Which champion fight traumatized you?

What’s one fight in the game that you hated doing and now every time you fight that champion you get painful flashbacks
For me it’s 6.2.2 sinister
Everything single time I fight him I try so hard not to trigger dex thinking I’ll get EMP on me
For me it’s 6.2.2 sinister
Everything single time I fight him I try so hard not to trigger dex thinking I’ll get EMP on me
it was so horrible and I had no skill at that time. Looking back, it should have been easy but still
Mind you I haven't fought the Collector yet.
Also the fight against Venom taking the short route in act 4 was a pain.
Almost ended up w/ a shattered device but i got him
RoL Wolverine with a 3* guillotine
6.2 Champion
Debating which mutant to focus on next to go with 5/65 omega; collosus, domino or saber for better team slot than just synergy! Collosus looks like he just has so much utility.
As to the question, uncollected silver surfer because of my progress at the time. Got him down once with team revive and a few single and just couldn't do it without revives again and I was saving up items for cavalier, so left it as over pass through, despite trying about 20 times.
My only run if 6.1.6, when I took the debuff immune path to sentinel was also a pain, partly because in hindsight, I took one of the hardest paths, wasn't ready for it, didn't read up on it and itemed it down. Used 100s (400+) of 4 hour uncollected crystals on it....
It's weird, the collector, which is just an item/revive/unit dump, you mentally prepare for being a dump. But something that hasn't been hyped up as such can seem far more frustrating if you get to it and then decide to mentally resign yourself to brute Force through it.
I can't remember who coined the phrase, but energy refills are the cheapest way of practising, but patience and available time often get in the way of such discipline.