Regarding Cavalier EQ Difficulty

We know that Cavalier EQ diffuculty is (somewhat) in the works and is projected to come out sometime this year, what we dont know is if certain features from Act 6 will be incorporated into the difficulty every single month. Such as Champion gates and 4 star bans.
To any Devs reading this; are you aware of any details regarding this topic ? (Most importantly 4* bans)
To any Devs reading this; are you aware of any details regarding this topic ? (Most importantly 4* bans)
As a dolphin, I can say that class gates and Star gates actually challenge you to be a better player because you can’t just use the same champs. There’s clearly a disparity amongst the whales and the minnows, but that’s really just the way of the world.
The idea is that Cavalier EQ should be challenging and class gates (and possibly star gates) would definitely do that.
I also think there may be global nodes for each chapter - like stun immune, all or nothing, or biohazard. Right now, I can do Uncollected EQ without using any units. I’m fairly positive that Cavalier EQ will force me to use some (which I’m okay with).
Im in the same situation as you, not having that extensive of a 5/6 star roster (2 5/56 Champs and 4 Six stars). I have no problem with champion gates, but definately not Star Gates. Kabam knows that the gates in 6.2 were not that popular as a whole, and i trust them to make a killer cavalier difficulty since theyve been absolutely nailing content recently (6.4 and this months side event have been incredible additions )