Tigra is looking a little broken

Her miss mechanic from the gameplay just looks insanely over powered from the player stand point. Like she might able to counter some of the Collectors Specials with ease which is still something not may champs can do.
And forbid you miss and get punished for it in endgame content. Then there goes another revive. This is going to require skill and knowledge of champions. I remember when everyone was trying to use Ghost and got wrecked also, just because she has a phase mechanic doesn't mean she is broken, if that's the case Ghost shouldn't be able to phase a Special 3...
Also, we have yet to see a CCP video on YT yet.
Personally I'm more excited for Tigra than HitMonkey but I hope Tigras debuffs aren't the same as Annihalus duration of the debuffs
With her huntress sense powergain you can basically just spam unblockable specials constantly shutting down all buffs for the entire fight. Shes also another act 6 champion boss counter for all the players that say he has so "little" counters. Like Red Guardian shes continuing the trend of champions designed to counter unstoppable.
If she hit any harder then she would be broken. Its obvious that if they let her work with MD shed be broken for sure so they gave her own powergain mechanic.
How in the world is that overpowered. In reality I donβt think of it as particularly even useful against champs outside of those small handful of champs that have nearly impossible specials to evade. And ghost already covers that for me effectively.
To me the character looks pretty average but will wait for release to make a real judgement. Without a way to cycle to higher damage than was displayed though I donβt see it with the low amount of utility. Some niche applications likely across the content where she will be good to use.
Against buff heavy champions sheβll have great damage like most mystic champions would so I still wouldnβt hold her attack damage against her and against fights like the champion boss or hydra adaptoid boss in 6.4 the damage might not necessarily be there, but itll still be an easy fight compared to most.
She does look to be hitting pretty low, but Iβm guessing sheβs hitting on average like any other champion would overall. Champions have been reworked due to their dps being below average so I would hope that Kabam wouldnβt keep making that mistake, but who knows lol. I love the idea of never having to deal with either of the punishers specials block damage ever again though, itβs just ridiculous in end game content.