My first r4 5 star

Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188
So I need to make a decision on who’s going to be my first rank 4 5 star and I’m kind of stuck on who to rank up. The options are Hyperion(unawakened), archangel(can awaken and take to sig 70), and venom(unawkended), and Emma Frost (can awaken and sig 70). I’m not cavalier yet, looking to become cavalier, haven’t done any variants and still have 5.2 and 5.3 to explore in act 5. Lemme know what you guys think. Thanks!

My first r4 5 star 38 votes

Hyperion (Unawakened)
LeNoirFaineantTerraMqc19AleorSmashKRANꓘKingKevin8SpideyFunko 8 votes
Archangel (can awaken with mutant gem and take to sig 70ish)
winterthurWolverDominatorbeaupoem_ASDF_Charlie_SceneScopeotoe987Marvel2289LordRaymond3bluebubble100ThatOneMasterGamerDisgruntled_User_123Kill_GreymrcyrcleInfinityheartThicco_ModeGiodood_1MasterpuffSwarmOfRavensH_I_ZSparx265 28 votes
Venom (unawakened)
SuperiorSymbiote 1 vote
Emma (can awaken and take to sig 70ish)
Valkyrie1994 1 vote


  • Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Archangel (can awaken with mutant gem and take to sig 70ish)
    If Hyperion was awakened, I’d vote for him because his damage is not dependent like Archangel. However, for 70% of the champions within the content, AA can take them down pretty quickly.

    Just make sure you are adept at parrying.
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  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Hyperion (Unawakened)
    Actually hype kinda needs to be awekened. Emma is a good option as well. AA needs opponent to bleed and poison
  • Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188
    How many sig levels would hype need to have if he was awakened?
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,653 ★★★★★
    Hyperion (Unawakened)
    Sidd777 said:

    How many sig levels would hype need to have if he was awakened?

    1. His sig scales horribly
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Hyperion (Unawakened)
    Sidd777 said:

    How many sig levels would hype need to have if he was awakened?

    Low sig is fine. Anything after sig 80 is a waste. He gets longer buffs so more regen, more incinerate with his ability.
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  • WolverDominatorWolverDominator Member Posts: 132
    Archangel (can awaken with mutant gem and take to sig 70ish)
    AA was my first r5. I got 10 now. But I still take AA on every quest. No discussion.
  • Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188
    Ok by the looks of it, archangel will be my first r4, then Hyperion will follow. Thx guys!
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