Just get rid of parry at this point?



  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Morgan wrote: »
    FamousRy wrote: »
    parry works just fine. step your parry skills up, breh

    I am absolutely eager to know your secret. Can you provide your summoner's level, the content you run where parry works fine for you, eventually the parts where it doesnt? That'd be much appreciated research material, breh.

    What content are you trying to do? You might be higher then me, as i only tried map 6 one time on day one and had no issues with parry there, don't have issues with map 5 or 100% act 5.2.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    FamousRy wrote: »
    parry works just fine. step your parry skills up, breh

    There's a little button that says "update" that you must've forgotten to press at around 12.0. Go ahead and push it.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Morgan wrote: »
    I am absolutely eager to know your secret. Can you provide your summoner's level, the content you run where parry works fine for you, eventually the parts where it doesnt? That'd be much appreciated research material, breh.

    No secret, just taking half an hour to readjust your parry timings will make parry work for you like it did and like it does for a lot of people. I've done AQ map 6, did parts of act 5.2 with 3 stars and master mode monthly quest all in the past week and even though I intercept 80% of the time instead of parry when I did need to parry it worked fine even when the opponent was up against the wall which is were a lot of people seem to be having problems.
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  • Awesomeness44Awesomeness44 Member Posts: 139
    Parry is broken after a 5 hit combo. But when they dash at me it works fine for me
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Morgan wrote: »
    It's gotten past being annoying. Since 12.0 parry have been literally dusted, and with last update it's worse than ever, dying in a horrible, slow way. It's so annyoing seeing you time it perfectly just to get your 700ish block dmg as reward. I'd rather have it removed.

    That said, ive played quite a tons of games where parry is the main mechanic. Even with timings of 2,3 frames. I do think i can recognize when a failed parry is my fault or it isn't just working properly. And what i think is:

    1) As of 12.0, an internal timer in parry was put in place.
    Whenever we raise guard and don't receive a hit from the enemy, trying to parry right after alwais results in another blocked hit. No matter how many times i tested it, i couldnt block without getting hit then parry right away. Dashing back, or hitting the enemy tho alwais seems to reset that "timer" and allow back parry window.

    2)The AIs were changed before the new AQ Season. I do not remember if it was with 12.0, but we could notice a huge change in enemies' AIs (passive, less aggressive, walking/stuttering towards players not allowing parries and ista reacting hits). Expecially Symbioids.Expecially inAQ. Overall, reaction times were skyrocketed almost past human reflexes (hence AIs already hitting you past special3, and so on).

    3) Game engine didn't change. while everything got revamped, and got faster, the game engine is still the same, besides the adds. I do believe so also because new Ais, faster gameplays on smoother devices actually did bring not only many problems, crashes and such, but even a loss in terms of performances. To make an example, in my free time i play from work, and i use my iphone with the power saving option enabled. While before the game would still run smoothly, aside from longer loading times, past 12.0 it would lag switching from "desktop" back to the game, and nowadays completely freezes the game for at least 20 seconds. Stuttering and mini lag spikes have increased too.

    4)It's not about device's performances. While few problems may be caused by using an older device, parry isn't one of them. As matter of facts, i tried fighting in arena, and AQs from both an Iphone 7 and a Samsung S5. While iphone 7 gameplay was smoother, faster, and overall better, parry problems were a thing, and still are. Ironically, on a much laggier, less smooth, and even buggy gameplay like that of S5, with slower fps fights, i could reliably parry VERY close to 100% of times, aside lag spikes.


    I do think that parry problems aren't located in devices, but in the game's engine itself. I do believe that the new AIs brought too much for the old pump to carry on. Now i'm not a technician. but it REALLY does seem to me like the AI speed and commands imput is so fast that the time the engine takes to register a parry (and we saw MANY times in which the "parry" word popped up but no parry followed) is actually slower than the time it takes to the AI to chain a follow up, whatever it is. Which basically results...in the game engine considering the parry actually already expired?

    Again, that's just my line of thought, and he could very well be confutated, but since months Kabam HAS included parry in the list of "recognized issues" and has yet not only to fix it, but even to mention investigations over it. And again, if the AI speed were the problem, it'd be actually understandable they're keeping it silenced. As remaking that much work from scratch to not let it mess with parry mechanic looks a huge hassle.

    In any case, Kabam actually finally releasing an official statement about Parry and why it's acting (or better say NOT acting) weirdly would at least make us a little less skeptic about alwais being looking for hidden paths in their way of making things.

    I have 0 issues with parry, maybe your timing is off.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Morgan wrote: »
    It's gotten past being annoying. Since 12.0 parry have been literally dusted, and with last update it's worse than ever, dying in a horrible, slow way. It's so annyoing seeing you time it perfectly just to get your 700ish block dmg as reward. I'd rather have it removed.

    That said, ive played quite a tons of games where parry is the main mechanic. Even with timings of 2,3 frames. I do think i can recognize when a failed parry is my fault or it isn't just working properly. And what i think is:

    1) As of 12.0, an internal timer in parry was put in place.
    Whenever we raise guard and don't receive a hit from the enemy, trying to parry right after alwais results in another blocked hit. No matter how many times i tested it, i couldnt block without getting hit then parry right away. Dashing back, or hitting the enemy tho alwais seems to reset that "timer" and allow back parry window.

    2)The AIs were changed before the new AQ Season. I do not remember if it was with 12.0, but we could notice a huge change in enemies' AIs (passive, less aggressive, walking/stuttering towards players not allowing parries and ista reacting hits). Expecially Symbioids.Expecially inAQ. Overall, reaction times were skyrocketed almost past human reflexes (hence AIs already hitting you past special3, and so on).

    3) Game engine didn't change. while everything got revamped, and got faster, the game engine is still the same, besides the adds. I do believe so also because new Ais, faster gameplays on smoother devices actually did bring not only many problems, crashes and such, but even a loss in terms of performances. To make an example, in my free time i play from work, and i use my iphone with the power saving option enabled. While before the game would still run smoothly, aside from longer loading times, past 12.0 it would lag switching from "desktop" back to the game, and nowadays completely freezes the game for at least 20 seconds. Stuttering and mini lag spikes have increased too.

    4)It's not about device's performances. While few problems may be caused by using an older device, parry isn't one of them. As matter of facts, i tried fighting in arena, and AQs from both an Iphone 7 and a Samsung S5. While iphone 7 gameplay was smoother, faster, and overall better, parry problems were a thing, and still are. Ironically, on a much laggier, less smooth, and even buggy gameplay like that of S5, with slower fps fights, i could reliably parry VERY close to 100% of times, aside lag spikes.


    I do think that parry problems aren't located in devices, but in the game's engine itself. I do believe that the new AIs brought too much for the old pump to carry on. Now i'm not a technician. but it REALLY does seem to me like the AI speed and commands imput is so fast that the time the engine takes to register a parry (and we saw MANY times in which the "parry" word popped up but no parry followed) is actually slower than the time it takes to the AI to chain a follow up, whatever it is. Which basically results...in the game engine considering the parry actually already expired?

    Again, that's just my line of thought, and he could very well be confutated, but since months Kabam HAS included parry in the list of "recognized issues" and has yet not only to fix it, but even to mention investigations over it. And again, if the AI speed were the problem, it'd be actually understandable they're keeping it silenced. As remaking that much work from scratch to not let it mess with parry mechanic looks a huge hassle.

    In any case, Kabam actually finally releasing an official statement about Parry and why it's acting (or better say NOT acting) weirdly would at least make us a little less skeptic about alwais being looking for hidden paths in their way of making things.

    I have 0 issues with parry, maybe your timing is off.

    To quote myself:
    Phantom wrote: »
    FamousRy wrote: »
    parry works just fine. step your parry skills up, breh

    There's a little button that says "update" that you must've forgotten to press at around 12.0. Go ahead and push it.
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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,539 ★★★★★
    Parry works okay But 50 when u try to. Parry Rigth after 5 hit combos you cant. Make it to works
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    chunkyb wrote: »
    There are tons of threads like these. Some even have screenshots with taps and swipes visible to show timing of parry/evades. Whether everyone knows it or not, it is possible for some to experience bugs/problems while others don't. I don't experience it all the time either... But that doesn't make it a non-issue.

    The op was nice enough to lay out a good explanation of what's possibly going on. That's more than any kabam folks have done. It's kinda counterproductive to chime in with a "works fine here, you're not good" comment.

    The op has also explained their mcoc resumè... Parry isn't some sort of amazing skill that only a small percentage have mastered. It's one of the first basics that players learn. And we all learn to adjust our timing mid-fight when it's necessary. So maybe lay off the unneeded advice for a bit? If it works perfectly for you at all times, that's awesome. Hope it stays that way. But there are others that have legit issues that don't come down to "fix ur timing breh". Op's explanation could also be on the trail of disappearing champs, stuttery game play, and super fast ai recovery. So don't tank the thread pls.
    Just like the double evade bug, and myriad other bugs in the last 6 months, some people aren't having any issues and others legitimately are.

    The video evidence is pretty clear that a problem exists for a lot of us.

    To jump in a thread and tell someone their timing is off just because you aren't experiencing the parry issue yourself isn't helpful and honestly pretty lame.

    These two comments. Yes. We need a new rule on the forums. No saying "I'm fine, so you're just not doing it right." There are so many different devices that this game runs on. Just because it works for one doesn't mean it works for all. For some, it works almost never. For some, it works fine. For some, it's on and off. For me, it works about 80% of the time, which is better than many, but still gets me screwed up many times. Don't say we're all crazy because you're one of the lucky few that has the same device type as Kabam's Beta Team.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    edited September 2017
    Parry has been screwed for months. The AI is cranked up to ridiculous levels, and basic game mechanics dont work. Unfortunately, they will never fix it since it lines their pockets. The only way things will ever get fixed is when the next new game comes out and people swarm to it, leaving mcoc behind. Only then will you see the miraculous quickness of bugs being fixed...finally. Thats when you'll here kabam addressing the problems and giving feedback. Too bad for them it'll be too late. We'll be long gone. Step up your game kabam, before it's too late.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    That's a concern of mine as well. Thinking bugs won't drive people away isn't realistic. I'm not worried about 6*s and holding my judgement on war until we get to actually see it. The day to day bugs drive me nuts and we rarely hear anything from kabam about them. Six bug fixes in the last update fell short by about 10.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    There are serious issues with the game that aren't being addressed:


    Parry doesn't work like it used to. We take a lot more block damage because of this or get hit outright.

    Unresponsive controls which makes us sitting targets. I have noticed a repeating pattern of this 3-4x a week. This happens when the framerate all of a sudden becomes smoother and during this time (which lasts 5 minutes), my champion feels like it's rooted to the ground 1/3rd of the time and I'm unable to swipe back and avoid specials.

    Significant slowdowns and choppiness while the game is running that last 3-7 seconds that started 2 or so months ago. It feels like fighting underwater and your movements don't register fast enough, making you a punching bag. Happens several times a day in all areas of the game, from arena to AQ to AW. Total waste of units.

    General lag that has existed for many many months and has gotten worse and worse recently. You start off the fight expecting to parry and as the AI comes to attack you so you can parry, there's a split second lag and you end up getting hit.

    AI behavior:

    There have been giant changes made to the AI and it's painfully obvious.

    The AI doesn't want to use give us parries anymore, especially during the beginning of fights and especially during AQ (symbs specifically). Instead of giving you a parry at the start of a fight, it stops right in front of you and stares back. If you go in for an attack you're much more likely to get intercepted or parried. If you don't get parried or intercepted the AI is much more likely not to attack back giving you a parry, but they dash back multiples times. Setting up a parry these days is much harder than before. You have to dance around with the AI for a long time before being able to get one.

    We get parried and intercepted a lot more these days.

    The AI now has the ability to parry us then launch a special attack when we're stunned. This never happened before.

    The AI now has the ability to evade our counters after they launch a special. IE. Ironman launches his S2, we avoid it then immediately go in for a counter and the AI suddenly dashes back. Again, they never used to do this.

    Non-evading AI champs pick up evade dexterity buffs a lot more, making us miss our attacks.

    The AI has significantly more recovery time after launching specials or heavys. More likely to be seen in syms during AQ. After the AI launches their heavy attack and we avoid it and immediately counter, the AI blocks our attack. This never used to be a problem.

    The AI's movements are significantly faster than in the past, especially during AQ and especially during day 4 and 5. This gives us less time to launch attacks and avoid attacks.

    The AI is much more aggressive when it benefits them (intercepting us) and much more passive when it doesn't (not wanting to give us a parries).

    The AI is much more likely to play in a jerky unpredictable style, alternating between moving forward, backward, blocking, and lowering their hands. Setting up parries and baiting specials has become much more difficult. Combine this with a much faster AI speed during AQ and it causes a lot of problems.

    Why aren't most of these problems being acknowledged? It makes us think they're intentional or not a priority. Silence only breeds contempt and mistrust.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Parry works fine for me and all my alliance mates
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    We'll that settles it we were just making a joke.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Pack it up. Him and his whole alli have no issues.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Phantom wrote: »
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Morgan wrote: »
    It's gotten past being annoying. Since 12.0 parry have been literally dusted, and with last update it's worse than ever, dying in a horrible, slow way. It's so annyoing seeing you time it perfectly just to get your 700ish block dmg as reward. I'd rather have it removed.

    That said, ive played quite a tons of games where parry is the main mechanic. Even with timings of 2,3 frames. I do think i can recognize when a failed parry is my fault or it isn't just working properly. And what i think is:

    1) As of 12.0, an internal timer in parry was put in place.
    Whenever we raise guard and don't receive a hit from the enemy, trying to parry right after alwais results in another blocked hit. No matter how many times i tested it, i couldnt block without getting hit then parry right away. Dashing back, or hitting the enemy tho alwais seems to reset that "timer" and allow back parry window.

    2)The AIs were changed before the new AQ Season. I do not remember if it was with 12.0, but we could notice a huge change in enemies' AIs (passive, less aggressive, walking/stuttering towards players not allowing parries and ista reacting hits). Expecially Symbioids.Expecially inAQ. Overall, reaction times were skyrocketed almost past human reflexes (hence AIs already hitting you past special3, and so on).

    3) Game engine didn't change. while everything got revamped, and got faster, the game engine is still the same, besides the adds. I do believe so also because new Ais, faster gameplays on smoother devices actually did bring not only many problems, crashes and such, but even a loss in terms of performances. To make an example, in my free time i play from work, and i use my iphone with the power saving option enabled. While before the game would still run smoothly, aside from longer loading times, past 12.0 it would lag switching from "desktop" back to the game, and nowadays completely freezes the game for at least 20 seconds. Stuttering and mini lag spikes have increased too.

    4)It's not about device's performances. While few problems may be caused by using an older device, parry isn't one of them. As matter of facts, i tried fighting in arena, and AQs from both an Iphone 7 and a Samsung S5. While iphone 7 gameplay was smoother, faster, and overall better, parry problems were a thing, and still are. Ironically, on a much laggier, less smooth, and even buggy gameplay like that of S5, with slower fps fights, i could reliably parry VERY close to 100% of times, aside lag spikes.


    I do think that parry problems aren't located in devices, but in the game's engine itself. I do believe that the new AIs brought too much for the old pump to carry on. Now i'm not a technician. but it REALLY does seem to me like the AI speed and commands imput is so fast that the time the engine takes to register a parry (and we saw MANY times in which the "parry" word popped up but no parry followed) is actually slower than the time it takes to the AI to chain a follow up, whatever it is. Which basically results...in the game engine considering the parry actually already expired?

    Again, that's just my line of thought, and he could very well be confutated, but since months Kabam HAS included parry in the list of "recognized issues" and has yet not only to fix it, but even to mention investigations over it. And again, if the AI speed were the problem, it'd be actually understandable they're keeping it silenced. As remaking that much work from scratch to not let it mess with parry mechanic looks a huge hassle.

    In any case, Kabam actually finally releasing an official statement about Parry and why it's acting (or better say NOT acting) weirdly would at least make us a little less skeptic about alwais being looking for hidden paths in their way of making things.

    I have 0 issues with parry, maybe your timing is off.

    To quote myself:
    Phantom wrote: »
    FamousRy wrote: »
    parry works just fine. step your parry skills up, breh

    There's a little button that says "update" that you must've forgotten to press at around 12.0. Go ahead and push it.

    You clearly need to work on your skills if you are having trouble with parry.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    You clearly didn't read the entire post
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    "hey why does NC keep disappearing?"
    You clearly need to have an eye exam if NC is disappearing
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    I've noticed more and more that when the 2 champs meet in the middle in the beginning of the fight, and the AI attacks me, I would block to Parry. Before this would Parry 100% of the time. Now I just block the attack as if I don't have parry unlocked. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. I know exactly how I used to Parry all the time and now it works maybe half the time.

    Something is clearly wrong if you need to keep adjusting to a new timing after each update. Maybe they're tinkering with new or old masteries and it messes up Parry. Maybe they keep
  • vrtovrto Member, Content Creators Posts: 218 Content Creator
    edited September 2017
    IMHO the OP is wrong by saying device is not responsible, I think it's pretty clear that when your device performance is sluggish (e.g. overheat, low memory, slow device, etc) your chances to have parry working as expected are not great. It's not the only reason though, think everything else makes sense, I am suffering from activating block instead of parry when chaining it with 5 hits combo randomly everyday, specially when playing AQ or AW, and the workaround to dash back always works! Can only hope that developers can fix the game engine soon to protect basic functions to not behave as expected, and that there is no such timer or random being applied that conditions parry activation... I remember the days when any post reporting a bug with game engine would immediately have a dev on it!

    PS: thanks for the frames GbSarkar, nailed it as proof there is a real issue
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  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    It's clearly got to be a device issue, I'm iPhone 7 and have no issues at all.

    But I know others clearly do, it has changed a lot since it was introduced, but I am still able to parry every time I try to.

    So if it is a device issue, that will be some loooong fix.
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  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 361
    Good luck getting an answer from kabam about it Iv read many posts like this all unanswered a few were mine lol
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Phantom wrote: »
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Morgan wrote: »
    It's gotten past being annoying. Since 12.0 parry have been literally dusted, and with last update it's worse than ever, dying in a horrible, slow way. It's so annyoing seeing you time it perfectly just to get your 700ish block dmg as reward. I'd rather have it removed.

    That said, ive played quite a tons of games where parry is the main mechanic. Even with timings of 2,3 frames. I do think i can recognize when a failed parry is my fault or it isn't just working properly. And what i think is:

    1) As of 12.0, an internal timer in parry was put in place.
    Whenever we raise guard and don't receive a hit from the enemy, trying to parry right after alwais results in another blocked hit. No matter how many times i tested it, i couldnt block without getting hit then parry right away. Dashing back, or hitting the enemy tho alwais seems to reset that "timer" and allow back parry window.

    2)The AIs were changed before the new AQ Season. I do not remember if it was with 12.0, but we could notice a huge change in enemies' AIs (passive, less aggressive, walking/stuttering towards players not allowing parries and ista reacting hits). Expecially Symbioids.Expecially inAQ. Overall, reaction times were skyrocketed almost past human reflexes (hence AIs already hitting you past special3, and so on).

    3) Game engine didn't change. while everything got revamped, and got faster, the game engine is still the same, besides the adds. I do believe so also because new Ais, faster gameplays on smoother devices actually did bring not only many problems, crashes and such, but even a loss in terms of performances. To make an example, in my free time i play from work, and i use my iphone with the power saving option enabled. While before the game would still run smoothly, aside from longer loading times, past 12.0 it would lag switching from "desktop" back to the game, and nowadays completely freezes the game for at least 20 seconds. Stuttering and mini lag spikes have increased too.

    4)It's not about device's performances. While few problems may be caused by using an older device, parry isn't one of them. As matter of facts, i tried fighting in arena, and AQs from both an Iphone 7 and a Samsung S5. While iphone 7 gameplay was smoother, faster, and overall better, parry problems were a thing, and still are. Ironically, on a much laggier, less smooth, and even buggy gameplay like that of S5, with slower fps fights, i could reliably parry VERY close to 100% of times, aside lag spikes.


    I do think that parry problems aren't located in devices, but in the game's engine itself. I do believe that the new AIs brought too much for the old pump to carry on. Now i'm not a technician. but it REALLY does seem to me like the AI speed and commands imput is so fast that the time the engine takes to register a parry (and we saw MANY times in which the "parry" word popped up but no parry followed) is actually slower than the time it takes to the AI to chain a follow up, whatever it is. Which basically results...in the game engine considering the parry actually already expired?

    Again, that's just my line of thought, and he could very well be confutated, but since months Kabam HAS included parry in the list of "recognized issues" and has yet not only to fix it, but even to mention investigations over it. And again, if the AI speed were the problem, it'd be actually understandable they're keeping it silenced. As remaking that much work from scratch to not let it mess with parry mechanic looks a huge hassle.

    In any case, Kabam actually finally releasing an official statement about Parry and why it's acting (or better say NOT acting) weirdly would at least make us a little less skeptic about alwais being looking for hidden paths in their way of making things.

    I have 0 issues with parry, maybe your timing is off.

    To quote myself:
    Phantom wrote: »
    FamousRy wrote: »
    parry works just fine. step your parry skills up, breh

    There's a little button that says "update" that you must've forgotten to press at around 12.0. Go ahead and push it.

    You clearly need to work on your skills if you are having trouble with parry.

    Can you read? It doesn't effect everyone. It'll just say Parry and do nothing for me. Just because you're one of the lucky few with no issues doesn't mean it's all rainbows and sprinkles for everyone.
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