Explain this

Okay so the whack a mole man side quest thing I've completed the first two chapters and run a couple pass in the third but yet it still says I have to fight him two more times in the first chapter to receive the rewards. 

Was a brief bug that wasn’t awarding Objective pts for about first hour that first day.
But took you 2 weeks to notice you were short ?? FYI, even if they counted, you would have needed to CLAIM one level of Objective before points start to count towards the next level.
So you still wouldn’t have had any pts toward 2nd Level.
Now they may have changed that method (allowing proceeding into next level before claiming previous one) since that time.
But for THIS months MoleMan Objectives, this is how it works.
And if you have been doing the various Daily/Weekly one's, and have never bothered clicking one tab over to check on your MoleMan progress, then that is on you.
Only case you can make is that your Level-1 count should be moved up to 8. But that wouldn’t have allowed you to move into next Level because you never Claimed the 1st yet (or apparently even bothered to check up on it).
you wont win this
Let me be very clear.
You already ran the Quest. Correct.
You don't just get the Objectives if you beat the Quest 100%. You get one Point each time you beat Mole Man in the respective Quests.
You can have Mole Man drop and beat him randomly and it counts as one Point for the Objective that corresponds to the Quest you're doing.
There was a problem when the Event was released and it wasn't registering the Points people got for beating him.
It has been fixed. Sadly, the times you beat him haven't been recorded because of said bug.
If you want to complete the Objective, you need to run it two more times.
Is any of this hitting home?
And as for getting the 2nd Level, there are some Random extra Drops of MoleMan so if you don’t want to do all 12 paths of Master you won’t have to.