Ghost gets wrecked by: Ebony Maw, sinister, magneto, nova, terrax, and nick fury. There aren’t even that many true strike nodes or characters in the game
I already pointed out the heavy spam. Lagacy has done it on his channel. All those are easily killed by Ghost once she gets furies.
Ghost gets wrecked by: Ebony Maw, sinister, magneto, nova, terrax, and nick fury. There aren’t even that many true strike nodes or characters in the game
Yeah, there are very few true strike nodes and most true strike champs have to hit the opponent or Throw specials to get it like heimdall
There’s no such thing as “the best champion”. Every champ has their weaknesses and places where they aren’t that great to use. Ghost and quake are top tier, but it’s hard to compare them unless we’re talking about specific matchups
Ghost gets wrecked by: Ebony Maw, sinister, magneto, nova, terrax, and nick fury. There aren’t even that many true strike nodes or characters in the game
Yeah, there are very few true strike nodes and most true strike champs have to hit the opponent or Throw specials to get it like heimdall
If you have skill, 99% of the game (- truestrike nodes, and NickFury) is solo-able by Quake
She takes A LOT of practice, but after I mastered her, life has been sweet. I was only forced to master her true potential after Siphon node came out where you literally get punished for parrying.
The following pictures are a compilation of some of the more annoying defenders.(most of them were in the moleman expedition, but as you can see, 0 hits given, 0 hits taken.)
If you still feel like she isn’t the best champion because you aren’t skilled enough...
Crossbones solo 1-shot. First go at becoming cavalier.
I still believe that Ghost is the best champion in the game. No matter who the competitor is. Ghost has : Insane Damage, Insane Utility and lots and lots of immunities. Quake is countered by Caltrops, any type of True strike, and the worst Disadvantage is that you can't use Quake on final boss node. Ghost can do most of the content. Her worst matchup is Armor break champs, Magneto, Mr Sinister and Ebony maw. And believe me, all of these can be defeated by Ghost easily By heavy-fury spam. Ghost can do what Quake can't even think about doing. With quake, it is so boring and she can't even fight Korg. In my opinion and it might or might not be fact, Ghost is better than Quake.
@Arham1@Lvernon15 there’s a quake method that only the most advanced quake players use. I think munash has a video on it. It’s a pure evade strategy (yes this is possible). You can constantly evade without dexing or blocking
I don't even think that's possible.
@Arham1 please watch the video. If I land a hit or he hits be, bane biohazard and vigor would apply.
If you have skill, 99% of the game (- truestrike nodes, and NickFury) is solo-able by Quake
She takes A LOT of practice, but after I mastered her, life has been sweet. I was only forced to master her true potential after Siphon node came out where you literally get punished for parrying.
The following pictures are a compilation of some of the more annoying defenders.(most of them were in the moleman expedition, but as you can see, 0 hits given, 0 hits taken.)
If you still feel like she isn’t the best champion because you aren’t skilled enough...
Crossbones solo 1-shot. First go at becoming cavalier.
I still believe that Ghost is the best champion in the game. No matter who the competitor is. Ghost has : Insane Damage, Insane Utility and lots and lots of immunities. Quake is countered by Caltrops, any type of True strike, and the worst Disadvantage is that you can't use Quake on final boss node. Ghost can do most of the content. Her worst matchup is Armor break champs, Magneto, Mr Sinister and Ebony maw. And believe me, all of these can be defeated by Ghost easily By heavy-fury spam. Ghost can do what Quake can't even think about doing. With quake, it is so boring and she can't even fight Korg. In my opinion and it might or might not be fact, Ghost is better than Quake.
Did you not look at the quake vs korg picture??
Ghost can also do korg fights as well may be more risky but she can still do them.
@Arham1@Lvernon15 there’s a quake method that only the most advanced quake players use. I think munash has a video on it. It’s a pure evade strategy (yes this is possible). You can constantly evade without dexing or blocking
I don't even think that's possible.
@Arham1 please watch the video. If I land a hit or he hits be, bane biohazard and vigor would apply.
If you have skill, 99% of the game (- truestrike nodes, and NickFury) is solo-able by Quake
She takes A LOT of practice, but after I mastered her, life has been sweet. I was only forced to master her true potential after Siphon node came out where you literally get punished for parrying.
The following pictures are a compilation of some of the more annoying defenders.(most of them were in the moleman expedition, but as you can see, 0 hits given, 0 hits taken.)
If you still feel like she isn’t the best champion because you aren’t skilled enough...
Crossbones solo 1-shot. First go at becoming cavalier.
I still believe that Ghost is the best champion in the game. No matter who the competitor is. Ghost has : Insane Damage, Insane Utility and lots and lots of immunities. Quake is countered by Caltrops, any type of True strike, and the worst Disadvantage is that you can't use Quake on final boss node. Ghost can do most of the content. Her worst matchup is Armor break champs, Magneto, Mr Sinister and Ebony maw. And believe me, all of these can be defeated by Ghost easily By heavy-fury spam. Ghost can do what Quake can't even think about doing. With quake, it is so boring and she can't even fight Korg. In my opinion and it might or might not be fact, Ghost is better than Quake.
Did you not look at the quake vs korg picture??
Even if quake can do those(more difficultly) then it doesn't prove she is better than Ghost. Ghost still is 100% better than Quake.
@Arham1 how many boss nodes have TS? That’s complete bs. Champion in 6.2, sinister, and pretty much every act 6 boss can be quaked excluding the GM. I’ve quaked through the 6.2 champion and 6.2 sinister. That DH in 6.4.3 is one of the toughest bosses and she dominates him. The full heavy technique is possible. Do your research
@Arham1 how many boss nodes have TS? That’s complete bs. Champion in 6.2, sinister, and pretty much every act 6 boss can be quaked excluding the GM. I’ve quaked through the 6.2 champion and 6.2 sinister. That DH in 6.4.3 is one of the toughest bosses and she dominates him. The full heavy technique is possible. Do your research
If you have skill, 99% of the game (- truestrike nodes, and NickFury) is solo-able by Quake
She takes A LOT of practice, but after I mastered her, life has been sweet. I was only forced to master her true potential after Siphon node came out where you literally get punished for parrying.
The following pictures are a compilation of some of the more annoying defenders.(most of them were in the moleman expedition, but as you can see, 0 hits given, 0 hits taken.)
If you still feel like she isn’t the best champion because you aren’t skilled enough...
Crossbones solo 1-shot. First go at becoming cavalier.
I still believe that Ghost is the best champion in the game. No matter who the competitor is. Ghost has : Insane Damage, Insane Utility and lots and lots of immunities. Quake is countered by Caltrops, any type of True strike, and the worst Disadvantage is that you can't use Quake on final boss node. Ghost can do most of the content. Her worst matchup is Armor break champs, Magneto, Mr Sinister and Ebony maw. And believe me, all of these can be defeated by Ghost easily By heavy-fury spam. Ghost can do what Quake can't even think about doing. With quake, it is so boring and she can't even fight Korg. In my opinion and it might or might not be fact, Ghost is better than Quake.
Did you not look at the quake vs korg picture??
Ghost can also do korg fights as well may be more risky but she can still do them.
Yeah, she can but this sub discussion started from someone saying you can’t quake korg
If you have skill, 99% of the game (- truestrike nodes, and NickFury) is solo-able by Quake
She takes A LOT of practice, but after I mastered her, life has been sweet. I was only forced to master her true potential after Siphon node came out where you literally get punished for parrying.
The following pictures are a compilation of some of the more annoying defenders.(most of them were in the moleman expedition, but as you can see, 0 hits given, 0 hits taken.)
If you still feel like she isn’t the best champion because you aren’t skilled enough...
Crossbones solo 1-shot. First go at becoming cavalier.
I still believe that Ghost is the best champion in the game. No matter who the competitor is. Ghost has : Insane Damage, Insane Utility and lots and lots of immunities. Quake is countered by Caltrops, any type of True strike, and the worst Disadvantage is that you can't use Quake on final boss node. Ghost can do most of the content. Her worst matchup is Armor break champs, Magneto, Mr Sinister and Ebony maw. And believe me, all of these can be defeated by Ghost easily By heavy-fury spam. Ghost can do what Quake can't even think about doing. With quake, it is so boring and she can't even fight Korg. In my opinion and it might or might not be fact, Ghost is better than Quake.
Did you not look at the quake vs korg picture??
Even if quake can do those(more difficultly) then it doesn't prove she is better than Ghost. Ghost still is 100% better than Quake.
I have Quake and Ghost both at R5, since your "arguments" mostly center around "I find myself using Quake", I find myself using Ghost more. To be honest, I am not a great Quake player partly because she bores me to death. For a champion that requires sooooo much time to learn and master, playing her should be a lot more fun.
I really enjoy playing Ghost and I have spent 1/10th of the time to learn how to play her compare to Quake. It's been over a year since I took Quake to R5 but I only took Ghost to R5 in late February and she (Ghost) has helped me more than Quake has in a year.
I do plan to invest more time to learn Quake though, because I have already invested the resources and she already helps a lot with UC EQ annoying bosses.
My argument is not based on "Who is more useful or who can clear more content", it's based on who I enjoy most and who is easier to use.
Also, there is a method to counter passive AI. All you need to do is dash back get passive precision, just land a medium then back out, don't wait for opponent to dash to you, but dash yourself to the opponent for a medium. You can keep dashing back and dashing in and the opponent will keep getting hit.
Chose to wait out the passive precision and phase again? You lose your cruelty buffs
Chose to play offensive and dash without waiting? You risk being intercepted. I know what youre talking about but a lot of times you can run into a light attack.
For all you super players out there it's ghost and quake. For us laymen it's corvus. There are more laymen than great players, so therefore, based off the capabilities of most people, Corvus is the best.
For all you super players out there it's ghost and quake. For us laymen it's corvus. There are more laymen than great players, so therefore, based off the capabilities of most people, Corvus is the best.
For freaks like you guys, Ghost/Quake it is.
I have Corvus, Quake & Ghost as 5* and for me, Corvus is the best.
The reason is, using Ghost or Quake, I can't confidently go into a boss fight without getting punched to the face.
Quake imo is the best but you can use Quake for NF. She cannot counter Night Thrasher, Iceman for first 15 seconds, imiw, Agent Venom, Masacre and Carnage with suicides, and any passive powergain champs @Kevo9513
If you have skill, 99% of the game (- truestrike nodes, and NickFury) is solo-able by Quake
She takes A LOT of practice, but after I mastered her, life has been sweet. I was only forced to master her true potential after Siphon node came out where you literally get punished for parrying.
The following pictures are a compilation of some of the more annoying defenders.(most of them were in the moleman expedition, but as you can see, 0 hits given, 0 hits taken.)
If you still feel like she isn’t the best champion because you aren’t skilled enough...
Crossbones solo 1-shot. First go at becoming cavalier.
I still believe that Ghost is the best champion in the game. No matter who the competitor is. Ghost has : Insane Damage, Insane Utility and lots and lots of immunities. Quake is countered by Caltrops, any type of True strike, and the worst Disadvantage is that you can't use Quake on final boss node. Ghost can do most of the content. Her worst matchup is Armor break champs, Magneto, Mr Sinister and Ebony maw. And believe me, all of these can be defeated by Ghost easily By heavy-fury spam. Ghost can do what Quake can't even think about doing. With quake, it is so boring and she can't even fight Korg. In my opinion and it might or might not be fact, Ghost is better than Quake.
@Arham1 Alot of this is wrong, Quake can easily get through Caltrops and any of those nodes (shock 30 is a problem) with NF + Deadpool Xforce or Ironman countering Coldsnap, Incinerate, Bleed, Poison etc. If you say "Oh that is with synergies," Well take off Ghosts Synergies then. Without Hood try using ghost for All or Nothing and spite without Hood, or the 6.3.6 Cap IW boss without Hood, it doesn't work, try Ghost without Wasp, this can be doable with practice, I can do it myself, but beginners may not be able to. Try running Starburst or Dormmamu without Hood, try micro reflect, ghost cannot do that "Stung once Stung Twice." Try that with ghost it doesn't work. Quake is useful for all 4 Variants, while Ghost cannot do V2. Quake has the least amout of weak matchups. Saying that Quake cannot take Korg is wrong I run Quake against Korg on Debuff immune all the time, while ghost will have a tougher time with him. Ghost cannot do Ebony Maw, Sinister, Nick Fury, Gwenpool on Powershield, Nova, Silver surfer etc. I am also a big Ghost fan do not take this wrong, I just believe Quake is the better champion.
Brute Force
And if you get hit, Bane might become a bit of a problem.
I really enjoy playing Ghost and I have spent 1/10th of the time to learn how to play her compare to Quake. It's been over a year since I took Quake to R5 but I only took Ghost to R5 in late February and she (Ghost) has helped me more than Quake has in a year.
I do plan to invest more time to learn Quake though, because I have already invested the resources and she already helps a lot with UC EQ annoying bosses.
My argument is not based on "Who is more useful or who can clear more content", it's based on who I enjoy most and who is easier to use.
Ghost gets neutered from passive AI.
Chose to wait out the passive precision and phase again? You lose your cruelty buffs
Chose to play offensive and dash without waiting? You risk being intercepted. I know what youre talking about but a lot of times you can run into a light attack.
For freaks like you guys, Ghost/Quake it is.
The reason is, using Ghost or Quake, I can't confidently go into a boss fight without getting punched to the face.