Already not a big fan of the new characters...

I know that they are meant to tie in the story from MROC to MCOC and that’s important moving forward. My problem is with the characters that are actually being introduced. Starting with Sorcerer supreme, she’s just a reskin of sym supreme with a gender swap. Down to the very design, she’s simply very unoriginal and not very creative at all. I’m usually a big fan of Kabam original characters (gulliotine, Aegon, morningstar) but not a huge fan of these designs. Storm Pyramid X is very cool, but she’s also simply another reskin. For another Kabam original, I would have expected something a little better than a storm reskin when the one we currently have could use a major revamp. I know that they regularly release reskins (Spider-Man, Iron Man) but I expected a little more in terms of the designs and originality
For clarification I’m referencing their DESIGNS as a champ. Not their abilities. I think their abilities are unique and perfect for the champion.
For clarification I’m referencing their DESIGNS as a champ. Not their abilities. I think their abilities are unique and perfect for the champion.
i thnk new characters are going to be exciting and we can also see apocalypse entering the contest this year
more over ur not doing any productive criticism,if u would suggest some ways they can be improved, i would appreciated
You said many of these champs were not mentioned
But they didn't need to be mentioned. Most marvel fans know about them, their backstories, skills and abilities etc which is why kabam doesn't have to do an origin story for them.
For aegon, kabam did a motion comic explaining his background and giving us an idea of what motivates him and we also had the event quest featuring him.
For these new champs we haven't got anything other than it's a tie in with mroc.
What felganos means is that if mroc came first before this tie in, we would know more about them, backgrounds, personalities etc (which actually makes things smoother) otherwise it's just storm with the same weather abilities and another sorcerer other than strange or his symbiotized self with a different kit hence OP not being a fan of the design.
They probably will release a motion comic with the next update since they did so for aegon, Ms and guilly and guilly 2099 (the best eq ever)
We have a whole lot of unique heroes and villains begging to be added, jubilee, bullseye, kitty pryde, absorbing man etc
But we get another storm
Honestly it's easy not to be impressed