles and accomplishments are viewed and how they engage with each-other. I took the survey.

    So did I. It would take too long to refute every point in this post, so I'll just tackle this one. The survey doesn't prove anything, which anyone who knows anything about surveys like this in general would know. But for a very specific example of players reading survey tea leaves and failing completely, I'll note that a survey a few years back asked players about, among other things, gear. Because the Chinese version of MCOC at the time had gear, players started promoting the theory that the survey meant the US version of the game was going to introduce gear. Kabam, for their part, denied this. They said the survey was just to collect information in general. Of course, the tin foil hat brigade, and even many otherwise more level headed players, weren't buying it.

    Three years later, still no gear. Also, that version of the game eventually shut down. Most commonly cited reason? It wasn't pay to play enough. Because how MMOGs work in Asia is completely different from how they work in US and Europe, and what works there doesn't work anywhere else and vice versa. Anyone who's been around the MMOG space long enough knows that games tend to have a lot of hurdles jumping into, or out of, Asian countries. Sometimes it works, often it doesn't, because expectations are radically different for how gameplay, grinding, and pay to win, are supposed to work.

    Not only do I think the titling system bound to content completion was a good idea, I actually suggested something vaguely like it before Uncollected was released (I talked about a transcendent progress system beyond level 60 that was tied to some kind of proving ground content, because that exists in other games I've played) and the devs did an interview recently with DDD where they reiterated that a) more levels are unlikely due to how levels gate progress rewards and b) they are looking at ways to expand progress beyond UC and Cav in the future. So if you think they regret UC and Cav titles, that seems to be completely false.
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