Kabam really gave us harder opponents than Act 6 and called it a day



  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    What’s the surprise with the difficulty? Hardest quest in most of these side quest is always aimed at endgame players so its naturally the hardest. Whether this is right or wrong on Kabams part is up for discussion being I can’t imagine its hard for any endgamers to begin with so the argument could be made as to what exactly is the point then.

    Is it to challenge end gamers and be “fun” for them or gate out lower level players to control their growth? Are the rewards even meant to be so spectacular if endgame players clear it with no problem and no energy requirement? The assumption that every side should amazing is strange being that theses have always been hit and miss and it probably has to due with Kabams plans when it comes to resources and player progression.

    End gamers will blow through it easy and still complain about the rewards even though the quest is easy so the rewards should be scarps to them, the players who actually need those rewards will ultimately be the ones that actually have to work for it so it’s on them to decide whether they want the headache. Whether they retune it or not is the average players problem while the rewards concern endgamere so if its made easier nothing will change for those end gamers and only the average players will really benefit from it so I think it’s important to look at the bigger picture and figure out what Kabams plan for player progression is at this point.

    I also understand the level of difficulty and rewards between master and epic are worlds apart which I think is a problem because Kabams obiously struggling to split the difference without a cavalier difficulty available so in the end everyone is unsatisfied unfortunately.

    So is Kabam out of touch or just trying to follow their own road map that they sadly botched due to their own greed? I’m sure they have it marked out just how many reasources will be allocated yearly to free to play players and whales, but the problem is that Kabams let the whales get too blubbery and now they are struggling to control the speed of player progression with things like this side quest, act 6, book 2, flow wars and aq which are all out of whack among the community creating a huge imbalance.
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  • SL1229SL1229 Member Posts: 61
    yeah...let's cut the OP some slack. Sure he took 3 techs on a cosmic path, and got stuck on the Vision Aarkus. He probably posted purely out of frustration.

    With that said though, OP, why not exit the content and re-enter it, and this time take your 3 techs on the mutant path?

    Finally, I do have to agree, Act 6 is much harder than this Modok event. Esp. if you have Human Torch and take the Mystic path.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian

    Git gud

    This phrase and any others like it should be banned from this forum.

    It is the most useless, condescending and utterly pointless comment a person could make to anyone, and is as bad as directly saying, “You suck at this game,” which, in my opinion, goes against the forum rules in which you should treat others with respect.
    You know, it never ceases to surprise me how insular many gaming communities are. The phrase "git gud" only has this connotation here. I was saying this both in private chat and in global channels for MMOs since before MCOC existed, and while there is supposed to be a bit of sting to it, not to this wild a degree. Even in games that take pride in being casual friendly. Seven year olds say this to each other while playing Roblox games. It sometimes feels like language passes through a reality distortion field before it reaches the forums.

    Must be like what happened to "meta" which everywhere else in the gaming universe means "the meta gaming perspective of the playerbase" and here apparently means "the state of the game."

    We should try to keep the insults and condescension to a minimum, but we shouldn't be looking for problems where they don't exist, or exaggerating them when they are minor, when we have plenty enough to resolve already. "git gud" is crass, but it expresses a legitimate idea, that the player has underestimated the level of skill that is considered reasonable to employ for a particular piece of content, and the onus is on them to improve towards the content not the responsibility of the game to come down to their level of engagement, for the specific piece of content under discussion.
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  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    I suggest we stick to the discussion of OP’s view that Hotel Modok champ(s) is/are harder than Act 6 champ(s). I think the majority views above is “no” and Act 6 champ is way harder.

    Besides, the issue may probably narrow down to an issue that OP don’t know how to fight particular champ given particular node buff.

    As mentioned by one of the player, the last Modok Lab (no cavalier at that moment yet) is already being deemed “tough” “hard” by some players due to radomizer. Whilst I agreed that the result of rerolling this time is pretty meaningless given almost no change in buffs, the epic level is still doable, and without need of revives in my case.
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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    What’s the point of being so rude? Like seriously, why be such jackholes to OP? If you want to argue against his post, which is wrong for sure since act 6 is way harder than this event, do so respectfully and constructively. Did y’all forget how to be decent people?
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    DNA3000 said:

    Reference said:

    I suggest we stick to the discussion of OP’s view that Hotel Modok champ(s) is/are harder than Act 6 champ(s). I think the majority views above is “no” and Act 6 champ is way harder.

    Besides, the issue may probably narrow down to an issue that OP don’t know how to fight particular champ given particular node buff.

    As mentioned by one of the player, the last Modok Lab (no cavalier at that moment yet) is already being deemed “tough” “hard” by some players due to radomizer. Whilst I agreed that the result of rerolling this time is pretty meaningless given almost no change in buffs, the epic level is still doable, and without need of revives in my case.

    Since I've only done one pass through I don't have a statistically significant amount of runs to compare, but my first run felt way easier than I remember Lab-like randomizer type content to be. The nastiest node combinations that seemed to be everywhere didn't seem to be thrown in my face this time around. That's a subjective impression, not a difficulty analysis, and maybe I just got lucky. But that's all I have to go on at the moment.

    For me, the difficulty of past iterations of this kind of content wasn't the average difficulty, but the difficulty spikes. It *feels* like there's less spikes, and I perceive a reduction in difficulty spikiness to be an overall easier time.
    Fair comment. I did 5 already and so far so good. Frankly I feel this month’s side quest less clumpy vs last month, in which I have to fight for entry card first, then earn intels and then followed by standard fight to Red Guardian/BWDO. Although the rewards are good (and become amazing after extra free 10k intel), the epic fight was become just like routine job.

    In contrast, this month is just one side quest and the main difficulty is random node buffs. Players who count on power through / method from youtubers doesn’t work this month. You need to understand those buffs as well as your roster. Like I said in another post (which got some disagrees), if you need on average 2 revives in each entry, then it is either the RNG randomizer not match with your roster or you simply can’t handle those buffs. You are free to pick path and those paths are class based, thus you can assess your top roster and tackle those with class advantage.

    Revives is like a drug or double-edge sword, it helps sometimes but it is unhealthy if count on it too much. The side quest is not Abrss, LoL, or even Act 6.

    If talking about the reward of this side quest then that’s another story.
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,584 ★★★★★
    TBH im also as u call it F2P. Yet I did my epic runs with ease. Not that hard.

    - Read Abilties
    - Think of the counters to that abilities
    - Adapt
    - Overcome
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I just did the entire mutant path including the boss with only Star Lord. Used 2 randomizers and no items.It's not a Cavalier difficulty, and it's not act 6 lol.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    i don't want to be weird or step on any toes ... i'm honestly, genuinely surprised about this because i didn't find it hard at all. the buffs are some of the same run of the mill from what i've personally seen.
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    I’m just popping in after I just finished my initial completion of Act 6.4 and I can easily say that these Modok labs are NOTHING in comparison to 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4. I know a lot of these people only take into account the base stats and while the Modok labs may have a higher difficulty than 6.1, they give you multiple paths to choose from based on your assortment of champions. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this really isn’t something to be complaining about, doing Master instead of Epic doesn’t hurt you too much as most of the rewards aren’t the best and only the higher tier rewards, for the cavaliers, are accessible by those players. If you are struggling with this event, just know that it’s not always going to be rifts, I feel Kabam maybe took a little step back from the larger and more rewarding events to give a little break where they will *hopefully* drown us in rewards during the upcoming months. Again, this really isn’t something to be complaining about guys, if you really can’t do this side event then focus on other stuff like story mode and whatnot.
  • Cowboyschamploo1Cowboyschamploo1 Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Op came weak team. Run the master quest for now
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    I mean I found my run easy enough with my roster but the 12k attack is still quite funny when you consider that the only thing people could agree with for a reasonable act 6 change was reduced attack values.
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  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★

    What’s the point of being so rude? Like seriously, why be such jackholes to OP? If you want to argue against his post, which is wrong for sure since act 6 is way harder than this event, do so respectfully and constructively. Did y’all forget how to be decent people?

    Lol compared to the vitriol that gets spit on Kabam daily especially since the “protest”, but generally I agree. Nothing in here comes off too bad, but when critizing Kabam some people really come off as unhinged lunatics especially in the feedback thread, definitely not the people I’d want steering the ship.

    As far as ops post, the labs have been easy, and I like the rewards they’re better then nothing and for no energy I don’t see the problem and I think that’s why people have been so patronizing to op. There’s no reason to tone them down, tone them down and they’d probably add energy cost or even lower the already lackluster rewards. What else is there left to say, but “git good”. Clearly nothing in here will be anything good op wants to hear. The truth is ops either not ready for it or the rewards are just lackluster for everyone, for those who can only do master and those who have no problem with epic, that’s just this months bonueses and everyones disappointed in some way. Some months will be better then others, clearly this isn’t one of those months, but it’s unrealistic for Kabam to constantly flood players with amazing rewards every month.
  • Adamb208Adamb208 Member Posts: 152
    OP seemed to indicate they have some better champs locked into other content (they mentioned Domino). Just want to point out that you don’t need to run these every day. The entrance passes just accumulate so you can use them all on the same day if wanted. Might consider waiting until you hit the weekly break when both AQ and AW are not running and do your attempts at the side event then. That way you maximize your team and your chance at completing.
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,834 ★★★★
    With the right champ it's easy.

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